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pray for Marie...

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Somebody suggested that if they can't get down to Dons, that we leave the card at the Bar, for a week or so. and people can swing by when they can, and sign it then. Then at the end of next weekend, I can then give it to JonPaul.


On 2010-04-26 10:11, bigtikidude wrote:
Somebody suggested that if they can't get down to Dons, that we leave the card at the Bar, for a week or so. and people can swing by when they can, and sign it then. Then at the end of next weekend, I can then give it to JonPaul.


That's a Great Idea Jeff :)

Marie and JP, stay strong, you will get through this. Our thoughts are with you.

Scott and Jen

My thoughts and prayers are with you Marie.

All the best to you and JonPaul for a speedy recovery.


Marie is "The Beachcomber". It is not the same without her! I missed her on Saturday and then when I heard. We all gasped. I have faith in her and she will come out of this tragedy smiling, maybe a little spacey, but okay. My prayers are with her and her family.

God bless,

Kuke Combs


Tragic news.
Best wishes to Marie for a full and speedy recovery.

DGG posted on Mon, Apr 26, 2010 3:07 PM

My heartfelt best wishes to Marie to a quick and full recovery and to JonPaul-hang in there man. Dario

[ Edited by: DGG 2010-04-26 15:07 ]

DGG posted on Mon, Apr 26, 2010 3:11 PM

On 2010-04-26 10:11, bigtikidude wrote:
Somebody suggested that if they can't get down to Dons, that we leave the card at the Bar, for a week or so. and people can swing by when they can, and sign it then. Then at the end of next weekend, I can then give it to JonPaul.


Let us know Jeff.

By the looks of the posts, Marie has touched many of our lives. Let us hope that she will soon be aware of this and that it aids in her recovery and emotional well-being.

I will get a card Now,
and leave it there at the Bar all week, till Sun night for people to sign for her.
I will also have some binders of paper that will go to Bens event, and to the HB pier show, to have people sign, and then bring back and put them with the card, to give to JonPaul sun nite at Dons.

Thanks everybody.


OUCH!!!! That was a close one. So sorry to hear about this! I'm beaming positive mana for a speedy and full recovery.

You know how much we love you guys. All of our thoughts are with you.
Bill and Joyce

Hang in there, girl! Sending out positive healing and calm thoughts to you.


Marie, Even though we haven't met, you still belong to the Tiki Family and I wish you a speedy recovery. It hurts to hear the pain you are going through and I'm sure it won't be for long,, I feel Help is coming!!
Jon Paul What can I say but hang in there and if there's anything I can do, please let me know.


Even though I dont know you and a Hi has been tossed here and there - I DO WISH the BEST for you!!!
The tiki gods are looking after you.


AAAARGH!!! How did I miss this thread? Marie, hang in there. You and JP are couple of my most favorite Tiki people ever. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to contact me.
Very glad that it wasn't more serious. Wishing you the best.

Accidental double post. Sorry.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2010-04-27 06:41 ]

I was on a road trip this weekend, just chatted with her over email the day before. My heart sank when I read the news on my phone. Crap. Nothing I could have done, but I felt helpless and disconnected just from not being in the area... sent every bit of positive thoughts I could muster from up north. Love you Marie. Get better fast! JP, buddy, if there's anything you need, just let us/me know! You aren't alone.

Thank You for the up-dates JP & Jeff. I'm glad to hear Marie is on track and feeling more comfortable. I'm thankful also that Marie has JP and her Mama by her side and JP has Jeff :) I know your surrounded by wonderful family and friends. I wanted to tell you JP and Marie, getting to know you (and you too Jeff) better in the last couple years has been a great and fun experience.  I have learned so much from them from Tiki to Poland and cocktails to surf music. I have enjoyed every bit of our time together and I will await more great times in the near future.
  Marie is brilliant as you all know and truly an inspiration to me and she's also one tough gal, and one of the hardest working persons I  have ever known so, I have no doubt Marie will fight for a fast recovery.
 I wish we would all learn to express ourselves and not wait until times such as these to tell our loved ones, I love you, thanks or just how much we care.
  Please don't hesitate to call upon me for anything you might need now and in the future. I know when I was bolted back together I needed help with rides and shopping and just good company to keep me positive so please, if I can help I would like to. 
 Thanks for leaving the card at Don's that's very nice and much appreciated I'll be in to sign it this week. 
 Much love and only good things, Kelly 

Worst news ever... I just got back from vacation, and this is the first thing I see. Marie's one of the nicest people around, and as stated before, the reason why Don's is the awesome place it is. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Get well soon...somebody's gotta make the drink mixes every night :wink:

You have our positive thoughts Marie!!! Jim & Maya

Great turnout at Dons tonight to sign the get well card for Marie.
Thanks everybody.
if you couldn't make it,
I left the card, and 3 ring binder with more pages for overflow,
at the bar, just tell them you are a TC person, and you want to sign it for her.
It will be there till Sun Night. after the Bamboo Ben event.
you can sign anytime between now and then.

thanks again everybody,

mp posted on Tue, Apr 27, 2010 1:27 AM

Marie, It was so cool meeting you and Jonpaul at the Tikiyaki show and
so great to see you at Dons in March. Im so bummed to read about the accident.
I hope you have a speedy recovery. The Bobs and I are sending you love and
positive vibes :) Hang in there Jonpaul, MP


When Marie can receive cards, flowers, etc..can someone please post or be available to pm the mailing address?

KuKu posted on Tue, Apr 27, 2010 8:07 AM

I am overwhelmed with sadness to hear of this unfortunate accident and your pain suffered from the injuries Marie. I hope & pray for healing & your complete recovery and know with all the love and support from your vast group of friends and family you'll find the strength to do so. I am also sending prayers and positive vibes to Jon Paul for the power and ability to help pull you through this tragic period in your lives...

On 2010-04-27 06:43, leleliz wrote:
When Marie can receive cards, flowers, etc..can someone please post or be available to pm the mailing address?

JP said in a brief e-mail to me, that he will be posting a Update sometime soon.
keep yer eyes and ears peeled.

and for anyone in So. Cal.

Great turnout at Dons tonight to sign the get well card for Marie.
Thanks everybody.
if you couldn't make it,
I left the card, and 3 ring binder with more pages for overflow,
at the bar, just tell them you are a TC person, and you want to sign it for her.
It will be there till Sun Night. after the Bamboo Ben event.
you can sign anytime between now and then.

thanks again everybody,

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-04-27 08:59 ]


So sorry to hear what happened..She definitley spreads aloha spirit to everyone she meets..Prayers for a speedy recovery!!!

here is a post from SG101 site.
that I thought was worthy of a repost here.

Why bad things happen to awesome people is beyond me but I do know first hand good things come of it...Look how it's pulling all of us together to pray for both Marie and JonPaul and realizing how lucky we are to have the opportunity to support both of them...Jeff and I talked about providing cards for everyone to sign...Just as Jeff has done at Don's, I will have a card available at the Surfin Sundays gig May 2nd at Pier Plaza 11Am to 5 Pm...When you are suffering there's nothing more uplifting than knowing you are well loved by so many well-wishers...
On behalf of the Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum, the surf bands and the surf community we are ever so grateful to Marie and JonPaul for their continued support in booking paying gigs at Don's for the bands who donate their time to play during Surfing Sundays...Everyone in the surf community is praying for a full speedy recovery and great strength for both Marie & JonPaul to get through this ordeal...I will be dedicating our May 2nd concert to both of them as well...
Thanks to Bigtikidude for posting Marie & JonPaul's plight...
Love to all!! Linda xo

I heard the terrible news and didn't believe it at first.

Marie has always made time at Don's feel welcoming and fun. She keeps the Dagger Bar feeling like home and I seriously appreciate that.

I send all the positive vibes and best wishes to Marie and JP. It really won't be the same place without her there..

There will be a crowd at Don's on Saturday to celebrate Tiki Bar TV's anniversary and I'll make sure we all show our support for Marie and get her card signed by the crew.


What're the odds of someone bringing the card by Bamboo Bens parking lot sale on Sunday? It'd be nice to get it passed around.

I was going to ask someone to do it, or drop it by Bens on sun morn. myself.
unfortunately I have to be at the HB pier all day.
But Vicky said that Ben was going to make a Big 3 or 4 foot card and have everybody sign it at the event.

If I can trust someone to watch the Binder and bring it back to Don's after the Ben event, I am cool with is being there.
But I was kinda hoping that people could swing By Dons after the event, and sign it there.

I'm good either way. I just need someone to promise to keep an eye on it while its at Bens. Maybe at somebody booth on the table.


What sad news. We are praying for her speedy recovery. God bless her and her family during this time

Best wishes for a speedy recovery--My friends and I went to Don's for the first time a couple of months ago and Marie stopped at our table and told us some of the lore behind the drinks--We all were impressed by her knowledge and personality and have been back for a couple of Monday night happy hours and really enjoy the aura shares...Here's to a Painkiller in Marie's honor!


I don't mind saying that Marie made the difference between me liking Don's and not liking Don's...(I am talking about the location and it's 2 last incarnations). Prior to Marie being there, I found the service very rude and indifferent. The kind of placed you expect to find in LA, full of snob bartenders and even snobbier waitresses.

Not so with Marie. She is truly one of the Angels of Tikidom, in my opinion! I just can't stress enough how nice and COMPETENT she is at well, everything she does!

If someone wants to drop the binder off at me and Polynesiac's booth I'd be happy to mind it for the day. We'll just need to make sure someone can return it to Don's. Let me know Jeff, whatever you decide is totally cool. The big card idea of Ben's is a great one as well.

Hey....I'd rather the Don Beach card stay safe at Dons.

We've got something cookin for the Garage Sale. Holden thought it would be a good idea, and I agree. Kinda nice to have a bunch of HUGE cards signed by a bunch of different people, huh?

I heart Marie. Fell in love with her a long time ago. :)

Mrs. Boo.

Ok I will leave the Card and Binder with sigs at Dons.

thanks for doing a Big Card.
I was looking for one, but couldn't find them.

Matt thanks for the offer to watch the card.

I'm really bummin that I am gonna miss this event 2 years in a row.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-04-27 21:55 ]


When I was out there last year for the SG101 convention, I got to spend some time talking to Marie at the bar on Sunday night. We talked about Don's, about JP, and a little about tiki in general. She quickly became another entry on my list of "reasons I wish I lived in SoCal", which for an Arizona boy born & bred.....that's a big deal. Prayers, mojo, best wishes, figurative sacrificial virgins...whatever else I can come up with are winging their way westward.

Anybody figure out how to hook up a Mai Tai to the IV line? That'll get her fixed!!!! :D


Again, I cannot express how incredibly much the overwhelming love and support from the
community has meant throughout this difficult time.
I've been completely moved upon reading these posts--they've provided a total magical,
positive, supporting healing energy that has helped me tremendously.
I've been telling Marie about the thread and the messages within it, but today will be the
first time she's actually lucid enough to read them herself and absorb everything.
I'm home now briefly, gathering some things and taking care of some paperwork, and will
be sure to print out the pages and take them back to the hospital today for her.
(Unfortunately, her Macbook was destroyed at the time of the accident)
As far as an update goes....she was transported from the trauma hospital to the Intensive
Care Unit at Kaiser, where she underwent one further surgery for her right ankle.
Everything went very well, and that should be the last of the operations.
Now it's a matter of managing her pain, stabilization, and therapy.
This morning was a very positive turning point, as she is becoming much
more aware and interactive, wearing her glasses, and actually, in true Marie style, joking around
with the staff a bit. She was also cleared for solid food and her pain medication was decreased.
Those that have been asking about visiting...please send me a PM and as soon as I get the OK,
I'll let you know the details. I've also been receiving a tremendous amount of inquiries about
where to send things for her. Again, please send me a PM and I'll provide some details.
Now that she's conscious, I know that this would really cheer her up.
Again, from the depths of my heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
I know that many out there consider this 'our little hobby,' but the profound way that people have
come together in love, support and as family at a time like this, proves that it is much, much more.
I am so proud to be a part of the Tiki Community and be able to call you our friends and family.
As much love and Aloha as I can express,


good news! JP...Hopefully this will all be in the past soon

TikiG posted on Wed, Apr 28, 2010 2:37 PM

Yeah! Great news!!

Thanks Jonpaul for the latest update...I'll talk to you in person soon hopefully. G

mieko posted on Wed, Apr 28, 2010 2:38 PM

Thanks for the update JP, it really sounds like things are going in the right direction. I'll be hoping for a quick recovery, and for the hospital stay to be smooth and short.

This is GREAT news! Sounds like the worst is behind her. Thanks for the update JP.


Yep, the tiki network goes far and wide!

Sending healing love and best wishes from N. CA.
I've been in 2 major accidents and was greatly healed by my
community both times. Please keep us posted of your progress and when/where
to send cards.

Good gravy. My most sincere wishes for a speedy recovery Marie.

JP- thanks for the update- what fantastic news! I'm sure you've been the complete rock that Marie needs. Our prayers and positive thoughts go on. (& please give Marie some soft little hugs from Joey & Sammy.) Don't forget to EAT & take care of yourself throughout all this, man.

Yay! Good news! Thanks for the update.

So glad to hear Marie made it through her surgeries and is now at Kaiser. It is good that she was disconnected through the initial painful period and that she is now becoming lucid. Best to forget the bad times and dwell on all the positives during the recovery phase. Sending good vibes in your direction Marie.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write the updates JP...your words today brought tears to my eyes in a good way. You are both loved. :)

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