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Dashboard Hula girl which way should she face?

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sneakyjack posted on 03/27/2010

Just wondering thoughts on this.

Should she face IN so driver watches the wiggles (when safe) OR should she face the windshield so the Driver watches butt? - When safe?
I've mostly seen her facing the driver but(T) seems like she should face out?
Post away

tikitonga posted on 03/27/2010

Facing the driver...definately. If the other drivers want a hula fix, let them get their own!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/27/2010

I think it this a very valid question, and I am surprised that there is not more discussion about it! People are shying away too much from controversy here, obviously! :D

I would say it depends which of the two psychological types you are:

A.) The introverted, "I-want-it-just-for-myself" collector type,
or B.) the extroverted, "let's-share-my-finds-with-the-world" type

Though I count myself as a B.) type, the Hula girl wiggler poses a special challenge, since the behind is usually just a grass skirt hiding a metal spring.

54 house of bamboo posted on 03/27/2010

Not a hula girl but I have a glow in the dark Virgin Mary. A genuine gypsy/Roma told me she must face the way of travel to protect my journey...

Dustycajun posted on 03/27/2010

My Tiki wobblers face inward in the Mo-Tiki motorhome to keep me company on the road.

I think they need a hula girl to keep them company


ikitnrev posted on 03/27/2010

My current car doesn't have a flat-enough dashboard to place a hula figure.

But my last car did - and on it I placed a bobbing figure. Not a hula girl, but of a red-spotted dog that I had purchased from a street vendor in Istanbul. I placed this so it was faced forward - looking out into the world. It gave me great pleasure, seeing this dog nodding approvingly at all the new scenery constantly passing before him. It was kind of like rescuing a dog from the pound, and giving it a new life on a new continent.

I guess one difference between the above bobbing dog, and a hula figure, is that I could still see much of the face and expression of the dog as it was facing forward. With a hula girl facing forward, you won't see the face - is she smiling or crying? Probably smiling, but can you really, really be sure?

One solution would be to buy two additional hula dolls, and form a circular trio -- your own hula dance troupe. They could provide company for each other when you weren't in the car, and also whisper to each other and describe to each other what each individual dancer could not see.

Chip and Andy posted on 03/27/2010

As mentioned above, Saints and religious Idols should face the direction of travel for protection.

All other items really depend on the driver. I think she should face whichever direction gives you, the driver, the greatest giggle.

The Granite Tiki posted on 03/27/2010

She faces me, and gives me comfort in traffic.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/27/2010

Like the song says, "Keep your eyes on the hands". I say, "Breasts or butt? Breasts or butt? Breasts it is!"

bananabobs posted on 03/27/2010

Definitely toward you. If she was facing forward, like most females, would start telling you how to drive, so like most females, should just sit on the dash, look good and...shut up.


That's how I feel.

TeeKeeMan posted on 03/27/2010

Yep, I definitely think the choice just comes down to whether you are a breast man, or a butt man.

VampiressRN posted on 03/27/2010

Uh oh...Banana Bob has never driven with me...otherwise he would have known I don't do back-seat driving...I would be the one behind the wheel...LOL. :wink:

Seems like the Hula gal facing the passengers is feng shui for that dashboard character.

I have "crap-on-the-rear-view-mirror" syndrome. Couple of floral leis, handicapped placard, and a Tiki pendant. I like my pendant facing me...is that wrong?

Unga Bunga posted on 03/27/2010

How about a two-faced hula girl.
I know they exist, I use to date one.

leleliz posted on 03/27/2010

On 2010-03-27 15:02, Unga Bunga wrote:
How about a two-faced hula girl.
I know they exist, I use to date one.


swizzle posted on 03/27/2010

I'd get two of them and have one facing each way. That solves the problem of Breasts or Butt and it would also make it look like they are wiggling their butts at each other.

spy-tiki posted on 03/27/2010

Clearly this is an area for the industrious tiki entrepreneur. A base that can be turned forward or backward depending on the drivers mood or anatomic predelections would be a hot seller at the next tiki art show. I don't know how we've lived without it up till now. However, Bananabob's suggestion still has me laughing.

ikitnrev posted on 03/28/2010

Lazy Susan, the Hula Girl!

sneakyjack posted on 03/28/2010

Well this is a good batch of answers - For now I say keep em coming. And we may soon shall see IF there is a really a proper way.
Mahalo thus far!

BambĂș Yoo-hoo posted on 03/31/2010

On 2010-03-27 06:35, 54 house of bamboo wrote:
Not a hula girl but I have a glow in the dark Virgin Mary. A genuine gypsy/Roma told me she must face the way of travel to protect my journey...


*I don't care if it's dark or scary
Long as I have magnetic Mary
Riding on the dashboard of my car
I feel I'm protected amply
I've got the whole durn Holy Family
Riding on the dashboard of my car

When I'm in a traffic jam
She don't care if I say "damn"
I can let all sorts of curses roll
Plastic Mary doesn't hear
For she has a plastic ear
The man who invented plastic saved my soul*

aquarj posted on 04/02/2010

On 2010-03-27 07:40, ikitnrev wrote:
One solution would be to buy two additional hula dolls, and form a circular trio -- your own hula dance troupe. They could provide company for each other when you weren't in the car, and also whisper to each other and describe to each other what each individual dancer could not see.

Very nice Vern! Your whole post is practically poetic.


SouthBamaTiki posted on 04/05/2010

My hula girl, Leilani, faces me so we can talk about how other drivers get on our nerves while we are out driving! lol

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 04/06/2010

I had never seriously considered getting a dashboard hula girl before, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should start shopping for one, at least.

TeeKeeMan posted on 04/06/2010

On 2010-04-05 08:23, SouthBamaTiki wrote:
My hula girl, Leilani, faces me so we can talk about how other drivers get on our nerves while we are out driving! lol

Heh. I bet Leilani knows a whole lot of very colorful words!

sneakyjack posted on 04/06/2010

so I'm guessing there is no correct answer?
I like to see her doing her moves (facing me) - but is that selfish? (I assuming theres only one)

The Gnomon posted on 04/07/2010

While you'll be hard-pressed to find any kind of dashboard figurine etiquette documented anywhere, I don't recall ever having seen one (hula or otherwise) facing anyway but into the car.

Most people would have difficulty looking at it through the windshield anyway with the glare, etc. The dashboard is a showcase for those who are inside.

F-Troop Mom posted on 04/08/2010

I can only comment on the 2 I have seen this week. The first one, a Hula Penquin, was mounted facing the driver...even though leaning a bit due to slanted dashboard. The second one was in an antique woodie at a car show (Barrett-Jackson) and was a full figured Hula Gentleman with a ukulele. I had to walk around to see him as he was facing inwards towards where the driver would be. I would definately vote inwards for the driver's enjoyment!

freddiefreelance posted on 04/09/2010


catmomma posted on 04/09/2010

I took this picture in Yosemite Valley last May

looks like she WAS facing in but then had a horrible accident, maybe with a local bear.

swizzle posted on 04/09/2010

She really wiggled her ass off there.

Big Kahuna posted on 04/18/2010

She must face the driver!

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