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TIKI ISLAND 4 @ Freaky Boutiki Gallery, July 4 - Aug 24

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hodadhank posted on 06/30/2010

Aloha all!

Freaky Boutiki Gallery is proud to host Tiki Magazine's fourth annual Tiki Island art show. This year's loosely themed group show is titled BEYOND THE REEF.

In Contrast to the rigidly themed TIKOT! exhibit last Autumn, BEYOND THE REEF intentionally strives to allow the artist freedom to imagine anything the phrase could possibly conjure: Dark seas off the coast of a sleepy island, colorful creatures of the deep, surfside watering holes where tikis and wahine cavort, the diaspora of pacific carving cultures, surfers finding fleeting nirvana in the green room or even merely the lyrics of our favorite Jack Pitman tune.

And we've assembled a crackerjack lineup of artists to participate including...

Robb Hamel
Eric October
Ken Pleasant
Doug Horne
McEvoy & Rodriguez
Sam Gambino
Brad Parker
Big Toe
Erin joy
Derek Yaniger
Hodaddy & Wild Bill Collins
Ken Ruzic
Tiki Omar

...and more!

We hope you will visit BEYOND THE REEF and support your tiki arts community with a memorable purchase for your collection.

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"Comercial Iniquity" by McAvoy & Rodriguez $2380.00

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[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-06-30 12:53 ]

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-07-10 15:37 ]

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Wildsville man posted on 07/01/2010

Looks AWESOME. I will miss the opening but will be in San Diego late July to see it up close and in person.
Please show the art on this link with prices when possible.

Great Gallery+Great artist=Great show.

Good Luck


a toast to the artist!!!!!

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hodadhank posted on 07/01/2010

On 2010-06-30 17:02, Wildsville man wrote:
Please show the art on this link with prices when possible.

Mahalo Rory! Will do!

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BigToe posted on 07/05/2010

So today i checked out the "soft opening' of the TIKI ISLAND 4: BEYOND THE REEF group art show at FREAKY BOUTIKI GALLERY and below is my official report, complete with bad iphone photos:

My humble offering for the show, "Green Siren"

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Bosko's maddeningly cool mask

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One of a couple solid Doughornes:

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from the fertile mind of Eric October:

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Cool tiki by Hauoli...the surface is sooo luminous!:

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some sort of possessed "lilo" by the dynamic duo, McEvoy-Rodriguez:

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2 amazing black velvets by the indefatigable Robb Hamel. Photos dont do these rich paintings justice:

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awesome Doomed crew in a carved serpent frame by The Ruzic:

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Strange but beautiful octopus fetish by Eric Joy:

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Killer collab by 4 Wheel Drive Tiki and the Hodad:

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Another offering by the Ruzic:

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Heather Watts always pleases:

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Amazing Bay Park Buzzy offering:

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Sam Gam totally rules. sorry about the bad lighting:

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Oh wait, MP rules too:

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G-Rod in full effect with one of his Mac-Rod 'hook-ups':

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The mysterious BigToe conjures some flimflamery:

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LOVE the drop-knee action on Erin Joys "Cross-stepper":

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groovy gremmies:

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The elusive Mission Bay Yeti displays another BigToe offering:

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last but not least, a bad photo of the gorgeous Derik Yaniger in the shop window.

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The painting are available NOW thru Tiki Oasis in August. contact Hodad Hank for availability and price at (858)488-4924!

Alohas, Uncle Toes


[ Edited by: bigtoe 2010-07-06 08:41 ]

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Wildsville man posted on 07/05/2010

Great Stuff Toe!!!!! Your photo skills are right next to my video taking skills. At least I don't see your thumb like with my video's.

I look forward to checking this show out.......


p.s. great frame Job Toe it looks great with your original........

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congatiki posted on 07/06/2010

Thanks for the photos Big Toe, great for some of us folks who can't
get to San Diego right now. And thanks Hodadhank for allowing me to be
a part of this show.
Toe's picture of "cool tiki by ?" is none other than my old friend
"Hauoli" from last summer.
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Looks like a great collection of tiki and oceanic art, thanks Hank!

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bigtikidude posted on 07/06/2010

Amazing stuff there.

I will probably get down to see it before Tiki Oasis,
but its cool that the exhibit is running thru that weekend.


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congatiki posted on 07/09/2010

This feller is also in the "Freaky Boutiki" gallery show....Hank helped me
name him....."The Hangover"
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Happy Happy Happy to get a couple more pieces on the western side of this
great land.

hodadhank posted on 07/10/2010

Thanks for posting the HQ pix Conga! Glad to have you involved I've been an admirer of your unorthodox style for years...

Here are some images from BEYOND THE REEF, Please pM for more information and additional photos of any particular artwork. We aims to please...

North wall.
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South Wall
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Greg Rodriguez showing off one of his paintings.
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Greg Rodriguez and Big Toe visit FBG on openning day of BEYOND THE REEF.
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Tiki Omar works a new Tangaroa mask in front of the gallery the day of the show openning. As usual attracting attractive onlookers!
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As well as being one of the genre's most recognizable designers and sculptors Bosko Hrnjak is a mentor from whom I have learned much in my own journey from professional illustrator to tiki carver. Beginning in the early 90's Bosko was a pioneer of the modernist tiki revival and remains among a handful of carvers noted frequently as inspiration for hundreds of neo-revivalist artists working around the globe. FBG is proud to offer one of a series of new PNG inspired shields that have held Bosko's attention of late.

New Guinea Style Shield
by Bosko
Escondido CA
Carved Painted Cedar
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[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-07-15 12:16 ]

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little lost tiki posted on 07/13/2010


folks gotta see that Bosko carving....

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bigtikidude posted on 07/14/2010

I agree with Kenny,(shocking I know)
but that is a Bad Ass Bosko,
can't wait to see it in person.


hodadhank posted on 07/23/2010

Eric October is a crafty fellow. One need only peruse his diverse thread on this forum to recognize that a sly but good natured sense of humor breaths life to his varied works.
Whatever the medium, his playful expression is always a distillation of simple elements creating works simultaneously direct and disarming. Eric turned to the Pitman lyrics for his BEYOND THE REEF painting. A lovesick Tangaroa sends a thousand leis across the seas to his hearts desire as seagulls gather perhaps in consolation.
The works title is an Italian glass folding technique meaning "A Thousand Flowers". (Appropriate also for a gallery that once a showcased some of the countries finest independent glassblowers!)

by Eric October
Hollywood CA
Acrylic on Canvas
w/ Painted 3D frame
***** SOLD *****

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[ Edited by: hodadhank 2010-08-20 08:05 ]

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/29/2010

Other Beyond the Reef art...
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[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2010-07-28 21:03 ]

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tobunga posted on 08/04/2010

On 2010-07-22 17:04, hodadhank wrote:
Eric October is a crafty fellow. One need only peruse his diverse thread on this forum to recognize that a sly but good natured sense of humor breaths life to his varied works.
Whatever the medium, his playful expression is always a distillation of simple elements creating works simultaneously direct and disarming. Eric turned to the Pitman lyrics for his BEYOND THE REEF painting. A lovesick Tangaroa sends a thousand leis across the seas to his hearts desire as seagulls gather perhaps in consolation.
The works title is an Italian glass folding technique meaning "A Thousand Flowers". (Appropriate also for a gallery that once a showcased some of the countries finest independent glassblowers!)

by Eric October
Hollywood CA
Acrylic on Canvas
w/ Painted 3D frame

Aloha Hodaddy! Wow, you're good! That's totally the connection of this painting (and its frame) to the theme of the show! I was going to post describing it sooner, but my life has pretty much gone kablooey in the past few months, and I haven't had a chance to post much on TC lately.

There's a line in the song that goes "I'll send a thousand flowers where the tradewinds blow". I happened to stumble upon the millefiori technique while wondering what I was going to do for the show, and as soon as I read that millefiori translates to a thousand flowers this idea leapt fully formed from my brain (not unlike Athena being born from Zeus's aching head). Since I don't actually know any glass making techniques, I used colored sculpey instead for a bastardized version of millefiori and made little tapa flowers to wreath the painting.

I thought it might be sad to see a lonely tiki out on a reef, so I painted in some seagull friends to keep him company!

Here's a close up of the frame detail:
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hodadhank posted on 08/20/2010

While at Oasis, don't miss BEYOND THE REEF!!
Dozens of your favorite artists in one room!




Erin Joy

Ken Ruzik

Big Toe

Robb Hamel

McEvoy & Rodriguez


Conga Tiki


Rick Rietveld


Doug Horne

Eric October

Drew Brophy

Bowana David Lea

Tiki Tony


Crazy Al Evans


Bill Collins

Vin Man

Erik The Red

Tiki Omar

Bay Park Buzzy

& More!!

...and all only ten minutes from the Hanalei Hotel.

Freaky Boutiki Gallery
3742 Mission Blvd
San Diego CA 92109
858 488 4924


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Paipo posted on 09/01/2010

Has anyone got a current email address or contact details for Hank? I have been trying to get hold of him since January (!) with NO response to emails or PMs......please help!

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LOL Tiki posted on 09/01/2010

I saw him at Oasis - you might try calling the shop.

hodadhank posted on 09/02/2010

On 2010-09-01 15:30, Paipo wrote:
Has anyone got a current email address or contact details for Hank? I have been trying to get hold of him since January (!) with NO response to emails or PMs......please help!

Paipz! I'm still here. Check your PMs!!

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Paipo posted on 09/06/2010

On 2010-09-02 14:00, hodadhank wrote:

On 2010-09-01 15:30, Paipo wrote:
Has anyone got a current email address or contact details for Hank? I have been trying to get hold of him since January (!) with NO response to emails or PMs......please help!

Paipz! I'm still here. Check your PMs!!

Likewise....I see mine has been read but no response?

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Paipo posted on 09/12/2010
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Bowana posted on 09/13/2010

Hank, are you okay??

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