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Tiki-ish Cat Toys

Pages: 1 4 replies

dogbytes posted on 10/29/2006

these catnip-filled spotted blowfish are just too cute!

Gigantalope posted on 10/29/2006

Fatcat has some great toys...some (if larger) would make great beanbag type furnature for a Tiki Bar.

My favorites are the dog toys that look like a run-over'd skunk, and the Mail Man chew-toy.

Fish toys...stuff for aquariums always seemed to me to be hugely tiki, and I envy the fact that I can buy tiny things for them that I wish I could get for myown yard on a larger scale.

woofmutt posted on 05/08/2010

One of the many fish/pet shops in my edge of the ghetto has this pretty cool primitive style cat condo/scratching post. Or maybe it should be called a scratching shield.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 05/09/2010

You know there's Tiki Cat food? and dog too...

tikilongbeach posted on 05/24/2013

Some stylish cat furniture for the tiki area. One is made from fake rattan and the other one is made out of real bamboo.



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