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Trader Dick's Tiki Mug...

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DJKen posted on Tue, Aug 3, 2010 11:25 AM

I have been excavating my way through a garage-ful of boxes and I came across my Trader Dick's (at the Nugget Casino in Reno NV), tiki mug.

This came into my collection after-the-fact, I've never actually been to TD's, don't even know if TD's is still there!?

Sorry to use this post as an example but DJ Ken did you know there is a search feature on Tiki Central?

Well there is and It's user friendly and fun to use - Just type in what your looking for... click search....

and see the results -

:o "Whoa!! Trader Dick's still exists? I must go there!"

Then post your garage finds in there or maybe in "Tiki Finds" and everyone will love you!

Instead of the occurring too frequently lately "Look I found a Tiki... I think?" which is actually much better than my personal favorite "Duh, I like Tiki" followed by a picture of a Snow Shoe.

Okay good, so everyone now knows there's a search feature, how to use it and that I'm a dick. :lol:

The End.

DJKen posted on Tue, Aug 3, 2010 2:13 PM

And Mr. Unreasonable...what exactly should I search for? Any other posts I made contaning a picture I just took this morning???

I [u]did[/u] search for a thread on mugs in general and the only pertinent result was about making your own. I didn't make this one, so it doesn't match the topic.

I didn't ask a specific question, so the answer isn't out there regardless of what I'd search for...I was simply sharing a personal find and wondering aloud as to the fate of the source, but thank you so much for being a tool and adding nothing to the conversation!


I would have searched for Trader Dick's like I said but I guess you were too busy "rockin' out" to read that part.

I also mentioned "Tiki Finds" since that's where people post things they find but since that's not all about you that wouldn't work either.

Anyway my search tutorial wasn't aimed directly at you but it seemed like a good place to post it and after reading your response I'm glad I did.


  • Trader Tool

Ahhh that warm welcoming feeling of comming to discuss stuff on TC....

Search functions are purtty much useless.
I see at least 16 hits on that search, no way would I read thru all those to see if what I was looking for was in there.

Make a Mai-Tai and pick up a Ukulele!!!

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2010-08-03 15:18 ]

Search functions are useless?

They are the most valuable tool on here! Without them people would be talking in circles (or even more so).

As Bora Boris showed, all he had to do was search Trader Dick's. He would have seen it in the "Locating Tiki" section. Once he clicked on it, he would have known that it was still open.

The more people use the search function and put their posts in the proper place, the less overwhelming the search function becomes.


I have to agree the search function is very handy and user friendly. When I use it I type in the key word and if that doesn't give me the results i'm after I try different variations. It can be a bit of a pain going through a heap of old threads, but that also gives you the opportunity to read things you might never have come across any other way.

Unless you are starting a thread that is very specific and is guaranteed not to have a thread already, using the search function to find something also prevents TC from being cluttered with useless posts.

I cant remember who it was or what the thread was or even what topic it was under, but an old thread had been revived which was a very interesting topic and whoever it was that revived it said something along the lines of, "Everything has been discussed here on TC at some point or another".

Ok ok... I recant my statement about it being useless...but you can be helpful in a nice way to a newer member.

Zeta posted on Tue, Aug 3, 2010 10:15 PM

Which bring us to the age old question: Where is the aloha?
It got eaten by cannibals.

There was nothing un-nice in Boris' first post, it reads rather matter of fact to me. It is the bane of the internet that everybody takes everything so friggin' personal that nobody dares to say ANYTHING anymore, and everything passes as OK. Vapid.


Let's put this in perspective. If everybody on Tiki Central posted a new thread every time they found a Trader Dicks Moai Mug we would have thousands of posts every week. It is a common mug with a well established history.

Do the research before you post and don't take offense if TC peeps call you on your lack of initiative.


Do it,do it,do it,do it,do it......

Plus Trader Dicks is the best Plushie bar in NV, nice bear suit!


"Sorry to use this post as an example but DJ Ken did you know there is a search feature on Tiki Central?

"Well there is and It's user friendly and fun to use - Just type in what your looking for... click search...."* -Bora Boris-

Woofmutt likes this.


Only time I have ever appreciated a Bora Boris post!

All true--sell on one thread, post your artwork on one thread, post your finds on the find thread, etc...

The forum is getting super congested and Boris was simply stating how to post and search in a manner that benefits everyone.

It needed to be said.

On 2010-08-03 22:56, bigbrotiki wrote:
There was nothing un-nice in Boris' first post, it reads rather matter of fact to me. It is the bane of the internet that everybody takes everything so friggin' personal that nobody dares to say ANYTHING anymore, and everything passes as OK. Vapid.

I will agree that the web has made it hard to convey intent sometimes, but tact and decorum can still be used.



Hey it's fun to be "bustin' balls" on Tiki Central. Isn't that pretty Tiki in spirit ?? If you want "Aloha" move to Hawaii. :D

Actually I ran into Boris at the Waikiki Womb this last Sat and asked why he was doggin' me lately (banishing me to Bilge even). We were going to duel to the death out on the street, each defending the honor of Tiki-Ti (him) and the Tonga Hut (me). We realized we'd only kill each other and leave Big Tiki Dude as last man standing (and the unchallenged voice of DTBC). This would greatly upset the fragile So Ca Tiki "balance of power" so now I consider Boris a strategic ally (even if he is "unreasonable" :) )

Seriously, it's best to take into account how "new" the person you're replying to is. I've seen some new members pack up their Tikis and leave (as well as erase all of their old posts) after one dramatic incident. Anyone remember DonnaBeach ?? I hope she wasn't an actual relative.

When in doubt use Mr. Smiley Face. He exists for a reason. :) :) :) :) :)

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 4, 2010 12:14 PM

On 2010-08-03 22:56, bigbrotiki wrote:
There was nothing un-nice in Boris' first post, it reads rather matter of fact to me. It is the bane of the internet that everybody takes everything so friggin' personal that nobody dares to say ANYTHING anymore, and everything passes as OK. Vapid.

i'm just floored that this came out of big bro's mouth......considering the flak i get around here at times for doing exactly that..speaking my mind.

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 4, 2010 12:39 PM

F#*K YOU Tipsy!!

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-08-04 12:40 ]

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 4, 2010 12:40 PM

P.S. :)

I am just so upset! you all are hurting my feelings,so I am packing it up.
Wait I live here, so all of you guys are going to have to leave..
there's the door, don't slam it on the way out.

I said good day! Sir!

Naaaaaa,who's up for Mai Tai's!
You can come back now!

Guy's.........oh guy's.........guy's?

Hey do we have a page that introduces new members to the ways of Tiki Central?
Tips and etiquette etc. lay of the land & how to survive in the TC wilderness?

maybe we can use one to point new members too?
why is everyone looking at me?

So if so many folks agree, I trust next time they will not hesitate to offer constructive suggestions when someone mis-posts, without being overly fearful of "sticking their neck out"? :D

Death to the mis-posters! I mean yea sure, let's educate those MoFo's

You know, there's also a certain ratio between posting "real content" and "space-wasting" posts that can can make members look like mis-posters.

I hear you,Sven
I keep up the joking around, I know.....
But the Intro to new members page still might be a good idea, still.

Problem is if it is not up in the first five posts on General Tiki, they won't see it. There is something about the style of content TC is about here:

...and the "what to post where" should be self-explanatory (in MOST cases) by the very simple headers of the different forums. Also, most of the times, mis-posts get accepted if they are among the first 10 a newbie ever did, anyway, which shows tolerance. But if none ever get corrected, it shows indifference -which is a sign of devolution of a web forum


Give up and give in.


On 2010-08-04 21:38, bigbrotiki wrote:

...and the "what to post where" should be self-explanatory (in MOST cases) by the very simple headers of the different forums. Also, most of the times, mis-posts get accepted if they are among the first 10 a newbie ever did, anyway, which shows tolerance. But if none ever get corrected, it shows indifference -which is a sign of devolution of a web forum

Moved to the Collecting Tiki forum. :D

DJKen posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 11:28 AM


I DID do a search and nothing pertinent seemed to show up. I know very well how to use a search function, I've been a forum mod for over thirteen years...on my board we don't sh*t all over a guy for posting something pertinent to the general topic, we might perform the search for him and show him where to find the answer, but there was no answer to be found since I didn't actually ask anything more than a rhetorical question.

By his own admission BoraBoris was being a dick to me for no other reason than I tried to add to the community and somehow offended his delicate sensibilities. I won't apologize because I did nothing to apologize for, but I am kinda sorry I found this site!


On 2010-08-05 11:28, DJKen wrote:
By his own admission BoraBoris was being a dick to me for no other reason than I tried to add to the community [...]

You're absolutely right DJKen. As we all know, Bora Boris HATES it when someone tries to add to the community.

What a tool he is, that guy! Here you were, just posting something pertinent to the general topic, and he sh*ts all over you. OK, well maybe it was better suited for Collecting Tiki and not the general topic, but I mean c'mon!



Wow DJ Ken, I don't really get where you're going with any of this?

I admitted to being a dick for interrupting your post and trying to steer you in the right direction, I apologized for using your post as an example, yes my tone was a little sarcastic but that gets to the point quicker and can be more entertaining, I cited other examples of things that happen like this but neither one was yours and then you lost it! If you consider that being all over you, you must be so thin skinned we could actually see your blood boil. Which would also be entertaining.

So just what exactly were you looking for as a place to post your Trader Dick's mug picture?

Not in the Trader Dicks location thread? :roll:

Not in Tiki Finds? :roll:

Oh in the DJ Ken found a Trader Dicks mug thread! :D

Then I apologize again that it didn't exist yet and hope you find more Trader Dick's mug to post in your thread now that it's been established.

I stand by my post, I have no personal issue with you DJ Ken and I hope you stick around. :)


you guys are still at this ???hhhuuhhh.

When did Tiki Bong come back?


This can only be resolved with a fight to the death at Tiki Oasis.

Maybe it's just the Sam Adams Summer Ale and the promise that the bar will gather together the ingredients for a proper Mai tai but.... Seriously? This is still going on? I'm fairly new, and I've made mistakes, but I always try to think "will others find this interesting?" and "where does this fit?" before posting something.
And the original post belongs under another thread and that was pointed out.
'nuff said about it.




*On 2010-08-03 11:25, DJKen wrote:*I've never actually been to TD's, don't even know if TD's is still there!?


No hard feelings. Just a quick response to your original question that started all of this nonsense. The page on Locating Tiki says that Trader Dick's is still "Operational" (that usually means it's still there).

But just to make sure it is still there, you can go down a page on that post and see that somebody just went to Trader Dick's and posted some nice pictures of the inside. Again confirming that it is still there.

On 2009-12-20 19:50, Roadsidepictures wrote:

I stayed at John Ascuaga's Nugget a couple of weeks ago and shot these pictures of Trader Dick's...

The freeway goes right over the casino. Three of the freeway support columns are covered in coral inside the giant aquarium...

Here are a couple of the drink signs...

So, in summary, the search function championed by Bora Boris really does help answer the questions which you seek. This would have been a perfect thread for you to post the mug from your garage.


On a side note, since this came up and has everybody's attention: Last week a friend of mine was going up to Reno on business and I told him to check out Trader Dick's. He went on a Wednesday, turns out the place is only open Thursday-Sunday now!

DJKen posted on Fri, Aug 6, 2010 8:50 AM

WOW...all this because I posted a picture and asked a rhetorical question!!???

My final addition to this:

Boris, perhaps if this was the showshoe, you might feel differently?


Mahaolo and Aloha!


Absolutely! :lol:

GROG posted on Fri, Aug 6, 2010 10:56 AM

GROG stay at hotel with Trader Dick's in Reno a few years ago. The price for food was higher than we were willing to pay, so we not eat there.


"GROG stay at hotel with Trader Dick's in Reno a few years ago. The price for food was higher than we were willing to pay, so we not eat there." -GROG-


  1. You comment lacked a note of outrage or protest or "Hey hey! Everybody just chill and relax with a Mai Tai!" which I think is now required for this thread.

  2. Your comment would be better suited for the Trader Dick's thread in Locating.

  3. How was it staying with Trader Dick's? I heard he snores somethin awful.

So whos going to be the one to tell the person that trimming a Banana tree shouldn't be in the Home Bars thread???

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