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Nor Cal hot rod art show featuring some sweet TC artists

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mp posted on 06/06/2010

Hi everyone, it's MP, I would like to invite anyone and everyone to
a group art show called "Haunted Hot Rods & Mystery Machines".
I've asked several artists including TC's Squid, Tobunga, BigToe,
Little Lost Tiki, Notch and maybe more to dream up a super-custom,
whacked-out vehicle to create our very own "artists' car show".
The show was spearheaded by the super-talented Joe Leonard's "Gorilla Ford"
as seen on our poster and every new custom I see coming in looks amazing!

Join us on June 26th @ Daredevils and Queens in Santa Rosa, CA for a night
of killer fantasy hot rod art, raffles, kick-ass tunes and funfunfun! As
salon/gallery owner Travis Kennedy does not take a cut in sales, we will be
donating 25% of any sold painting to the "Living Room" here in Santa Rosa.
The Living Room is the only daytime drop-in center in Sonoma County that
specifically serves homeless and at-risk women and their children. All of
the artists and I have agreed that this party will be a great way to have
a rockin' time and try to help out a little bit. For more info on the
Living Room check'm out here:

This party is going to rock, I hope you can join us!


[ Edited by: mp 2010-06-06 15:00 ]

tobunga posted on 06/07/2010

Sounds like this will be a great show! We're makin' plans to be there... hope to see some other TCers up there too!

Now I just need to finish my piece...

mp posted on 06/16/2010

Eric, we cant wait to see you up here.
If anyone is in the area, you are more than welcome to join us!

Heres a few sneak peeks of TC artists rods/vehicles
for the Haunted Hot rod show.

Ahhhh, fresh posters from Kustom Deluxe Printing.
Thanks Jason, They look & smell super Deluxe!

Here is MPs "OctoSurfink", still in progress of course.

My kollaberation with the mighty Squid. "FranknBilly".
Design by Squid and paint by MP. Getting there.

Another kollaberation with Super Power Notch.
"From vision to reality". I pulled out the old cans
of One-shot for this one. Design by notch and paint by MP.

Super talented MadDog Mikes "Ghosts of Hot Rods past".
SweeeEEEEET MIKE, thank you!

The amazing Ken Ruzic's "Autopus". What a beauty, thanks LLT.

We might have a few more sneaky pics before the show coming up
on June 26th. Thanks for looking!

[ Edited by: mp 2010-06-18 01:13 ]

kirby posted on 06/16/2010

this is gonna be a cool show, I love what I see so far...Thanks for inviting me to be in the show MP..
not finished but this is what Im working on, more tiki than car,but what can you do?

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2010

That's RAD Kirby!
Hey mp!
BigToe said he'll post his progress pics tomorrow
he also said he wants to punch your kid
so keep him away from the little one....

tobunga posted on 06/16/2010

Well, I finally finished my somewhat pedestrian piece for this show, a rather literal interpretation of the show title...

Really stellar work from some awesome TC artists posted here!

Should be a great show!

bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2010

Great stuff everybody.
Especially Eric,
I bet that the Ghastly Ones would love that piece.


BigToe posted on 06/17/2010

Holy Crow! some great stuff coming in!!!!

love all of em.

i need to step up my game!!

here is where i am at this point on "Nosferatu Drag":

MadDogMike posted on 06/17/2010

Thanks MP. I can’t paint so I made a ceramic entry. I took a very different approach that the other artists, a more literal interpretation of an automobile “ghost” being a rusted out car – inspired by Arlo Guthrie’s “…and the graveyards of the rusted automobiles”. I guess that’s my prerogative as an artist. I just hope I don’t stink up MP’s show (pun intended :wink: )

A 6 piece “mosaic (10x16 inches) based on a 1931 Chevy 3 window coupe - this rusted “ghost” is all that remains of a once glorious hotrod. It shows the ravages of time; sagging hinges, missing door handle, dents, corroded drip rail, separating fender, etc. This ghost haunts car shows looking for it’s front half, hoping that part of it still lives on as an award winning hotrod.

little lost tiki posted on 06/17/2010

republican mike

It's kids like you who are gonna make this show
Wonderful stuff kids!
and clever too!

and empee!
here's a decent shot of mine,could you take that crappy pic down pleeeez?

Thank you.

Matt Reese posted on 06/22/2010

Just finished sawing my painting out. Talk about waiting until the last minute. Can't find the cord to download a pic sorry.
Hope this show does well for MP. Seriously great effort being put forward here.

kirby posted on 06/22/2010

here is a shot of my finished piece...both wheels actually spin with use of the crank...this guy will be flying up to the show with tobunga..thanks again mp for inviting me to be in the show!!I will try and get some more detailed shots tomarrow..mahalo..

BigToe posted on 06/22/2010

Almost finished with "Nosteratu Drag"

mp posted on 06/22/2010

The new stuff looks GREAT!!!!

Im buried painting every extra minute I get.

Kirby your piece is great, we definitely need more

Tiki in the show.

Thanks everyone!

little lost tiki posted on 06/23/2010

Ginger kid Matt Reese
dropped off a piece to Toe here at work....

It's even got a Cannon!

the Show's almost here!!!!!

GROG posted on 06/23/2010

On 2010-06-22 00:45, BigToe wrote:
Almost finished with "Nosferatu Drag"

GROG wasn't sure if that was Nosferatu, or Otto. Glad you cleared that up.

Matt Reese posted on 06/23/2010

Toe, that thing is awesome! Feel free to post a pic of mine if you get the chance.
Oops, never mind. I found the camera cord.
Here's a pic pre-clearcoat. Sorry about the quality.
"The Flying VonDutchman"
acrylic on masonite 20"x 24"

Hope the show is a huge success!

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2010-06-23 20:45 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 06/24/2010

Wow! Great art in this show! Glad to be a part of it.

I did a digital painting for my piece that will be mounted to gator foam and cut out by MP.

"Ozone Killer"

Detail no. 1

Detail no. 2

Thanks for the invite MP!

tobunga posted on 06/24/2010


The hot rods are flyin' in fast and furious now! OUTSTANDING work by some very talented artists! This show's gonna be AWESOME!

BigToe posted on 06/24/2010

"Nosteratu Drag" finished! 36 inches of FURY!

MAD alohas to Cousin Tabunga for Hauling him up to the show!!!!

bigtikidude posted on 06/25/2010

I really wish I could go to this show in person.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/25/2010

The Spirit of Big Daddy Roth is with you all!

little lost tiki posted on 06/25/2010

the gold on the casket and the deep violet washed against his white rotted skin!
Looks so awesome in the reals!
Have fun up there Tobunga and Manuel!

Goooooooo EMPEE!

GROG posted on 06/25/2010

On 2010-06-24 16:34, BigToe wrote:
36 inches of FURY!

GROG thought you were talking about GROG' penis, but you were off about 26 inches or so.

bigtikidude posted on 06/26/2010


little lost tiki posted on 06/26/2010


HAve fun chillens!

MadDogMike posted on 06/26/2010

GROG, 10 or 62?

GROG posted on 06/26/2010

That depend if GROG excited or not.

mp posted on 06/26/2010

Stand Clear!!!!!!

Thanks Everyone for helping out. Everything looks awesome!
Now back to painting :( Arrrrhhhhh

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/26/2010

Very cool work by all the artists in the show. Wish we could make it up there, but all of our cars are being uncooperative. Have a great show tonight!

kirby posted on 06/28/2010

any pics?

little lost tiki posted on 06/28/2010

i think empee is still doing his
World-Famous Drunken Baby Dance....

BigToe posted on 06/28/2010

Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?!

squid posted on 06/29/2010

On 2010-06-28 16:24, BigToe wrote:
Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?! Pics?!

Yeah, what he said!!!

Swamp Fire posted on 06/29/2010


GROG posted on 06/29/2010

Here's some interesting pics GROG has found on the internet:

mp posted on 06/29/2010

So I just wrote out this huge paragraph about the show and
wiped it out doing the wrong quick command or something :(

Ive been helping my friend with a flash animation deadline
since sunday afternoon and Im exhausted.

I was saying thank you to all of you that helped
and the show was a total success. I will re-energize after
work and write and post pics tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone!

squid posted on 06/29/2010

Please hurry. Grog has way too much spare time and the longer you.... oh never mind.

little lost tiki posted on 06/29/2010

Three Cheers for Ernie
overcoming his obvious facial handicap
plus the gout
and still busting out the laffs....

You're an inspiration to us all,Ernie!

GROG posted on 06/30/2010

Another interesting photo GROG find on the internet.

tobunga posted on 06/30/2010

Just got back into town, couldn't post until I got home! Here are some pix...

The crowd:

The artwork:

Cool tiki bar:

I didn't get pix of all the artwork... there was over 20 pieces in the show... hopefully MP will post more pix soon!

I know he was running around like a madman at the opening, so I'm not surprised he hasn't had time to slow down to post pix...
And WOW! What a show! Really awesome art! Great turn out, and by the end of the evening, MP was mixing up Painkillers at that cool tiki bar!

Thanks a bunch MP!!! Your hard work really paid off well! Congratulations!

mp posted on 06/30/2010


I wiped out another long winded show info paragraph.

I started a sentence with W. I hit Ctrl W instead of
Shift W closing it out. Im not that bright sometimes.
Oh well Tobunga saves the day with some pics while im
trying out how to use a keyboard.

Will do it tomorrow for sure. I know Im a poozer.
Got to get back to work :(

bigtikidude posted on 06/30/2010

Its OK Mike.
sometimes while using my Dads laptop I accidentally wipe out e-mail or posts I am working on. Damn wanna be mouse pad pieces of show.

Great show man,
and great work everybody.


Matt Reese posted on 06/30/2010

Looks like a good number of people turned out. Good for you MP! I hope all your hard work paid off. Wish I could have been there.

little lost tiki posted on 06/30/2010

I say we all pitch in and get empee a laptop MAC!

i got $30 towards it...

Thanks for taking pictures of the opening!
and m....post when you decompress....
What a great show
with top-notch art
splendid presentation
(the whole board jigsawed out as a surface deal was genius)
well-behaved crowd.....

Hopefully we can get some shots of drunken artists and such ....

Thanks again empee
and thanks to all you artists who
really brought some clever solutions to the parameters of this show!
For those about Rock

Zeta posted on 06/30/2010

I like it a lot!

BigToe posted on 06/30/2010

Yahoo! thanks Eric! great shots. looked like a good turnout and a cool space. MP, congrats on a great looking show and a couple opening-night sales! Very cool art everyone!
I'm not sure folks know how this show worked: The artists sent MP sketches, he cut jest about every one of those paintings out of 3/4" panels and sent them back to the artists for painting. mad props on a crazy plan pulled off brilliantly!!!

and Eric, THANKS AGAIN for meeting me at Kinny's and hauling my painting up for me...and for tolerating my poor time-management skills.

here's Eric and Manuel with thier "Special" uncles Kinny & Toe.

mp posted on 07/01/2010

Hey Everyone, thanks for your support on this one!
With a fist held high I declare the show a total success.
The art looked awesome and it seemed every guest enjoyed
themselves. The only setback was both of the photographers
I had asked to do some casual shooting didnt show up so my
pics are a bit limited and random. In between meeting, greeting
and trying to sell raffle tickets I managed to get some shots.

We raised $300 in donations and raffle tickets and the 25% of
5 paintings sold so far puts us at about another $250 for the
Living Room Center in Santa Rosa. None of the the TC artists
paintings have sold yet but Daredevils and Queens owner
Travis Kennedy feels like many of the shows paintings will find homes.
Fingers crossed and some more promotion to do. The show is up for two

So to you Squid, Tobunga, BigToe, LLT, MadDog, Notch, Kirby, Reesenik
and Doug Horne, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts.
You guys padded this show out and made it extra FAT! I wish we were closer
because this show looks sweet. Im proud to know all of you!!!!!!!!

So to some pics...

An early crowd. I think maybe as much as a hundred people rolled through the
course of the evening.

My friend Paul Boudreaux (right) and SRJC teacher and friend Maury Lapp (left).
Maury Lapp has paintings around the world and in museums. He graduated from the
art institute of chicago in 1952 and was a friend of Edward Hopper. I feel blessed
to know him and honored he has a piece in the show. There he is underneath BigToe's
incredible "Nosferatu Drag".

Some random pics I grabbed.

My Heroes! Thank you so much Eric and Manuel for making the trek
and bring the TC booty. You were clutch in putting this thing together!

My friend Jordon Norrbom and his lady Morgan. When Jordon isnt
shredding waves in his hometown of Santa Cruz, he loves making art
and chillin with his lady and his friends. I just got a call today
from a gal who bought his painting "Skeleton Rat Rod". He was super
stoked to hear the news!

Wait a minute, these beers are exactly the same. Interesting :)

Whoa! Surprise Haunted Hot rods show up out front. Crazy!!!
These creations are a couple of rides for the "Handcar Ragatta"
event held in September. An afternoon when a bunch of
artist/metalworker/psycho-geniuses bring out their vehicles for a cruise
down the railroad tracks to the amusement and cheers of hundreds of onlookers.
This one is called the "Hennepin Crawler"

This creation is called "Murray the Fish"

This young lad took home MP's black velvet "Spider Skull"
in the great raffle.

Some sweet rides out front making the world a better place!

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How the show ended, in good spirits.
Jordon and Morgan in front of Andy Cooks "Little Willie" and
Kirby's "Dune Bugger on the Move"
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What can I say, the show was/is extra special. A dream come true.
Thanks again for all your help. I will be back in there soon to get some
good art pics so look out. Cheers, MP

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