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New SHAG mugs in the future?

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tikithom posted on 09/16/2010

Same thing happened with me. I completed the form within a couple of minutes immediately at 6pm, and my confirmation email was timestamped 6:05 and I got that sad message today as well. Ah well, that was $150 (after tax and shipping) I really couldn't afford to spend anyway, as the fox said about the tikis, er, grapes.

On 2010-09-16 14:53, smgleason47 wrote:
Been waiting for years for the new Tiki Farm Shags to roll out. Was on my computer at 5:50. Refreshed the page and bought a set immediately once it became available. Got through the order process and rec'd a confirmation e-mail from Tiki-Farm at 6:04. Was happy as hell.

Now today I got an e-mail from Tiki Farm that said that my order was placed after they had sold out - so no new Shag mugs. I have been on an economy imposed tiki mug buying hiatus for a couple of years. I explained to my wife that these mugs were "different" and got her blessing. SO, you could understand my excitement in getting a set. Alas - I don't think it was meant to be. Thanks Tiki Farm for ruining my day!

sneakyjack posted on 09/16/2010

I heard a lot of denials happened even with speediness.

TikiBeast posted on 09/16/2010

Denied. 6:03.

Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:03 PM
subject 51##897 Order Confirmation
hide details 6:03 PM (21 hours ago)
Your order has been successfully received by Tiki Farm and is being processed.

Date : 15 Sep 2010 - 20:03

I then offered to pay double for the exact #23 of 250.
Vince Martini posted on 09/17/2010

On 2010-09-16 14:53, smgleason47 wrote:
Been waiting for years for the new Tiki Farm Shags to roll out. Was on my computer at 5:50. Refreshed the page and bought a set immediately once it became available. Got through the order process and rec'd a confirmation e-mail from Tiki-Farm at 6:04. Was happy as hell.

Now today I got an e-mail from Tiki Farm that said that my order was placed after they had sold out - so no new Shag mugs. I have been on an economy imposed tiki mug buying hiatus for a couple of years. I explained to my wife that these mugs were "different" and got her blessing. SO, you could understand my excitement in getting a set. Alas - I don't think it was meant to be. Thanks Tiki Farm for ruining my day!

THAT SUCKS!!! If they are going to virtually sale out in store, then they shouldn't bait everyone with such high expectations. At least my denial was almost immediate. I am sorry you got jerked around. Not very much ohana in this process, eh?

heylownine posted on 09/17/2010

I represent another 6:03 confirmation that ended up getting denied.

I suggested via email that perhaps the next time the offer could be limited to 1 set per person to help even it a little bit.


ebtiki posted on 09/17/2010

Add me to the list of folks who received an order confirmation that was later denied; I'm bummed.

John the Mainlander posted on 09/17/2010

Add me to the 6:03 list. I was so excited to get a set. I'd been waiting for these for a long time. Then...24 hours later the "well...yo ureally didn't get a set" email. The thrill of victory...and the agony of defeat. I still ove Tiki Farm though. The TV Chicago mugs are awesome. I just don't understand why they couldn't cut off the "successful order confirmations" when the mugs sold out.

aquaorama posted on 09/17/2010

After years of quick Tiki Mug sell outs, I had worked out the system of having two different browsers up (Chrome & Opera) and also having all my address info auto filled. With this I was able to get a 6:01pm order that shipped out yesterday. I've missed out on sweet mugs in the past but I've never blamed the makers/sellers. I think anyone who has bought a Shag mug in the past knew this would sell out quick. Tiki Farm isn't really a big online business as they do more in making mugs for companies.... So, they don't have a super high tech inventory control program like Target or Home Depot..... Hell, back in the day you had to call in and hope you got someone when these orders went down. Of course that beat getting trampled at Disneyland during a big merchandise event.... Thanks to Holden and the gang for putting out yet another great piece.

TikiBeast posted on 09/17/2010

Good advice, I was attempting to do the same.
Looks like between 6:00, and 6:02 might have been the sweet spot...

It was good to hear someone got some. Lucky you!
Please tell us what #s you get when you get them...
I will live vicariously --with your fastest order on TC!

Tikisurfrider posted on 09/17/2010

I was lucky also!!!! Order 789
Went thru and is onroute to its
New home with the other shag's mugs!

Also onroute from outré galley is Gafua from exhibit "Inscrutable Mystery Guide"

Sorry for the rest that missed out

John the Mainlander posted on 09/17/2010

Stop the presses. I just got a set at Shagmart! The thrill of victory...the agony of defeat...the thrill of victory again!

Tiki Teach posted on 09/17/2010
ron-tiki posted on 09/17/2010

i got one too!!!

Jetson posted on 09/20/2010

On 2010-06-14 12:59, Gromit_Fan wrote:
The Drunken Cleric and the two mugs were released as a set(and sold out) today.

[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2010-06-14 13:06 ]

The print with accompanying mugs are available at the Shag STore in Palm SPrings, but there are only a few(Like maybe 5 left). So if you really must have them, call the store and place an order over the phone: 760-322-3400

[ Edited by: Jetson 2010-09-20 03:12 ]

Naneki posted on 09/20/2010


[ Edited by: Naneki 2010-12-07 12:47 ]

heylownine posted on 09/21/2010

Well I consider myself fortunate. I ordered a set of mugs from Shagmart after the "Tiki Farm Cancellation Extravaganza" and they arrived today, looking awesome.

Thank you to the ohana here on TC that PM'd when the Shagmart mugs were available. I love that everyone is looking out for each other.


TikiBeast posted on 09/21/2010

you got me all excited for them to get here kevin. I did the same - ordered right after -with the help from dibroc in a PM... I would have missed it! (still wish I was getting a print, but this cuts the pain down)

I have yet to receive them, but am excited for tomorrow now...

Beachbumz posted on 09/21/2010

Thank you to the ohana here on TC that PM'd when the Shagmart mugs were available. I love that everyone is looking out for each other.

That's what I love about Tiki Central.... Da Ohana!!

NOW WHERE'S MY MUGS!!!! :wink:

aquaorama posted on 09/21/2010

Set # 14 safe and sound in the LBC.

Beachbumz posted on 09/21/2010

Not mine.... but already two sets on Ebay...
That didn't take long....

swizzle posted on 09/22/2010

On 2010-09-21 16:32, Beachbumz wrote:
Not mine.... but already two sets on Ebay...
That didn't take long....

I was right-6 days later they're up. This is where Tiki Farm needs to limit it to one set per household. The only reason people would want two of the same item is to resell it at a profit to those unfortunate enough to miss out the first time.

aloha.taboo posted on 09/22/2010

#27 Safe and sound in Grand Rapids, MI!

TikiPug posted on 09/22/2010

I have to say I am very unhappy how the print was packed in the box. Mine is all wavy and not flat. Based on the pictures I've seen, everyone of them are wavy. When I pay for a print, whether it is big or small, by itself or with mugs, I expect it to be flat when I get receive it.

Would placing the print in a cardboard sleeve been that difficult?

Tikisurfrider posted on 09/24/2010

number 16 added to my collection

[ Edited by: Tikisurfrider 2010-09-24 14:49 ]

ron-tiki posted on 09/24/2010

On 2010-09-22 14:15, TikiPug wrote:
I have to say I am very unhappy how the print was packed in the box. Mine is all wavy and not flat. Based on the pictures I've seen, everyone of them are wavy. When I pay for a print, whether it is big or small, by itself or with mugs, I expect it to be flat when I get receive it.

Would placing the print in a cardboard sleeve been that difficult?

mine showed up creased and just thrown in the box.. completely lame.

PenTiki posted on 10/18/2010

On 2010-09-21 17:58, swizzle wrote:

On 2010-09-21 16:32, Beachbumz wrote:
Not mine.... but already two sets on Ebay...
That didn't take long....

I was right-6 days later they're up. This is where Tiki Farm needs to limit it to one set per household. The only reason people would want two of the same item is to resell it at a profit to those unfortunate enough to miss out the first time.

I missed out on getting them through Tiki Farm but got them from Shagmart. I will admit that I would have been tempted to get two sets so I could sell one - OR trade for Wahaku Warrior. I must have that piece......someday!

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