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2nd South SF Bay Home Tiki Bar Crawl - Saturday September 25, 2010

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Tikitastic posted on 06/25/2010

Save the date - Saturday September 25, 2010. Details will be posted later when we have them.

Jungle Trader posted on 06/25/2010


Savage Tiki posted on 06/26/2010

I'm locked and loaded... Well, not loaded just yet and I'm not waiting till Sept 25th to get that way. I'm going to practice, practice, practice and practice some more.

I have gotten the ingredients for a banana-less daiquiri and it's one of my new faves. Thanks to Maria? of the Gindicate from Tiki bocce for the recipe. BTW, that day rocked too.

GoldenTiki posted on 07/03/2010

Expect a warm aloha once again at the Golden Tiki in Los Gatos, your last stop before heading up the hill to the land of Tikitastic.

Tai Won On posted on 07/19/2010

I will be hosting a stop again this year too.
It was a lot of fun last time.

Coco Loco posted on 08/09/2010

Okay, I got confused by the topic heading. It says South SF, so I thought it was a South San Francisco (which is a city) home bar tour. So I wondered, why is Jim hosting a spot for that? Then I realized it was for the SouthBay. So this is THE SOUTHBAY HOME BAR TOUR, not South San Francisco Home Bar Tour... Confusing, but I think I understand now. :wink:

aquarj posted on 08/10/2010

Hey, didn't notice this before! Hope to come for some of the fun this time.

Being a no-initiative kinda guy, I might also offer to glom on with a sort of unofficial open house at our place in Belmont. It could be earlier in the day, handy for people who might find it on their way down the peninsula, say coming from SF or the east bay.

Or not, since the day sounds pretty full already. But the Lanai guy always likes appreciative visitors, so if any TCers are interested you can let me know (offline PM or whatever).


Tikitastic posted on 09/12/2010

The South SF Bay Area Home Bar Crawl is happening in 2 weeks!!! If you would like to attend send me a PM with your name and e-mail address and I will add you to the Evite with details including times and addresses.

Mai Tai posted on 09/14/2010

Looking forward to this. I might have to miss the last stop, depending on it's scheduled time, as I have a prior commitment in the East Bay later that night, but the rest should be all good for me. Who are the hosts, and what is the tentative itinerary?

Lake Surfer posted on 09/14/2010

Looking forward to all the fun!

Tikitastic posted on 09/16/2010

We have about 25 people attending so far! Hope you can make it too! PM me with your e-mail address and name for details.

Tikitastic posted on 09/18/2010

1 week until the home bar crawl...hope you can make it!

Tikitastic posted on 09/21/2010

Just added another stop....lots of rum drinks and tiki bars! Get your DD lined up!

Tikitastic posted on 09/23/2010

Here is the final times and route for the home bar crawl this Saturday! PM me for addresses.

leleliz posted on 09/23/2010

On 2010-09-23 12:40, Tikitastic wrote:

Too bad that's not a print we could buy- Looks great!

VampiressRN posted on 09/24/2010

Boo Hoo...I won't make it this year...ya'll have fun.

Mark...that poster is awesome...if you do end up getting it produced, count me in for one!!!

leleliz posted on 09/24/2010

AFter the week I have had I am really looking forward to checking out everyone's places tomorrow.Thanks again you South Bay folks for organizing and opening up your bars for all of us to enjoy :)

danlovestikis posted on 09/24/2010

I can't wait, we played all day with the GPS and found out it's a bit demented. To get to On the Border restaurant it wanted us to pass it up go 1/2 mile and then make a u-turn. So just in case it has Southbay problems I'm also printing maps. We'll have fun seeing if it's feeling better tomorrow and thinking straight. See ya all soon. Hey glad to see Eric, Liz and Brenda will be there too. Wendy and Dan

Tikitastic posted on 09/25/2010

Today is crawl day! Hope to see you there!

Also, we are working on printing up some of the crawl maps on card stock. I'll post once we have them ready.

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VooDoo Daddy posted on 09/25/2010

I am looking forward to hosting again!

Big Daddy Portman.

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Tiki Kaimuki posted on 09/25/2010

Really wish we could make it. You guys are gonna have a damn good time. While you're all enjoying
your fine cocktails, think of me getting crap ready for tomorrow's sale. Shed a small tear and
drink up!

GoldenTiki posted on 09/26/2010

Thank you all for stopping by the Golden Tiki last night, thanks to all of the other generous hosts, and a very special thanks for the host gifts. The South Bay Home Bar Crawl gets bigger and better every time we do it! Kelly (Martini Wahini) and I look forward to hosting again, we had a great time and hope all of you did as well. Mahalo!!!

I am happy to send the large (20MB, 20"x14" at 300 DPI PDF)) hi res image of the map image to anyone that wants it. Some suggest it is suitable for framing. :) This new version has the "times" removed. Send me an email at jk @ jonathanknowles.com and I'll get it to you.

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GoldenTiki posted on 09/26/2010

Here are a few pictures from Notch's, Tai Won On's, and the Golden Tiki.

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leleliz posted on 09/27/2010

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-09-26 22:46 ]

leleliz posted on 09/27/2010

even though I was only able to make the last 3 stops thank you to everyone who helped organize and host last night. It was a lot of fun and a great pregame to today's all day event at Forbidden Island

Great people...amazing home bars ....tasty drinks...who needs anything else :)

VampiressRN posted on 09/27/2010

Thanks for the pix...looks like you had so much fun that Liz has an echo. Good thing W&D's GPS worked. You have such awesome yards!!!!

danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2010

Vamp the GPS didn't always work. We left first for Tikitastiks party in the hills of Los Gatos. For us it was Lost Gatos. For 1.5 hours we drove circles on the top of the mountain. When it got close to 10:30 pm we fed the GPS our hotel address and thank goodness it worked. Even still it was a great day.

We had the best time. We met up with so many old friends and made so many new ones. One day we hope to make it back there and to see Tikitastiks wonderful collection we have heard about.

Thank you everyone for hosting and sharing your beautiful homes with us. We are so happy that we made the trip. Wendy and Dan

In reverse order.

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Tikitastic posted on 09/27/2010

Thanks to everyone that made it out for the 2nd South SF Bay Area Home Tiki Bar Crawl! All 7 stops did a great job hosting with amazing drinks, food and decor!

Many of you have asked for a copy of the crawl map GoldenTiki put together. Until October 9, 2010 you can download the hi-res image (20MB 20"x14" @ 300dpi) from this URL and print it out for a keepsake to display in your home tiki bar:


Looking forward to next year's home tiki bar crawl!

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Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 09/27/2010

A big mahalo to all the hosts. You outdid yourselves this year. The drinks were all delish and plentiful! As always, fabulous company. Hope to see some of you at the Sacramento crawl in a couple of weeks.

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Kekili posted on 09/27/2010

Bruce and I would like to thank all of the gracious hosts and hostesses for a wonderful, fun-filled crawl. A big mahalo and we hope to see you next year.


Mai Tai posted on 09/30/2010

Much thanks to everyone for hosting. And a super big shout out to Panda for the Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch Birthday Rice Crispy Treats! They were soooooo good!

It was nice seeing a lot of out of town faces on the South Bay Home Bar Crawl. Good times!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/01/2010

Tai Won On backyard Tiki coolness
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Thanks for hosting all of you.

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