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OHANA 2010 - Official thread

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Bargoyle posted on 05/11/2010

KK- freakin' sweet!!!

We should have plenty of stuff for a 2010 collage too!

lots to do, little time.

Lake Surfer posted on 05/11/2010

On 2010-05-11 07:44, Bargoyle wrote:
lots to do, little time.

Kicking it into high gear here also, Sully.

Woodchips flying as this year's Ohana awards are being carved!

K9RADIOTIKI posted on 05/11/2010

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hibiscus posted on 05/11/2010

K9RT - You'll have a blast! Ohana is sooooooo much fun. Lots of nice folks everywhere!

quispquake posted on 05/11/2010

On 2010-05-11 10:58, K9RADIOTIKI wrote:
Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Same here! Our first Ohana...My inner tiki can't wait!!!

Tiki Kollektor posted on 05/12/2010

On 2010-05-11 15:06, quispquake wrote:

On 2010-05-11 10:58, K9RADIOTIKI wrote:
Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Same here! Our first Ohana...My inner tiki can't wait!!!

Ditto! (Dave & Jude)

Chip and Andy posted on 05/12/2010

6 Weeks and counting!

I can't wait to get together with a bunch of drinking (drunken?) friends and terrorize the mini-golf!

Bargoyle posted on 05/12/2010

A bunch of first-timers. That's great!!

We'll make sure you'll feel really welcome.

In the next email blast (keep an eye on your inbox) I'll go over our First-Timers program.

We try to spread the Aloha and make everyone feel welcomed and part of the family... part of our Ohana. But we know that it can be intimidating to stumble into a big crowd, many of us whom have know each other for years, and try to introduce yourself around and meet new people, so we're making it easier for you!!!

If its your first tiki event, or your first time to a FOM sponsored event, or if you just don't know that many people, and want to be introduced around, you can sign up as a First Timer. Your badge will be a different color, letting people know that you're new to our scene, and the rest of us will make sure to introduce ourselves, introduce you around, and get you up to speed on what to expect during the weekend.

I've made friends through this whole tiki-deal that I will have for life. Some of the nicest people I know are tikiphiles, and Ohana is great opportunity to see the folks I don't get to see enough during the year, and forge new friendships (not to mention the cocktails, music, & everything else that goes on!)

So, the program is there if you want it. Don't feel that you HAVE to sign up. We try to treat everyone with the same welcoming spirit, regardless of their badge color or tiki "status". More details in the next email blast later this week.

Cant wait to meet ya, and we'll see ya at the Lake!!


Chip and Andy posted on 05/19/2010

Can I sign up for this program too?


Capt'n Skully posted on 05/19/2010

Jeff Central posted on 05/19/2010

Awesome poster Capt'n!!! :)

bigbrotiki posted on 05/19/2010

Man, that looks like an all-around good time event! A wonderful combination of old and new, with some Witco thrown in. :)

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/19/2010

So true Big Bro!

Great Poster Capt'n Skully!!!

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2010-05-19 13:06 ]

Bargoyle posted on 05/25/2010

And as if WE didn't have enough going on to keep ya busy all weekend, there's a bunch of stuff in Lake George that weekend too!! So stay an extra day (or come early) to see the town that time forgot (forgot in a good way!)

The entire weekend, Friday thru Sunday, Lake George is having its SUMMERFEST at Shepard Park, right down town. An easy walk to check it out. Music and Arts & Crafts Show!

Sat & Sun: Grand Encampment of the French & Indian War @ Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga (you'll need a car for this one)

Saturday: North Country Triathlon (After Friday night's room crawl I somehow doubt anyone is going to participate, nor be able to cheer too loudly for the folks who are, but its there for any masochists who are coming)

Oh, and all week long (20th-26th) its Lake George Region Restaurant Week: Area participating restaurants offer a select menu for a fixed-price. Its a pretty good deal actually. Remember, we're feeding you on Saturday night, and Friday we'll have snack foods thanks to Kahiki Foods, but if you think you'll need some real food at some point (apart from the FEAST on saturday) check out the deal at http://www.lakegeorgechamber.com/restaurant-week.asp

As always, more to come. work work work. only a month to go, and sooooooooo much to do!!!!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2010-05-25 13:29 ]

quispquake posted on 05/31/2010

25 daze and counting...

Bargoyle posted on 06/02/2010

Another update:

Unfortunately, it looks like Pablus is not going to be joining us for Ohana this year. He's got a conflict that came up that he just can't get out of. He says there's maybe a 5% chance that he can be with us, but in the interest of full disclosure, I figured I'd better let you all know now.

Pab leaves some big Uke shoes to fill, but Granite Tiki & Francis LLacuna have assured me that they are up to the task!! (We'll still miss ya Pablus!)

On a more positive note, there are now TWO.... and ONLY TWO, rooms open at the Tiki Resort!!!

If you call them now (518-668-5744), you can probably get one of them, and be right in the thick of the action with us! So, if you're at another hotel and want to switch over, or if you've been on the fence but really wanted to stay at the Tiki, now is the time!!!

100% of the Tiki is set aside JUST for Ohana!!! And if you missed out, here's your chance to be part of it!

Dont delay, call today.... errr.... now!!! call now. right now.

Bargoyle posted on 06/07/2010

Ok folks, just had ONE more room open at the Tiki for the weekend. So get on it!!

Also, if you haven't bought your tickets yet, we're just about sold out, and we'll be stopping ticket sales in a few days. Remember, we need time to make your custom badge, get your swag together, and make sure there's enough food & Aloha to go around for everyone!!

So, if you haven't bought your tickets, do it now!!

See ya at the Lake!


[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2010-06-07 11:27 ]

Capt'n Skully posted on 06/07/2010

Make that 2 rooms available at the Tiki!

I'm still going, but just released a room at the Tiki as well: Queen sized bed, pullout couch room. If you're staying across the street and want closer to the action, here's your chance!!

Bargoyle posted on 06/09/2010

Last Call folks!!!

Two rooms at the Tiki, and tickets are on sale until next Wednesday (6/16), then we're closing it down.

So, for all you procrastinators, now is the time to act!!

And for anyone who's at a different hotel but would rather join us at the Tiki, act quick to beat the procrastina... oh wait, I guess you can take your time. They'll get to it tomorrow. lol

See ya at the Lake!!!


Bargoyle posted on 06/11/2010

For those who dont visit us over on the FOM, our very own Granite Tiki finally recorded the Ohana song....

I think you'll enjoy it.

(Great freakin job Granite!)


See ya at the Lake! (where you can see & hear this performed live!)


pablus posted on 06/11/2010

Granite. Love it.

The Granite Tiki posted on 06/11/2010

Thank you sir!

Bargoyle posted on 06/11/2010

On 2010-06-11 08:05, pablus wrote:

Granite. Love it.

come see it live Pab!!!

Put yourself in a burlap sack marked "Sexy Mangos" and ship yourself to Lake George in my care. I'll get you at the post office on Thursday night, right before Prom.

Lake Surfer posted on 06/12/2010

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Bargoyle posted on 06/14/2010

Cant wait to see what you bring, Lake!

Also, we've convinced Sandy to break out all the old menus & pics & ephemera from the Tiki's heyday and put them on display, along with a tour of the place on Sunday at noon. So, you'll be able to see the rooms we aren't using for Ohana, & hear a bit about the Tiki Resort if you aren't leaving at the crack of dawn on Sunday.

And again, for those who are coming in a day or two early, or staying a day or two late, pretty much ALL of the attractions in Lake George will be open. The Diving Horse, all the weird little roadside attractions & classic amusement parks, water slides, mini golf, tourist traps, wineries, bars, restaurants, beaches, boats, etc etc etc.

You'll find it time well spent to go exploring. And be sure to go get a Hawaiian Ice at the Pink Roof!! (A cool old A-Frame ice cream joint over by Around the World Mini Golf, right by the beach!) Or a root beer float at the A&W Drive-In (Yes, they still have car hops...although they don't wear roller skates anymore)

Seriously, there's enough to do outside of Ohana to fill an entire kitschy week. Take a peek: http://www.lakegeorge.com/things-to-do/

See ya at the Lake!

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Hakalugi posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-14 06:54, Bargoyle wrote:
Seriously, there's enough to do outside of Ohana to fill an entire kitschy week. Take a peek: http://www.lakegeorge.com/things-to-do/

Wow! Even a haunted house walkthrough attraction that'll be open:

Has anyone here been through it? Is it any good?

Hibiscus posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-14 06:54, Bargoyle wrote:

Seriously, there's enough to do outside of Ohana to fill an entire kitschy week. Take a peek: http://www.lakegeorge.com/things-to-do/

See ya at the Lake!

We're coming up on Thursday and staying a day late to check out some of the local flavor. We were bummed the Pink Roof was closed last time - we'll DEFINITELY check it out this year.

Bargoyle, the Lake George Chamber of Commerce should be sending you a check for all your work promoting the town! :D

Can't wait!

Bargoyle posted on 06/14/2010

There are actually a couple of Haunted Houses in LG.

Dr. Morbid's has two attractions. One is a wax museum (I think it's called Frankenstein's Castle or something), VERY well done, and the other is a more traditional interactive haunted house... Dr. Morbids. Both are downtown, about a block from each other.

Also downtown, there's an alien encounter haunted house, but I haven't been through that one.

There's also a buttload of old school arcades downtown, most of which still have pinball machines (as a pin-head, this thrills me)!

It's about a 10 minute walk from the Tiki to get downtown, and you can walk Canada street to see all the cool old motor lodges & tourist traps, or you can walk the lake/boardwalk, and see the pristine beauty of Lake George... with the tourist traps just on one side of you. lol.

And by the way, I use the words "Tourist Trap" lovingly. The town is a complete throwback to a bye-gone era. Nowhere else would the Tiki have been able to stand the test of time, and indeed, the 50s/60s era googie wackiness & neon signs that abound ADD to the wonder of Lake George, rather than detract from it. I mean, if you're into that whole retro thing. :wink:

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2010-06-14 08:17 ]

Bargoyle posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-14 07:57, Hibiscus wrote:

Bargoyle, the Lake George Chamber of Commerce should be sending you a check for all your work promoting the town! :D

Can't wait!

I actually did speak to them a bit this year (no check though. lol ), and I think they're onboard next year to help promote the event, and get us some deals on local attractions, etc.

As it stands this year, we're going up early and trying to convince at least the mini golf places to give us a discount again. So anywhere you go, show em your Ohana badge. You just might get a deal!! Or, at the very least, you'll get a puzzled look!

The Granite Tiki posted on 06/14/2010

I hear they're changing one of the Steamboats names from Lac Du Saint Sacrement to Lac Du Saint Sully.

OHANA is almost here!!!!

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suzanne posted on 06/14/2010

So anywhere you go, show em your Ohana badge. You just might get a deal!! Or, at the very least, you'll get a puzzled look!

Bargoyle, work your magic so our badges get us discounts at the local liquor store, will ya?


See you at OHANA!


Bargoyle posted on 06/15/2010

I'll try at the booze store, but I dont think my kung-fu is that strong.

My Tiger-Style is no match for their NY-Liquor Tax Style.


[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2010-06-14 19:09 ]

Bargoyle posted on 06/15/2010

Tic-Toc... last day of ticket sales is tomorrow.

Act now, or live vicariously through photographs later.

See ya at the Lake!


Bargoyle posted on 06/16/2010

Just a reminder folks, last day of ticket sales is TODAY.

Oh, and call the Tiki first if you need a room. We've had a few open up as some folks are now sharing rooms, or had to cancel last minute. They seem to fill up as soon as they open, but it doesn't hurt to call, and hey, you might just get lucky! 518-668-5744

see ya at the lake!


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finkdaddy posted on 06/16/2010

Like Bargoyle said, there will be TONS of vendors selling TONS of goodies. Lakesurfer has a lot of great things going on right now and is sure to impress.
I'll be there too with a few new things including a custom tiki chess set that I designed and carved.
I'll be taking orders for this and much more at Ohana.
Get 'em while they last!
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Check out the rest of the picture for the chess set and a few other new things at The Leeward Lounge .
See you in Lake George!

Bargoyle posted on 06/17/2010

I've said it before, but sweet jeebus finkdaddy, that is some nice work man!!!

A mere few hours left before the Ohana door closes (we've only got a few spots left anyway) so don't get left out in the cold! (Actually its not gonna be cold this year. High 70s to low 80s during the day, mid 60s at night! w00t!!)

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Babalu posted on 06/17/2010

Wow, that is one killer chess set Mr. Fink! I can't wait to see it up close.

Well, I'm really getting excited for this event. I've never been to up state NY before and Lake George looks like a WONDERFUL place start to discover it.

Diving Horse?! Ohhhh, this is a must.... I did a little digging online, and sure enough ---- "Lightning the Diving Horse!!!" And in the Magic Forest no less. I sure hope he is going to be performing when I'm out there. I hope he sells t-shirts :)


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Bargoyle posted on 06/17/2010


the entire magic forest is something to behold.

The worlds tallest uncle sam (and santa i think) are in the parking lot, and the storybook statues throughout the place are weathered in way that most of em are more creepy than cute.

a DEFINITE photo op there!! lol

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Trader Rick posted on 06/17/2010

I can't go this year, but next year I'm going to see if it's possible to save the sheckles and do both the Hukilau and the Ohana. One week of Tiki to the power of 10 is not enough! I can't let it go!

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kristiki posted on 06/17/2010

Don't forget the Hillbilly Fun Park!


Bargoyle posted on 06/17/2010

For my money, its tough to beat Goony.


The course is over the top (and there's a big ol tiki in it) and Gift World, right there on premise, is something to behold.

There's just too much to do & see. I'm headed in on Tuesday this year (yeah, like in 5 days) and I STILL wont get to half the stuff I want to check out! lol

Chip and Andy posted on 06/17/2010

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Isn't cut and paste wonderful?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

And that doesn't even begin to cover the anticipation..... One week!

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TikiRenee posted on 06/17/2010

Not yet, but soon, soon, soon! Can't wait.

Lake Surfer posted on 06/18/2010

In no way could I hope to duplicate the miniature masterpieces that Finkdaddy creates!

The man is a skilled craftsman when it comes to tiki pendants and tropical theme neckware!

Come to Ohana with extra cash, and you'll be leaving with lot's of great tiki treasures!



Bargoyle posted on 06/18/2010

Well, we're done selling tickets, so if you're reading this, you're probably joining us next week... and you probably want to know what to expect this year.

Along those lines, check out the new, improved, corrected, and maybe even almost-true Events Schedule on the webpage:


Keep in mind that not all vendors (or possibly even any) will be set up on Friday. This is a completely optional opportunity for them to set up & sell for a couple of hours. Saturday is the big vending day. (along with the big pig day, polynesian show day, swimming day, mini-golfing day, etc etc etc... its a BIG day, ok? :wink: )

Also, we'll be having the Tiki Naming Ceremony at around 4pm on Friday, where we'll unveil the name with the most votes, and properly bestow the moniker on the big guy, so if you're free, just gather around the hotel lobby a little before 4pm.

And last, but certainly not least, if you're joining us for the kick off party/prom on Thursday night, it starts at 8pm, and you can check-in just outside the Paradise Lounge.

Keep your eyes on your in-box for big email about..... everything. It'll be my last (I promise this time) so expect a big old brain dump (hey, I've been keeping them short... you're due for another rambling one! lol )

Mahalo to all who have bought tickets, and we'll see ya at the Lake!!

Chip and Andy posted on 06/18/2010

Only 6 more days!

Beautiful Upstate New York - Check

300-plus friends for the best and most intimate party of the year - Check

More fun than you can shake a really big stick at - Check

Really big stick to shake at the fun - fail (Stupid TSA)

Three out of four I can live with. We'll see you at the Lake!

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kristiki posted on 06/18/2010

Don't worry, Chip, we got lotsa sticks... and war clubs... and torches...

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rev_thumper posted on 06/19/2010

...and rum.

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