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Zeta's tiki art

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Zeta posted on 01/02/2010


One shot marker on cardboard, no tracing with pencil. I like it because it looks spontaneous, it was made that way.

Zeta posted on 01/02/2010

Parasite legislators

From MAD magazine Mexico
Cara dura means hard face means no shame

MadDogMike posted on 01/02/2010

Que guapo el Ku! Nice work Zeta :)

Zeta posted on 01/03/2010

Gracias MadDogMike!! :D

Mask design copied from a Sandy Dvorak carving.

little lost tiki posted on 01/18/2010

You've got a great quirky style
with lots of humor thrown in there!
Add that to your amazing brain
full of facts and insight
and BAM!
the perfect storm...

Post more as you make them,please!
they make me smile~

Zeta posted on 01/18/2010

little lost tiki, that is so nice from you! you made my day! :blush:
I love one liners and any drawing with "raw energy", done "without thinking" also referred as doodles.
Hombre pajaro

ballpoint pen on paper
Kavakava man, made while talking on the phone...

I will keep posting my "art" as long as there is an appreciation for it. 8)

Zeta posted on 01/21/2010

If there is no apreciation for my art...

I will keep posting it anyway.

Sketch for a tiki mask design based on a picture from the "Tiki Modern" book by Sven Kirsten.

little lost tiki posted on 01/21/2010

On 2010-01-21 02:31, Zeta wrote:
If there is no appreciation for my art...
I will keep posting it anyway.

That's the Spirit!
Keep playing and experimenting and doodling!
That's where the creative energy is at it's most primal
and usually where the best ideas come from!
When i first REALLY got into Tiki
i would do studies from books
of different styles/cultures/objects...
That will help establish a base to work from
a foundation...
Keep posting these
They may inspire someone else
to start creating as well!

Robb Hamel posted on 01/26/2010

Zeta - I really dig your cardboard piece. The Sticker Graffiti style of it is something I haven't seen before... and I really like that!

Zeta posted on 01/28/2010

Mahalo amigos!


Ballpoint pen on paper

TikiPug posted on 01/28/2010

On 2010-01-21 02:31, Zeta wrote:
If there is no apreciation for my art...
I will keep posting it anyway.

So if I said "Well Done", you'll stop?

metaltiki posted on 01/29/2010

Very cool stuff!!

Zeta posted on 01/29/2010

TikiPug, I don't know... Try me.
metaltiki, Gracias! It's my trademark "slacker style"

This one I call "Moorea"

TikiPug posted on 02/03/2010

Wow, well done doodles. I wasn't sure if I was viewing Zeta's art or something by Shag.

virani posted on 02/03/2010

Shag at age 4 ?

Zeta posted on 02/06/2010

“I used to draw like Raphael, but it has taken me a whole lifetime to learn to draw like a child”

Pablo Picasso

Hakalugi posted on 02/06/2010

"...The way you live, conceive and market what you do should be as well thought out as a government coup. It's a campaign, it has nothing to do with art." - Genesis P'Orridge

Zeta posted on 02/07/2010


less is more and all that...

Zeta posted on 02/07/2010

Moai with wings or Moai in the sky

The drawing is not so great and the idea was done by Robt. Williams and gameboy Mario Bros game, but I swear I didn't knew it when I draw it.
Fly like a butterfly...

Zeta posted on 02/07/2010

THE 2010 Zeta's clean sweep of the TC boards. (except for the Grand Ceremonial Forum of Mystery, but it doesn't count because I am not allowed there...yet)

BEHOLD! http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=27466&forum=13&66

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-02-06 23:12 ]

TikiPug posted on 02/08/2010

On 2010-02-06 22:29, Zeta wrote:
THE 2010 Zeta's clean sweep of the TC boards. (except for the Grand Ceremonial Forum of Mystery, but it doesn't count because I am not allowed there...yet)

BEHOLD! http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=27466&forum=13&66

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-02-06 23:12 ]

Nobody gives a shit.

Zeta posted on 02/08/2010

Now THAT is some eloquent and positive feedback Tikipug! (or whatever your nick is) Why does my "work" affects you so much? I would say you do give a shit because you took the time to say so!
Maybe you just "don't get it" and that's why it makes you nervous... In case you want to know, my 2010 sweep was a "happening" but maybe those are concepts to abstract and sophisticated for some people like you know who...
Mahalo! give me anything but indifference! :D

Zeta posted on 03/24/2010

Here we go again... Get your tomatoes ready!

Portrait of Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
Madrid 2002 or so...
Ballpoint pen on paper

Dedicated to TikiPug, I hope you hate it.

little lost tiki posted on 03/24/2010

it does kinda look like Picasso....

Zeta posted on 04/14/2010

Gracias Liloti!

La Fresca
30 T-shirts. Design for a party. Ink on papper


Zeta posted on 04/17/2010

Sketch for an "Aztlan Skateboards" design...

Do you like it? I can still change or ad things before the final ink job.
How would you name it? Rapa Nui Skate? Case closed? Moai skate...

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-04-17 10:37 ]

Zeta posted on 04/19/2010


Zeta posted on 04/19/2010

Iceberg tropical

Zeta posted on 04/24/2010


Final ink job
Name: Rapa Nui Skate Park?

Zeta posted on 05/13/2010

On 2010-04-18 23:14, Zeta wrote:

Iceberg tropical

Inspired by Luis Gordillo's

Iceberg tropocal

Zeta posted on 05/19/2010

Early Zeta...

moai leopard study #28
Mixed media

Zeta posted on 06/09/2010

Mini Tiki Zen Garden

Zeta posted on 07/21/2010

Random sketchbook page 2003

with nice puffer fish stamp I bought in a street market in Berlin

MadDogMike posted on 07/21/2010

I missed the Bonzai Tiki Zeta, cool!

Z Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cd67976564010f19d55603c8c7220017?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
zerostreet posted on 07/21/2010

On 2010-07-21 01:31, Zeta wrote:
Random sketchbook page 2003

with nice puffer fish stamp I bought in a street market in Berlin

Cool! Kinda looks like Bender of Futurama as a Tiki!

Zeta posted on 07/24/2010

Mahalo MadDogMike and zerostreet!

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Interstellar voyager (Nice surprise, grateful humans.)
2004 Madrid

Zeta posted on 07/24/2010

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Isla en el cielo

Zeta posted on 07/24/2010

:up: Sorry, the name of the drawing above is: Isla en el sol

Zeta posted on 07/24/2010

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Cute little moai

Circa 2004 Madrid

Zeta posted on 07/24/2010

Please lady, don't move.
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Early Picasso

Ink on paper
Madrid 200?

Zeta posted on 07/27/2010

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Variations on the theme...

little lost tiki posted on 07/27/2010

Don't Move Lady!
these are always a joy to view and
a knee-slappin hilarious brain
we get to peek inside!
Thanks for sharing!
love your moais
always have...

Zeta posted on 07/27/2010

Gracias Liloti! I like to share the doodles I enjoyed doing, and if you enjoy them too, then that makes me enjoy them even more and to want to create some more and better and...

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"Postcard from the inside of my brain"
something else
Some year

Before finding tikicentral.
Moais represented mystery back then and not so much tiki bars. Moais have this ambivalent bizarre quality that fits them in the alien pop and mysterie subcultures. What I call a "slam in your face" image.
I love Moais since I was a kid. They are so weird and cool. Difficult to define.

little lost tiki posted on 07/28/2010

Moais are quite mysterious Zeta!
It's great when objects have multiple layers/meanings to them.
Sadly, a lot of art is lacking today in that
type of thought and mystery...
Keep on Truckin,Zeta!

Zeta posted on 08/04/2010

Marquesas tiki (recycled god)
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ballpoint pen on recycled cardboard

Robb Hamel posted on 08/28/2010

Your sketchbook pages are extra-fun stuff.

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ZeroTiki posted on 08/28/2010

great stuff! I love the leopard study!


Zeta posted on 08/29/2010

Hey! Gracias amigos! I will keep posting it if you are likening it!

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Preparation ink on paper drawings for skateboard graphics

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