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Westminster Dog Show

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mrs. pineapple posted on 02/15/2006

I am addicted to this! And I don't even have a dog. I'm not even sure how I feel about breeding dogs, as opposed to adopting strays (I would opt for the latter, for several reasons) But my brother has a collie, and he's so sweet, and good with the kids (he herds them, it's really funny) And my parents inherited a Rhodesian Ridge-back, who is the smartest, most beautiful dog ever.

I'm not trying to start a debate about purebreds vs. mutts, or dogs vs. cats, or dogs vs. kids, or dogs vs. tiki bars, I'm just saying how much I love the Dog Show, and how weird it is (that I'm THAT into it). It's really interesting to hear the history of all the breeds.

I also LOVE the Christopher Guest movie, Best In Show.

Digitiki posted on 02/15/2006

I too am a dog lover! My wife and I have a Papillion. Beautiful! Have you checked out dogster.com? My wife is addicted to it.

mrs. pineapple posted on 02/15/2006

See, I'm NOT a dog person, which is why I think it's strange that I'm so drawn to the dog show. I mean I like dogs, we might get one someday, but I never had one as a kid, and I don't have one now. There's something about it I really like, I like that the judge has the final say and there's never any 'dog show parents' contesting their decision. Although, I'm sure there's a seedy underbelly of dog show life :wink: Plus, every time I see a dog jump up on their handler, I think of the Fred Willard character in BIS saying, 'he went after her like she was made out of ham' heehee.

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/16/2006

On 2006-02-14 20:51, mrs. pineapple wrote:

I'm not trying to start a debate about ... dogs vs. tiki bars...

I'd have to go with dogs (but tiki bars are a very close 2nd :wink: )

I've been addicted to the WKC show for years. It's one of the few sporting events (if I can call it that) that no matter whose team you're rooting for, you still feel pretty good at the end... unless, of course, you bet all your money on a Herding dog to win Best in Show.

The fact that you consider yourself not to be a dog person yet you can't stop watching just proves that The Puppy Channel would have been a success had it gotten off the ground. Did you watch ThePuppyBowl on Super Bowl sunday?


[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified 2006-02-15 19:03 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 02/16/2006

we went last night. it was fun. my wife loves it!

the first time i went w/ my wife (probably 4 years ago), i was dubious but ended up really getting into it. every time i've gone, i've had a favorite.

it's interesting to go for the people watching alone (think about the cross section of society that loves dogs).

the crowd went CRAZY for that golden retriever.

the best part is going backstage before the show to meet all the doggies & their owners.

dogbytes posted on 02/16/2006

Glacier & I have been to Westminster twice.. its the equivalent of Dog Olympics. well, no, more like a beauty show ~ but provides memories for a lifetime. The Pennsylvania Hotel was where Best in Show was filmed, and its a dive. an expensive dive (the rooms are tiny and drafty and haven't been updated in eons)..

Glacier won an Award of Merit, cant find a pic to scan.. but truely was the highlight of his career.

mrs. pineapple posted on 02/16/2006

Z - I didn't watch the puppy bowl, but mr. pineapple and his co-workers had an idea for the puppy truck, which would come around and let you play with the puppies, I think it was modeled after the swimming pool truck that Otto drove on the Simpsons!

The Golden Retriever was lovely, Carter goes to daycare at a house with golden retriever who is specially trained to be around babies, he's really sweet, the kids lay all over him and Carter comes home covered in blond hair every day. I always root for the weirdest looking dog :wink: I liked the mop dog who won a few years ago. I also have a soft spot for Newfoundlands.

I would like to go and watch the people too, the TV announcers mentioned that Westminster is one of the few big shows where you can go back and meet the doggies, that would be fun!

christiki295 posted on 02/16/2006

I, too, saw the pooches at the Westminster Dog Show, although my condo association is so lame as to prevent dogs.

I would like a tiki bar, where you can bring a dog, or atleast a patio where the pooch can be tied up - like Drift in Pheonix.

Kailuageoff posted on 02/21/2006

My parents exposed me and my sisters to "the seedy underbelly of the dog show world" when we were kids. I love dogs, but do not care for dog shows. Pure bred dog lovers become completely obsessed with their hobby. Basically, they spend way too much time and money on their hobby. Aside from buying the dogs themselves, and feeding them, their costs usually include traveling all over the country to meet with other dog lovers at dog shows. They build kennels at their homes, and special rooms to hold their trophies and ribbons. It gets so bad, they start small home businesses to support their dog show expenses. Some dog lovers have even been known to write books and publish magazines about this completely frivolous pursuit. Others buy these books and magazines, but the authors never seem to get rich. Some dog lovers can be extremely petty, while others are way too trusting.
Now let's turn our attention to next year's Hukilau, the tiki carvings we plan to sell, when Sven's Witco book will be published and how we hate being sniped at the last minute when bidding on a mug. Afterwards we can all have free drinks at my house!

Tiki-bot posted on 02/21/2006

You said it, KG! Dog show people are freaks!

VampiressRN posted on 01/23/2007

It is once again time for that show of shows, that dog of dogs, that 2-day New York affair with the pooches.....THE WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW. 8)

The Westminster Dog Show will show on the USA network as follows:

Live Telecast: Monday, Feb 12 (8-11 PM Live ET / 8-11 PM PT)

Live Telecast: Tuesday, Feb 13 (8-11 PM Live ET / 8-11 PM PT)

I know some of you will be watching this. I never miss it. :)

Haole'akamai posted on 01/23/2007

"For the dog you buy, two will die."

Digitiki posted on 01/23/2007

The wife and I just got back from the Ventura Dog Fancier's dog show in...you guessed it, Ventura, CA. It was a lot of fun. It is true that dog show people can be freaks, this show was much more relaxed and everyone was approachable and into conversation. I've been to dog shows where some handlers/owners are real snobs. Funny, the dogs could care less. Perhaps people should take a cue from their dogs.


VampiressRN posted on 01/24/2007

We all have our freak flags to fly. :)

I just love the Westminster Dog Show commercials too....especially the Afghan with the wind-blown hair. I know the whole thing is political and who-know-who....but when those beauties prance around the ring I am totally addicted. I always learn a lot from the show too...the narration is always wonderful. :)

bamalamalu posted on 01/25/2007

I'm completely pro shelter dogs & mutts. But I still get hooked watching for a while, too, at least certain groups. It's just fun seeing the different breeds I like and maybe learning a bit about them. I remember seeing a St. Bernard win a few years ago (may not have been Westminster) - it was great seeing a big hairy slobbery dog win for once.

I was really disappointed last year when I forgot to watch the second night and missed seeing Rufus the Bull Terrier win Best in Show.

VampiressRN posted on 01/25/2007

I have usually done the pound puppy thing most of my life and do support the Humane Society on an annual basis. I think what is different about Westminster is the announcing....it is really great for learning about the breeds...like you say. :)

TikiGoddess posted on 01/25/2007

I watch the dog show too and I loved the puppy bowl last year. I hope its on again this year. All dogs are awesome, regardless of kind. By the way there are rescue groups for every breed so if anyone wants a purebred dog they can get one and save a life at the same time. It seems that lots of people are unaware of that fact and think they have to go to a dog breeder or pet store. I never had a dog when I was growing up and then I adopted a chinese shar pei from my friend's rescue group and I became an obsessed dog person. Some idiot paid over $1,000 for the dog as a puppy and then couldnt deal b/c puppies arent trained (Duh!)and then dumped the dog outside of a Pet Smart store, and it then ended up at the pound where it was gonna be curtains! Then the pound called my friend's rescue group and they saved the dog. Now this pup is named Millie Martini and she lives with me in my tiki lair and helps me sell stuff on ebay and we donate ALL of our auction proceeds to various animal rescue groups and to the leukemia society. Dogs rule!!!

bamalamalu posted on 01/25/2007

Yes! Good point. As long as people are careful to pick a dog that's right for them so it doesn't end up in (or back in) a shelter, that's all that matters. They all rule.

VampiressRN posted on 01/26/2007

That is a great story TG. YOu have a good heart. :)

VampiressRN posted on 02/13/2007

Westminster is on tonight and tomorrow night on USA. May the best bark win. :sheckymug:

VampiressRN posted on 01/20/2008

This years Westminster Dog Show is on USA (as usual) and airs:
Live Telecast: Monday, Feb 11 (8-9 PM Live ET / 8-9 PM PT) on USA Network
Continuing Live Telecast: Monday, Feb 11 (9-11 PM Live ET / 9-11 PM PT) on CNBC

Live Telecast: Tuesday, Feb 12 (8-11 PM Live ET / 8-11 PM PT) on USA Network

There will be 4 new breeds in the show this year. The Plott (Hound Group), Tibetan Mastiff (Working Group), Beuceron (Herding Group), Swedish Vallhund (Herding Group).

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-01-19 16:22 ]

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/23/2008

The Plott (Hound Group), Tibetan Mastiff (Working Group), Beuceron (Herding Group), Swedish Vallhund (Herding Group).

I "wiki'd" these dogs and noticed that as I was reading the descriptions of the dogs to myself, inside my head it actually sounded like the PA announcer at Westmenster. Same accent, same lilt. :)

VampiressRN posted on 01/23/2008

Very good then...you should apply...ya never know when these old geezers are gonna kick it. Interesting how they carry on the same voice of the dead.

I actually like the droan of their narration...probably explains why I hate football with the announcers screaming and acting "all that" and everything.

I typically root for the dogs with personality....kinda that "we're havin' fun now" attitude...and I prefer hair to a smooth coat but ya never know how the show is going to go...the dogs are all so wonderful. I'll be glued to the idot box for this. :)

bamalamalu posted on 01/23/2008

Marked on my calendar! Thanks! I usually have no idea when these things are coming and just randomly come across it when it's at least halfway over.

VampiressRN posted on 02/10/2008

This coming Monday & Tuesday night (2/11,12). Bring on the dawgs!!!

VampiressRN posted on 02/11/2008

Tonight & tomorrow night. ARF ARF

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Ojaitimo posted on 02/11/2008

This thread reminds me of "Best in Show" One of my favorite movies of all time!
The clueless commentator had some of the funniest lines in cinema history and the rest of the cast including the dogs,was brilliant.

bamalamalu posted on 02/12/2008

Fred Willard rules!

As do the pups - almost showtime here!

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Ojaitimo posted on 02/12/2008

"And to think in some countries, they actually eat these little guys"

VampiressRN posted on 02/12/2008

Bummer...looks like they are only doing the live TV coverage, so it did not show at 8pm tonight and will not be on tomorrow night at 8pm either. It is showing during the daytime. ARGH!!! That means I will miss it this year. I am royally pissed. Had I known the constant announcements of an 8pm showing were incorrect I would have tried to tape it. USA!!!!! Way to go jerks. :(

dogbytes posted on 02/12/2008

its never live to the west coast. your best bet is to watch the video of each breed as it becomes available at westminsterkennelclub.org.

you can also get the group winners the same way, its pretty close to being realtime.

VampiressRN posted on 02/12/2008

Yeah...have been watching the live feed for some breeds on their site. I know that USA has aired the show (not live) on the same date but in the evening on the West Coast...I have watched it before. Unfortunately their timing on this is not good, plus USA has been advertising an evening showing option.

I am not feeling well today (for real) so am staying home. Luckily I will get to see the opening and closing shows. :)

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-02-12 07:28 ]

dogbytes posted on 02/12/2008

watch for Barni handled by Ed Thomason (Trader Pup's handler) ~ Tibetan Mastiff.

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VampiressRN posted on 02/12/2008

Will do....hope I didn't miss him already.


I am not a poodle enthusiast, but that Standard Poodle ROCKED!!!

bamalamalu posted on 02/13/2008

The coverage was crazy - it was on at 8pm here on USA, but only for an hour. Then I had to switch over to CNBC. But now the rest is apparently on tonight at 8 on USA, but not on CNBC at all. No wonder I usually miss it!

VampiressRN posted on 02/13/2008

Only minutes left in California....I am liking the Akita!!!

VampiressRN posted on 02/13/2008

I agree...the airing this year was not typical. I wrote a note to USA & also to Westminster...whether they listen or not will depend on how many complaints they get.

OK....Beagle not my choice. I would have expected that Poodle or Akita to win. It was a fabulous line up this year though.

ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF!!! Until next year. :D

Forgot to say...they panned in on James Roday & Maggy Lawson (both from Psych) at the dog show. Way to go...now I love these guys even more. I never miss Psych...it is a great show.

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2008-02-12 20:04 ]

dogbytes posted on 02/13/2008

holycrap! Ed made the cut in the Working Group with Barnes the Tibetan Mastiff~ super fantastic, since this is the first year they were eligible to compete at Westminster.

i always cheer for any non-poodle dog. its unfair they get 2 dogs in nonsporting and 1 in toy. same stupid dog, in 3 sizes. meh. bug-eyed freaks.

i wanted the Akita to win, cuz i like the handler.

VampiressRN posted on 02/13/2008

Yes I think it is neat that the Tibetan Mastiff made it in the cut. Quite an honor for a new breed to be selected, it was a beautiful dog. I had a feeling she would pick him...she was a slow but determined judge. I agree...those Poodles usually piss me off, but the standard one was exquisite. The Akita was far superior to the Beagle. I just don't think that Beagle was a stand out.

I was laughing my head off watching the Neapolitan Mastiff walk...even more of a lumber than the Clumberland!!! :lol:

bamalamalu posted on 02/14/2008

That was a hoot - less of a 'gait' than a lumbering clomp. Congrats to Trader Pup's handler & the Tibetan Mastiff on making to the finals!

My picks win pretty rarely, but it's fun to see most the varieties as they go by, at least (multiple poodles is highly unncessary!)

VampiressRN posted on 02/01/2009

This year the West coast airing will be crazy again...damned annoying. Here is the schedule.


2,500 dogs representing 170 breeds (welcome Dogue de Bordeaux!) will enter Madison Square Garden in pursuit of Best In Show honors at the 133rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Live Opening Night Coverage begins Monday, February 9th at 8/7C on USA before switching to CNBC at 9/8C. USA will broadcast the complete Closing Night competition at 8/7C on Tuesday, February 10th.


VampiressRN posted on 02/11/2009

The Winner of the 133rd Westminster Dog Show is.....

Stumps...the Sussex Spaniel

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dogbytes posted on 02/12/2009

Trader Pup's younger half-brother won the breed ~ upset victory, better dog beats the #1 eskie of all time.. HA!

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next year, we'll be at the Garden..

VampiressRN posted on 02/16/2010

The Westminster is on tonight & tomorrow night.

dogbytes...if you are watching...sure you laughed when the American Eskimo Dog jumped right up on the examining table...cracked me up.


dogbytes posted on 02/16/2010

Vamp ~ im in NYC ~ Trader Pup did not win, Inuk did again. this was an incredibly political statement in the eskie ring. watch the video, if you know about movement, you'll know what happened.

anyways, im having a GREAT time in the Big Apple. it's snowing today.. and there's Sporting, Working and Terriers tonight.

VampiressRN posted on 02/17/2010

Oh kewl...didn't know you were there with your baby...so sorry the win wasn't for you. I will check the video. Damnit...next year I am going to ask for the 2 days off when Westminster is on. Luckily yesterday was a holiday so saw it all. 3 hours commute in killer traffic...just made it home tonight to see best in show (thank goodness for that), but pissed that I missed the other groups.

OK...I liked the Scotty, the Frenchy and the Whippet. I sort of expected the miniature Poodle to win...cause judges like Poodles so much. Was pleasantly surprised when the Scotty won...she was a cutie.

I am sure it is all very political and who blows who...I mean knows who...LOL. Have fun in Nu Yaark.

VampiressRN posted on 02/17/2010

Hey dogbytes...just watched the Eskimo Group video. Which one was yours? I didn't know you had to show in such a small space when you are doing that part of the judging. I will have to catch you on shout so we can kabitz about the details.

The Subaru commercials were hysterical!!!

Will be back shortly with pic of the winner as soon as they post it on the web.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2010-02-16 20:49 ]

dogbytes posted on 02/17/2010

vamp: my guy was handled by the Japanese American lady, Laurie Jordan Fenner.

Two PETA protesters tried to steal the show by running into the ring shortly after Best in Show started and unfurled two signs over their heads. The signs read "Mutts Rule" and "Breeders Kill Shelter Dogs Chances". Security guards quickly removed them from the ring.

i was screaming TACKLE THEM!! wishful thinking. talked to security guard after, they said they're not allowed. and the 2 women were on the 5th floor locked in security

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