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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Tiki Jewelry Collections Vintage to New

Pages: 1 16 replies

Tom Slick posted on 03/10/2010

I used the search, and didn't see that anyone started a thread about personal Tiki Jewelry Collections. Jewelry can be such a big and widespread field, such as the material its made of,
examples are;
Silver, Gold, silvertone, goldtone, wood, bone, ivory, lava, plastic, bakelite, ceramic/plaster, glass etc.,etc...
And Jewelry can include;
Rings, pendants, necklaces, earrings, tie tacks, cuff links...

I thought it might make for an interesting thread
So pull out that camera and ring, and show off your tiki bling!

Tom Slick posted on 03/10/2010

Here are my Silver pieces. The left ring and center necklace are from my friend Wes at http://www.badassring.com. This guy doesn't skimp on the silver, and they have some hefty weight to them.
The shrunken "devil" head(used to be devilish) on right was ebayed years ago, and it used to have spiked horns coming out of his head. I didn't like horns, so I dremeled them off as cleanly as I could. lol, I like it better now.

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-03-10 12:24 ]

pdrake posted on 03/11/2010

you need some pdrake stuff.

peka peka ring:

orongo necklace:

suffering bastard:

shrunken head barrel of monkies monkey:

there's other stuff.

[ Edited by: pdrake 2010-03-10 17:08 ]

leleliz posted on 03/11/2010

I already posted these cufflinks in the Tiki Finds thread but I will post them here too :)

Tiki Royale posted on 03/11/2010

Here's a small Maori pin I picked up a while back.


Jetson posted on 03/26/2010

Not exactly Tiki per say, but this is the necklace that I've been wearing a lot lately:

[ Edited by: Jetson 2010-04-05 19:14 ]

swizzle posted on 03/26/2010
TIKIBOSKO posted on 04/02/2010

Here’s my contribution, starting at the 12:00 position is a vintage tie clip that looks (to me) vaguely like the Kon Tiki logo.
Next and to the right is a vintage strange Hawaiian bug man with antennae pin.
Below him is a Ku style (Coco Jo’s? it looks like one of their lava pieces but tiny) money clip.
At the bottom the only non vintage pieces Moai cuff links that Otto gave me many years ago so maybe they are vintage by now?
Next; very cool Don the Beachcomber driftwood logo cuff links.
Just above, Trader Vics cuffs very nice and with their great attention to detail you see the front and back of the menehune/s.
Lastly a beautiful vintage gold Ku cuff link and tie clasp, I have seen newer silver versions of these but they look smaller compared to these.
I’ve found all of these picking around thrifts or swapmeets over the years so you can either say I’m lucky or have been monumentally wasting my time.
Sorry for the crappy photo, these things are tiny and scanning them did not work out.


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/03/2010

Man, those are sweet pieces, Bosko. Thanks for posting them. I had no idea those various cufflinks existed.

leleliz posted on 01/24/2011

Just purchased this ring...I thought it was pretty interesting and had never seen something like it before..

Skinny Dog posted on 01/24/2011

Anyone wishing to add to their tiki jewelry collection can call us 562-436-7237, or go shopping at the Surf Indian store in SD or the Surf Heritage Museum Shop in Costa Mesa.

Naneki posted on 01/25/2011

I'm not sure they are tiki, but I'll repost these. Any information is greatly appreciated. There aren't any marks on any piece.

[ Edited by: Naneki 2011-01-25 12:52 ]

Tikinomad posted on 09/06/2011

I have this old Trader Vic's style brooch/pin in my collection. It's pretty big, about 3 1/2 inches tall and 1 inch wide.

8FT Tiki posted on 02/15/2012

On 2011-09-06 11:45, Tikinomad wrote:
I have this old Trader Vic's style brooch/pin in my collection. It's pretty big, about 3 1/2 inches tall and 1 inch wide.

Can anyone confirm that this is a TV piece? I don't recall ever seeing a full bodied figure or one in color used by Trader Vics on anything.
Experts, what do you think?

Dustycajun posted on 02/16/2012


The image design is of course based on the Covarrubias drawing in the Arts of the South Seas book.

There was one at the Trader Vic's in the International Market Place.

Seems like I have seen other full figured ones at Trader Vic's as well.....


ukutiki posted on 02/16/2012

Here is a pic of a brooch I picked up some time ago. The taropatch being held in his right hand leads me to believe it's Hawaiian but would appreciate any other opinions.

tikilongbeach posted on 07/17/2013

A silver tiki medallion.

Pages: 1 16 replies