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Swizzle Sticks - LA Times Article 9-16-10

Pages: 1 3 replies

Dustycajun posted on 09/16/2010

Cool article on the front page of today's LA Times Food section on the history and comeback of the swizzle stick, with a Mad Men tie in. Poly Pop is well represented with a Don the Beachcomber's swizzle on the front page photo.

A swizzle from the Wreck Bar at the Castaways is also featured in the second photo.

And, there is one more from a Moy's located off US 1 in Hollywood Florida that I had not heard of before.

Here is the link to the LA Times search page with the story link shown. I don't know why the times does no let you link directly to the article.



Bora Boris posted on 09/16/2010

Not really a great article, more of a puff piece but hopefully it will inspire more places to get on board with decent non-flimsy non-crappy swizzles, so far in Southern California even amongst the whole craft cocktail movement only Don The Beachcomber and Trader Vic's have swizzles, in the Bay Area - Smugglers Cove, Forbidden Island and the Conga Lounge have us covered so as usual it looks like Tiki gets to carry the load without any credit.

On the East Coast New York City's 3 Havana Central locations are the only places I know of with a decent swizzle.

Pick up the pace people!

Obviously custom Swizzles are excluded from my rant as The F.O.M., Trader Tiki, Tikiyaki Orchestra, The Hukilau and Tiki Farm are doing good work, however it looks like Tiki Oasis could use a swizzle flick in the butt. :wink:

croe67 posted on 09/18/2010

[The F.O.M., Trader Tiki, Tikiyaki Orchestra, The Hukilau and Tiki Farm are doing good work

And all of these listed above as well as the '09 & '10 Ohana Luau at the Lake swizzles, the new Festiki swizzle, the fun Trader Vic's Menehune swizzles (now with butts!) & the awesome Forbidden Island and Smuggler's Cove swizzles are all made by the same company, which I highly recommend after working with them on a few different projects: Royer Corporation. http://www.royercorp.com. They're located in Indiana & all of their swizzles are made in the plant in Indiana, too.

Feel free to PM me to get contact in, etc. :D

For your viewing pleasure.....



The FOM Swizzle


Lukeulele posted on 10/02/2010

Can't say that I've had the same luck with Royer. In fact, it has been down right pitiful. I've sent Traci Ames five emails so far with only one being answered. (the first one). I asked what the minimum order is and what shipping would be on mai tai glasses with my self supplied artwork.
She responded short and sweet: "36 - what's your zip code". That was the last I heard back.......again, after sending four more emails letting her know I have four separate orders to go into production (each way more than the minimum.)
I then sent an email to the president and CEO, Roger Williams asking him for a response. NOTHING.
Sorry Royer, your customer service sucks. I have since found a different company to do business with who actually wants to take my money.
I will tell as many people as I can about this poor service and to stay clear of them. Not a good way to run a business in this economy.

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