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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 01/16/2010

Heavy, man....

Sam Gambino posted on 01/17/2010

Hey Ken- It was sooo great to see you guys Thursday! My wife had a great time too. Thanks a bunch for the excellent piece of Ruzic art too! We really dig it, and it has it's own place on display in our house too. That's saying a lot because my wife doesn't agree to just let ANY art be out in the house! Most of my shrunken heads, swamis and one-eyed monsters are confined to my office.... :)

Thanks so much again! You're an excellent friend!

harro posted on 01/17/2010

Hi Kenny

Great work on the recent pieces, I love the waterfall one, and "Awaiting" especially. Just thought I'd drop you a quick note to say Fern Boy arrived safe and sound after his sail across the pacific and I finally managed to see him recently - He's awesome and I can't wait to put him on display in my future tiki bar!

Keep up the good work!!


TravelingJones posted on 01/22/2010

Aaaahhh...the sooothing sloshing slappy crash of choppy waves upon a wooden hull...salty sea spray and warm trade winds blowing...


MadDogMike posted on 01/31/2010


OK, now can you get your head out of the clowns and post some art?

little lost tiki posted on 02/01/2010

clowns ARE Art,Mikey!
Been paintin up a storm,but
only a few Tikis in the batch...
also working on a collage series involving presidential portraits
some more of the Journey series
the Chop piece from 2 weeks ago
another William Blake study
a couple of drawings
and the start of a piece for the Harold Golen Gallery's Poly-Blend show
(concentrating on Africa for that!)
They'll be photogged and posted this week...

happy now?

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/01/2010

wavey wave action

MadDogMike posted on 02/01/2010

On 2010-02-01 08:08, little lost tiki wrote:
...happy now?

I'll be happy when I see some new Kinny Art :)

GROG posted on 02/08/2010

Good stuff LLT. Your art is pleasing, unoffensive, and decorative.

TravelingJones posted on 02/09/2010

On 2010-02-01 12:56, MadDogMike wrote:
I'll be happy when I see some new Kinny Art :)

Nothing to see here...move along...eyes forward...stop giggling...you clowns?

MadDogMike posted on 02/09/2010

little lost tiki posted on 02/11/2010

Thanks Ernie,Mike,Dawn,and gentle Jonesy!
except Ernie...i changed my mind...
lotsa stuff to show....
finally got the digital camera battery
but only have this to offer for now...
have to wait til i can shoot the others during the day...
Sorry for the Lag....
"the Heavy helmet"
cel animation vinyl on masonite

That's it
Outta Here!!!

MadDogMike posted on 02/12/2010

Weeks of waiting and that's all I get????? :lol:

Notice the similarity between the heavy helmet and Karnak's turban. Coincidence? I think not!

Clarita posted on 02/12/2010

to much payaso going on here lately.. the heavy helmet is sweet!

little lost tiki posted on 02/13/2010

Hey Mike!
here's some more stuff i've been a workin on...
I won't even post the experimental collages
more Blake studies
or the skateboard deck i just finished for an upcoming show...
maybe later on those....
heavy helmet and Karnak's turban?
don't see it...

Clarita-Gracias my friend!
I think the Pablo Payaso phase is finally over...

First off...
two vertical masonite panels ..
Trying to figure out a way where i only have to paint HALF a painting...
if i can figure out this lazy experiment
maybe we can get GROG to paint more!
Finished this one at TikiG's chop a few weeks back!
" Cannibal King with mood swings"
cel vinyl on masonite panel

SEE, THE COOL THING About these is you paint half
then place next to a mirror and VOILA!
two WHOLE paintings out of two HALF paintings!

Manic Cannibal King!

Depressive Cannibal King!

Next piece is yet another abstract/experimental piece..
Playing with three large brushstrokes of olive/mustard and orange over a dk teal-y ground..
and built up from there....
I wanted to have the landscape looking out from a shady jungle/forest
and wanted to play with the lighting and whatnot...
So these funny little unoffensive PNG shield fellows
on a morning stroll
suddenly stumble across
"the Burial Place"
cel vinyl on masonite..
Not sure if it's done yet....


This one was just for fun and learning.. I think it's done
may deepen the lighting a bit in the future...

This next piece is my offering for the Poly-blend show
that will be at Hukilau and sponsored by the totally hip Harold Golen Gallery..
the theme is to capture the NON-Oceanic influences of Poly-Pop
in response to the challenge
Decided to do some simplified studies of African masks
in that old-timey layout and style..
I'll get a better shot after i find a frame..
there's sanding and paint scratched out
to add some texture and depth to the piece
"African masks"
Cel vinyl ,acrylic,and paint pen on masonite

This theme was so fun and fresh
i may do a few more just for meself!

Also, if you've been out of the loop...
Been working on a 3x4 foot "Theseus and the Minotaur"
based on a tissue paper stain and ink on paper drawing from awhile back...
Finally figured out how to transfer that tissue paper stain to canvas with paint!
This will be one of the showcase pieces for an upcoming one-man show this summer....

Here's some details to show how i nailed that tissue paper stain look!
so STOKED about that!

Note the shifting movement of the feet and arms
as well as the side/frontal views of the heads...
kind of a futurism meets cubism meets mild mental illness
kind of...

"What's that gotta do with Tiki,LLT?" ,you ask....

Well, funny you should ask...
I'm working on a Tropical piece for the wife for valentine's Day
and this technique is being used.....

First step...
lay the tissue paper over the masonite..
use acrylic or cel vinyl to wet it onto the surface...

if it's a blue piece
tint it with blue...etc...
yellow stains on blue will give you a greenish tint
so experiment and find out what works for you....
Note how bright it is...
we are transferring it onto a piece of camel brown masonite...
so it will dull it down to a nice pallette
Like so!

After that dries
i began a drawing in cel vinyl
of a butterfly
with a hawaiian Warrior's head
bringing the morning
to a misty tropic valley village....
here's my progress sp far....

by going over the color i can bring things to the foreground
or let them soak into the misty background..

Will tackle the subtle lighting and butterfly wings today....

after a 13 hour jag and clocking about 300 hours on art already this year
i leave you with a late night studio shot

and a wish to you all
to have a Happy Valentine's Day!

http://www.kenruzic.com http://www.myspace.com/kenruzicdotcom

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-02-13 12:35 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 02/13/2010

Well worth the wait there Ken!
Love all the Cannibal Heads, and the Burial Place
has great atmosphere. My favorite of this batch is definitely
the African Masks. Really dig the dark line and how it gives
the piece a multi-plane layer effect. Makes the colors pop more.
Great tissue paper demo too! Looks like fun.
Wondered what happened to the Minotaur piece.
The colors on that one look superb so far.

beadtiki posted on 02/13/2010

The tissue paper is a great medium - really soaks up the color and disburses it. I love the Minotaur theme as well - reminds me of "The Lovers" (I think that's what it's called) by Klimnt (sp?). Beautiful, as usual! :)

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-02-13 13:51 ]

Badd Tiki posted on 02/13/2010

Nice works.

What is cel -vinyl?

MadDogMike posted on 02/13/2010

Kinny, the tissue paper technique worked out good - very true to the water color style. But "Theseus and the Minotaur" is just too much for my little brain to process :)

TikiMango posted on 02/13/2010

Awesome work Mr.KR! Lovin' all the heads, bi-polar or not. The Geek piece with the Minotaur is simply wonderful.

Bowana posted on 02/14/2010

Skulls! Skulls! Everywhere! I like skulls.

The Heavy Helmet is HEAVY DOOTY!


TikiG posted on 02/14/2010

Thanks Kinny for showing the (Ruzik) tissue technique.

Looking spec-tac-ular as always...love 'em all equally cause each is just drippin' with that ol' Ruzik trip-sonic
energy :wink:


300 hours of art-work so far this year? CRIPES!! MONSTER!

little lost tiki posted on 02/14/2010

What a surprise to find all these friends visiting
while i painted away another day!

Jason.... that fire guy you just finished has just upped it a notch!
Thanks for all the encouraging observations
It's always nice when your path can be understood by other artists...
The African Mask was really fun..
a neglected valid part of poly-pop history that you velvet kids should HOP ONTO!

Ah Klimt!
His rich decorative lustrous paintings!
i have some more progress on the tissue paper piece so scroll down,kiddo!
when you gonna finish and post that "special project " you been workin on?

Hey Badd!
Thanks for the visit
cel-vinyl is also called cel animation vinyl
it's what animators use to paint the animation cels
it's opaque and covers practically anything!
it mixes well with acrylics
and washes up with soap and water
and it dries FAST and MATTE!
you should go cheggitout!
all the cool kids are using it!

sorry you can't handle the higher art pieces
i'll post a warning before i post anymore pieces like that....
we need your brain around here for a looong time!

miss you man!!!
those heads were painted when we called you at the CHOP!
the GEEK piece!?!?!?
true dat....

Skulls ! SKULLS!
Big heavy Helmets are in the air,eh?

Mango and i were just talking about you...
scroll down and i'll share the final results of the tissue paper experiment!
Thanks for all the cheerleading and warm posts...
you kids are my Valentines!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's the finished piece
"Greeting the Dawn"
cel vinyl and acrylic on masonite
lovingly cut by Derek monkeyman!

Here's the village in the early morning mist...

I've grown quite close with that distant jungle on this side of the piece....


That's it for Tiki stuff..
but Hey! it's valentine's Day
so here's some extra work
I've been grinding over
both with hands and brains..

First off..
a clown piece i forgot to post...
it was Dave:s Not Home's beeday present
so i had to hold it back...
But here it is...
and i promise...
for now...
"the Parade"
ink,colored pencil and tissue paper stain on watercolor paper

here's a detail from the "African mask" painting
took it today-just fer YEW!

Also,have been working with collage...
the experimentation and playing with shapes/colors/textures/and composition
are always a welcome remedy for artistic/creative burnout...
I'm also working on a collage portraits of the presidents
but that's top secret for now...
"Disintegration of Time"
collage on masonite,ink

here's some details....

being a designer..
well....we hoard and collect ephemera
like it's going out of style!
I hope to use this technique and paint a Moai OVER it
letting the collage peek thru...

Also worked on and finished a piece for the Rothick gallery's skateboard exhibition
this one is based on an earlier drawing
kind of like the Minotaur piece
That's why Documentation of your pieces is ALL IMPORTANT kids!
"the Reckoning"
acrylic and cel vinyl on gessoed wooden skateboard deck

this painting was influenced by both the art of the Middle Ages AND the desire to create a slyly political piece
(the original drawing /concept is from the last president's term...nuff said!)

Here's a man holding the scales of justice as well as observing the night sky...

Here's the angel coming on down and giving Mr. king a gentle warning with his widdle finger...

and here's the far left of the painting
showing the angel's exit from the cloud,the devil-amazed at his thwarted plans,a microwave tower
and a Medevil Leviathan-like entrance to hell...with a nod to industrial mechanics....

here's another study from Blake's "Vision of the last judgement"

this is at the very bottom center
and depicts Satan being bound by two angels....

i loves them feets,Jack!

That's it!
I'm Delirious!
it's late
i'm a stumbling in the brain...
Again... Happy Valentine's Day
may your day be filled with love and giggles!
and Thank you all for the visits!

TravelingJones posted on 02/14/2010


Hmmmphhh...vedy intelestink. How do these stains make you feel Kinny?

The Ruzic Test continues without conceptual determinants. Free your mind... 8)

MadDogMike posted on 02/14/2010


Thanks Ken, I proceeded very carefully through that section. I did note, however, that if you took the extra feet from the Minotaur and the extra heads from Satan, you could build a couple of extra people :lol:

(Great stuff Kinny :) )

beadtiki posted on 02/14/2010

On 2010-02-14 10:39, MadDogMike wrote:


Thanks Ken, I proceeded very carefully through that section. I did note, however, that if you took the extra feet from the Minotaur and the extra heads from Satan, you could build a couple of extra people :lol:

(Great stuff Kinny :) )

OMG - that's funny!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 02/15/2010

So that's why you didn't come see PHILSHANE with us, eh? Well, I guess we can let it slide since you were making something for your wife for Happy Heart's Day! Next time! XO, Kiki

Iokona Ki'i posted on 02/16/2010

Ok, how did that just happen?
I just finished posting on here
and before I blink....KAAPOW!
You hit us with another flurry of acrylic jabs, tissue paper upper cuts,
and cel-vinyl left hooks! 8..9..10! Knockout work Muhammad Kinny!

hodadhank posted on 02/21/2010

*On 2010-02-13 14:05, Badd Tiki wrote:*What is cel -vinyl?

It's what they make you sleep on when you wet the cot in prison.

tobunga posted on 02/22/2010

Wow! Thanks fer the update, Kinny! Cool stuff... I hope it's not blasphemy to say I think I just might like your non-tiki stuff more than your tiki stuff... Only slightly, infinitesimally more, perhaps... What the heck, all yer work is AWESOME!!!

little lost tiki posted on 02/22/2010

little lost tiki posted on 02/22/2010

marcel marceau has left the building
via invisible glass elevator
so it's time to TAWK!

vedy intelestink.
How do these stains make you feel Kinny?

only for you jonesy...

This one brings to mind a cross section of a human
i see shoulder blades/ribs/a pelvis......very strange....
or a brain flower flanked by pink lions...

This one reminds me of a Seahorse family
corralling and protecting its children
from the blue crabs that menace them on both sides....
or it's a cool helmeted supervillian with a red cape and green booties...

this last one is SOLIDLY two seahorses addressing each other
latched onto some coral and gabbing away the day!

Thanks jonesy!
Would like to hear what YOU see in these above three!
I await word on your results and observations...

Yessir! I plan o taking those extra parts
and creating a Hercules wrestling the Nemean lion piece with them...

or i may just keep them there to enforce the motion/direction of the figures in the space!
looking forward to your visit,my friend!

beadtiki!-hi regan!
yes...for once Mike is funny.
miss you crazy lady!

Yes! I missed the cupid with a mullet Phil Shane
so i could create some Valentine Day happiness!
Happy day to you too!
next time he plays the District...so there!

some days/weeks you're just on more of a jag than others...
but truth be told.... that was a backlog of a few weeks
just didn't have my camera battery....
Thanks so much for the pep talk before going back into the ring!
Lovin the inspiration you all share by sharing your work!

Hey man!
still funny i see... :lol:
Group Show-Freaky boutiki-when?
let's do another theme one!
They was fun!

i hope BAdd got my reply
if not,here it is again...

Hey Badd!
Thanks for the visit
cel-vinyl is also called cel animation vinyl
it's what animators use to paint the animation cels
it's opaque and covers practically anything!
it mixes well with acrylics
and washes up with soap and water
and it dries FAST and MATTE!
you should go cheggitout!
all the cool kids are using it!

tobunga-thanks man!
Well...you know....
before doing tiki work for the past 5-6 years
there was 13-14 years of a whole other vocabulary
and it's starting to yawn and awaken again!
The fun thing about art is that it will take you places
new and exciting
as well as familiar
but different old dialogues and ideas
often contain new meaning in a different light
or lightly sprinkled with age..
So i am glad you like and recognize what is happening
evolution...without it there's only stagnation
Onward and Upward,my friend!

now about this putrefied little fellow
"the Over-Ripe Shrunken Head"
ink,sharpie and colored pencil on watercolor paper

had a break this weekend
been doing little pieces on 4 different paintings in process
but somedays that's monotonous
so i figgered
why not kill 2 birds with one stone
get my fresh artfix of something new
and finishe a piece for the Shrunken Head Swap...
that's it...
end of story!
love ya!
mean it!

Babalu posted on 02/22/2010

On 2010-02-14 01:26, little lost tiki wrote:

here's some details....

Your an art animal master lost tiki!

Dude, I'm quite fond of the two croppings in this collage yours...very strong. Either one would make for a killer larger painting in it's own right...loaded with content! :)

TIKIVILLE posted on 02/22/2010

On 2010-02-21 23:20, little lost tiki wrote:

this one RULES!
I really dig shrunken head stuff and I need more! MORE!
Hope this goes to Canada, next to the other one I got from you...
( can I get you to send me a large size scan of this on a sheet of your art paper so I can examine it up close? ) lol
Thank you , ya made my morning!

BigToe posted on 02/22/2010

excellent. definitely among the top five shrunken heads i have seen today.

Jason Wickedly posted on 02/22/2010

Nice head Kinny...hard to tell it's shrunken though, it looks like a normal size head. You should paint something next to it, like a quarter or something , for comparison.

Yeah, I never went to art class.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/25/2010

I dig the detail of the sewn up eyes! I love it!

MadDogMike posted on 02/27/2010


Thank you so much for hosting the wife and I at the LLT Studio. So many wonders my mind is still reeling! I was a much needed time of relaxation in a hectic day :D

little lost tiki posted on 03/01/2010

Thanks Toe!
i'll be sure to leave a hollow comment on your thread sometime soon! :)

Jason-it's shrunken! Those leaves in the background are from a Bonsai tree!

Brad TikiShark!
Dude! la Luz! Friday! YAY!
I'll sew my eyes shut AFTER the exhibition!

mad Doggy!
It was sooo nice of you and the wifey to visit the BatCave last Friday!
Come by anytime!

There's now a Gallery Section for all us arteests to post our finished work,
so if you just want an art fix....go there!
If you'd like to ask me arty questions or see some step-by-steps on paintings and whatnots
then THIS is the place to check in!

First How-To....
We're gonna learn how to make a "Cannibal's Treat" drawing!

First,we quickly sketch a concept that says "HEY! Make me into something!"

Next,grab some watercolor paper
get it wet
brush ink all over it
roughly making a blobby copy of the sketchbook piece...

here it is reeeeal close!

After that dries...
grab a fineline sharpie and start drawing the picture onto the ink
loosely following the shapes underneath..
(Here's your chance to dial in the drawing...)


Next step is to grab a gray or neutral tone of ink
to further develop the shadows
and intensify the lighting...


After THAT...
grab a white colored pencil and fill in the skulls/fingernails/teeth
and anything else that needs a white fill or hi-light....
THEN grab a thicker sharpie and just go over the outlines of the elements
keeping the finer lines to stand on their own....

it should look like this...

and here it is finished!

Hope you enjoyed this first of many tutorials
your questions,if not too silly,will be answered to the fullest of my ability...

Iokona Ki'i posted on 03/01/2010

Too cool Ken! Love the in progress tutorial.
More of those please!
Would have never known you started it like that.
I had it backwards. Now I know. Yay!

hewey posted on 03/02/2010

Great step by step, thaaaaanks Kinny :D

TIKI-TONGA posted on 03/02/2010

Love it Kinny! Do you know the calorie count on those shrunken heads? That cannibals looking a little pudgy. :P

flynny posted on 03/02/2010

definately more tutorials but I bet my attempt would still look like I spilt coffee

MadDogMike posted on 03/02/2010

Kinny, if you're going to run an art school you should be more selective who you pick as students! :lol:

When I see something that says "tutorial", I have to try it. I didn't have any ink but I had some cheap watercolor pencils from WalMart. So I gave it a shot

Initial background colors

"Finished" piece. I didn't have a very good white pencil for highlights. As soon as I paint the other 999 I can reserve a booth at Oasis! :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

All kidding aside, great tutorial Ken - I think I actually learned a thing or two :) As in any endeavor - tools and planning are key.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/02/2010

That's too funny!!!!
You da best!!!!

I remember reading "How To Draw the Marvel Way" when I was a kid.
Step 1.) They'd show the basic shapes done in pencil... an oval, and a circle.
Step 2.) Then the next step was this beautiful penciled in Batman....
.... and I was like all what the?!?!?! How did you know how to draw the ears and the mask!!!

Hey, when I'm on da mainland, I'm bringing your phone number with me, I got all this crazy driving up and down the So Cal coast to do for business with Body glove and other surf brand day-job stuff. Bit Abbas and I are gonna call you if we ever get close to Orange so we can say hi... if that's cool and time works out.

Maybe I can see you Friday night? Don't know all who is gonna be there... but BIG ALOHA TO YOU, if I do or don't see you!!!


little lost tiki posted on 03/11/2010

Hello! Back with another tutorial/step-by-stepper to show y'all how it's done...

Had a great week last week!
mp,upon his acceptance into the laLuz show
came on down to visit us SoCal folks,taking a whirlwind tour of the area
and even spending a few days and eves over at the STUDIO OF SOLITUDE!

Here's empee giving the Ruzic a Fonzie!

and what a champ! He cleaned up after himself
sweeping and whatnot....what a guy!

Also JOY of JOYS....got a visit from the Travellin One known as Jonesy!
Lookin Good!

REMEMBER,this thread is now a Q&A about art and stuff
as well as a tutorial/step-by-step whenever the gumption takes ahold....
i know it takes the magic out of it
but on the flip side
it allows you to ASTONISH and AMAZE your Friends with your arcane art technique knowledge and skill!

But first....replies!

On 2010-03-01 13:30, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
Too cool Ken! Love the in progress tutorial.
More of those please!
Would have never known you started it like that.
I had it backwards. Now I know. Yay!

Jason! it CAN be done Backwards as well!
I'm hoping,that by sharing how certain looks are achieved,how styles are laid down
that a whole new generation of tiki Artists will grab the ring and march ahead
advancing the craft and genre and allowing for everyone to give it a shot!
Would lovelovelove to see a step-by-step from you and Robb!

On 2010-03-01 17:54, hewey wrote:
Great step by step, thaaaaanks Kinny :D

Thank YOU Hewey! Your Swaps are always the funnest!
Looking forward to see what you'll come up with for this new one!

On 2010-03-01 20:23, TIKI-TONGA wrote:
Love it Kinny! Do you know the calorie count on those shrunken heads? That cannibals looking a little pudgy. :P

Hey T-Tonga!
i heard those mini-heads are worse than donut-holes!Plus deep-frying them doesn't help.... and when you tack on the dippin sauce...
well, you can see how they've acquired such prosperous forms!

On 2010-03-02 02:26, flynny wrote:
definitely more tutorials but I bet my attempt would still look like I spilt coffee

As you wish Flynny!
These tutorials are NOT designed
to make you feel like your attempts
would only end up in unsatisfactory results..

they are meant to show y'all how some things work
and how some things don't
to show you how it's done...
Some styles are better for others
some techniques might suit you just fine...
It's all about SEEING things
listening to your insides
and how your hand moves
and what medium one uses...
Everyone has a different hand and brain and heart
These tutorials may help someone unlock something
they didn't know they had...
and that would bring a smile to this old artist's heart!
Every artist...EVERY ARTIST has a duty
to inspire others and to teach others
it's not a self-enclosed ME machine
it's a gift to celebrate and share
and bring joy and feelings to others!

Flynny-would love to see your attempts
spilt coffee may be a fantastic medium!

On 2010-03-02 09:40, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinny, if you're going to run an art school you should be more selective who you pick as students! :lol:
When I see something that says "tutorial", I have to try it. I didn't have any ink but I had some cheap watercolor pencils from WalMart. So I gave it a shot

Initial background colors

"Finished" piece. I didn't have a very good white pencil for highlights. As soon as I paint the other 999 I can reserve a booth at Oasis! :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
All kidding aside, great tutorial Ken - I think I actually learned a thing or two :) As in any endeavor - tools and planning are key.

Not bad Mike! You are a fearless adventurer
leaping off into voids that not many would dare!
a true artistic spirit! the PERFECT student
in bravery and enthusiasm
and remember... the more you do
the more you learn
and the more it becomes second nature
and then you're ready for level 10 before you know it!
And whenever you lose faith in art
do what i do
look at a DeKooning!

On 2010-03-02 12:37, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
That's too funny!!!!
You da best!!!!
I remember reading "How To Draw the Marvel Way" when I was a kid.
Step 1.) They'd show the basic shapes done in pencil... an oval, and a circle.
Step 2.) Then the next step was this beautiful penciled in Batman....
.... and I was like all what the?!?!?! How did you know how to draw the ears and the mask!!

I had that book
it showed the body broken down into ovals and cylinders and cubes
and then BAM! it's friggin Cappin America!
Comics and Art History Books......ah boyhood!
but no Batman!
it was Spidey and Thor and the invisible girl
batman's DC!
Did they have a DC one too?
i always wished the Submariner and Aquaman would scrap!
Congrats on your la Luz showing and SALES!!!!
and it was soooo great to see you and Abbas!
we ALL miss you !

Thank you all for the visits and the artchat and the Ohana!
First off... Here's some progress on the journey series
2nd canvas...
the 3rd one has been on my mind lately so keep your peepers peeled...

This is the kind of painting
where a 12-hour jag will often be unnoticeable to the untrained eye
just subtle hue differences,a richness
emphasis of certain elements
and a final enhancing of sorts...

After a long session
i think the torso is finally getting better..

the transparency of the "ghostboat" pops out a bit more...

a little more makeup and hair work...
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so that's that for now.....

Now onto our tutorial
Heaven knows you've earned it after wading thru all these word thingies...

Here's a piece entitled "Late Night Walk"
and it's based on some earlier pieces in this vein of
Aztec gylphs (ala Codex Nuttail-sp?)
Posada's Calaveras
and Tiki LLT stylee!

Examples of which i will collect and post in my Gallery thread for you to peruse...

Here's the sketchbook doodle that inspired this one..
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first off
i sketched it out on canvas
with a water-soluble pencil (Aquarelle is a good brand)
and then began just filling in the colors with washes of Cel vinyl
acrylics would work just as well...
i like to work it all watery
letting it dry where it wants to dry ..
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you can see some of the initial shadowing on here..
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After it dries,i wet the tip of a paper towel and wipe off all the pencil lines that are showing....
this is when i often give it a good brush on coat of matte or satin sealant...
i use the LIQUITEX brand..
Test First!
even established IDEAS and HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS!
but that's for another day...
seriously,always test your mediums
no use painting for 3-4 hours and have it mussed up...

Next step is the paint pen ..
Decocolor paintpens are great for this,
but BEWARE of "blopping"
if you ever tried paintpens
you'll know what i mean...
i traced out feathers in red on the cape and helmet
red on the red and orange on the yellow...see how that works?
red and orange in the flames
some greens and sand for the torch and palms
then... SEAL IT AGAIN before applying the black!
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Here you can see how the red on the capes will soon act as a subtle SHADOW
once the black is applied....
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Before i started with the black, i developed the grass and made the shadows of the
black flowers BEFORE applying the black outline...
The black outline should be the last step
if not
you may have to go back over black areas that those other colors overlapped onto!
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This is before his Hawaiian calavera Eye Plumeria is finished...
Also note the sky...
purple and blue dots of varying size
with white stars over that when it's dry..
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Here's with some blue in tne bone shadows..
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Remember about doing black last?
well i had a lot of going back over
but it was worth it
Adjusting for afterthoughts is part of the game....
Here it is finished!

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Pretty basic kids
Acrylic on canvas
apply lighter colors with paintpen
apply black paintpen for final outline

Would love to see what you kids can come up with using this technique and medium!
Thanks y'all for visiting!

TJP Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2ae726bedae3f63e2e9566c88f9055c7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 03/12/2010

WOW, dood! Those process shots answered many questions- though few had to do with your art. :lol:
You should be TEACHING 'stead of workin' for the man!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 03/13/2010

On 2010-03-10 21:54, little lost tiki wrote:
i always wished the Submariner and Aquaman would scrap!

You mean something like this that my very talented friend Tommy Tejeda did? He is an artist on The Simpsons, but was a character designer for warner Bros. for many years on Batman, Superman, Justice League, etc.

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