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Kirby's Rumpus Room 10yrs. & still going strong!

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Tonga Tom posted on 04/15/2010

Thanks GROG!

Murph posted on 04/16/2010

On 2010-04-15 10:18, GROG wrote:
Murph added. Now picture complete.

Damn, another evening I don't remember.
Too many of those in my life!

Tonga Tom posted on 04/19/2010

Finally, here are the Rumpus Room pix from 4/14/2010

Hiphipahula posted on 04/20/2010

Tonga Mom is cool. I was happy to have met her and it was great to have her out to the Tonga Hut as well. Wow Mom really got a dose of Tiki for Tonga Tom's Birthday. Trader Vic's and the Tiki Ti as well. What a week!

GROG posted on 04/21/2010


Hiphipahula posted on 04/21/2010

Tonight!! Featuring, "Great Visitors From the North"

See you there 7:30ish with a lemon & lime in hand.

This weeks wish list:

Lemons & Lime
Soda Water
Orgeat (Torani)
Lemon Hart Rum Regular
Canton Liq.
Creme De Cassis
Madori Melon Liq.
Barbancourt Rum 3-5 star
Myres Dk.
Short Straws
12oz. Clear Plastic Cups
Plastic tasting cups(shots)
Bathroom sup

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-04-21 12:14 ]

tobunga posted on 04/21/2010

We've got cups, plus Lemonhart 151... see everybody tonight!

GROG posted on 04/21/2010

GROG bring:

short straws
12 oz plastic cups
plastic tasting cups
bathroom supplies
myers dark rum
potato chips

Trader Tom posted on 04/21/2010

I'll be there tonight with a bottle of Cruzan Single Barrel. I'm going to try to find some orgeat as well. That stuff goes fast!

tobunga posted on 04/21/2010

Hey Tom!

We got Orgeat!

Plus some ice, lemons & limes, straws, and TP fer the WC!

TikiG posted on 04/21/2010

Thinking about you peeps at the Rumpus Room.

I can't make it tonight so have one for me! G

Trader Tom posted on 04/22/2010

Eric, I picked up some orgeat as well, so we should be set for a while. I also got a bunch of little disposable shotglasses and a bottle of Chai Cola that looked like it might be a fun mixer to try.

We'll miss you TikiG. I'll drink yours this week and maybe you can drink one for me next week since I'm going on a week's vacation to Sedona to visit with family and will have to miss out on Rumpus Room. ):

TikiG posted on 04/22/2010

Cool. I have some things to talk about regarding Sedona so we'll compare stories when you get back.

GROG posted on 04/22/2010

Well, it's a little after 6am. GROG guess GROG better hit the bed now. Left the Rumpus Room at 5:12 am, that's the latest GROG has left the Rumpus Room.

tobunga posted on 04/22/2010

DANG! 5.12? AM?!?

Way to party like a caveman!

I guess your caveman sundial wristwatch doesn't work at night...

FilthyMidget posted on 04/22/2010

Man that party must have raged after I left :(
I swear this whole work in the morning thing is
really cramping my style! :evil:

Tonga Tom posted on 04/23/2010

Here's the photos from one of the latest Rumpus Room events I've heard of, but we were only there until slightly after 2am.

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FilthyMidget and her first mug
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GROG tipping BIG so the booze keeps flowing
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Hey, that's a new Kirby painting on the wall
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Everyone, tilt your head to the right...no, my right
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Mr. October trying one of Tom's new concoctions
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Even Gene Simmons made an appearance :P
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See, it's safe, TikiGeeki and PolynesianPop bring their kids to the Rumpus Room
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Kirby and Bora Boris playing with their "Dickheads"
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Bora Boris and FilthyMidget meet
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GROG's gonna knock someone's lights out
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Mai Tai and FilthyMidget
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Glorious group shot!
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FilthyMidget posted on 04/23/2010

Marty Lush & I had a grand time as always.
The booze was flowing, conversation brewing, & the laughs were had by all.
I think I may have to sneak here every Wed even when the Lush can not attend :)
It was great reconnecting with the Nor Cal peeps!

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aka The Filthy Midget

[ Edited by: FilthyMidget 2010-04-24 22:36 ]

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Melekalikimaka posted on 04/24/2010

Looks like an awesome turnout! Missin' y'all!

Cheers, all!

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tyger jymmy posted on 04/27/2010

Hey Kirby im gonna get by there this been too Long .

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kirby posted on 04/28/2010

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To Polly!! Just a Reminder We will be celebrating Pollys 30th at at montrose bowl from 6 to 10, then Rumpus Room after, If you wanna attend its pot luck and $10 bucks to bowl!!

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bigtikidude posted on 04/28/2010

Happy B-day Polly!!!

and I wish I could be there.
Montrose rocks.


TikiG posted on 04/28/2010

Can't attend this evening but I do want to make sure to say right now


Y'all have a great evening of bowling, pot-luck and Rumpus Room. Post pics huh?

Hugs, G

Hiphipahula posted on 04/28/2010

On 2010-04-28 08:56, kirby wrote:
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To Polly!! Just a Reminder We will be celebrating Pollys 30th at at montrose bowl from 6 to 10, then Rumpus Room after, If you wanna attend its pot luck and $10 bucks to bowl!!

I wouldn't miss it! Happy Birthday Polly! See you tonight!

Don't forget your lemons, limes & Ice :)
See you at the Bowl...

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 04/28/2010


It doesn't look like I'll be able to make it for the bowling, but will try to make it for the late-night Rumpus Room... with lemons, limes 'n ice in tow.

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geedavee posted on 04/28/2010

I can't make it this week, but I hope to be back soon. See you at Bamboo Bens this weekend.

Happy Birthday to Polly.

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[ Edited by: geedavee 2010-04-28 16:31 ]

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 04/29/2010

How did it get so late?

I swear the Rumpus Room exists outside of normal space/time.

Thanks again Kelly & Kirby -- and Happy Birthday Polly.

Now time for sleeeeeeeeep...

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TNT posted on 04/29/2010

Happy Birthday Polly! So sorry we missed this - long days at work.

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TNT posted on 04/29/2010

Happy Birthday Polly! So sorry we missed this - long days at work.

Tonga Tom posted on 04/30/2010

Here's some pics from Polly's bowling party and opening of the presents back at the Rumpus Room.

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Trader Tom posted on 05/04/2010

I'm back from Sedona and ready to Rumpus Room.

Sounds like Kelly may not make it, so I'll try to be there around 7pm to get the bar set up and keep it flowing.

I brought back some prickly pear syrup and picked up a bottle of anejo tequila the other day that makes some killer prickly margaritas.

I'll bring those.

If you could bring the following, it would be much appreciated:

lemons & limes
club soda in little bottles
pineapple juice
Coruba dark rum
Tres Generaciones Sauza Anejo Tequila or another anejo of equal or better quality (my bottle will go fast I'm afraid but don't get blanco or Jose Cuervo Gold!)

See you soon!

Hiphipahula posted on 05/05/2010

Sounds wonderful Tom, sorry to
miss it.
Also pretty nice are:

Corralejo Rep or Añejo
Gran Centenario 
7 Leguas
Don Julio

have fun!!

Tonga Tom posted on 05/06/2010

Sorry we missed you guys last night, hope fun was had by all who attended. Please post a pic or two if ya got 'em.

tobunga posted on 05/06/2010

Missed you and Sherriyaki last night, Tonga Tom! Especially in the paparazzi department!

We had to rely on the camera in Manuel's phone. The quality's not bad, but no flash! Check out these very moodily lit pix!

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Blacklight Trader Tom!
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Serchin' fer booze!
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Snappin' pix!
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Illuminated liquor!
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Lotsa latin-themed music for Cinco de Mayo!
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Awesome new artwork on display!
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Mojo, Rumpus Room dog!
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Nice lowkey night at the Rumpus Room, but we got a sneak peek at the music video that was shot there, and tried some of Trader Tom's Prickly Pear Margaritas! Yum!

Some of the pix I snapped didn't come out! (Sorry Adrian!)

See you all next Wednesday!

Tonga Tom posted on 05/06/2010

Thanks for posting pics Eric! Looking forward to next week.

Trader Tom posted on 05/07/2010

The Rumpus Room Cinco de Mayo Edition went well. Small group, but more margaritas for us!

We did drink some rum drinks as well, which brings me to my next reminder...

There were only a couple of ounces left of the regular and overproof Lemon Harts and of the Coruba Dark, which we promptly took care of. In light of the Lemon Hart discussion on another thread, perhaps we should try to stock up a little on it just in case the new owners decide they only want to make it available in Canada or that it would be economically advantageous to change the recipe to tiger's piss and turpentine...

I'll stop by Mission Liquors to look for the overproof especially, but if anybody else sees a bottle of either kind of Lemon Hart hanging around, snag it.

See you soon!

Trader Tom posted on 05/09/2010

I picked up a bottle of the overproof Lemon Hart. If anyone can pick up the regular or the Coruba Dark for next week, it would be appreciated.

Hiphipahula posted on 05/12/2010

Don't forget! Lemons, limes, ice, maybe we will have o take tips & really stock up on Lemon Harts? We can do it !
See you all there. I believe we are having visitors too. Should be a fun night!

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PolynesianPop posted on 05/12/2010

The boss is in town so it doesn't look like I'll be able to make it tonight. Bummahs :(

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Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 05/12/2010

Misha & I will be making the trek out the fabulous Rumpus Room tonight!
I've got a nice collection of lemons & limes, a 20 lb. bag of ice as well as some rare Cuban mint slated for the Rumpus Room Gardens.
(the mint needs to grow before we can use it, though)

Will be bringing some snacks & TIPS too!

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IKABOD posted on 05/12/2010

Lookin like I'll making the trek out there too. See ya all there. I'll be bringing some limes and such.

Tonga Tom posted on 05/13/2010

I'll bring some ready-to-use mint from the garden.
Got some of those "Four Cheese Cheez-its" too...I had a special request.

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geedavee posted on 05/13/2010

I will be there as well. I will bring some pineapple juice and whatever else looks good.

tobunga posted on 05/13/2010

We're bringing some Lemonhart (unleaded, Trader Tom already picked up the 151!) and some Cruzan single barrel for some of those awesome Contraband Mai Tais Kelly makes!

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RoseRed posted on 05/13/2010

bringing 6 limes, 2 friends, and LemonHart!!! :wink:

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lilusako posted on 05/13/2010

I'd like to say thank you to everyone for such a great warm welcome for my first visit! I had a great time last night! I look forward to my next visit. :)

Tonga Tom posted on 05/13/2010

Last night I was on a solo mission. There was a slew of newcomers to the Rumpus Room including; lilusako, RoseRed, Bobby and Lili, as well as another couple who were leaving with their youngins right after I arrived. I'm pretty sure I took a shower before I left the house though. Good news for Kirby, but bad for me, my favorite painting of his sold at Ben's Garage Sale the other week...Congrats Kirby! You can see some of the RR crew checking out some of his new paintings here. Also, congrats to Trader Tom on his upcoming graduation, check out his card Eric made for him. Speaking of Tom, he and Kahuna Kent wore the same shirt last night...how embarrassing. Well, not as embarrassing as one photo I took of the two of 'em, but I told Kent I wouldn't post it here. It's too bad I didn't get everyone in the group shot this week. As always, Kelly & Tom...your drinks are AMAZING! Lots of new and successful experimenting this week. Oh yeah, GROG you left your hat behind on a mask. Hope to see more new and old faces next week!

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[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-05-13 14:25 ]

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-05-16 10:04 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 05/13/2010

What a fun night night at Kirby & Polly's Rumpus Room! It was a pleasure to have new visitors, Jocelyn so nice to meet you glad we had time at the end of the night to just sit and chat. Ikabod & family our first visitor from Eye of the Cult down from Ventura happy to have you. Rose, Bobby & Lilly fun to visit outside of the Tonga Hut.
Thanks for all the Lemon Hart kids, we will make it another week after all.
Dean your handsome, Carri (Bewitched by Tiki) what a doll, wish I saw you more often what fun, thank you for all you do to help out the R. R. You always go far beyond what is expected and your awesome. Woah, can't forget our new friends Mike & Misha cause their names sound like a title for a romance comedy movie and they are good people, here's to you Capt. Kent & Trader Tom it was fun to view the photo of you fondling each other in matching shirts :wink: Tonga Tom thanks for being tall and taking great photos, Sherri we missed you girl. Murph where are you! Thank you everyone for the booze, lemons & limes, mixers, supplies, squeezing. Grog you are loved so much thank you for everything to much to mention here but you know xoxo! Jim we love it more when there's no Tikiyaki practice we have a longer time to visit with you. Eric & Manuel, thanks for being our Barbacks, DJ's, dishwashers, Artists at large we could not pull it off without you!
One of my dearest friends DR. Trader Tom Morgan, my mentor, my male muse, guiding spirit, source of inspiration to whom I have learned so much. You may now conduct brain surgery Dr. ( ok so he's not that kind of Dr.) We did manage to kick out one new drink last night, and we have not done that together in a while well, maybe 3 drinks if you include the "Pour this down the bathroom drain" and the "Throw this out on the lawn" we need a bar sink.
We can't do a damn thing without Kirby & Polly who without a doubt must have the most successful home bar on a weekly basis of all time. Not to mention if we were a real bar we would be having $600-1200 nights. Thank You!
Which brings me to my point, the Rumpus Room is a year old when are we going to spruce up the back yard and have a huge indoor outdoor Rumpus Room Anniversary party! ????

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-05-13 16:32 ]

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