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Announcing a new music/album series called 'Exotica for Modern Living'

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Mr. Ho posted on 09/12/2010

Hello ohana!

Happy to announce the title, early artwork, and details about our new music series called "Exotica for Modern Living" which kicks off with TWO records! 1 Esquivel album, and 1 Exotica album. Later this year, the 23-pc (yea, we multiplied slightly) will release "The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel." And, early next year we will release the second album in the series by our exotica quartet (featuring a special guest on oud) entitled, "Third River Rangoon."

Read the full announcement here: http://orchestrotica.com/newsletters.cfm?id=17 for all the details
Jump to the album pre-sale page which has videos and more details at http://orchestrotica.com/album
Please Like us on Facebook and/or leave a comment too.

VIDEO: happy to show off the 23-pc big band recording Dancing in the Dark using unmixed audio from the board - see the link above!)

Your pre-sales will help us complete these recordings as soon as possible. Don't got cash? Try to win one of the contests!

Mr. Ho

Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica
Exotica • Esquivel • Space Age Pop
Twitter: @orchestrotica

[ Edited by: Mr. Ho 2010-09-12 08:40 ]

socksoff posted on 09/14/2010

WHOA! your music sounds sweet and fresh. Joined your mailing list as I'm now very interested in some copies of the CDs. Thanks for telling us about this and looking forward to making a purchase.

Mr. Ho posted on 09/14/2010

thanks! we aim to sonically please :)

socksoff posted on 09/14/2010
cheeky half posted on 09/14/2010

Consider us pleased. Sonically speaking.

Mr. Ho posted on 10/05/2010

Hello everyone!

Just a quick update on our CD release!

Myself, stereophonic producer Brother Cleve, and the 22 other Orchestrotica musicians have wrapped the first CD in the new Exotica for Modern Living series! We're happy to announce that The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel is off to print and will be released on Nov. 16th this fall! The CD sounds fantastic and the artwork is beautiful for those of you who still purchase CDs and will get to take advantage of Javier Garcia's awesome illustrations for the series.

We're offering the pre-sales at a REDUCED PRICE until Nov 16th. You can save $5 on the CD and $2 on the digital download by purchasing before Nov. 16th. So, for the price of 1 fancy cocktail in NYC, you can enjoy the Orchestrotica's debut CD for a lifetime! Those who bought early will get advanced shipping as well and hopefully will receive the CD by Nov 16th, the day of the official street release. Also, the exotica quartet CD Third River Rangoon (the second in the series), is available for reduced-price purchase as well and hits streets May 2011. Your advanced purchase helps us fund the final stages of mastering, artwork, and publicity so please, consider buying the album today.

A full update on the album is available in our latest newsletter at http://orchestrotica.com/newsletters.cfm


Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica
Exotica • Esquivel • Space Age Pop
Twitter: @orchestrotica

[ Edited by: Mr. Ho 2010-10-05 20:58 ]

Mr. Ho posted on 10/06/2010

Oops just fixed newsletter URL :)

VampiressRN posted on 10/06/2010

FABULOUSFABULOUSFABULOUS...looking forward to CD. Thanks for the link. :)

Jeff Central posted on 10/06/2010

Just ordered BOTH CD's!!!!!

Can't wait to get sonically pleased!! :)

Keep up the good work Brian.

Cheers and Mahalo,

OnyaBirri posted on 10/09/2010

Looking forward to hearing these!

Brian, it was great meeting you at Hukilau!

Mr. Ho posted on 11/16/2010


Today, Nov 16th, the Orchestrotica's debut big band CD, "The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel" was released! And today only, we are offering FREE shipping anywhere in the world! This includes both single sale CDs and also the special CD/Ticket combo packages we are offering for our Jan 14th performance with the entire 23 pc recording band. BTW, fair warning to TC ohana first: VIP tickets are going faster than regular tickets right now!

Reminder too - the smaller exotica quartet is playing in NYC on Dec 2 (Thurs, 7pm) @ Caffe Vivaldi (Greenwich Village).

http://orchestrotica.com/newsletters.cfm?ref=TC11162010 has all the details on the CDs, shipping, and upcoming shows.

Mr. Ho

socksoff posted on 11/17/2010

Thank you for the reminder Mr Ho and even more thanks for the music. Some space-age pop is exactly what I need to break the mundane routine of exotic island life.

Mr. Ho posted on 11/30/2010

First off, thanks to some of the TC ohana for their purchases and support of the Orchestrotica's newest CD. The reviews are now coming in, including props from All About Jazz! These are some highlights from today's press for "The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel," our current 23-pc big band release that officially went live a few weeks ago. We are very happy with the positive comments, especially those "outside" the lounge/exotica scene!

"...The Orchestrotica that so beautifully interprets Esquivel's work...breathes fresh life into these marvelously odd arrangements, with a clear understanding of just what their creator intended them to do... an album that just wants to play and have fun." - All About Jazz

"...11 pieces that stretch the imagination...a terrific album, well worth many a listen..." - CanadianAudiophile.com

"...the trumpets are barely contained, the congas & bongos play with no shame...The stylistic reach on display illustrates both Esquivel's creative outlook and the Orchestrotica's ability to render it." - Mark Saleski (Something Else!)

Just a reminder - use the TikiCentral banner ad to get free shipping on the disc. We are also offering a holiday special, and there's more to come still!

Visit http://orchestrotica.com/2010_exotica_esquivel_album.cfm?ref=TC11292010 for full album reviews , to preview tracks, and purchase. For those that aren't on our mailing list, we just posted an update about the big Jan 14th, 2011 23-pc big band show in which we will perform this CD in its entirety, live! http://orchestrotica.com/newsletters.cfm?ref=TC11292010 for details on how to get tickets for this very very rare event.

until next time, thanks for listening!

Mr. Ho posted on 12/06/2010

Hello TC-ers!

Tooting our own horn, but for good reason! We are glad to share some of our recent press quotes with everyone. Just tonight, we received 5 stars from Audiophile Audition for the new CD! See that one at http://www.audaud.com/article?ArticleID=8266

check out the attached graphic for quotes from All About Jazz, Canadian Audiophile, and others. We're starting to run low on copies of the 23-pc big band CD, "The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel" although we will be saving some for the Jan 14, 2011 CD release show in Cambridge, MA.


socksoff posted on 12/06/2010

Congratulations Mr. Ho. I'm definitely supporting you guys and already placed an order for a copy of the music disc. I have a quick question: will any of your work be available in vinyl format?

Thanks, and best of luck with the music and group.

Mr. Ho posted on 12/06/2010

Thanks socksoff! Vinyl: potentially down the road yes if we can sell enough of the first albums' cds and downloads :) doing a big band cd , especially of covers, is quite expensive so we had to bag it for the first release. Enjoy the cd and let us know what you think!

Mr. Ho

socksoff posted on 12/21/2010

On 2010-12-06 05:11, Mr. Ho wrote:
Enjoy the cd and let us know what you think!

This is going to be on continued rotation for quite some time but so far: perfection. And an excellent soundtrack for my holiday on Titan.

Mr. Ho posted on 12/21/2010


Thanks for the support to you and the other TC ohana. Just got some great new press as well that might entice your decision to get the new album:

"4-STARS! ...exquisite attention to details..." – The Sunday Times (London), Clive Davis

Best of 2010 pick - All About Jazz, Bruce Lindsay

Jazz Favorite 2010 - All About Jazz, Mark Saleski

"… something marvelous…The world needs more cool sounds like this…" - Ink19

Still shipping time for Xmas and we have a holiday sale. Local NE ohana, the CD release is Jan 14th; get the CD cheaper when you buy it with a ticket!

Mr. Ho

Mr. Ho posted on 01/17/2011

23-pc Esquivle big band photo from sellout show on Jan 14:

Quartet (opener):

(no time for wardrobe changes; my how formal for a tiki/exotica group!)

socksoff posted on 01/17/2011

Stella pictures. You guys are looking real sharp.

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