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Tiki Oasis 2011 dates?

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Francine posted on 08/25/2010

Does anyone know if they've already announced next year's dates (& location) for Tiki Oasis 11?

[ Edited by: Francine 2010-10-05 10:32 ]

Atomic Cocktail posted on 08/25/2010

Go here:


At the bottom of the page and you can subscribe to the Tiki Oasis News.

Francine posted on 08/25/2010

Actually, I did do that this week upon return from the Oasis (subscribe to newsletter)! I will eagerly await the first receipt and hope the dates are in it! I've got a big work event that I host in Vegas each August that sometimes conflicts with Oasis dates, so am anxious to hear when they are since our dates are already set for that month.
So no one's heard what the 2011 dates are yet?

KAHAKA posted on 08/25/2010

In the Oasis program it said August 18-21. I was kinda hoping it would be a week earlier!

Francine posted on 08/26/2010

Thank you! Glad it's not the week before, it's still tight with my other work schedule but COULD be possible. Love your lamps! Are they for sale somewhere online, or just through direct request to you?

Francine posted on 08/26/2010

Also, do you know if it's going to be here in San Diego at same hotel again as well?

vintagegirl posted on 08/26/2010

It should be at the same Bat place and the same Bat time unless Otto lets us know otherwise. (Unless, of course, the event outgrows this location too.)

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

Otto is still in SD in a week's worth of meetings.... hold tight... jeezzzzzzzzzzzz
folks think he snaps his magic fingers... info will come to you via email and all will be revealed......at some point anyway :wink:

Doctor Z posted on 08/26/2010

According to the poster in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza on Sunday, next year's Oasis theme is "South of the Border".

No, seriously.

Otto posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-25 00:32, Francine wrote:
Does anyone know if they've already announced next year's dates (& location) for Tiki Oasis 11?

as stated in the program
Next year's dates are Aug 18 - 21 (I was hoping it would be a week earlier but the third weekend of Aug is the only date that the hotel can guarantee giving us all the meeting room spaces)

"South of the Border" is the theme. Please note: this is the title of a Herb Alpert record, not a reference to Taco Bell. But I intend it to encompass all the Latin influences on Exotica music with a heavy nod to the 1960s/70s Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass craze (remember, Julius Wechter, Martin Denny's vibist for most of Denny's career, became the leader of the Baja Marimba Band. They were part of the TJB craze and were stars in their own right on Herb's A&M records)

Crowne Plaza San Diego, formerly known as the Hanalei Hotel, will be the site due to its historical significance and its great staff and in the round pool area. Did everyone get the postcard reprint we did this year!?!

JOHN-O posted on 08/26/2010

Remember Lucas Vigor was one of the first people here to post on this Mid-century cross-over.


He saw it coming. :)

Also Marty Lush was there first in the execution. Latin music in the Tiki bar !! It was a fantastic evening.

crazy al posted on 08/26/2010

APE has a lot of great Latin numbers!~ one awesome one i wrote myself!

Jason Wickedly posted on 08/26/2010

Any chance of getting the Black Sombrero Brass?


From their website:

The Black Sombrero Brass affectionately and faithfully recreates those old Tijuana Brass sounds. Our repertoire includes almost everything the Tijuana Brass recorded. We also have a large collection of other latin-influenced music from that era. The moods we create range from the exciting sounds of brass to the quiet sophistication of guitar, marimba and vibes.

The result is a fun, nostalgic, and sophisticated sound for your special event. It is a sound that is truly accessible to all ages of people. And we will not drown you out with volume, so your guests can enjoy the music, maybe dance a little, and even have a conversation without shouting.

"My kids say a new generation will discover this, but I don’t know. I couldn’t predict that I was going to make a hit record [40 years ago], so I can’t say if they will or they won’t. I will say it’s upbeat and positive music. There’s so much dark music out there now.”

—Herb Alpert, Washington Post, Apr 6, 2005

Francine posted on 08/26/2010

Thank you Otto, and all, for responding to my Q on the 2011 dates!
Neither myself or my man, Rapanui Rich, saw the postcard you refer to, and I even looked back to the program last night and still couldn't find the dates for 2011 anywhere. So really appreciate your responses!
I'm actually hosting an event in Vegas for my work next year (it's also every August), that ends on the day it begins out here, and I don't usually fly back right away but a day & half later.
Going to be interesting if I attempt to fly out the same night our show is over and then next day try to make it over to Tiki Oasis 11! At least it's in my backyard I guess, can't complain about that! (Richard & I live in Pacific Beach, 5 minutes from Crowne Plaza.) And I agree the staff there is terrific and the location is really perfect.
Otto: thanks for all you & your wife do to put this event together; I know how much effort it takes! It was our first time although we've been wanting to come for the past couple of years (unable due to conflicts with my work's August schedule).

mrsmiley posted on 08/26/2010

On 2010-08-25 22:04, Otto wrote:

as stated in the program

"South of the Border" is the theme. (remember, Julius Wechter, Martin Denny's vibist for most of Denny's career, became the leader of the Baja Marimba Band.

Is Julius the guy who is often taking a piss on the band's album covers? See the guy in the back with the sombrero.

congawa posted on 08/26/2010

Marty Lush's Latin project was also the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the South of the Border theme.

monet2u posted on 08/26/2010

putting it in my iphone now!

leleliz posted on 08/26/2010

Man if you are looking to book burlesque acts book Cholita..she has enough latin/kustom kulture flare to last the entire weekend.


Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 08/27/2010

Otto, I think you need to talk to Marty Lush about doing his Latin routine. Marty Lush and his Latin Livers were awesome at the Tonga Hut on May 1st for their one and only performance. And Marty remakes the Herb Alpert cover with style:

On 2010-04-11 18:46, GROG wrote:

TikiG posted on 08/27/2010

I nominate a new LP title for the above graphic: "Sour Cream & Guacamole Delights" :lol:

tiki mick posted on 08/28/2010

On 2010-08-25 22:20, JOHN-O wrote:
Remember Lucas Vigor was one of the first people here to post on this Mid-century cross-over.


He saw it coming. :)

Also Marty Lush was there first in the execution. Latin music in the Tiki bar !! It was a fantastic evening.

Wow, I got something right! (Finally!)


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-08-28 09:46 ]

tiki mick posted on 08/28/2010
crazy al posted on 08/28/2010

I'm suck a sucker for sequins and those little guitars... Otto can you work on this....?

tiki mick posted on 08/28/2010

Me too, Al!

And while we are on the subject, you gotta get Los Mysteriosos to play the next Oasis!

catmomma posted on 08/30/2010

so this means I can bring tequila next year? :wink: woohoo

sweetpea posted on 08/30/2010

I am sooooo not missing this next year!

VampiressRN posted on 08/30/2010

Ay ya ya...looks fabulous. I missed Marty Lush and the Livers so would be great to see at Oasis. Looking for my sombrero now!!!

Jason Wickedly posted on 08/30/2010

On 2010-08-28 16:58, lucas vigor wrote:
Me too, Al!

And while we are on the subject, you gotta get Los Mysteriosos to play the next Oasis!

Alex Hernandez at Tiki Oasis...not sure the universe can handle that much awesomeness in one place!

Doctor Z posted on 08/30/2010

On 2010-08-29 18:52, catmomma wrote:
so this means I can bring tequila next year? :wink: woohoo

Hmmm... I went through nearly a 1 1/2 liters of tequila at my room party Saturday night at the M6 - I wonder how much I should bring for 2011?

Otto posted on 08/31/2010

On 2010-08-26 10:25, mrsmiley wrote:

On 2010-08-25 22:04, Otto wrote:

as stated in the program

"South of the Border" is the theme. (remember, Julius Wechter, Martin Denny's vibist for most of Denny's career, became the leader of the Baja Marimba Band.

Is Julius the guy who is often taking a piss on the band's album covers? See the guy in the back with the sombrero.

OK, guys, start growing your mustaches now for next year's South of the Border theme!

Otto posted on 08/31/2010

On 2010-08-28 15:31, crazy al wrote:
I'm suck a sucker for sequins and those little guitars... Otto can you work on this....?

er, work on the sequins? or the little guitars? I like those big fat rounded back guitars too!

kick_the_reverb posted on 08/31/2010

Why not sequin covered little guitars?
P.S. regarding drinks - I'm sticking with Mexican rum.

bigtikidude posted on 08/31/2010

I'm gonna work on a drink called the Dirty Sanchez.

as for working on the mustache,
I'm already there.
just need to stop trimming it.


Jason Wickedly posted on 08/31/2010

On 2010-08-31 09:31, bigtikidude wrote:
I'm gonna work on a drink called the Dirty Sanchez.

as for working on the mustache,
I'm already there.
just need to stop trimming it.


You could always do it Eric Cartman style:


"that's my face, sir!"

1961surf posted on 08/31/2010

That's hilarious Jason !

IKABOD posted on 09/02/2010

Well then I guess its time then to reveal my spanish name El ichabotcho! Aheeeeeeeeeeeee!

crazy al posted on 09/03/2010

WILL WE SEE THIS GUY!!!!!!!!! in the old Spanish city of San Diego!!!
" ¡Viva Tiki! Ambassador of Tiki in Mexico. Zeta is specialized in the research, study and preservation of Tiki culture in Latin countries."

crazy al posted on 09/03/2010

One of my earliest Tiki? influences. More PC to say 'Exotica' influences. Los Olivos Restaurant in Old-Scottsdale. In the mid seventies through eighties it was painted a bright 'Mediterranean' White. With giant colorful organic windows/skylights. And a giant Tiki??? well, i giant olive oil pitcher perhaps???
Anyway I took my parents there this year, haven't been there since the mid 80's... still THERE! now next to the Scottsdale-MOMA? and one of those places that when the Mexican lady tells you "be careful the plates are hot", and you touch the plate, you get three degree burns on your fingers... YUM!!

i think i saw this guy when i was three (place touts it's been around more then 50 years), but i loved going to this place because of this giant thing on the roof!!
Viva La TIKI! I'Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!Ha!

more pics on FB

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-09-03 11:26 ]

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-09-03 11:46 ]

Mongoloid posted on 09/03/2010

Very reminiscent of a Hawaiian Ku.

VanTiki posted on 09/06/2010

Just updated my Oasis countdown timer home screen. At the moment there are 345 days and 14 hours till Oasis 11. Can't wait!

Henrik "VanTiki"

crazy al posted on 09/06/2010

that's how you get all those mugs made in time... hmmmmm?

VampiressRN posted on 09/12/2010

I like that count down screen idea.

MUCHAS GRACIAS OTTO...it is just awesome to know when Oasis will occur next year and the theme. I may be hosting at a nursing convention there, so will try to get the dates to coincide...YEAH!!! If I can pull it off, my transportation and hotel will get covered by work...that means I would even get to shop at Oasis...yeeehaw!!!

When ever I hear Guantanamera, it reminds me of what I thought the words were as a kid..."One ton tomato...but even one ton tomato...one ton tomaaaaato...but even one ton tomato!!!"

zond2 posted on 09/12/2010

Alas, I will miss the 2011 Tiki Oasis as I will be in Reno for Renovation, the 69th World Science Fiction Convention.

Martiki-bird posted on 09/12/2010

On 2010-09-12 15:29, VampiressRN wrote:
When ever I hear Guantanamera, it reminds me of what I thought the words were as a kid..."One ton tomato...but even one ton tomato...one ton tomaaaaato...but even one ton tomato!!!"

LOL! So glad to have company:

As a child, ONE TON TOMATO is exactly what I thought the lyrics were as well...I still hear them in my head when ever I play that.

Really looking forward to next year's Oasis, as Latinesque exotica is my thing. :)

Gina (of the Jungle... aka Martiki-bird)

crazy al posted on 09/13/2010

On 2010-09-12 16:30, Martiki-bird wrote:

On 2010-09-12 15:29, VampiressRN wrote:
When ever I hear Guantanamera, it reminds me of what I thought the words were as a kid..."One ton tomato...but even one ton tomato...one ton tomaaaaato...but even one ton tomato!!!"

LOL! So glad to have company:

As a child, ONE TON TOMATO is exactly what I thought the lyrics were as well...I still hear them in my head when ever I play that.

Really looking forward to next year's Oasis, as Latinesque exotica is my thing. :)

Gina (of the Jungle... aka Martiki-bird)

Yep! been singing that for years... Maybe that is the new entrance parade! the mariachi's should did it right??

danlovestikis posted on 09/13/2010

Hi Otto, my suggestion for the Oasis 11 mug. I made this for Dan because he majored in Spanish in college.
I call it the South of the Boarder Bastard,
Dan calls it the Suffering Sombrero! Wendy

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crazy al posted on 09/13/2010

Slap a Saguaro on that sucker! and wez in business
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crazy al posted on 09/13/2010

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-09-12 18:09 ]

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