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Tiki Central / California Events

VampTiki #9 (Saturday, July 24)

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VampiressRN posted on 05/28/2010

Any TCer welcome...just ping me for an eVite.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2010-06-05 17:27 ]

VampiressRN posted on 07/18/2010

Rumor has it...Wendy may be providing a sneak peek of the Sac Tiki Crawl mug for those attending. Hope to see the usual suspects on Saturday.

WSWahine posted on 07/19/2010

Can't wait!

danlovestikis posted on 07/25/2010

Vamp the party was so fun, you are a terrific hostess. I posted photos on the Sacramento Crawl thread since so many had the event mug preview in the picture. Thank you so much for the prize. That was my favorite of all time Hawaiian shirt so it was fun to win your contest. Lots of love, Wendy

ps hey guys post your photos here or there

TikiMookie posted on 07/26/2010

Vamp, Thanks so much for your hospitality as usual. I always feel at home at your pad, and the tiki ohana are my family :) Sorry we got there too late to see Wendy's mug, or Dan & Wendy. It was fun visiting with everyone, makes Summer really worth while!!

leleliz posted on 07/26/2010

Love you Vamp! My mom now understands a little more about why I love tiki people so much :)

Your house is so comfy and we both loved the bathroom with the hunting motif

VampiressRN posted on 07/26/2010

So glad everyone had a good time...great people to party with.

Hey Liz...hope your Mom can come back out in October to join us for the Home Bar Crawl. I enjoyed meeting her. :)

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/26/2010

Wow, I cannot tell you what an amazing evening Saturday was! The amount of attendees was a near record (if recent memory is not failing me) and there were probably just as many new faces there as were the usual suspects. Good to finally meet Matt and Liz's mom and to see Bullet and his wife, mug mold maker Mike and his wife (incidentally, I don't think I would have won the shirt contest if Bullet and Mike had stuck around longer) and then there was Marlene's art framer and another wonderful lady (co-worker), apologies for missing the names, all in all another fantastic night and the highlight of the weekend.

Thanks again to Vamp...you are one classy lady and always have the best parties. Thanks also for the "prize" of the Lemon Hart rum!

Obviously and without a doubt the highlight of the night was Wendy's unveiling of the Sacramento 2010 crawl mug. The biggest surprise for me was when Wendy showed me the inscription on the bottom of the mug. Imagine my utter delight to see Wendy had credited me for the inspiration of the mug. Last year we discussed a mug as a possibility of our 5th anniversary crawl and I had suggested a tribute mug to two local and now long gone Sacramento tiki establishments using the napkin design from the Coral Reef and the design from the matchbook of the Zombie Hut. Basically just thinking out loud and I cannot believe Wendy did it, not only did she sculpt a design, but she has gone above and beyond my wildest expectations and is now taken her talents to the next level by learning to cast her own molds, pour her own mugs, fire them and finish them with glazing and paint. Wendy nailed the designs from both places dead-on. It is the most amazing transformation of talent I have seen. I could not be happier for the Sacramento and TC Ohana!

I will be posting the tentative crawl schedule in the next couple of days.

No tiki hunting this past weekend for me!



Coconut KC posted on 07/26/2010

Vamp thanks so much for hosting my first TC event! It was amazing and i was still in a haze on Sunday from those Mai Tais!
It was so wonderful meeting everyone and I look forward to hanging out with you swank cats in the future!

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 07/26/2010

Vamp, thanks so much. It was a blast, as always.

Wendy's mug is indeed a beaut. That gal has talent. It was a hoot to find out the mold maker was none other than a former co-worker of mine. Mike and I are both escapees from one of the more nuttier state departments. The healthcare industry does seem to attract the loons. Great to see you, Mike!

Loved visiting with Liz and her mom. Glad you finally made it up, Liz. Now don't stay away too long.

Savage Tiki posted on 07/27/2010

I had a blast seeing Vamp and my Sacto ohana. I arrived late due to E-vite complications. Aurrrg! I missed Wendy and the unveiling of the Sacto Crawl Mug. Bummer for me! I was lookin forward to seeing it in person. As always (my second Vamp party) the party was a stunner and those who missed it missed out on a supreme shin-dig.

I brought Marlene some Bunratty Potcheen to make my newest favorite drink "Bananaless Daiquiris"
Marlene the recipe is as follows:

Shake equal parts of each with ice,
Bunratty Potcheen (available at Bevmo)
any white rum except bacardi (use that for paint thinner)
Simple syrup
fresh lime juice
strain and enjoy to excess.

Big Mahallos to Marlene

Anyone that wants to come to my party on 8-7-10 can PM me and I'll send you an E-vite. It's in Napa.

Zeta posted on 07/27/2010

Cool man!

danlovestikis posted on 07/29/2010

Thank you Vamp, Duane, Brenda, you inspire me to work hard to make these mugs the best I can. Remember it's my first Go round so they could all look like seconds!

Duane that was one of the largest secrets of my life. Dan and I were looking forward to surprising you for a long time. We had to let Mike in on the secret because he made the mold. It was a highlight for all three of us to see your expression. You deserve it. Hugs, Wendy

Love ya all, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2010-07-29 10:17 ]

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