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Save Rapanui- a benefit ....

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TIKI-RAY posted on 10/25/2010

Sorry for the late notice but I just got the info on this and felt it needed MORE recognition . I was approached at the Tiki Farm 10 year show last weekend by one of the benefit curators to donate art pieces to save the islanders that live on the island known as "the Navel of the World".
As of August 4th,2010, the people of Rapa Nui have non-violently re-occupied the lands that have been unlawfully taken by Chile from their grandparents. The Chilean goverment has responded by sending in armed forces. As the Rapa Nui people strive to reclaim their island and independence, the islanders may be on the brink of extermination. Read up more on the event here... http://saverapanui.org/benefit.html

Ill be donating a Moai KavaKava Ive made . I know its short notice but come check it out and help if you can . Mahalos, Ray

Chip and Andy posted on 10/25/2010

Reading the website linked above I have to wonder about the authenticity and veracity of the information it contains...

"...If the Chilean government fails to abide by the rule of law, the Rapanui may become extinct, depriving the world of one its great civilizations, a truly unique cultural, geographical and environmental heritage."

The Island is quite large, its peoples are many, and the government of Chile is 'different.' But cries of complete Genocide on the part of Chile against Rapa Nui seem extreme to put it mildly.

To be clear, I support the cause and hope the Rapa Nui peoples can take control of their island and therefore their own destiny. The same can be said for many of the Pacific Nations.

We can all do our part to help without the added, and unnecessary, urgency of implied gloom and doom. And without the distraction of impending doom we can probably all do a lot more to help their cause.

MadDogMike posted on 10/25/2010

Today the Rapanui are being threatened with extinction at the hands of Chilean armed forces*

That does seem a little exaggerated and inflammatory, on the other hand South American governments are not always known for their restraint.

I think the real danger is the loss of the Rapanui culture if the whole island gets taken over by Chileans from the mainland. Thanks for the info Tiki-Ray

croe67 posted on 10/25/2010

On 2010-10-25 07:52, MadDogMike wrote:
I think the real danger is the loss of the Rapanui culture if the whole island gets taken over by Chileans from the mainland. Thanks for the info Tiki-Ray

agreed that this is a key important point.

but it appears to be unclear as to whether giving money to this fund will aid in this particular issue.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/25/2010

I donated a signed copy of Tiki Modern, and will go to the event. I agree with the text sounding a bit over-dramatic, but given the horrid history of almost complete extinction of the Rapa Nui people and their culture by mainlanders, I would allow them ample leeway to be propagandistic. I think it is their way of saying "We were almost completely wiped out as a people, and there are only so few of us left that we are endangered if we are not recognized." Time cannot turn back, but anything that can make up for past crimes of "civilization" is commendable.

VampiressRN posted on 10/25/2010

It is always hard to tell where the money goes in these kind of set-ups, but I donated a small amount and can only hope it helps. I think as things become desperate for people, their communications can be challenging.

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