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Room Crawl Tiki Oasis 2010 Updates First Post pg. 1

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Cap't Cook posted on 08/12/2010


Back for my second Tiki O. Do I need to register in advance for the room crawl?
There will be two of us under the name of Cap't Cook.
Also, if I wanted to set up a small mobile drink cart are there rules I should know about?



tropicali*honey posted on 08/12/2010

I'm in for the crawl! Plus 3 :)

martiki posted on 08/12/2010


martiki posted on 08/12/2010

*while supplies last!

tikimary posted on 08/12/2010

Hi Shell, I can't remember if I signed up already or not but please add me and a guest for room crawls!

jdseeks posted on 08/12/2010

Sábado de piña con Chum! Can life get any better?

I submit that it cannot!

TikiGeeki posted on 08/12/2010

I'll be crawling to and from rooms! Will have a buddy from the east coast too... making a special trip out as a birthday present. Hopefully I can show him a good time. :wink:

LiddleLola posted on 08/12/2010

Brian and I would love to crawl.


ms-tiki-madness posted on 08/12/2010

tiki madness is ready to crawl. cant wait for an epic wkend. whohooo.....

tiki fly boy posted on 08/13/2010

I will be crawling with the wifey and two friends. It's their first time at Oasis. Can't wait to see everyone next week!!!

Jeff Central posted on 08/13/2010

Mark me down as a crawler Shell.

Not sure how much crawling I'll be able to do but I'll be there!!!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Pineappleman11 posted on 08/13/2010

The Pineappleman may be crawling with about 5 folks in tow......It depends on how many Mai Tais I have......

congawa posted on 08/13/2010

I'm posting a flyer for the Ding Dong Devils room parties in a separate thread (don't want to crowd this thread with a flyer), but they will be:

Friday @ 2:30pm - suite 1649 - Ding Dong Devils set

Saturday @ 10:30pm (after main stage) - suite 1649 - Ding Dong Devils set, Hell on Heels Burlesque Revue set, 2nd DDD set

We will be serving our new drink concoction the Ding Dong Devil, plus Head Shrinkers, and the parties will be sponsored by Montanya Rum!

Jeff Central posted on 08/13/2010

Does the Skip Heller Combo have a room yet? I'd love to see them!!! :)

GoldenTiki posted on 08/13/2010

North Bay Rum Bums and Tiki Underground are pleased to host "Tiki Heaven and Tiki Hell" Friday night at Tiki Oasis 10!

Cocktails by Smuggler's Cove and live music from The Sand Devils in Tiki Heaven.

Mai Tai Slushie Machine, Jaeger shots, Buffalo Sweats, Buffett, and more in Tiki Hell.

Jonathan and Kelly (Martini Wahine) Knowles
The Golden Tiki

Tiki Underground

[ Edited by: GoldenTiki 2010-08-13 16:45 ]

thestoked1 posted on 08/14/2010

I would like to participate (officially) in the crawl this year. I believe I've stumbled aboard in past years. Is there anything I need to do to ensure full participation in the extravaganza?

[ Edited by: thestoked1 2010-08-13 23:32 ]

Mongoloid posted on 08/14/2010

Just for the record thats skipping, like herpes Mrs Mongoloid and i will be back.........even though were always frontin!

Read that twice theres double somethings goin on!

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/14/2010

ok this years hosts please pm me your room name/desired name or if its just your nick please tell me the names are bloody confusing and long in some cases asap cards are being finalized

thestoked1 posted on 08/15/2010

It’ll actually be the Misses and I crawlin’.

tiki leki posted on 08/16/2010

Jeannette and I will be crawling plus 2..can't wait !!

Flaming Tiki posted on 08/16/2010

Please add Mr.& Mrs.Flaming Tiki,
see ya on the crawl!

Dr. Shocker posted on 08/16/2010
Molokai Mike posted on 08/16/2010

Islands unite!
Forbidden Island and Taboo Island present

Otto posted on 08/16/2010

Anyone itchin to throw a room party but didn't plan ahead?
Or do you have a regular room that is already scheduled to have a party but you fear Tiki Oasis partiers might trash your room!?!

I have the solution!
A party suite has just opened up
It is a two room suite - that means TWO regular hotel rooms plus a large party suite w bathroom and couch with pullout bed
It books for $550 night and can be booked for one night

If you book this room and do not have tickets I will put you on the guest list

Please email Ashley at Crowne Plaza asilvas@cp-sandiego.com
do not call her, email her

spycygrl posted on 08/17/2010

We'll be crawlin' again this year -- Kevin and Cinnamon. Can't wait to see everyone, again!

snaper9 posted on 08/17/2010

We're back to crawl again along with our group of returners! Fred, Stacy, Eric, Kim, Josh, Shelby and Bob-O! Can't wait!!!

hulahoney posted on 08/17/2010

This will be the first year I'm officially crawling... see you there!

Capt. R.H. Falernum posted on 08/17/2010

Cool room crawl card!

Will the first post in this thread be updated with the day, times, room numbers & descriptions of each party?

I'd be happy to help with putting together a graphic schedule of all of our party options! :)

KuKu posted on 08/17/2010

KuKu kan krawl till no kan krawl...

congawa posted on 08/17/2010

Here's a reminder on the times of the two parties in the Ding Dong Devils suite (1649):

Friday - 2:30 to 3:30 - live DDD music

Saturday - 10:30 to ??? - live DDD music, live Hell on Heels burlesque!

And of course cocktails, featuring Montanya Rum!!!

Rama Lama will be debuting his new "concock-tail" the "Ding Dong Devil" to celebrate our new CD!

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 08/17/2010

On 2010-08-17 15:57, KuKu wrote:
KuKu kan krawl till no kan krawl...

Is that a challenge?

KuKu posted on 08/18/2010

On 2010-08-17 16:46, Brenda's Tiki Hut wrote:

On 2010-08-17 15:57, KuKu wrote:
KuKu kan krawl till no kan krawl...

Is that a challenge?

yep, wanna dance...?!? kan u kan kan...?

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 08/18/2010

Okay, I'm making it official. Tangaroa-Ru's room hosting duties will commence on Friday night, starting at 10 p.m. Room 1101. Look for the flyers posted on walls.

Poi Boy not necessarily included in the evening's festivities. Unless you're lucky.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/18/2010

TikiVegas posted on 08/20/2010

Wow ok the site is back on line yeahhhhhhhhh. ok that was way to girly. Please put me on the crawl list. driving in from Vegas Baby yeah..

TTina posted on 08/20/2010

5 of us ready to crawl! Do you need our info?

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