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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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MarkusK posted on 08/04/2010

Ohhhhhh. Uhhhhhh. Ahhhhhh.
Now you can come by and paint all my spare frames :P

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/05/2010

Sweet embellishment! Bamboo Ben frames and your art
are a great combo.

lennieguys posted on 08/05/2010

Fabulous technique Kinny!

Clarita posted on 08/05/2010

:) thanks

little lost tiki posted on 08/06/2010

RIGHT in the muddle of a painting jam
but thought i would share!

Thanks for the audible approval,friend!
if i ever end up in Berlin
i will trade you room and board for some art!

Jason-first off....thank you so much for your visits and steadfast encouragement
You and Claudette are A-1 in my book and truly Walk the Walk! Hugs!

lennie!-Thank you my dear! and thank you for your inspiration by example
you are livin the dream,dear!

Clarita-thank YOU! Sending some waves of :) until our future picnic!

Was inspired by a Moai in the Kahiki that i saw on page 146 of the Book of Tiki..
and Squid came by last Sunday and brought me some watercolor paper
with one page with the colors and tissue paper stain already thrown down!
so it was collaboration time
with Squid on the background colors and kinny on the art!
i love unexpected opportunities such as this!

so i started a few sketchbook pages full of studies
then went straight to the paper..
and got this far...

and said (about 11pm last night)
"Why aint i doin this on one of them BooBen frames i got last week at his Hut?"

so i jammed til 4 in the morn on this baby!
(got to watch "The Road" whilst painting.. What an incredible,moving film!
my favorite Post-Apocalyptic film as of today!)
Slept a few hours.... got up
and had a lil more studio time on this puppy
listening to Tiki Joe's Ocean's Under the Midnight Sun
that i just got in the mail
and soaking up a Tropical Moontan!
so here it is
as of a few minutes ago....

and a close-up...

will start on some shadowing soon
and then this baby will start cooking!
cooked baby....

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sun for me!
i will haunt the batcave/studio of solitude
and create some more magic!

sleestak posted on 08/06/2010

dude your shit iz sick! inspiring doesnt even compute!!? i DIG-IT! Theyre grrrrreat!

4WDtiki posted on 08/06/2010

Those colors are sherbet-y delicious! More collaborations!

Meheadhunter posted on 08/07/2010

Super Groovylicious new stuff Kinny!!
Love the "style" of The Sunshower!!

GROG posted on 08/07/2010

Sunshower looks great. Must be the Bamboo Ben part. :)

little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2010

SLEESTAKI'll be seeing YOU soon!
Doesn't even compute..C'mon!
Glad you enjoy these little beasties!

Yes! Sherberty!
Thought I'd follow that Squid-inspired palette as a base
and build upon that...and man!
MUTUAL INSPIRATION PACT is in full effect!
We should do another embellished tiki next chop!
That one a while back was fun!

MHH-Thanks man!
The Sunshower piece was just me revisiting my old fabric print days
and translating that onto the wood!
Used to create the prints with gouache on w/c paper
so the diff medium was a challenge at first,but got comfortable and talkative as the piece progressed...
This new one I'm working on is really stealing my time and thought
It's for a very special exhibition upcoming
so i'd really like it to SHINE!
but more of that later once it's declassimified!

I agree.
Must be the Bamboo Ben part...

okay...enough chatting!
Was so far in the ZONE that i forgot to take progress pics
sorry...the painting comes first...
documentation is minor compared to gettin it done!

here it is today after a late night and early morn til now session...
"After Hours"
cel vinyl and acrylic on wood!
with Bamboo Ben frame
i mention wood! because it was both a challenge and delight
to work with...

Here's some close-ups....
the Moai
(inspired by a Moai in the Kahiki) in the BOT page 146

Here's the drink in a coconut bowl that they're sharing
whilst they discourse into the early hours...
and the bottom of the Moai in the grotto!

Here's a close-up of his pufferfish friend..
After abstracting him.i still wanted to give him some mass
as well as create a simplified abstraction of the light peering thru his belly..
so far so good.

i also added some washes of white around the light burst lines
as well as some raw umber shading here and there to create shadows and different fields of depth

so far so good.
just keep saying that kinny!

I'm pleased with how well the glass balls are turning out!
so far so good!

oh well... gotta finish this thing
got some coffee brewing!

Have a great evening!

LOL Tiki posted on 08/08/2010

I like!

4WDtiki posted on 08/08/2010

WOW! Oh, it's not done??? WOW anyway!
You mentioned getting prints, you should really consider prints of these last two.

hodadhank posted on 08/08/2010

On 2010-08-07 18:00, 4WDtiki wrote:
WOW! Oh, it's not done??? ...

No way Bill he's gotta Zip Fizz and cross hatch the hell out of that thing or it's not a real Ruzik. ha ha.

Lookin good Ken. I like the white. Wake me when it's finished.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/09/2010

Man Kinny, After Hours is stellar!
Colors and stained glass effect are perfect.
One of your best in this style.

Swamp Fire posted on 08/10/2010

My new favorite Ken Ruzic piece

Love how you did the puffer and great colors. Outstanding!

little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2010

How-a-dee-do kiddles!
Had a good stretch this weekend til Sunday night
when it struck...
Caused by excessive painting and coffee drinking and ciggie smoking and staying up late
Basically,painting when the feeling struck...which is most of the time
and it finally catching up with me...

Which only happens twice a year or so
so it's an acceptable suffering..
I mean..
look at some of the Saints and Martyrs...
they put a lot more suffering and focus and anguish for what they loved
So heck!
Being a painter is a cakewalk,if you think of it that way...
Anyways, this fever struck me with chills
then hot-flashes and sweatin
and more chills
and more sweatin
so i took a lot of baths
and naps
and didn't eat or go to work for 3 days!
Didn't even eat anything for 50-some hours
just water and supplements
I think i sweated out a LOT of toxins...
Surprised little hash balls didn't bead up on my forearms! :lol:

Anyways, finally went to work today
and now feel better enough to post some more progress pics of "After Hours"
and a companion piece.. "the Lively Conversation"...
But first....

Roland-Thank you! These two are destined for a special exhibition.
But you'll have to stay tuned...

Bill!-Newp...not done yet...
it may look finished to most
but it will not leave this Batcave until it gets that special touch of OOMPH
that only announces it's arrival a few brushstrokes before stopping...
and it ain't ready yet...
I'm gonna see how this first run of prints goes
and then...perhaps
Thanks again for being a regular visitor
I don't get out much
so it's always nice to get a visit from the Artist Ohana!

Hank!-you understand,soul brother!
we call it OOMPH around here!
i need to get another case of ZIPFIZZ
haven't had one in a while.... maybe 2 months...
so I'm hoping my bodie's resistance to it's amping out qualities
has vanished
and is ready for ROUND TWO!
Sleep for a week more,my friend
then it should be finished...

Thank you so much,man!
Toe and i were talking about you today
during lunch at Adolphos In Laguna Beach today
how you sign your paintings before you finish them
to trick yourself into not overdoing it...
Great Strategy!
I can't wait to show you them when they're finished
I hope they give you the same tingles your work gives me!

Doug-MAhalos my Giant!
i tell you, this Ohana just brings out the best in everyone lately!
What a blessing and reward to be surrounded by a family of kooky little Einsteins
with chisels and paintbrushes!
I eagerly await gazing upon your newest offerings for Oasis this year!

And now.....
on with our saga...

when last we left "After Hours"
he looked like this...
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i developed more shadows with the raw umber
but hardly noticeable to your naked eyes
so i will post a pic of that
at the bottom of this thread....

but be patient
or you'll miss out...

Welpers, decided that "After Hours" needed a partner
and seeing how the first piece is WARM
i thought i'd make one COOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

izzat Cool wit choo?

So first, i had to hoodwink BigToe out of the big frame i got fer him
at Bamboo Ben's sale 2 weeks back...
So, after giving him 4 smaller bamboo frames
washing his feet
kissing his dog Lucy on the mouth
(vigorously, i may add)
addressing him as "Most Imperious and Glorious Toe" for 2 days
and bringing him the heads of 4 happy children
he relented...
i think...

So i did some more studies from the Book of Tiki
of lamps and details on shields and masks
and whatnot
so i slapped down the colors
to establish the forms i would soon be tackling...
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After that i pencilled in the rough shapes
and began adding a "pop" color
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Here's puffdaddy close up...
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y'know,honestly, i've never listened to more than 8 seconds of a PuffDaddy song
give me the Melvins,Bach,and the Avett brothers
maybe Ray Charles and Betty carter
and Aretha's Jazz to Soul
and that's all i need
and some Tom Waits
and of course...Tiki Joe's Ocean

i began to add some other colors
as you can plainly see.
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bringing more life and solidity to the pineapple,puffer,and mask
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then there was a fog
a fog of white
this fog marooned me in a haze of art
where there was no time
needless to say,no pictures were taken...

But this is it so far
Still a lot more shading and light effects and
of course
the OOMPH.
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here's a detail of these two
discussing something lively
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before i get all the deets in there!
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And here is the two
as we speak
awaiting the next round...
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They look good together,
so far
wouldn't you agree?

Anyways... Busy weekend coming up...
Friday night I'll be at
Tiki Joe’s Ocean CD Release Party
for his latest musical treat
“Under the Midnight Sun.”

Friday August 13th
Tonga Hut
12808 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91606
(818) 769-0708

I'll be there
celebrating Andy's Grand Offering to the Tiki community
kissing babies/spilling drinks/giggling
and being a general boor/nuisance

and selling prints of the cover that i painted!
limited Edition of 25
They are 12x12 inches
on a nice heavy acid-free stock
matte finish
and titled,numbered and HAND SIGNED
OH! and get this!
presented in a clear heavy plastic protective wrap
with a cardboard backing as well!
I will be hawking these at the Tonga Hut on Friday night ...

Special thanks to Jason Wickedly for a fantastic job on these!
He's the man for all your printing needs!
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For those brave enough to make the trip
i will be selling these for only $20 that night!
Afterwards the price goes up to $50!
Just kidding!
It will be $25 for all you rude people who didn't go to Andy's CD release party
Any prints leftover from the event can be purchased for $25 plus $5 shipping
(subject to availability/shoot me a PM if you want one
no special requests on a certain number print
i don't do that.
get in line
like everyone else
thank you!
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Okay... time to lay off the coffee
and get a few more hours of painting before the big event!
I just hope i don't get so hammered
that i miss BooBen's gig the next day..

Night Folks!
Thanks again for visiting!

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laojia posted on 08/13/2010

Your work is a delight for the eyes... Thank you for sharing your art!


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MadDogMike posted on 08/13/2010

Kinny thanks for the tour, the goodies, and the advice :). Have a great time at the Hut tonight!

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amybean posted on 08/13/2010

Love the layering and cartooning blend. Some day I'll get to see your work in "real" light!

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Babalu posted on 08/13/2010

Your on 'FIRE' Sir Kinny! It's always a hoot to come in and explore this house...


Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/13/2010

I agree! Those two look smashing together.
Great in progress snaps too. And prints to boot!

See you at da Hut!

little lost tiki posted on 08/28/2010

Hello Kiddles!
Finally finished those 2 pieces! YAY!
Bad news is that i was in such a fuzz
i didn't take any more progress shots..

But before all that....

laojia-Thank you J!
And thank you for getting a TikiTribe going in Paris!

Mike-Mahalos buddy! You are always welcome to the Studio of Solitude!
Your redone bird pic is steps ahead of the previous one!

amybean-Glad you enjoy these humble offerings...
Really, they look about the same as on the computer
cept they're bigger
and you can actually hear them talk to you...

Babs! YOU are the one on Fire!
Congrats on your successful Oasis weekend!
More Collabs for next year!

i got to get a Jason/Claudette fix twice in less than 8 days!
How lucky is THAT!?!?
Thank you for all the encouragement and love...
Having fellow artists as friends is the BEST!

Well...they're finally finished!

They're around 18 x 26...
and are allotted for a very special show
in around a month!

"After Hours"
cel-vinyl and acrylic on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame
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it probably doesn't look too different to you
(the last 4-5 hours of a piece are just so it achieves that unworldly perfection that only us artists can see!)

but here's some detail pix!
Moai in a grotto! What a Lourdes Wannabe
(that's a BVM apparition in-joke...sorry!)
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Here's some of the lamps..and the lighting..
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Here's a blabbermouth pufferfish!
did a lot more detailing on him and the lighting
since last we spoke....
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a nice little cocktail in a coconut bowl for two!
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and here's the accompanying painting...
a suite,you might say!

"the Lively Conversation"
cel-vinyl and acrylic on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame
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Here's a chatty PNG wall-hung shield/mask..
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Here's the Pineapple concoction they've been sharing..
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a close-up of the vegetation..
not the subtle wood grain on the table....
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and another gabby pufferfish lamp!
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That's all i got for now...
expect a Tiki slowdown for the next few months
as i prepare for my 20-year Celebration Exhibition
and re-examine subject matter and style from 20 years of stumblings and bumblings
at the Caged Chameleon Gallery in Santa Ana on November 6th!
(it's right down the block from the Bowers museum 's PNG/Polynesian exhibition-so make it a two-fer day!)

i have a few tiki pieces for the exhibition
and may have 1-2 new ones
but that's it til after the show,folks!

i do hope you understand!
love ya
mean it..

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zerostreet posted on 08/29/2010

Beautiful pieces Ken! Congrats!

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tikithomas08 posted on 08/31/2010

love the new pieces K-DAWG! waaaaaayyy RAD!

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Bowana posted on 09/01/2010

Your recent work is downright explosive, Ken!


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ZeroTiki posted on 09/09/2010

Beeee-YOOTIFUL!!! Inspiring pieces of wondrosity!!!

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Robb Hamel posted on 09/14/2010

I like how the Blabbermouth Pufferfish has an "angry eye" he's shooting us!

This piece is fantastico, Ken.

Clarita posted on 09/14/2010

I love this set of two paintings! inspired, joyful, great colors, would totally hang them at home :)

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Babalu posted on 09/15/2010


Your such a stud!

the late nights show in the body of work...paint on brother, paint on.

Keep us up on the next show...I'm headed north to party!

yup yup -

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Robb Hamel posted on 09/27/2010

Yeah - you're the SUPER-STUD of Tiki art.


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Robb Hamel posted on 10/16/2010

MY FAVORITE: the pufferfishes' "ANGRY EYES"!

I'd be mad too.

little lost tiki posted on 11/23/2010

Well Aloha there pardners!
Been a while....a long while!
Well. the 20-year exhibition Opening was a complete success
11-12 paintings sold
and about the same number of drawings found good homes as well!
It was soooo exciting to be able to reflect on 20 years of subject matter and styles
and to see the legions of folks who had been there since my humble beginnings
all the way up to the present day...
Friends,loved ones,muses,heroes,and gawkers alike were assembled and converged together that night...
and it was a beautiful thing!
Thank you all!
If you'd like to see photos from the Opening reception go here...

and here is my public facebook link of all the paintings and just a few of the 100-some drawings....

the gallery will be open on weekends until Dec 18th noon to 4pm Saturday and Sunday
so C'mon down and visit us!

Anyways.... I should probably answer y'alls....it's been so long....

zerostreet-Mahalo MAn! Glad to see the activity and talent are still going strong around here!

tikithomas08-thank yuh,sir! More in that style should be peeking out in the near future!

Bowana! KABOOM right back,bruthah! I see you're still way ahead of the game!

ZeroTiki-Thank you art partner!

Robb-Hello old buddy! Those pufferfish are ALL angry eyed blabbermouths!

Clarita!-Hello darling!Glad they make your heart smile! It was an honor exhibiting them at Sven's 10 year show! What an honor and a high point of this year's exhibits!

Sai-BabaLu! I would say the same of you,old friend! Miss you and your keen insight!

Robb-yes! yes! the eyes have it! :lol:

Well,since this thread is now about the process...
I thought I'd share y'alls a sneak peek into what goes on before a painting is painted..
Can't really tell you what this is for yet,but believe me.....it's exciting!
the patron mentioned undersea with mermaids,sea life,and Tikis
the vibe should be mysterious...
and it'll be around 5 feet by 3 or 5 feet by 2.5 feet...
Love them big'uns!
Soooo,with that in mind
thought i'd start with some studies of the above-mentioned and try to find some good poses
and maybe scrape out a story from them....

So enough babbling..Here's the sketches i have so far......
Please excuse the raw and fast nature of these...
Thoughts have wings and sometimes it's hard to capture them all
before the next few flutter about!

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That's it for now.... I'll post more as the inspiration hits and i scrawl down some more ideas....
i really like the idea of constructing A-frames and huts out of ocean materials...
plus,there's nuthin like a Moai encrusted in coral,eh?

Have a good night,crew!

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MadDogMike posted on 11/23/2010

Kinny's Back!!!!! :D :D :D

We've missed you but glad you were gone for a worthy cause.

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Jungle Ginger posted on 11/23/2010


Love your mermaids!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/24/2010

After that big show...
Love your latest creatures, man. The Seahorse is my favorite.
Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you kids are gonna have fun!

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beadtiki posted on 11/25/2010

I wish I could come see your exhibit - it looks AWESOME! Nice work, as usual! I'm with TJP on the Seahorse! Maybe it's the crown - I have your queen fish painting as my desktop picture at work!

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zerostreet posted on 11/25/2010

A lot of great ideas there Kenny! I'd like to see those sea horses end up in something!

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Robb Hamel posted on 11/25/2010

I love, Love, LOVE the sketch pages!


So, so nice, Ken.

They're so nice to examine I want to thank you for showing us.

MarkusK posted on 11/26/2010

Just checked the pics from you great anniversary show, Kinny! Must have been fun. Made me think how to come up with a cunning plan to get rich quick so I can buy airplane tickets to your next show.

That leafy sea dragon is a killer for sure. Uh, encrusted moais and all! Ken Ruzic gone Captain Nemo! Reminds of Homer Simpon's song..."There'll be no frustrations, Just friendly crustaceans. Under the seaaaa...".
Happy diving!

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/26/2010

Love them sketches!

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Haole Jim posted on 11/27/2010

Those sketch pages are amazing. thank you for the inspiration.

little lost tiki posted on 11/29/2010

Mike-yes..... LLT is back!
a lil slower on the output
but that's only because of all the side projects and commissions that have been plaguing my brain...
Will post those as soon as enough progress is made....

Nancy-Thank you!
I just did some more mermaids ,so scroll down!

Andy!- Happy Thanksgiving to you too,buddy!
It was a blast hanging with Mele kalikimaka and TikiG and Raves for Thanksgiving!
and their pup pup Lulu was a sweetie-pie! Did a collaboration with G while i was there so I'll post that in my other finished work thread......wait til you see it! Wheeee!
I think 2 -3 weeks of recovery is MORE than enough for any normal human
almost excessive....Now it's time to get the nose back on the grindstone!

bead!Yeah.... the Seahorses are usually a hit with most.... And of course,like all ocean life,they MUST have a king!Happy Holidays Sweetie!

zerostreet-Been in love with those Seahorses for a few years and will certainly pop out a few more paintings in the future,so stay tuned! :)

Robb-Love you man! and LOVE your newest Polynesian landscapes.... They take my breath away!
and thanks for the phonecall! Sorry i was out! We'll chat soon enough,art-mate!

Markusk!-I wish i had the cash to fly all my friends out here for a show! But in the meantime,i have plenty of folks who will be there to snap pix for those of you in other states and continents!
It was a BLAST and so rewarding to see the effect the art has had on plain ol folks and artists alike! What good is a torch if you won't light other torches with it?
Glub! Glub!

Jason-thanks! I've neglected drawing for a few months whilst preparing for the show,and now i have to bone-up on the sketchbook for awhile before painting some more!

Haole Jim-Thank YOU! It's our duty to inspire your booty!
The more inspired and working arteests out there,the better for the scene!
Viva le Art!

Well....Thank you all for the nice comments and pure STOKE!
Here's some more sketches for this big project!

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That's it for now! Have a wonderful week,kids!

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Sneakytiki posted on 11/29/2010

BLAM! SHAZAM! I dig those mermaids the most!!!! Beautiful sketches!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 11/30/2010

as usual, great work kinny!!!!!!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 12/07/2010

Queen K.....
Thank you both soooooo much for the sweet compliments and delight!

Started an ink study to get the basic color composition and atmosphere down
and then i usually see who wants to play where
and add them....
A story full of mystery and myth,far below the waves...

only one Moai this week,but i promise that more will pop out of the woodwork soon....
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Here's some details-sorry about the color difference..
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that's it for now,kids!
Mahalos for the visits!

MarkusK posted on 12/07/2010

Love the colors and the 'hermit squid'!

Mr. Moai kinda looks like Mr. Obama to me :)

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MadDogMike posted on 12/07/2010

Markusk, I don't think it is polite to make fun of another country's president - so unless you were born in Kenya... :lol: I'M KIDDING MARLUSK!!!!! Maybe the Moai & Obama were twins seperated at birth? :P

Kinnster - very cool, love all the detail in the critters. I wasn't expecting the yellows, will that be staying or is it waiting for a blue wash?

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ZeroTiki posted on 12/09/2010

Cheesum Crow! The colors and linework really pull me into this one! Wowsers, K! You have done it again...well, some more...

...And I didn't get any art supplies on the 7th, though Pikeys dog sent me a lil sump'n sump'n :)

Anyhow, I am distracting you from your amazing works, so get crack-alackin! Back to the brushes!! VITE!


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