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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

My new Tiki artwork

Pages: 1 10 replies

Mrs.TikiMan posted on 08/02/2010

These are the products of the indominable Tiki Spirit biting me hard on the ass...Once you get bitten you just cant stop!!!! Thanks to all my fave artist that have inspired me to get out on paper what you all have done in all kinds of phases....you know who you are and so do the rest of our hardcore die hard Tiki Fans!!!!! More to come....

[ Edited by: Mrs.TikiMan 2010-08-01 19:00 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/02/2010

Mrs TikiMan, welcome to TC - isn't the inspiration here amazing?! I like #5 best, the untitled green mask best.

TikiG posted on 08/02/2010

Welcome to TC!

I love these - they shall be posted on my fridge - :)

Don't stop doing the art, keep posting the art, and use the medium that satisfies your spirit the most. Try all the different expressions of art, from drawing and painting to carving and clay, sewing, building and collage. Oh yeah, music too!

You're a big supportive fan of my work so I just want to say I'll be watching this thread for every update you post, so I can be supportive as well.

Be comfortable and confidant with your works, today and tomorrow and you'll grow exponentially...Cheers! G

Mrs.TikiMan posted on 08/16/2010

Im soooo feelin da love here....I will put some of my newer stuff up when we can get our scanner to behave!!!! And Greg it was so freakin cool to chat and hang with ya at da TongaHut...cant wait to hangout again!!!! Mahalo!

little lost tiki posted on 08/16/2010

the girl finally got the gumption to post here!
Welcome hun!
Keep on Drawing these sweet pictures
and we'll keep visitin!

TiKiMaN77 posted on 08/18/2010

the Scanner's fine baby.....it's the piece of crap computer it's hooked up to that isn't behaving. And of course, it doesn't help that Microsoft went and screwed things up so badly with these new versions of Windows...that things that should work....Don't...and can't afford the updated drivers.

little lost tiki posted on 08/20/2010

Get a MAC Billy!
you kids deserve it!

TiKiMaN77 posted on 08/23/2010

Kin, I would....but that would require money that I don't have.

Robb Hamel posted on 08/23/2010

These are SO fun to look at after wrapping up for the day on my always overly serious work. Keep cookin'.

ZeroTiki posted on 08/25/2010

Keep feeding the Tiki love, and all manner of crazy goodness will transpire.
Or, alternately, a bunch of weirdos on some internet forum boards will wait to see what's next :wink:

Haole Jim posted on 09/12/2010

Tres beaucoup kewl!

Good to see someone having fun with such a hip subject.

Pages: 1 10 replies