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Recipe: L.A. Times Magazine "Paradise Poured"

Pages: 1 10 replies

Joe Banks posted on 02/07/2010
bigbrotiki posted on 02/07/2010

But really, this:


Not much new info in there for me, since it's all based on Jeff's (and some of my) work - without direct credit. I felt it was pretty weird to not address the Seal Beach Don The Beachcomber at all. And WHO is this John Coltharp, and why is he standing in a generic kitchen?

Ultimately, one has little to no influence on what the media decides to put out there. For that, it's a nicely written piece.

amybean posted on 02/07/2010

Wow! thanks for a great article! If any of you are facebookers, please stop by and join the Cocktail Snobbery group. :drink:

bewarethe151 posted on 02/08/2010

On 2010-02-07 14:06, bigbrotiki wrote:
And WHO is this John Coltharp, and why is he standing in a generic kitchen?

He's the a bartender at Seven Grand in LA. It's has a great whisky/whiskey collection from which to choose. Actually, he's a pretty nice guy and great bartender.

[ Edited by: bewarethe151 2010-02-07 19:45 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/08/2010

I am sure he is. But for using all of Jeff's info and recipes they could have at least mentioned his I-phone app, that would have been up their alley one would presume. It turns out that only the recipes made it into print in the actual magazine, the Don The Beachcomber article is on the website only.

With the advent of the internet it is getting less and less common to give credit to the source of the information that one uses, it is taken as common use knowledge --to be spread as one's own.

I also gave the writer the names of Marie at Don's and Kelly at the Tonga Hut as examples for current Tiki mixologists who use their own fresh ingredients, but neither were mentioned. Instead they used a guy from a Whiskey bar. Like I said, it is out of one's hands what the media does with the info one provides.

Tattoo posted on 02/09/2010

The article states "cocktails by John Coltharp with Jeff Berry".


Not sure if it's different in the print magazine but online it does give credit to Jeff.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/09/2010

Somewhat, yes, but I was talking more about the content of the Don The Beachcomber article, which is 90% Berry research.

Joe Banks posted on 02/09/2010

bigbro- If you watch the video on how to make the "Zombie", he gives all the credit to Jeff. He says these drinks would be lost without him and he does mention the iPhone app. In fact, he dedicates the finished drink to him.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/09/2010

Wow, blow me down! Now that is sweet! Thanks for watching them all, of course I didn't! :roll:
Now if the Don B article would have credited it's content to the Bum too, as THE Beachcomber authority and reviver of the tradition, it would have been perfect...yeah I know it did so, indirectly. ....but in a perfect world.... :D

kahalakruzer posted on 02/10/2010

Definitely an interesting article, and accompanying movies. I think that this article would be a good introduction to tiki for people who aren't as hip to our favorite subject matter. If they always got ALL of the facts and details and credits straight, I think Bigbro might be out of a job...and nobody wants that. :)

christiki295 posted on 03/25/2010

A great read!

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