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MariePalooza, a Tiki Band Aid-( Results Pg. 18) Official Event Thread

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SoccerTiki posted on 05/07/2010

MARIEPALOOZA, a Tiki Band Aid http://mariepalooza.com

When: May 30, 2010 2pm ‘til Midnight

Where: Don the Beachcomber Restaurant, Huntington Beach, CA

What: Benefit show, raffle and silent auction to help out a dear friend to so many after a near-fatal accident. There will be lots of great music, friends and prizes from many great artists raffled off as well as a few silent auction items you won’t want to miss!

Why: Because we can! And we care!!!

Who: The Tikiyaki Orchestra, The Eliminators, The Smokin’ Menehunes, The Glasgow Tiki Shakers, OuterWave, The Boardwalkers, Exotiki, Slacktone & other entertainment throughout the day.

Cost: $25 Donation (wristband will get you discounts on food and drinks!)

Sponsors: Don the Beachcomber, Kustom Deluxe Printing, Tiki Farm and ALL the fantastic people contributing their time, art and energy!!!

Purchase tix here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/112538

More Details Coming Soon!!!
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June 4, 2010

Results are 1/2 in!!!! I am still waiting on a few checks to clear and a few donors are still sending $$, but I know people are waiting to know how much we raised for Marie.....Well........

OVER $13,600!!!!! And that DOES NOT include the portion of the proceeds that Don the Beachcomber will be donating!!!

We still have a few event posters. I will be getting those out next week...I have to get the tubes for mailing and figure that into the shipping and handling...It won't be much, but I don't want to ruin any posters!

(I will list as many names of the donors as possible soon!)


[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2010-06-04 09:02 ]

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WooHooWahine posted on 05/07/2010

If you are interested in donating a prize for our Raffle or Silent Auction you can PM me or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com :)

Marie is a Very Special Person and Friend..let's show her The Ohana Spirit though this event. :)

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kahalakruzer posted on 05/07/2010

Awesome way to show Marie how much she means to everyone. Thanks for undertaking this task...I'm sure it's going to turn out great for everyone. I'll be there spending as much money as I can!

Cuss, fuss, and boogie all night long!

[ Edited by: kahalakruzer 2010-05-06 19:03 ]

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1961surf posted on 05/07/2010

I'm there !

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TikiMoai posted on 05/07/2010

I'd like to donate a potted plumeria to the cause. Email has been sent Karen!

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tiki mick posted on 05/07/2010

When I think of people that are true patrons of the local socal tiki music scene, names like Marie, Jonpaul and big tiki dude are the first people I think of.

I am honored to be part of this event!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-05-06 19:52 ]

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TikiGeeki posted on 05/07/2010

I will definitely be there. Period.

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bigtikidude posted on 05/07/2010

On 2010-05-06 19:43, lucas vigor wrote:
When I think of people that are true patrons of the local socal tiki music scene, names like Marie, Jonpaul and big tiki dude are the first people I think of.

I am honored to be part of this event!

Not that this is about me,
but Thanks Lucas.
and I am glad that you guys are on board for this event.
Wouldn't be the same without you.

Now what do I gotta do to get you there at 2pm.

Please everybody,
lets spread the word,
E-mails, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and texts.
lets fill the place beyond capacity.

its going to be a long, fun day.
can't wait.

and keep an eye out for all of the cool art/music/etc. that is going to be donated for the Raffle/Auction.


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BigToe posted on 05/07/2010

Hells Yeah, count me in...let me know what you want and i will get it to u.

alohas, mr. toe

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Skinny Dog posted on 05/07/2010

Not sure if Jen responded yet, but were down for donations and attendance
Not sure what were donating but it will be AWESOME just like Marie .
Get well sooooooooon .


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/07/2010

Oh Yea, Sounds like you guys are doing right.

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babydoe posted on 05/07/2010

so sorry to hear about Marie. I hope for the best recovery

Tiki Oasis will be donating. Wish we were closer to attend the event too.

XO Baby Doe

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Coco Joe posted on 05/07/2010

I can't wait for Marie to get better...hopefully this will speed up the process!

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MEAN GENE posted on 05/07/2010

Hey Guys, I'd be happy to donate 3 or 4 serigraphs....

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bigtikidude posted on 05/07/2010

for anyone that wants to donate something to this event.
you can PM or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com


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hulahoney posted on 05/07/2010

Thank you so much for organizing this! I can't wait to attend and help out....

See you all soon..

Best wishes to Marie and her recovery.

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/07/2010

Just spoke to Jeff(BTD) and we will bring mucho fluff stuff
for the raffle and some art for the auction.
Get well soon Marie!

Jason and Claudette

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Kiki von Tiki posted on 05/07/2010

I'll be there for sure... I don't know Marie well, but I'll never forget she's the person who made me my very first authentic Mai Tai and Lapu Lapu at Buster's Beach House! And boy, were they good! :wink: I'll be donating one of my polynesian handbags for the fund raiser. Thanks Jeff, Chris and Karen for organizing!

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Kiki von Tiki stuff on etsy.com!

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2010-05-07 10:24 ]

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leleliz posted on 05/07/2010

For those of us who are unable to attend is there some way we can pay into a fund like by PayPal?

Please let us know.

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Jason Wickedly posted on 05/07/2010

Well funny you should ask Liz...SoccerTiki is setting that up as we speak. By Monday we should have a very visible way to do just that. Stay tuned...

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tobunga posted on 05/07/2010

Mahalos for organizing this event!

I'll be donating something (new and unique... I better get started!) for the raffle.


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leleliz posted on 05/07/2010

On 2010-05-07 11:43, Jason Wickedly wrote:
Well funny you should ask Liz...SoccerTiki is setting that up as we speak. By Monday we should have a very visible way to do just that. Stay tuned...

Great! It is great to see people come together so quickly for such a good cause (and person).

I will keep my eye out!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 05/07/2010

A big BRAVO to those putting this together and laying down the music all day to support Marie. What a cool thing to do. Get stronger every day, Marie! May the pain dissipate with each passing hour.

-Andy & Deb

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tikitony posted on 05/07/2010

Great job Tiki Family, organizing for a friend! I'm gonna make a black velvet for the auction. Get better Marie!

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bigtikidude posted on 05/08/2010

On 2010-05-07 11:18, leleliz wrote:
For those of us who are unable to attend is there some way we can pay into a fund like by PayPal?

Please let us know.

there is also going to be an event at Forbidden Island in Nor. Cal. this coming thurs. I believe. Keep an eye out for an official post in Ca. Events.

I think it would be cool, if there were events at tiki bars everywhere that were tied into this event/cause.

Thanks to everybody stepping up and donating stuff, and or saying that you will be making the event to support.


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WooHooWahine posted on 05/08/2010

On 2010-05-06 18:57, WooHooWahine wrote:
If you are interested in donating a prize for our Raffle or Silent Auction you can PM me or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com :)

 Marie is a Very Special Person and Friend..let's show her The Ohana Spirit though this event. :)  

Mahalo to Everyone who has offered donations already....Keep them coming :)

SoccerTiki posted on 05/08/2010

We are receiving tremendous response from the TC Ohana! The Surf Ohana is kicking it up big as well! Keep them coming! Please direct any questions to WooHooWahine or myself...regarding donations, volunteering for the event, attendance AND absentee attendance. We will have a paypal link up soon to accept your donations even if you can't make the event (you will receive a nice commemorative "ticket" even if you can't attend-details soon.)

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Dartin Menny posted on 05/08/2010

On behalf of Exotiki: WE are very excited to be part of this event for a dear friend like Marie. Looking forward to this!

Hope every room is packed!

Get Well Marie!

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bigtikidude posted on 05/08/2010

I'm stoked that Exotiki is coming out of semi retirement to play this event.
for those who haven't heard Exotiki check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/exotikimusic


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Molokai Mike posted on 05/08/2010

Forbidden Island will be hosting a sister event for the Norcal peeps this coming Thursday 5/13 at 7pm, featuring LIVE surf by Meshugga Beach Party and the TomorrowMen, as well as a raffle and a special Marie Cocktail, proceeds of which will go directly to our dear friend. Please join us.

For those on facebook, please forward the invite/event page to others...


SoccerTiki posted on 05/08/2010

Just added....Slacktone!!!

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2010-05-10 06:49 ]

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CheekyGirl posted on 05/08/2010

Very cool guys, the TC word has a lot of good people.

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tiki mick posted on 05/09/2010

On 2010-05-08 07:59, Dartin Menny wrote:
On behalf of Exotiki: WE are very excited to be part of this event for a dear friend like Marie. Looking forward to this!

Hope every room is packed!

Get Well Marie!

Hell yeah! Exotiki, with one of the best bassists in the world, Dartin Menny! This is gonna be GREAT! This just shows again, what a high regard Marie has among musicians!

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GO TIKI posted on 05/09/2010

We will be donating some ceramic art, I'm sure every little bit will help, We hope Marie the best, Gogo and Dani

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bigtikidude posted on 05/09/2010

Thanks again to all of the bands and artists that are donating their talent, and time to this great cause.


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bigtikidude posted on 05/10/2010

Can some of the Artists post some pics of the art that they are donating for the Raffle/and or Auction please.

Last night at the Listening Party for Sven's "Sound of Tiki" cd.

he gave me a copy of the cd,
and his Tiki Modern Book for the Marie Fundraiser.
Thanks Sven.


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[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-05-09 23:34 ]

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Coco Joe posted on 05/10/2010

is there going to be pre-sale tickets and how many peeps can we all pack into Dons?

SoccerTiki posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-10 01:18, Coco Joe wrote:
is there going to be pre-sale tickets and how many peeps can we all pack into Dons?

Pre-sale will start early this week! We will have a banner here on T.C. with an option to pay online. As far as how many "peeps" we can fit in Don the Beachcomber, well, Art assures me that the capacity is near 600!!! 10 hours of Surf, Hawaiian, and Exotica music and more!!!

SoccerTiki posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-08 07:12, SoccerTiki wrote:
We are receiving tremendous response from the TC Ohana! The Surf Ohana is kicking it up big as well! Keep them coming! Please direct any questions to WooHooWahine or myself...regarding donations, volunteering for the event, attendance AND absentee attendance. We will have a PayPal link up soon to accept your donations even if you can't make the event (you will receive a nice commemorative "ticket" even if you can't attend-details soon.)

News: The raffle winners "NEED NOT BE PRESENT" meaning that if you come early and buy raffle tickets and can't stay all day, then if you win you will be notified (as long as you put your phone number on the back)!!! There WILL BE a special "MUST BE PRESENT" drawing for a few special prizes as well!

Also, the wristbands will allow you "In & Out" privileges all day AND give you discounts on food and beverages at Don the Beachcomber all day!!!

And, I have been receiving great response from ohana wanting to volunteer for the event. Mahalo mahalo! Keep it coming......

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bigtikidude posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-10 07:25, SoccerTiki wrote:
And, I have been receiving great response from ohana wanting to volunteer for the event. Mahalo mahalo! Keep it coming......

That is great news, this is gonna be huge.

Chris, can you post the link to the Facebook event again?


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TikiG posted on 05/10/2010

Hey guys - just to let you know that I will be donating a painting for the silent auction, but I can't post a pic, cause I haven't started painting it yet!! I'll get right on this right-away.

I probably will not be able to attend the event too. Always a chance but it looks unlikely.

What is a good plan to ensure my submission makes it to Dons on that day?

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 05/10/2010

i echo G's sentiment...
How do we get our art donations to y'alls
if we can't make it to the actual event?
please advise...

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bigtikidude posted on 05/10/2010

Tiki G,
I know that Kelly is comin to the big event,
you could always get the art to her, and have her bring it.


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WooHooWahine posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-06 18:57, WooHooWahine wrote:
If you are interested in donating a prize for our Raffle or Silent Auction you can PM me or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com :)

 Marie is a Very Special Person and Friend..let's show her The Ohana Spirit though this event. :)  

We will need all Raffle Donations by Monday, May 24. We can make arrangements to pick up your donations or you can ship them to me. Please PM me for more information. Mahalo!!!

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tonga hut posted on 05/10/2010

On behalf of the Tonga Hut Tiki Lounge I would like to wish Marie a speedy recovery and a world of no worries. Marie as been an inspiration to us all and a wonderful friend as well. The Tonga Hut Would be pleased to participate in this heartfelt event. Karen, we will contact you to make our donation.

Much Love in the spirit of Aloha,
Jeremy, Kelly HipHipaHulA, Lisa Marie, Trevor, Chad & Tony

SoccerTiki posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-10 13:29, little lost tiki wrote:
How do we get our art donations to y'alls
........please advise...

LLT-I know where you work! 'nough said! And MAHALO for your contribution(s) to help out a friend! You will be blessed 1000 times over for your thoughtless generosity!!!

W Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/102362fa02eae8bc530f9b9bfb1654f3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
WooHooWahine posted on 05/10/2010

On 2010-05-06 18:57, WooHooWahine wrote:
If you are interested in donating a prize for our Raffle or Silent Auction you can PM me or send an email to woohoowahine@yahoo.com :)

 Marie is a Very Special Person and Friend..let's show her The Ohana Spirit though this event. :)  

We will need all Raffle Donations by Monday, May 24. We can make arrangements to pick up your donations or you can ship them to me. Please PM me for more information. Mahalo!!!


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TikiG posted on 05/10/2010

Thanks for the info and PMs tiki peeps.

You shall receive a gift from me in a week or so - and I'll remember to post a pic here too.

Cheers! G

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tiki since '67!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2010-05-10 15:02 ]

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