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Mr Tiki's Wild Ride - Hosts Wanted

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/22/2010

Sheesh did crushenstein kidnap Mr Tiki or what?

AlohaStation posted on 08/02/2010


Beachbumz posted on 08/02/2010

I think Mr. Tiki must be taking the summer off... Or he met a woman.... Ya that's it...!

Big Kahuna posted on 08/10/2010

Do we need to organize a memorial service for Mr. Tiki? Have we lost him?

hiltiki posted on 08/12/2010

Maybe Mr. Tiki's wife Ms. Tiki or the their son Tiki Jr. could take over the situation? :)

Beachbumz posted on 08/12/2010

Mr. Tiki.............. Are You Here???

[ Edited by: beachbumz 2010-09-06 16:13 ]

Beachbumz posted on 09/06/2010

Mr. Tiki.............. Are You Here???

MadDogMike posted on 09/07/2010

Funny you should ask...

Mr Tiki may be gone forever, who knows. But after a rigorous screening process I have selected a replacement - Mr Tiki II. Here he is receiving mana from the Four Guardians of the Flame.

This time he will be traveling First Class nestled in his own custom designed box. Note the tapa pillows - those blue ones the airlines furnish are so unimaginative and God only knows when they where washed last! :o

He will be going out tomorrow to a deserving host in the unrepresented middle of America.

Beachbumz posted on 09/07/2010


Aloha Little Buddy!!

Welcome #2....

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/07/2010

I told Mr.Tiki not to stay at those Eastern European Hostels!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/07/2010

Sniff, sniff! :cry:

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 09/08/2010

Mr.Tiki est mort, vive Mr. Tiki!

Tiki Lee's posted on 09/08/2010

So, where was Mr. Tiki headed to when he vanished? Curious minds want to know!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 09/08/2010

I'll tell ya what... when Mr. Tiki visited me he was the best damn tiki friend I had. He was a tiki guy's tiki. Never at a loss for a good story or a ribald joke. The first tiki at the bar and the last. Damn I miss him!

WestADad posted on 09/08/2010

I'd love to play host to either Mr. Tiki, great thread Mike!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/09/2010

I got a few war buddies together & we are ready to get some PayBack!
just tells us the where & when, ready to go Mike!

Mr.Tiki you will be Avenged!!!

Swanky posted on 09/22/2010

Whoa! Saw the little bastard downtown!

Right outside that last place Hank Williams Sr. was seen alive! The Andrew Jackson Hotel. Invited him over...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/22/2010

Sure you can clone him,but you can't replace the memories of the first Mr Tiki....


MadDogMike posted on 09/22/2010

Thank you Swanky - Mr Tiki rides again!!!
Map updated page 1

Swanky posted on 09/23/2010

Mr Tiki visits the newly repaired Sunsphere, home of the famous wig shop. Just re-erected after some kids knocked it over a few years ago with their car.

Swanky posted on 09/24/2010

preparing for the big game

hanging out at the bar with the guests


Now I smell Road Trip! To the beach Tiki Man!

Howland posted on 10/02/2010

...and to beach Mr. Tiki did come. Showed up @ the Casa De Howland/Jungalero Lounge and Gardens last weekend. Had a blast hanging w/Mr. Tiki for the weekend plus a few days although we didn't get to the beach much due to rain.

Resting against a Marq post in the Jungalero Room after his long journey to the Folly Beach/James Island/Charleston, SC area

Resting atop my Benzart and below one of me own carves

Can you spot Mr. Tiki in this shot -don't blind yourself looking for him in this uber bright flash shot (hint -almost direct center)

Mr. Tiki sitting up in the gable of the outside bar. Said he flew up there, I had to fly up there and get'm down -hah

Just checking out the room, he was...

Looks like Mr. Tiki was gettin' clammy while hanging out under my coconuts--\0/

Checking for lice in old mr. crusty tiki's 'hair'.

And after we finally made it out to the beach after the multi-day deluge and the skies began to clear, a late afternoon big double rainbow for the Mr. to delight in. You can barely see the 'double' to the right of the more visible rainbow.

Good to see you Mr. Tiki 2. Now he's headed further south -to see a great man who has the ability to tickle our eardrums and our palates via fine rum concoctions as welll....Bon Voyage, Mr. Tiki!!

MadDogMike posted on 10/02/2010

Howland, thanks for showing Mr Tiki around South Carolina. Looks like he had a great time but try to keep him away from the wildwood weed!

Howland posted on 10/02/2010

tickle our eardrums (with music-comma) and our tastebuds as well with........ Didn't mean to be so grammatically goofy.

HAH-Mr.T2 wasn't exposed to any wildwood weed while here but glad you got the song reference. Now if he shows up at the next house with red eyes...I had nothing to do with it :wink:

pablus posted on 10/18/2010

So Mr. Tiki shows up and he was kind of insisting that he play on the new Crazed Mugs album. We tried him on guitar and uke - but he sucked. So I gave him a part to play on percussion and he did pretty good. Here's a rough clip of the last minute or so of Mr. Tiki jamming with me on the song "Bamboo Ben."

We're definitely gonna keep the part and he'll get the album credit.


If you're a facebook hater - then you can see it on our YouTube Channel as well.

Mr. Tiki was kind of surly - I think he felt bad that it wasn't perfect - but we'll fix that, like everything else - in the mix. Also, he was a bit beat from the travel but he got a lot of rest here.

When he left today he was pretty stoked about being on the project and not being hungover like all the other places he's been so far. I think it was pretty refreshing for him.

MadDogMike posted on 10/19/2010

Hilarious!!! :lol:

In the Studio with Mr Tiki

woofmutt posted on 10/23/2010

While I was walking through the dessert island garden adjacent to the Tiki bar I'm caretaker of, Sparky's Grotto West in West Seattle, Washington, I came across something new amid the flotsam and jetsam.

I was about to pick up Mr. Tiki II but one of those big and ornery and hungry late season mosquitoes we get in West Seattle grabbed him and flew off.

Fortunately Mr Tiki II wiggled out of the mosquito's clutches and landed in Sparky's neighbor's yard. The neighbor is a real nice mountain gal who makes organic juice or something like that in a shack at the back of her property. She gave Mr Tiki II a sample.

I took Mr Tiki II inside Sparky's where I have my "studio" in the basement. I showed him a bunch of unfinished Woofmutt Stuff & Junk like that.

Then I took him into Sparky's Grotto West and gave him a place of honor to check out the joint. Tiki Bar Rat (an old war buddy of Sparky's childhood pet rabbit Thumper) came in and I introduced them. Tiki Bar Rat traveled a lot during the war and I figured the two of them could go over places they'd been. I left the travelers to shoot the ship and headed back to the studio to do some procrastinating. That was a mistake.

Tiki Bar Rat offered Mr. Tiki II a Coconaut, but it was a trap!

Apparently a rum induced flashback had Tiki Bar Rat convinced that Mr. Tiki II was the enemy. Things got pretty weird and dark real fast.

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Holy crap! Tiki Bar Rat has really gone off the deep end! Who will save Mr. Tiki II?

(I'm too busy posting useless crap on Tiki Central and can't really help him out.)

MadDogMike posted on 10/24/2010

Holy Crap is right! :o Our only hope is that you can renew the prescription for Tiki Bar Rat's psych meds before it's too late!

Map on page 1 updated

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Sophista-tiki posted on 10/24/2010

Mr tiki showed up at my house yesterday after his escape from that rat thing.
We will be going on an adventure around the hood tomorow and then back to the Bamboo Grove of Westwood for an art jam and then dinner and cocktails.

woofmutt posted on 10/24/2010

How convenient for him that he came for a visit after all your recent construction work was done.

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Sophista-tiki posted on 10/26/2010

Mr Tiki has been at my house for a couple of days now. We are still waiting for a break in the weather so we can go on neighborhood adventure.
while hes here I'm letting him stay in my studio, look at him trying to blend in with the other art,

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I let him try his hand at watercolor. I don't think its his favorite medium, he has a tendency to over work it.
My two pieces of advice were, "leave the white spaces, they are your highlights" and " you should be able to paint your smallest details with your biggest brush" needless to say he thinks I'm full of it.

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My dad was just here to help me put new french doors in the dining room. Of course Mr Tiki successfully avoided helping with the construction but was on hand for the furniture arranging critique.

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I suggested cocktails and he said he would play bartender

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I was a little nervous having him dig around in the bar its where I keep a lot of my super cool mid century glassware.

while he did manage to make a fine round of drinks he was really distracted by the fact that i had a large taxidermy game fish on my couch.
whatever dude!
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It only took the one cocktail and he was drunk enough to tell Rufus some off color joke
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It must have been really bad judging by the look on Rufus' face.

Mr Tiki is currently looking out waiting for the crappy weather to clear up enough for him to go outside. He didn't bring a raincoat OR an umbrella.
So as soon as it clears a bit we will be going down to the beach for a dogventure, maybe a ferry ride across Puget Sound.
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[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2010-10-26 11:45 ]

AlohaStation posted on 10/26/2010

On 2010-10-26 11:41, Sophista-tiki wrote:
Mr Tiki is currently looking out waiting for the crappy weather to clear up enough for him to go outside.

Oh crap - That NW weather may have caused the fist Mr. Tiki to commit tikicide. Get him out of there quick - I hear that the Great Lakes are having some better weather :)

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Sophista-tiki posted on 10/26/2010

The first Mr Tiki dissappeared in the NW? I did not know that.

Theres a reason Mr Tiki #2 ended up at my house. Its always a swanky tropical mid century paradise here regarldess of the weather.

and BY THE WAY.... didn't the news this morning say that the midwest was poised to get the worst weather in 70 yrs. ?

any way doesnt matter, hes headed south like a snowbird.

But not before we go down the street to the beach and see eagles, baby seals and Orcas, and maybe dig a hole in the sand play on the swings by the ferry dock and have a really good neighborhood espresso.

MadDogMike posted on 10/26/2010

Great story and pics, thanks Dawn :)

Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/28/2010

We always have the worst weather on 70 years... every year! That's the Midwest.

Big Kahuna posted on 11/21/2010

Have we lost another one?

WestADad posted on 11/21/2010

On 2010-11-21 09:40, Big Kahuna wrote:
Have we lost another one?

Nope, he just arrived in Nebraska yesterday. More to come I hope.....

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Big Kahuna posted on 11/21/2010

Excellent! Careful, don't let him corrupt the rugrat! :lol:

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2010-11-21 09:55 ]

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Sophista-tiki posted on 11/22/2010

Mr Tiki had a hard time getting out of Seattle. he had a little dramma with his first destination pick So he had to pick again. I'm so glad he made it to his next host!

MadDogMike posted on 11/22/2010

Dawn, Chris & Mr Tiki put Lincoln Nebraska on the map! :D

WestADad posted on 11/26/2010

It's time for Mr. Tiki to hit the road again. I'm glad he spent Thanksgiving with me and my family.

He might need to go on a diet after this past week. He drank way to many Beachcomber's Punches.

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Then we forced him into the great outdoors for a nature hike (24 degrees!). He enjoyed the views.

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We seemed to find him in the kitchen looking for food a lot.

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My Mom found me these S&P shakers so Mr Tiki had a couple of friends to hang with.

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It's back to work for me today and Mr Tiki is looking for another host! Thanks Mike, this was fun.

MadDogMike posted on 11/26/2010

Chris, thank you for hosting Mr Tiki. Looks like he had plenty to eat so he won't starve to death in his box for the next few days :D

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ZeroTiki posted on 11/27/2010

Go go gadget Mister Tiki!

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amybean posted on 12/01/2010

Wow look who just arrived!

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Some of the others gather round to give a warm welcome.
It's a busy week here in sunny Alameda CA, but there are some special events on the calendar....

WestADad posted on 12/01/2010

I wanted to go with him but I couldn't fit in the box! :)


MadDogMike posted on 12/01/2010

Very cool! Try to keep him out of Oakland, I hear it's not safe there (Sorry Liz :D )

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amybean posted on 12/01/2010

No worries, MDM, he'll be too "drunk" to notice!

MadDogMike posted on 12/02/2010

Page one map updated, I count 11 states that Mr Tiki has visited :)

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