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A little polynesian pop in my dream home

Pages: 1 11 replies

Cultjam posted on 10/09/2003

I just bought an wonderful 1955 ranch style home in a criminally lush neighborhood in Phoenix. It comes with a nice 1960 mural in the dining room:

It almost didn't survive the last owner. Fortunately, one of the parents talked them out of painting over it.


I immediately found this on eBay to go with it. Sometimes using the word "tiki" in the title is a stretch but still a good thing.

bongofury posted on 10/09/2003

Cultjam.....That is beautiful. Looks like your dining room would be a great place to start your Tiki room. Wish my parents had painted over the gold one color Roman column building that was on our dining room wall .......

OceaOtica posted on 10/09/2003

its an omen. cheers. please post progress on your tiki modification of the joint.

kahukini posted on 10/09/2003

cultjam, what is the last picture, I can't really tell... a silk plant of some sort?

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SES posted on 10/09/2003

Looks like ceiling lights incorporated into palm tree leaves.

The mural is beautiful! Makes you want to learn more about the previous owners.

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:11 ]

Cultjam posted on 10/09/2003

I thought it was an omen too. There will definately be a trip to the county recorder's office to find out it's history of owners.

The palm frond thing is an 8 1/2 foot long all metal ceiling fixture. It came from a modernist 50's home in Palm Springs. I thought it would compliment the mural.

Here's a closer view:

tikitony posted on 10/09/2003

hEy CultJam, love that ceiling fixture. I was just wondering if there were any TCers in Pheonix area 'cause I just got invited to do a Tiki carving demo on Saturday, Nov.15th at the Hotel San Carlos. Theres some Tecky event, and Cal Tech is flying me out to carve poolside at a luau. They also bought Tiki necklaces from me that they're wiring with Led eyes. You should come check it out. It'll look like this only without the summer tan.

Cultjam posted on 10/10/2003

TikiTony - I've seen a couple others post under new members but not much else. I'll go. Post it in Tiki Events!

OceaOtica posted on 10/10/2003

hey cultjam
have you picked a room, or rooms, to tikify?
please show us your progress.

fatuhiva posted on 10/13/2003

That ceiling fixture is out of this world!

The mural is excellent as well. I grew upin Phoenix- what part of town is your new pad located?

Cultjam posted on 10/13/2003

Thanks, Fatuhiva, it was irresistable.

The house is south of Thomas between 40th and 44th Streets. Wilshire down to Oak have matured large lots without the school district premium.

fatuhiva posted on 10/14/2003

nice. i know the area. Lots of sweet midcentury pads in there.

Pages: 1 11 replies