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Whatever happened to.......?

Pages: 1 11 replies

Trader Woody posted on 09/24/2002

The Tiki News Book? There was an idea floating around a while back that the early issues would be compiled. Is that on ice or did it hit an iceberg?

Taboo- The Art of Tiki 2? I heard this was on it's way over a year ago, but nothing has cropped up. The number of Tiki inspired artists has exploded and the first book was already a sell-out. Time for another, surely?

Trader Woody

manic cat posted on 09/24/2002

How often does Tki News put out issues these days. Are they quarter-annual? I'm afraid to send in my $12 for a subscription and not receive anything.

martiki posted on 09/25/2002

It was three times a year, and it was never a regular schedule- pretty much when Otto had enough to fill it, it came out. But with V3 in the picture, I wouldn't count on one anytime soon.


mrsmiley posted on 09/25/2002
mrsmiley posted on 09/25/2002

Manic Cat, and others...Do not be scared by
sending in money to Tiki News for a subscription. The magazine does come out
erratically, but you will get all the issues
you are due. Tiki News is well worth it! I even recommend buying all the back issues Otto still has "in stock" to sell. This is one information packed magazine!!!! I always renew my subscription so I don't miss a single issue.
PS-No, I don't work for Tiki News, I just love it!

8/16/2010 UPDATE- According to the Tiki New website, all back issues are SOLD OUT!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2010-08-16 23:43 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/25/2002

For what $12 buys these days, I'd think that even if I never got an issue for my money (which I haven't yet) it's well worth the donation at the very least.

As stated above, I'm sure we'll get our issues, but here is someone with a real love for tiki who is doing something to keep it alive.

(Everyday I run out to the mail box, with anticipation dripping, hoping to find my issue of Tiki News; I haven't ran to the mail box like this since '68 when I saved up 30 boxtops from Honeycomb cereal in order to get my Green Hornet ring! Mister Postman, whoa, whoa Mister Postman ...)

Trader Woody posted on 09/25/2002

And the issues just keep getting fatter and more info packed! The last issue was humungous!!

Trader Woody

manic cat posted on 09/25/2002

I'm convinced--The pen is on the checkbook as we speak.

Trader Woody posted on 01/15/2003

Here's the buzz from The Outre Gallery:

by Sven Kirsten (author of "The Book of Tiki")

A comprehensive monograph on William Westenhaver and his art & design company WITCO. Featuring 112 pages of biographical information, never before seen photographs, advertising material, art and carvings. Includes a chapter on the contemporary artist BOSKO and his WITCO inspired carvings. Plus a special section on how to carve your own tiki!


Edited by Martin McIntosh, Introduced by Otto Von Stroheim. The follow up to "Taboo: The Art of Tiki","Tiki: God of the Artists" (previous working title "Tabu Tu") will feature more Polynesian pop influenced artwork featuring new art by
over 70 artists including Shag, Mark Ryden, The Pizz, Aaron Marshall, Moritz,Munktiki, Tim Biskup, Mitch O'Connell, Mai Tiki, Duke Carter, Lisa Petrucci, Bosko, Glenn Barr and many more. 128 pages "

Trader Woody

voodootiki posted on 10/14/2004

I was thinking that I have not seen any new Issues of Tiki News since Issue # 17 with the cool Shag art work on the front. Was that the last one or have I been missing out on other issues that are not listed on the Tiki News Web site? I do't want to be missing any of those issues! I love that little magazine.

Zeta posted on 08/17/2010

On 2003-01-15 05:22, Trader Woody wrote:


Edited by Martin McIntosh, Introduced by Otto Von Stroheim. The follow up to "Taboo: The Art of Tiki","Tiki: God of the Artists" (previous working title "Tabu Tu") will feature more Polynesian pop influenced artwork featuring new art by
over 70 artists including Shag, Mark Ryden, The Pizz, Aaron Marshall, Moritz,Munktiki, Tim Biskup, Mitch O'Connell, Mai Tiki, Duke Carter, Lisa Petrucci, Bosko, Glenn Barr and many more. 128 pages "

Trader Woody

So? What happened with that book (project)?

bigbrotiki posted on 08/17/2010

I think Otto took care of that Tiki culture facet with his series of "Tiki Art Now" books/ exhibition catalogs.
Not that there is always room for another Tiki Art only book... :)

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