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Summer Mug Swap is a GO!! (Post pics of your trades!!)

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MauiTiki posted on 06/16/2010

On 2010-06-15 22:03, exquisitecorpse wrote:
received both of mine:

Maui Tiki included some cool Hawaiian clip-art which i used to make the labels for my trades.

Tiki Shaker didn't forget the most important part.

I'm glad you can make use of the Clip-Art! When you stick the sticker be sure to post a photo!

ZeroTiki posted on 06/16/2010

I made an error. So, now I post...

Random letters!!
...OK, not so random

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-06-24 12:16 ]

leleliz posted on 06/16/2010

Tiki Atari
Tropical Icebergs

Pikeys Dog posted on 06/16/2010

Mug Swap #1 arrived today.

Thanks to Tiki Vato for his very generous box of Tiki booty.

A cool Hawaiian shirts - and what's cooler is the fact it fits!

A great mask that I have the perfect space for:

Two Tiki Farm Mugs and a couple of Shots that I don't already have:

A Trader Dicks mug (a duplicate - but spares are always welcome!):

Some Coasters (Or Beermats as they are called in the UK):

A raft of Swizzles including a Trader Vics Menehune...

Matchboxes, playing cards and a Drinks Menu:

and finally some Tapa Cloth / Seagrass Wallpaper / Fabric, which will all find uses within my Tiki Room.

TikiVato posted on 06/16/2010

Pikeys Dog,

I'm glad you didn't have the mugs from the Purple Orchid or Royal Hawaiian. It won't hurt my feelings if you give the Trader Dick's to someone in the UK. I have lots of them and just threw that one in since it was going so far away.

The Tapa is left over from a project as is the Tapa Material. I use my scraps for matting my pictures. I will keep an eye on your home bar to see how you use yours. I'm glad it got there safely. Enjoy.

Tropical_Icebergs posted on 06/17/2010

It happened today, just a short time ago. The postman fighting fatigue, sunstroke, and possible dehydration brought to my door a package. This was not just an ordinary run of the mill everyday kinda package...it was a "Mug Swap" package. It was from the Man himself,famous in Apt C in beautiful Berkeley Ca.." M I N I T O R ". Yes today a package, the package arrived from Minitor... I will say this for the fellow..it was packaged extremely well...nothing made it's way out of the box till it was opened in my home.. The contents spewed forth like water gushing from a fire hose , fighting a Ca. brush fire..it was a treasure trove of goodies and delights. There were mugs, swizzle sticks, coasters, postcards and oddly there was an empty tiny little bottle of rum..(that's what I'm tell the Mrs. ..it arrived empty Honey) There were many clever items from Trader Vic's...I'm sure the Texas Tiki conglomeration will eventually find forgiveness in their hearts for rubbing our noses in the fact our beloved Dallas Trader Vic's is now closed and a shell of its past greatness.

Be it ever so painful to be reminded, they were really cool things. ...To this great man still famous in Apt C in beautiful Berkeley ,Ca. I sent my thanks and gratitude for his efforts (and the rum) and thoughtfulness...Thanks Minitor....8)

TikiVato posted on 06/17/2010

I received my swap from Tiki Pops today. I will try to post pics this week.

TikiPug posted on 06/18/2010

Got a box of goodies for Catmomma. Thanx for the fun stuff

Mrs. TikiPug posted on 06/18/2010

Great some great goodies from Sideshow Bob. Thank you.

catmomma posted on 06/18/2010

Got a great box o goodies from Mrs. TikiPug! Thanks so much!!!

[ Edited by: catmomma 2010-06-17 18:02 ]

Tiki Shaker posted on 06/18/2010

I got two of my trades today. Thanks to both exquisitecorpse & KiltedTiki! I love both packages!

phinz posted on 06/18/2010

When the box that says "Aloha from Tennessee" gets to its recipient, I'm the one that sent it. My wife didn't put my screen name on the box. Sorry.

PhantomTiki posted on 06/18/2010

Got my package today!! Thank you Exquisitecorpse!! Really psyched on the TikiFarm Shrunken Head mug from NYC! Tiki band-aids?!.. awesome. Tiki coffee mug?... my new morning coffee mug! Love the Shag flyers, the graphic novel and all the extras! You rule! I love these swaps! Thank you again!!

Sideshow Bob posted on 06/18/2010

Got My Trade From KiltedTiki! Great Stuff!! Made My Day!!

My New Beer Mug LOL!

Mahalo Kiltedtiki!


Tiki-Atari posted on 06/18/2010

Since monday at 8 am I have been at my desk at work for 62.5 hours*, and another work day has begun. You can imagine my delight upon discovering a large box and poster tube waiting for me when I staggered in the door after a long night of design. All the way from Napa Valley (didn't see the TC name YET, but I'm sure it's inside).
I'm saving it (along with my last Kona beer) to celebrate getting this issue to press.

I can't wait!

*Magazine deadline time

Bongo Bungalow posted on 06/18/2010

Tiki-Atari, thanks! Home from a couple days of business travel and found a package from Tiki-Atari stuffed with swag. In addition to the printed pieces and swizzles and stuff, T-A send me a tourist tiki statue, a tiki leilani and my very first TikiFarm Doug Horne Monkey Mug! I'm very pleased!

TIKIVILLE posted on 06/18/2010

GOT IT !.....but ?

UKUTIKI, any info on what it is ?...orchids of Hawaii?
(I hope ya didn't put money on that KOHL'S gift card ...there is no KOHL'S in Canada)

ZeroTiki posted on 06/18/2010

That is a benihana canoe boy (or Rural Girl) mug. General info:
Still can't find the manufacturer, though...

There are also websites where you can exchange gift cards for ones you can use-just google it.

"The guy in the jacket"

Visit Zerotiki!

The Super Secret Sigil of The Electric Tiki Society(tm)

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-06-19 10:27 ]

ukutiki posted on 06/18/2010


I put $1,000,000 on the card but sometimes it gets erased by the post office machinery. :)

I have only seen two of those RURAL GIRL mugs in person. The one in my collection says JAPAN and has a weird mark on the bottom. Attached is a pic. Maybe somebody can identify it.

TikiVato posted on 06/18/2010

Here's what I got from TikiPops yesterday. Duplicates but it will fit in my room.

Green mug is an Accoutrement, Fu is unmarked.

[ Edited by: TikiVato 2010-06-18 13:45 ]

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 06/18/2010

On 2010-06-10 10:54, ZeroTiki wrote:

Brenda, you are so awesome!! I hope you like your package- it's a bit modest... :(

I love it. Thanks Zero! I was so busy prepping for Hukilau, that the contents got scattered about my Tiki bar so no picture was taken. The mug and all the other swag looks great!

Easter Island Elvis posted on 06/18/2010

I got an AMAZING package from leleliz, from the Frankenstein to the Elvis touches...take a look!

So rad! thanks again for everything!!!!

leleliz posted on 06/18/2010

SO glad you like everything :)

And see ...I CAN create artwork you doubters (you know who you are!)

Happy swapping!

John the Mainlander posted on 06/19/2010

You ROCK! Thanks for all the awesome stuff!! I plastered my office door at work with some of the cool die cut decals. (Co-workers jealous) I am not worthy! Keep rocking! Check out the coolness.

Tropical_Icebergs posted on 06/19/2010

Well...the postman must have opened my box and drank the rum...because today I was watching out the window saw him caring a package, and as he turned to walk away...he sneered at the house....so, he either didn't like it or there was no rum...but I got a package....from...."Phantom Tiki"...and guess where he lives..nope you are wrong he is living in Or....been there didn't think you could really live there, lots of fog...very depressing (good reason for Rum).. I think the fuzzy picture is do to the batteries, they are for a movie camera, and not a still shot..And we had to open this box...(gonna be hard explaining the rum thing to Mrs.) ...and on his note he made the cutest drawing (I soon realized it bled thru the paper and I was looking at the back side...( ever look at the backside of a "Tiki") , representing tropical and icebergs..and did not say anything about copyrighted, so I can make card, letter head and Millions off of that cute little drawing...Ok box open, and cleverly displayed, cute picture facing front now...and wow..make that WOW there is a Tiki Bar in Portland Or.something we are missing in Dallas. So as I was drinking sorry meant to say thinking(as if anyone would drink in the middle of the afternoon)...as I was looking at this special non-rum box...I got a three-for, yes all from same bar..Mug, Menu and swizzles all from my new favorite bar...

It's called "Thatch Tiki Bar" it's in Portland Or. and I don't know the address and they don't allow smoking(this I know because he didn't send matches) and their mug is a custom mug done by Tiki Farm. Also to be mentioned were some great Red Rum coasters and Trader Vic's swizzle( I had forgotten what they looked like as the Dallas TV is DEFUNCT... Thanks for the potential Million Dollar making drawing, and all the never seen by me before stuff you sent along... ... and following the instructions of the now immortal "Phantom Tiki" ...
I will enjoy...just as soon as I find where that sneaky dog of mine hid the rum.... Thanks and I'll meet you at "THATCH"...8)

ZeroTiki posted on 06/19/2010

LOVE the Herman!

minitor posted on 06/19/2010

Glad the package made it safely to TX Tropical Icebergs.

I got my package from Easter Island Elvis yesterday. It made for a nice break from work, an advantage to working from home...instant Tiki access.

A Miehana mug from Tikifarm, the Summer issue of Tiki Magazine with article on Bali Hai and a comic written by Easter Island Elvis himself, not signed though so I guess I can't sell it on eBay, a couple Frankie's swizzles (which are a different color then the ones I got when I was there last week so SCORE!), and a Tiki Magazine sticker and magnet too. Oh and a nice Tiki necklace for me to wear while working. Thank you Matt, a very generous package indeed.

leleliz posted on 06/19/2010

My swap package...or I should just call this post "100 More Reasons Why I Adore Eric October/Tobunga"!!

Tobunga was my swap sender and even though I knew I kind of forgot until I received this today :

There is one thing that Eric does for his friends is he creates hand drawn cards for them tiki portrait style and I have always wanted one. I was so blown away when I opened his card and found his version of my Tiki Central name done as a drawing:

For those of you that don't know i always meant my TC name to be "LeiLeiLiz" but I was typing too fast and not paying attention and it came out as "LeLeLiz" instead :)

This packages was LOADED and everything inside barely fit on my kitchen table:

A closer look at some of the awesome stuff he included:

Some highlights :

Tiki plate
Sailor Jerry 2010 pin up calendar and dog tag necklace
Original Eric October Tonga Hut print
Flyers from Tikiyaki & Sam's Seafood
Frisbee from South Pacific Promotions

2 hand stamped E.October Tiki Towels
2 DVDS including the new Tikiyaki DVD !

Eric & I have the same favorite defunct Tiki mecca - The Stockton Islander. He created this Islander pendant and a stand that has on it a piece of the bamboo Abstractiki got from The Islander ---so awesome! (and this is my 3rd Tobunga pendant...his pendants are so detailed!)

Trader Vic's stuff, DTB swag including paper/coasters/swizzles, Squids retrospective program (still wish I could of gone to this!)SHAG swizzles, Marieapalooza commerative ticket, more flyers:

Another AWESOME Islander item-Eric's handmade Bumatay Mug stuffed doll (alreay had a Tiki Bob doll that is awesome and this Bumatay is amazing!),his handmade Caliente key chain based on the root ball tiki from The Tropics Motel, some of Eric's hand baked cookies in his stamped takeout box, the mugs are from The Purple Orchid and one of the souvenir mugs from Queen K's room crawl from Tiki Oasis 2009!:

Somewhere in there are Bahooka, Tiki Ti and Sam's matches, more paper from events at Kona and Cherry Capri's sing-a-long songsheets, sickers, tiki mints and I am sure I am forgetting other stuff!

Eric you have always been one of my favorite artists on TC, you are one of my favorite people I have met off of TC and I am so unbelievably wowed by this package!

Thank you for all your original artwork and for going waaaaaaaaaaay beyond a simple swap.

Much love to you and Manuel!

p.s. thumbs up on the cookies too (they didn't last too long!!)

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-06-19 16:45 ]

Vince Martini posted on 06/20/2010

Wow, Tobunga! As a first year contributer to the mug swap, I was worried about my package sucking. Now I KNOW my package sucks!!! You set that bar way up there. Now I know what is expected and will make sure I produce accordingly next year. That was awesome!!!

leleliz posted on 06/20/2010

Hey Vince I agree Tobunga's box was awesome..but I am sure your swapee felt the same about your box as well.

Not related to your comment but let me just state something here that I think needs to be said...

These swaps are supposed to be FUN--thats it. If you happen to get a mug you didn't already have then great! If not--if you get a duplicate well who the hell cares??

When I go tiki hunting I buy duplicates all the time--if someone pulls something out of their collection thinking I would like it and takes the time to send it to me then hey-thanks!
If I already have 20 of them well who cares--now i have 21 instead.

If someone wants to send me swizzles or home baked cookies or a bottle of rum also then hey--awesome!

If the sender sends me just 1 mug and a note saying they hope I like it wow they totally got the point of this swap

Swaps are an opportunity for people to "meet" other TC members that they may never would of talked to otherwise.

No one is under any obligation to send you anything but 1 mug. If you all can't wrap your heads around that concept then I am going to suggest not to jump on board the next swap. I can't deal with all the misc complaints and negative vibes anymore.

Vince you have no reason to feel that your swap package will be a disapointment. If you sent the person a Harvey's Bucket Mug and a note telling them you hope to meet them in person one day then you my friend have done more than your part in this swap.

It seems that the more people collect and the bigger our collections get the more people are starting to EXPECT that out of these swaps come huge overflowing packages and hard to find mugs. Ain't the point.

The point is pretty simple and we all need to get back to it ..to meet someone you may never have talked to on here before, to spread the aloha to your fellow tikiphile, to come together over a common love for something that is completely ridiculous to an outsider who doesn't get our love for tiki and to very simply have fun.

Lets all embrace this simple idea going forward and be happy with what we send, what we recieve and what everyone else gets and just have fun.

Please and thanks :)

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-06-20 01:03 ]

tobunga posted on 06/20/2010

Uh-Oh... hope I didn't go too overboard with that package! I know I went a little overboard, just hoping I didn't tip the scales into a bad place...

I just wanted to take the opportunity to send Liz something special, to say thank you for organizing all these swaps, and also, and especially, to thank her for being such a great supporter of my work! It really means a lot to me to know that people actually like what I do!

For me, the funest part of the swaps is collecting the stuff to include in the package! I like to think that when the package arrives, it brightens the receiver's day a little... gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside!

Receiving my package is always a treat! No matter what's inside, it's always exciting, and I appreciate what ever I get!

Thank you Liz for reminding us it's about making new connections and new friends... hope there isn't too much grumbling from the participants... and I hope you'll keep up the swaps!


HOUSE OF KU posted on 06/20/2010

It's here! It's here! :)

Custom, hand drawn Tapa designs on the outside and all kinds of Tikiness inside...all the way from Canada... :o

3 Mugs...yes 3...Harvey's ,Tiki Farm and one from Fisherman's Warf on Oahu...a nice article on the Bali Hai in New Orleans, crisp Beachcomber matches and menu selection of the day, vintage tapa print napkin and other Tiki swag!!

multitude of swizzles...
Rare, hard to find carving.....

TC's very own Tikiville!

Way above and beyond....Mahalo Tikiville and Liz...another fun swap! Freddie

swizzle posted on 06/20/2010

In minitors package I see he scored a Tiki Magazine sticker and magnet. Can anyone tell me where they came from, as I cant see then on the website as being available for sale.

phinz posted on 06/20/2010

The Tiki Magazine sticker I sent to Don The Mainlander came from the Tiki Magazine booth at The Hukilau.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 06/20/2010

I wasn't going to post until I was posting pictures, but that doesn't look like it's happening right away. So... There I was @ work Friday, still recovering from Hukilau and a killer back pain, and looking at working 'til 11:00PM when I received a box marked "Aloha from Canada"!
It couldn't have arrived on a better day! and it was filled with fantastical things!
Thank you Slacks Ferret (Slacks? Mr. Ferret?)
Pics to come soon...

tobunga posted on 06/20/2010

Didn't have a chance to post this yesterday...

My package from Psycho Tiki D arrived and before the postman handed it over to me, I know what it was going to be! I gleefully took my package and dashed inside to open it!

There was a folded note on top. I opened it, and could see it was a checklist. My eyes happened to fall on one word: "Islander".
That paper flew outta my hands so fast as I quickly tore into the contents of the package...


I got three Stockton Islander mugs, the Peanut, the Coconut, and the Earring mugs, none of which I own! Psycho Tiki D, did a little birdie whisper into your ear?

Plus, I received some awesome matchbooks from Trader Dicks, Pago-Pago in San Rafael, Coral Reef in Sacramento, two Beachcomber matchbooks a bunch of cool swizzles and cocktail spears, also from Beachcomber in Canada!

Quite an awesome haul!
Mucho Mahalos Duane!

leleliz posted on 06/20/2010

I got three Stockton Islander mugs, the Peanut, the Coconut, and the Earring mugs, none of which I own! Psycho Tiki D, did a little birdie whisper into your ear?

Eric you have met me...you know I am not "little" in any way :wink:

Yay! Looks like swap packages are coming in fast and furious now. Be sure to send this week (if you have not already!) and be sure to post pics of your goodies.

If you are unable to post a photo please pm your sender so they at least know their box made it to you in one piece.

Keep the pics coming!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 06/21/2010


I was a little concerned when I saw your post yesterday and didn't see any mention of you receiving your package...but I am very happy to see you posted and liked your trade.

Not a little bird, but a good friend indeed...


Easter Island Elvis posted on 06/21/2010

Nick usually just sells those at events he goes to, like Caliente or Oasis; they're super cheap...I think a buck a piece. But sometimes he just gives me a ton to give out, or things like that.

On 2010-06-20 04:14, swizzle wrote:
In minitors package I see he scored a Tiki Magazine sticker and magnet. Can anyone tell me where they came from, as I cant see then on the website as being available for sale.

Easter Island Elvis posted on 06/21/2010

On 2010-06-20 04:14, swizzle wrote:
In minitors package I see he scored a Tiki Magazine sticker and magnet. Can anyone tell me where they came from, as I cant see then on the website as being available for sale.

Nick usually sells those at the events he goes to, like Caliente or Oasis...I think they're a buck each. Sometimes he just gives me a bunch to save for handing out, or things like that.

ukutiki posted on 06/21/2010

Received great swag from FenrixTiki.....a Dynasty Buddha mug and a Frankie's Tiki Room Malekula Mug....neither of which I have. Included were a whole bunch of accoutrements. Need to start rearranging "THE ROOM". MY wife loved the coconut monkey the best...."lots of personality".

Tiki-Atari posted on 06/21/2010

Ok, so to my chagrin, I don't know who sent me this wonderful gift! This is the followup post to the box I got on thurs and opened fri night from the Savage Tiki! THANK YOU ST!

Please stand and be recognized, because I am A1A pleased and anxious to make your acquaintance! (The box with the shipping name on it went missing. I suspect Menehune).

First, the mug. Sweet sweet Fugu Sipper #1 (It looks great on the shelf next to my wife's O'opu Hue..his n' her pufferfish! Glee!)

Second, the motherlode!

Highlights were, well, everything, but the Tikiyaki flight bag, cd, and paper goodies were all something I've coveted extensively.

Unrelated but fun, this web app is great for when you want to add rain to your bar/soundtrack. http://www.rainymood.com/

Another highlight were the heavy duty swizzles from Forbidden Island and Smugglers Cove...I really want to make it out there one of these years (never been to California). And of course general drinking paraphernalia is always fun (oh, and the Trader Vic's glass will see heavy rotation as well)

Oh, and a poster for Kraken Rum (which I love!)
[Put a beast in your belly! I'm getting a proper frame for that guy.] and a lenticular poster of medusa which my daughter wants for her room.

In short, thank you, I'm blown away.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Atari 2010-06-24 08:15 ]

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 06/21/2010

Pics of my booty as promised!
The box (Aloha indeed!):

The fantastical things, all that I didn't own already:

A flyer for Venus (RIP), a Norwegian Cruise Lines Hawaiian Honeycreeper mug (my first cruise line mug, you've opened a whole new category for me!), Tiki Drinks Mai Tai MIX! (what wonderous things they have in Canada...oh it's made in the USA?), Harvey's Lake Tahoe Bucket (goes nicely with my Harvey's Sneaky Tiki!), an Aloha shirt beer koozie (perfect to tiki up that beer :), can never have too many leis, Frankie's tiki Room matches and swizzle (need to get out there), blue tiki swizzle, and an Oceanic Arts one too!
The arty shot:

Mahalo Slacks Ferret!

Tiki Shaker posted on 06/22/2010

I got my awesome package from Lightning Steve today! Thank you VERY much!

ZeroTiki posted on 06/23/2010

Where did you get that great pirate bottle opener, anyway? Our front door is metal, so we're using it to cover our peephole.

Stop snickering, you guys...

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-06-23 19:45 ]

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-06-24 12:11 ]

Lightning Steve posted on 06/24/2010

Your welcome Tiki Shaker!!

Tiki-Atari posted on 06/24/2010

Wow! Another package from the wilds of the west coast! Thanks C-stein!
Tiki Atari

KiltedTiki posted on 06/24/2010

I received my trades last week, I have good reasons to just now getting them posted, but .....

I want to thank Tiki-Atari and Tiki Pops for there great packages. It's always fun to get tiki stuff in the mail.
My trade from Tiki-Atari:

and the drawing on the package

and from Tiki Pops

Thanks to all for playing! looking forward to the next one, maybe I'll carve some small stone for the next trades

Pages: 1 2 3 4 181 replies