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Send your good wishes to Elicia (dogbytes)

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Polynesiac posted on 03/18/2010

Dogbytes! good mana heading your way...

tyger jymmy posted on 03/18/2010

Sending My Best get Well soon .

VampiressRN posted on 03/18/2010

Will be thinking of you today and sending positive vibes your way. LUVYA!!!

rugbymatt posted on 03/18/2010

Hit that rehab hard so you can join us again at Lake George for Ohana!

Zeta posted on 03/18/2010

Good vibes sent!

OceaOtica posted on 03/18/2010

Speedy recovery Elicia. You, your husband, and pups are in our thoughts.

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/19/2010

Just got back from visting Elicia at home. She's doing FABULOUS!

tikiyaki posted on 03/19/2010

Man, I had a super busy week and haven't been able to read alot of threads here on TC...So sorry to hear this.....

Elicia, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you make a full recovery.

Just another reminder to cherish every moment.

Otto posted on 03/20/2010

Elicia, my thoughts are with you and I am so glad to hear you are home and recovering. Take Care.

VampiressRN posted on 03/20/2010

I'll bet the doggies are encouraging you to get your speaking voice back on track. I am thinking of you today and hope your recovery is going well.

Heading over to one of my friend's house as she is having our local girly cocktail club over for a night of frivolity. I will be teaching the gang how to play a card game called "Hand & Foot." Eating, Drinking, Cursing, Cheating...but you bet your sweet bootay...we will take a moment to send a cheers your way.

Hang in there girlfriend!!!

VampiressRN posted on 03/23/2010

Krikee...just watched the ridiculous Dancing With The Stars...now there is a show you should watch cause it will make you scream in disgust. Hope your speech therapy is going well. Thinking of you and wishing you well. :)

GROG posted on 03/25/2010

Any updates? How's Elicia's recovery going?

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/26/2010

Elicia is doing well. Small improvements every day. We are all meeting up with her and Frank-n-Todd at Bush Garden tomorow for happy hour.

TikiMango posted on 03/26/2010

That's really great to hear!

pdrake posted on 03/26/2010

that's good to hear.

woofmutt posted on 03/27/2010

Got to hang out with Mr and Mrs Dogbytes and a buncha their peoples last night. Dogbytes looked great (health-wise and her as usual swell style) and was probably exhausted from all the hugging and everyone talking to her for a couple hours straight.

People are often vague with comments on someone's health when it's something major and since so many of you live far away (and probably most of us know people who have been hit by a stroke):

If you had no knowledge of what had happened you'd never notice anything unusual. And even knowing her somewhat well the only thing I noticed was a slight hesitation once before she said "Hawaii." She walks and talks and looks just like...Dogbytes. Yay!

VampiressRN posted on 03/27/2010

I'm so glad her recovery is going well. Wonderful that she is out and about and has the energy to meet up with her Tiki followers. Thanks for the update wuffy.

HUGSHUGS Elicia...I think of you every day and send you positive vibes for good heatlh.

Haole Jim posted on 03/28/2010

Elicia, prayers and big mojo for a rapid, full recovery, from the Central Coast, the Great Lakes

Matt Reese posted on 03/29/2010

Holy sh*t! I just saw this thread. So glad to hear you're doing better. All my best as always.

VampiressRN posted on 03/29/2010

Big wave at ya Elicia. Thinking of you always and sending positive spirits your way.

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/29/2010

I'm so happy to hear that report Woofmutt. I'm glad that Elicia is feeling much better!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/29/2010

Glad to hear of a good recovery happening your way Elicia, I'm thinking about you with all good thoughts and keep on keepin' on!

GROG posted on 03/29/2010


dogbytes posted on 03/30/2010

i'm here! i'm getting better, slowly. language skills are getting better each time i visit Tiki Central . i hope to visit with you soon.


Hakalugi posted on 03/30/2010

Elicia! So glad you are here!

VampiressRN posted on 03/30/2010

YEAH....she posts. So good to see you back Elicia...love the avatar in your siggy.

Big Kahuna posted on 03/30/2010

Welcome back!

Tiki A. Moaikingbird posted on 04/03/2010

hi Elicia! thinking of you, get well soon. Hi Todd, too!

gary b

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird 2010-04-05 14:25 ]

VampiressRN posted on 04/03/2010

Thinking of you today Elicia and hoping you are back on top of the game!!! How are the puppers doing? I'll bet they have been keeping you busy. Take care...hugshugs Marlene

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 04/06/2010

I'm happy to echo the comments of Mr Woofmutt. If you hadn't known what happened, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. Had a terrific afternoon hanging out with Elicia and Frank-Todd. Elicia is in great spirits and her outlook is inspiring.

Here's a shot of Elicia and Sammy (aka Southsea Sammy as named by said Woofmutt.) I believe they are charting their course for their next excursion through the Pacific...

Please keep sending Elicia & that hip hubby of hers your best thoughts & prayers~!



VampiressRN posted on 04/08/2010

Ya look great Elicia. Sounds like your recovery is coming along well. I love your positive attitude...you go girl!!!

hugshugs Marlene

VampiressRN posted on 04/11/2010

Thinking of you today and sending good vibes your way. :)

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