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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Worth it all ...

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I've been meaning to up this up long ago but I've been so busy It's been tough.

I got an email from Bob @ Oceanic Arts asking me for my address becuase he was going to send me something. Of course I gave it to him without hesitation ... I didn't want to ask too many questions.

Well, a week or 2 later I got a big box in the mail from Oceanic Arts! Like, 1.5 foot big. I hastily opened it up to see what was inside, and through the bubble wrap I could see it was one large tiki!

I was very happy indeed! I've always wanted a large OA tiki, a real showcase piece, and this was clearly it. I was looking for paper too to see if there was an invoice or a reason for this great gift. I didn't see anything.

But then I finally got the bubble wrap off of the bottom of the tiki, and this is what I saw (sorry the pictures are so poor):

And here's a closeup of the plaque (I redid it to make it easy to read; the photos did not come out too well):

Needless to say I was floored! Speechless! Everyone who knows me knows that OA is the tops in my book! And they're awarding me with a tiki?!

It is one great privledge to see Tiki Central being used by as many people who use it, and that really validates it for me. But I am really truly touched to get something like this from the crew at Oceanic Arts. It is amazing.

I thought I'd share it with everyone here since really what makes Tiki Central such a great place is all the info and entertainment that the everyday members contribute.



OH! It's beautiful, Hanford, and well earned indeed. You certainly have created something special here, and it's fantastic that the guys at OA took the time to acknowledge it in a way only they can. Like I didn't love Oceanic Arts enough already! Congratulations. (And thank you.)


A fine piece from OA, and a thoughtful gesture on their part. They're the best, the wise men, everyone, of OA. You deserve the recognition, without a doubt.

Kudos to you.


H O L Y M O L Y!

That is fantastic! You rightly deserve that Hanford! Hmmm....maybe an official TC Mug based on this carving? Maybe an exclusive TC pendant by PurpleJade?

Congratulations Hanford!


Gorgeous. And well deserved.


snif snif (wiping a tear from my eye)...

...now where's MINE!

"I like you, man. You're crazy, but I like you."

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2003-10-08 10:12 ]

Congrats Hanford,
I can't stress enough how great the OA people are.



wow! that's a beaut! & every word on the inscription rings true!

SES posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2003 6:08 AM

WOW! That is so sweet of OA!
Always nice to know that you are appreciated isn't it? It's even better when things like this arrive when you are getting most frustrated and wondering why you bother!

Thanks OA and Thanks HL for the site!

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:08 ]

That rocks generally, and is a particularly splendid tiki specifically.

[ Edited by: KahunaMilu on 2003-10-08 07:10 ]


Very, very nice. Congrats !

If we all just kick in a buck or 5 we could buy a nice plaque for Oceanic Arts for all their contributions. But what to put it on? Putting it on a tiki would almost be redundant. Maybe a framed plaque made by several TCers? There's so much talent in this group it makes my mind wobble. I can't even think of all the possibilities that could be worked out... Sheesh, just take the 1st 6 names currently @ the top of the Creating Tiki forum: Tiki Tony, Monkeyman, Seamus, Keigs, Tikifille, & BK!

Who wants to bet Basement Kahuna will find one of those at a Georgia flea market?

Seriously Hanford, that was really great of them and you are certainly most deserving.


Truly deserving Hanford. As a matter of fact, I'm heading over to OA today for a litte of this and that.

(now, wasn't putting up with Bong's sh$* all worth it - ah scratch that!)

That's awesome, Hanford, and well deserved. You brought us all together here under a great umbrella! That's an honor, man. That gives me even more of a rosy glow for Oceanic Arts...They're a rock in this tiki world we live in. Like Chesty Puller to the Marines, like Johnny Unitas to football.

P.s. I'll help carve it, but I am far, far, far from worthy. I'd be nervous as a speed-freak chihuahua.


Wow. Very elegant.
Congratulations and thanks for posting a photo of it.

Well, rats...
It isn't going to look so good NOW but...
I DO have something for you Hanford, though not nearly as spectacular. But it is OA inspired!

And I certainly second that emotion! Thanks for everything, H.

Email me a mailing address.


Maybe what we should do is have a limited edition mug made as a tribute to OA. We've been talking about another mug, and this might be a great way of honoring Leroy, Bob and all. Limit it to 150, and maybe have the first five or so done in a specail glaze and give them to OA. Whaddya think?


Congratulations on receiving a token worthy of your contributions Hanford. We are all very lucky that you decided to create this forum and maintain ownership of it.

If there is any co-contribution that I can make to honor the folks at OA just let me know and I will do it. It would be great to produce a collaborative effort and present it to Bob and Leroy.

thejab posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2003 1:44 PM

Congratulations Hanford! I don't know what to say except I think OA was acting for all of us in showing our appreciation for what you've accomplished.

Swanky posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2003 4:23 PM

And it's the perfect tiki too. I love that Marquesan "giving birth" tiki!

Score! You da man! (B & L too!)

Congrats on the tiki -- you certainly deserve it! And kudos to Bob and Leroy for the thoughtfulness. What an honor it is to be recognized by the forefathers of the Polynesian Pop movement. I bet you're damn proud. That's certainly a piece I would never part with.

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto!

You truly deserve this Hanford - what a beautiful gift.

Octane posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2003 9:19 PM

congrats, it couldn't happen to a better person. i think the plaque speaks for it self, a true helper of all thinks tiki.


It's always nice to know your appreciated! OA said it perfectly! Thanks Hanford!


Hanford -

I'm one of those who truly believes "what goes around, comes around." Obviously the fine folks at OA subscribe to that motto, too. Congratulations on a well-deserved honor.

Standing O for Hanford as he approaches the podium!

Man! That's some serious Aloha Spirit commin' right back at ya. Congratulations, Hanford. Completely and utterly well-deserved.

Now THAT calls for a drink!!!
Congratulations Hanford on a job well done. You and TC are truly appreciated.
Much Aloha,

I second all those thoughts. Maybe our forefathers are passing the torch to you, boyo?


I would never have connected with this fantastic, nutty group without you, Hanford, and all I would have of Tiki would be childhood memories. You deserve this and more.


what a testament to the creator of the BEST online community out there hands down!!!

kctiki posted on Thu, Oct 9, 2003 7:44 AM

Congratulations to the Host with the Most! Only one in a million has sufficient dedication, hospitality, and diplomacy to keep a community like this flourishing. Thanks for all you do Hanford.

Looking good H! Congratulations.


Congrats to you Hanford, and congrats to the guys of OA for being there and making all of this pĂ´ssible.


That is truly a well deserved gift to the Hardest-working-man in our tiki village!

Thanks for all you do Hanford! This little web-site community has changed my life... and regardless of what my wife says, I say for the better! :wink:

WOW! Congrats Hanford! Like it's been said, you really do deserve it. Your contribution to tiki has been immense.

So when's it gonna go up on e-bay? J/K


Bravo!!! Finally, someone who actually does something and deserves to be recognized gets just that!!!


What a beautiful carving!

Hanford, thank you for giving us Tiki Central. Bob and Leroy, thank you for giving us tiki.


:o :o :o :o tanks bruddah, you've enriched all of our mana. I would love to get in on a gift/ plaque/ whatevas for OA if anyone wants to get together and brainstorm/ create or is dat cheezy?

I too want to join the LoveFest here, Hanford, and add my thinks to that of the OA gang! I may not be able to give you a token as cool as that tiki (W@W), but know that I appreciate beyond belief the fun that I have here on TC, made possible by you. It really is the best online community I can imagine. ('Course, I'm not a part of any other online communities per se, but neither can I imagine any being like this!



holy sh*t

If that's not Aloha, I don't know what is.



Hanford, that's just epic. You must be pleased as punch. It's a fine, fine tiki you got there.



Congrats, you deserve it...

The gods have truly smiled upon you! Congrats on your fab tiki!!! Im so jealous!

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