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tikigodz finished work

Pages: 1 22 replies

tikigodz posted on 03/28/2010

Hey friends heres some stuff that I have finished over the past year.

Beachbumz posted on 03/28/2010

Great stuff Tikigodz, Great style tiki'z! I really like that tiki with the torch, very cool...
Look forward to more posts...

tikigodz posted on 03/29/2010

Finished result for swap 2010

MadDogMike posted on 03/29/2010

TikiGodz, you've been very prolific while I wasn't looking. Great collection of work - painting & carving! :o

tyger jymmy posted on 03/29/2010

Very nice stuff you got there them Tiki,s flippin ROCK .

little lost tiki posted on 03/29/2010

Great lookin group of Art,TG!
I really dig the shrunken head and the zombie monkey!
Thanks for the show-n-tell!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-03-29 07:39 ]

tikieruption posted on 03/29/2010

Torch tiki rocks - been trying to get carvers and mug folks to incorporate a spot for some kind of jar candle or small torch for years - way cool

LiddleLola posted on 03/30/2010

Love the fence, well everything actually.


jeppa posted on 03/30/2010

Great carvings! Awesome shrunken head!

tikigodz posted on 03/30/2010

tikigodz posted on 03/30/2010

tikieruption -Thanks bro, Ihave been trying to incorperate something on my stuff for a while..
Mad dogmike- Ive been trying to keep pumping them out.
Tygerjimmy- Thanks for checkin in.
littlelosttiki- I have been enjoying your work very much. thanks for the props.
liddle lola- thank you very much. I did it 3 years ago and it still looks good!
Jeppa -Thanks man ihave been lookin at yourstuff to, Love the hot rod style!

tobunga posted on 04/07/2010

Awesome stuff! Love your fire theme in some of your pieces, especially incorporating a tiki torch in a tiki carving!
I like the soul patch on your most recently posted tiki!

danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2010

I have my first palm log to carve. Are yours natural in color or did you paint them? I really enjoyed looking at your art. I'm in the Swap too, your painting is wonferful and big. Wendy

davidleslie posted on 04/09/2010

Wow, those are some amazing pieces of art!!! Well Done!

tikigodz posted on 04/09/2010

Thanks a lot guys... Wendy that is natural palm i will throw some stain in my airbrush and cover the outline, Then go over the whole thing with natural stain
The stain in the airbrush is always darker. Any queations let me know!!

tikigodz posted on 04/14/2010

finished up another tiki1

ZeroTiki posted on 04/15/2010

Just so it doesn't get to repititious, I won't say, 'awesome'....
Dang! I just did!
Anyhow, to really deliver with those tables. Incredible.


tikigodz posted on 05/26/2010

Drained the pool and had to paint something

MadDogMike posted on 05/26/2010

Nice...is it waterproof? :D

zerostreet posted on 05/26/2010

Nice work!

tikigodz posted on 05/27/2010

Thanks Guys MD its water proof for as foar as I know I sealed it treee time
We,ll see how it goes thru the summer.

metalhead posted on 05/29/2010

INSPIRED!!!!! Love the broken lines on the carvings! The paint jobs are spectacular! Let me know if you make it to Vantucky!

tikigodz posted on 08/27/2010

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