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Smuggler Joe's Emporium of Exotica

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SmugglerJoe posted on 07/08/2010

Have been lurking for about 3yrs and the addiction has taken full hold we are onto the bar after the mugs and the music why fight the tiki in me anymore....So the first thing we did was to enclose the patio with a railing and then the bar its not close to being done as I end up working on it 1 day a week and have very little funds for any projects. The siding of the bar is recycled from a Gypsy Wagon from my Ren Faire days...
The wagon sat behind the garage for years until I got the Tiki bug. I only have a few pics and am much farther along now but the ideas for the bar evolve and continue. Still need bamboo trim probably from pvc pipe. My initial trials with fake bamboo impressed me so it will be aded. Have diceded on a tin roof didsnt want extra fire hazards here and so far hated the look of thatching i bought. Then fountains, sand box behind bar, lighting, bar top,etc etc etc. So here are a few pics more to come soon...

The weather here is very hot in summer 115+ in Redding Ca. so sure im going to have to invest in silk plants. The goal is to have the misters on, the drinks flowing and sitting on the patio as cool as possible surrounded by the sound of water and exotica foliage birds calling in the distance and.........
well you get the point...

Wayfarer posted on 07/08/2010

Sounds like you have a good start, good luck!

Oh, and welcome aboard.

[ Edited by: Wayfarer 2010-07-08 02:20 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/08/2010

Nice start! Here's a link to a TC thread on Faux Bamboo but some of the pics are missing. Here's aother method that I tried and liked.

I live in El Centro CA, between you and Hell. I use real plants that will grow and add tropical silk flowers :D

kalenatiki posted on 07/11/2010

Welcome and great to see pics of your bar. Be good to see it done with a Mai Tai :drink:

SmugglerJoe posted on 07/13/2010

Well 2 days off and not much done i wanted to get done but, temp bar top went on, wood for roof up fountain 75% done and some walls and posts stained, got the tiki on the deck and misters are up and working. pics to come this weekend

SmugglerJoe posted on 07/15/2010

start of the witchdoctor fountain.I wrapped orange rope lights so it glows through the volcanic rock at night still need to pain up the skull and adorn it with its jewels, paint the planter in the barrel or age it so its not so orange...started tossing my change into the fountain at night when I get home from work think there is about 20 bucks in there lol.

SmugglerJoe posted on 07/16/2010

thetmaxx posted on 07/16/2010

Does the inside of the bar have cabinets or anyhitng? I'm trying to figure out how I will do that.

atomictonytiki posted on 07/16/2010

Nice fountain, I like that skull idea alot. You could do a version of it with a skeleton in a cook pot.

Bau posted on 08/03/2010

yeah that fountain is neat!

SmugglerJoe posted on 02/14/2011

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With the spring like weather, its time to get the Emporium cleaned up and restocked. Ye cursed pirates fountain is almost done now and the Emporium of Exotica itself got some new paint. More to come...
Smuggler Joe

[ Edited by: SmugglerJoe 2011-02-13 20:38 ]

SmugglerJoe posted on 02/14/2011

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Lodge 9 posted on 02/14/2011

Love the Foutain, Great idea!

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VampiressRN posted on 02/14/2011

WOW...that fountain is awesome....GREAT JOB!!!

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teaKEY posted on 02/15/2011

Like that fountain too but that glass ball is looking to be netted up.

SmugglerJoe posted on 02/24/2011

hey thats a good idea! (just happend to have smuggled two of them)

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SmugglerJoe posted on 07/04/2011

bored made a new sign for the emporium-

showers 1$
watching 2$
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have a happy and safe 4th everyone!

Smuggler Joe

SmugglerJoe posted on 07/04/2011

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Pele Paul posted on 07/04/2011

wow way cool!! is all that property below yours too?? man, what i wouldnt do for a few acres of backyard!!!

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Pele Paul posted on 07/04/2011

On 2011-07-03 23:42, SmugglerJoe wrote:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/20641/4e115e91.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bc8bd7ca2cd3341cfc9b06a25b93add9

do you take paypal? and is this a webcam??? lol

kalenatiki posted on 10/12/2015

Just a update for all, last night smuggler joe pasted away. He had been fighting several battles that his body just couldn't keep up with anymore. He leaves behind a wife and 4 kids.

He was the one who first saw my At that time, lonely 3 mugs and asked if I collected? I told him I had know idea there was a fandom for mugs and he steared me to here. And so set foot on the path we all walk. As I sit here I'll raise a Mai tai and hope he has finally got a chance to just sit down with a drink and watch the breezes play with the palm trees on a moon lit tiki beach.

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VampiressRN posted on 10/14/2015

So sorry to hear this. I will be thinking of his family and wish them recovery.

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