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Post pictures of Yourself when you were thin and good looking!Bonus Cardigan Discussion.

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Zeta posted on Wed, Jan 20, 2010 12:24 PM

On 2010-01-20 12:04, beadtiki wrote:

On 2010-01-20 10:41, surfalaia wrote:

Is it true, though, that AZ has a 40 year license? I find it hard to believe - they must not need the extra revenue! I think an updated pic would be mandatory - I hardly look like I did in the '80s!

AZ licenses are good until your 65th birthday. You're asked to get your photo updated every five years (for a $5 fee), but it's not enforced and no one does it. A 16 year old kid getting his/her license today will be able to carry it for 49 years!

Wow - that's amazing! How are the police supposed to know what you look like 30 years later?! Do they have age-enhancing machinery on-board their police cars?!


they just
1)check your nanochip
2) make you take a DnA test
3)submit you to a retinal scan
4)tase you and ask questions later
to confirm your identity over there!

On 2010-01-19 09:30, beadtiki wrote:
Thank your wife for letting us see!

SHE DOESN'T KNOW!!!!! :lol:

On 2010-01-14 10:15, Big Kahuna wrote:
Hey, Mike! It's nice to see I'm not the only member of the "What's she doing with him?" club on TC. :lol:

Yes, I definitely married up :)

OK, I wasn't going to out myself, but here goes.

That's me, with the doofy look, on the right, & my lovely wife, next to me. OK, everyone at once..."What's she doing with him!?!"
I'll do my best to find an equally disturbing shot of myself, from back in the day. :lol:

Great shot kahuna!

It seems that almost ALL Tiki men
Marry Up...

i think that's because

  1. Luck sticks to a tiki guy like peanut butter
  2. most females are dumber than we even suspected
    3)most females feel sorry for helpless animals

Can't think of ANY other reason how we all got such purdy wives!

Now c'mon folks!
Less wife butt-kissin
and MORE pics when YOU were THIN and GOOD-LOOKIN!

On 2010-01-22 08:17, little lost tiki wrote:
Great shot kahuna!

It seems that almost ALL Tiki men
Marry Up...

Don't forget this thread


Tikis are a great litmuss test for future relationships, when someone visits me and shows any kind of annomosity to them they are quickly reevaluated and except for a few rare execptions have never been back. People come and go but tikis are forever.

On 2010-01-22 09:09, naugatiki wrote:

On 2010-01-22 08:17, little lost tiki wrote:
Great shot kahuna!

It seems that almost ALL Tiki men
Marry Up...

Don't forget this thread


Tikis are a great litmuss test for future relationships, when someone visits me and shows any kind of annomosity to them they are quickly reevaluated and except for a few rare execptions have never been back. People come and go but tikis are forever.

My husband has a similar litmus test but it's a different kind of wood! HARHAR!

Is this you now or when you were younger? LOL

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-01-23 11:38 ]

Bumping this for Manuel,

I'm on pg. 2~ Just went back and looked...too funny!

Uh oh.

Found some old photos of myself.

:up: Renaissance Sabu. "I feel the need. The need... for Mead!"

:up: Rave Sabu. "I am the Cheshire Cat of Ennui-land"


Wow Sabuuuu!!! :)

I love that topic.. very funny :)
here's mine: looks like I've learn how to smile :wink:

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 5, 2010 9:51 AM

Like fine wine....

Why, thank you, Grog.


:) grog who you talking to?
sorry I don't understand something here... for what is your "why" sabu?

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 5, 2010 12:11 PM

GROG talking about you of course, Bai. :) Like fine wine, you only get better with age. :D

Sabu didn't post a current photo for comparison with the younger, thinner Sabu. :(

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-11-05 12:22 ]


On 2010-01-13 16:18, woofmutt wrote:
As I said, I didn't think the pic went here, really, but as you started the thread I was more than willing to try and screw it up.

Here's 1983:

You look like one of the bullies from some 80's movie!

Hi Bai - I'm absolutely sure Grog was making a comment on your exquisite beauty - I was just having a joke at his expense.

"Why, Thank you" is an old way of saying Thank You with an edge of surprise. I think it's British. Kind of like saying "Oh Really? Thank You!"


oh!!! ok :) Thank you sabu... I was quite lost with the grog answer :wink: ( i'm kidding! Grog :wink:
anyway... you look awesome sabu on this picture :wink:
and now I realise... where are Grog pictures??? did I missed something?

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 5, 2010 12:40 PM

GROG post pics twice. 4th from the bottom on page 1 of thread, and bottom of page 11.


GROG when GROG was 27.

ok Grog:
Will you marry me?? :D :D :D

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 5, 2010 12:47 PM

Wow, this internet dating stuff is easy!

GROG need add pretty pictures of himself in Halloween costumes from other thread, say Sabu.

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 5, 2010 12:57 PM

Sabu means the photos towards the bottom of page 4 on the Halloween art show thread.


ok, since i turned 40 yesterday...

20, thin, pretty

40, fat, bald

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar 2010-11-05 13:54 ]

Happens to the best of us,Mr/ Dollar!
Great recent shot there!


Lucas Vigor, holding a bass guitar, probably 1979 or 1980.

My friend on the left, me on the right...maybe 1982 or so.


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-11-14 18:11 ]

That kid's not you!
You're bald,lucas!


Both me and my brother had the "Liberty bell" hairstyles back then....it was the late 70's, after all!

Hey Lucas,
whats up with always wearing Baggy pants,
the trend in the 80's was tight.
and your going for the droopy pants look.


On 2010-11-15 13:11, bigtikidude wrote:
Hey Lucas,
whats up with always wearing Baggy pants,
the trend in the 80's was tight.
and your going for the droopy pants look.

Never thought I'd see the day.....
Jeff BTD giving advice on fashion!
What is this?
You ever see how Jeff dresses himself?
horrible....simply horrible...


On 2010-11-15 13:11, bigtikidude wrote:
Hey Lucas,
whats up with always wearing Baggy pants,
the trend in the 80's was tight.
and your going for the droopy pants look.


I always go against the grain, Jeff!

Baggy pants when tight jeans were in....and if you noticed, I NEVER drink "Tiki" drinks...always Brandy or wine or something like that!

And shortly after those pictures were taken, I started shaving my head.....(probably by my sophmore year!)

Hey Kenny,
Mr. Rogers' style sweaters aren't hip either.

I never said I dressed well.


On 2010-11-15 14:10, bigtikidude wrote:
Hey Kenny,
Mr. Rogers' style sweaters aren't hip either.
I never said I dressed well.

Well,you sure are right on that last point....
They're called cardigans,Jeff...and they all don't look like the bland Mr. Rogers ensemble.
AAAAAAAnd they can add a bit of oomph to a dreary shirt collection...
Here's a link to show you that they ARE HIP! :)


and a quote from there....
Cardigans are another wardrobe must have. And they have had a bit of a comeback lately too, not that they ever really went out of style but more and more designers seem to have them in their collections. Cardigans are great if you aren't a sport jacket kind of guy or if you are feeling more casual. They are perfect for transitional weather like in spring. They come in so many styles from slim fitting and modern to more traditional.

i rest my case....


On 2010-11-15 14:10, bigtikidude wrote:
Hey Kenny,
Mr. Rogers' style sweaters aren't hip either.

I never said I dressed well.


OMG!!! Kinny got PWN'd!!! LOL!!! That one left a mark.

sad but true....

but at least i ain't ugly.....

Nothin BTD can do about that....


Oh puuu-lease, you're just reelin' from that serious pwning that Jeff served up to you! In your OWN Neighborhood, Kinny Rogers!!! :lol:

I guess sometimes ya gotta know how to hold 'em,
know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away,
and know when to run!

I hope your old enough to understand
Kinny, you don't have to fight to be a man!

cardigans ARE cool!
i mean....look how you and jeff dress...
i mean really....
wrinkled and food stains...horrifying!
simply horrifying!
how can i get pawned by you two fashion miscreants?
i just can't process that....
it's too too much.....
i think you and jeff would look quite dapper in cardigans!


Fuck it all! I am wearing one RIGHT NOW! And to make it really cool, it's the "Tony"s cardigan I bought at the redondo beach pier the night the Hula Girls played at the Brixton club!

I'm wearing a cardigan RIGHT NOW!
fashionable and WARM!
all the uncool kids are wearing them!
right lucas?


Right as rain!

Of course, Joey Bishop was always way COOL!

Now I've done it! Disgree with Big Tiki Dude and you get a phonecall where he yells at you for 45 minutes!

did he actually call you?!?!?!
Why did you give him your number?
We need to buy that bigfoot a mohair cardigan!


On 2010-11-16 13:42, little lost tiki wrote:
did he actually call you?!?!?!
Why did you give him your number?
We need to buy that bigfoot a mohair cardigan!

Actually I PMed him and asked him to call me, a few weeks ago,
to correct him on some incorrect assumptions he kept posting about on TC.

I have a a few sweaters that I get every few X-mases.
but I don't like how they feel.
to itchy.

One day I will surprise you and show up at an event in a suit,
that I bought for my sister's wedding.


bring those sweaters with you as well!
I'll take em off your hands,Jeff!

would LOVE to see you in a cardigan
it's like a suitcoat
That's a Sweater!


On 2010-11-15 19:58, little lost tiki wrote:
cardigans ARE cool!

Ah, I think you're still sputtering from that BigTikiDude smack down!

i mean....look how you and jeff dress...
i mean really....
wrinkled and food stains...horrifying!
simply horrifying!
how can i get pawned by you two fashion miscreants?
i just can't process that....
it's too too much.....

Whaaaa??? Wrinkled? And FOOD STAINS? Fashion MISCREANT??? I can't speak for Jeff, but surely you are mistaken!

Whether it's classing up a friend's wedding...

Or herding cats...

Sporting the latest fashions in head ware...

Playing Air Hockey...

Knocking one or two PBR's back with friends...

Or a Zombie...

Listening to Midnite pontificate...

Throwing a revolution...

Defying Gravity...

Watching my favorite Hula Hooper...

Then doing Interpretative Dance...

Or The Robot...

I always try to look dapper! And the ladies appreciate it!

I see no evidence of wrinked clothes, NOR food stains! You, Sir, are grasping at straws!

i think you and jeff would look quite dapper in cardigans!

I know that you think that we'd look even more dapper in a cardigan...

But some of us don't need to sport a cardigan to show how young, thin, and good looking we are!

Might I instead suggest a lovely Christmas Sweater? T'is the Season, you know. And they're ALL the RAGE!!!


And now to stop the further derailment of this thread, and squash this nonsense of Cardigans being the Next Big Thing, here is the only digitized pic I could find of myself back in the ol' college days, circa 1989. Where's Mai Tai? Can you find him in this pic?

On 2010-11-16 23:14, Mai Tai wrote:
Where's Mai Tai? Can you find him in this pic?

Dat Him!


I scrounged up this photo of Kinny, when he was young, thin, and good looking. This was from his "Rhymes With Pooch" days.

Nice sweater!
rhymes with pooch!

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