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Australian website( new articles pg.3)

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swizzle posted on 02/21/2010

Just thought i'd let all the Tiki Centralites out there know about a new Australian Tiki website that came online recently. It's called the Careless Navigator and is designed as an online magazine where anyone can contribute articles or reply to articles on the site, rather than a forum like TC.
Check it out here.


[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-07-13 21:04 ]

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-07-13 21:04 ]

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-10-28 16:48 ]

[ Edited by: swizzle 2011-01-23 19:32 ]

[ Edited by: swizzle 2011-04-26 01:35 ]

Lightning Steve posted on 02/21/2010

Very nice site, you can't have to much Tiki!!
Some great sneak peaks at upcoming mugs.

Trader Bob posted on 02/21/2010

Bought time we have some Oz Tiki info happening, hope it dose well.
Trader Bob...

LOL Tiki posted on 02/21/2010

Interesting site - thanks for posting it up!

hewey posted on 02/21/2010

Cool :D

TikiTomD posted on 02/21/2010

Thanks for sharing the Tiki perspective from Oz… enjoyed the visit!

:drink: Cheers...

swizzle posted on 03/08/2010


Not enough Tiki here in Aus. It would be nice to have some input from fellow Tiki Centralites. You don't know how good you guys have got it.

Tucker's Tikis posted on 03/08/2010

Thanks for the post, and yes there is always room for more Tiki's.

Trader Bob posted on 03/09/2010

How many other Australians are on here?
Trader Bob

swizzle posted on 03/20/2010

The Careless Navigator just put an article about me and my collection.

Just feel like bragging.


LOL Tiki posted on 03/20/2010

Congratulations! A nice collection of Munktiki, and those Augie Colon's are beauties.

VampiressRN posted on 03/20/2010

Very nice site, easy to navigate and well organized. I'll head back over to do some shopping...love that poster. Thanks so much for sharing.

murphdog posted on 03/20/2010

Wow, wow, wow!
Great to see your magnificent collection displayed!

McTiki posted on 03/21/2010

Freakin Drool stains...

Nice Post!

Thanks for sharing.


rugbymatt posted on 03/21/2010

Dan! Where was this last October when I was in Sydney for the weekend?

swizzle posted on 04/20/2010

For those of you who haven't seen the sight yet, or those that haven't checked it out in a while, the latest podcast by Koop Kooper (#120) has an awesome interview with Beachbum Berry about his latest book Remixed.
Check it out here.


danlovestikis posted on 05/08/2010

Swizzzle, you have a terrific collection. Being able to look at it displayed so well reminds me of Dan's collection. He enjoys working to make each shelf perfect. You must work at it too because your shelves look perfect. Thank you for sharing the article I wish it was longer. Gecko must be thrilled with the Tattoo. Wendy

PS and they tanned his hide when he died Clyde and that's it hanging on the shed ( have to preserve that art )

swizzle posted on 06/21/2010

This should probably go in Marketplace but I thought i'd bump this thread instead of starting a new one. Anyone see this. Whilst that is definitely a great piece of memorabilia I can think of betters ways to spend that amount of money.


Robb Hamel posted on 06/22/2010

Thanks very much for sharing the link. Very nice site... a sign of Tiki's good health??

The mug collection is awesome.

swizzle posted on 07/14/2010

For anybody interested, an article I wrote about Gecko has gone up on the Careless Navigator
Please feel free to leave some comments if you enjoyed it.(Preferably on the site, although you can leave it here on TC also if you want). I'd appreciate any feedback.:)

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-07-13 21:25 ]

danlovestikis posted on 07/14/2010

Hi Swizzle, great article, I'm sure Gecko is super happy. Sending everyone to his web page shares even more photos. I went and had fun seeing my projects with him on the shelves, some waiting to be glazed and some that are in his personal collection. Thank you for sharing, Wendy

Jeff Central posted on 07/15/2010

Great article swizzle!! :)

Those variation Augie mugs left me drooling and the "new" La Marianna mug looks sweet!

Cheers and Mahalo,

sasquatch posted on 07/20/2010

awesome sight. Just got on to it... and I'll be back for sure!

I'm also an Australian based Tiki Freak... up in Newie, NSW. ;0)

swizzle posted on 10/28/2010

A new article I have written about the lovely Wendy Cevola has just gone up on the site. Please feel free to leave some feedback, here or preferably on the CN site.

VampiressRN posted on 10/29/2010

Great article. Wendy and Dan are wonderful friends, Dan has a world-class Tiki mug collection and Wendy is really just starting to shine as an artist. Wendy & Dan are certainly royalty in our Sacramento area.

danlovestikis posted on 10/29/2010

Thank you Swizzel for all your hard work and the compliment you have been super. Vamp you have brought such joy into our lives. Tiki people rock we are all family now.

I had a friend write that in one of the photos she thought I was wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. I checked the site and sure enough it looks that way. When enlarging the photo the truth comes out. We all had a good laugh.

Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 10/29/2010

Well deserved recognition for a great artist and a WONDERFUL person! Congrats Wendy :D

kalenatiki posted on 10/30/2010

Congrats wendy, see all that work did pay off :)

hewey posted on 10/31/2010

Congrats to all involved, very cool :D

swizzle posted on 11/05/2010

Bump! Thanks to all those who left a comment here or on the CN site.

danlovestikis posted on 11/08/2010

Hi MadDogMike, Ka'lenatiki and Hewey. Thank you all for your comments. I was super happy with Swizzles' interview. I just posted the link at the bottom of my Gallery thread. It will be fun to watch Carless Navagator and Swizzle for his future interviews.

Thank you Swizzle, cheers, Wendy

swizzle posted on 01/24/2011

Hey everyone, just letting you know a new article has gone up on the Careless Navigator, written by yours truly about the awesome David "Bowana' Lea. Check it out here.


All comments appreciated.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2011-01-23 19:35 ]

swizzle posted on 04/26/2011

A few new articles have gone up on the Careless Navigator including an up date on the progress of my first tiki mug, and also a cool video with Duke Carter that I hadn't seen before.

Careless Navigator posted on 03/12/2012

Hey everyone, first of all thanks for the support of the Careless Navigator site over the years on Tiki Central, It really has meant a lot to me. No l'm not dieing (even though l just read that back and thought l was). I just wanted to say that l am finally here on TC and l really hope my contributions will be of some worth and/or interest to everyone...but most of all l look forward to finding new tiki friends. cheers Rohan

Careless Navigator posted on 04/04/2012

As you may or may not know, l am in the process of doing a Tiki mug for our side project...The Unholy Rabble Tiki Punksters. Designed by Aussie artist Lluis Fuzzhound, Sculpt by Squid and manufactured by Max at Taboo Island. Here is a progress report on the Careless Navigator for those interested. Cheers Rohan http://carelessnavigator.com/island-trader/2012/03/progress-report-on-the-unholy-rabble-tiki-mug/

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