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little lost tiki's "All over the Map" Exhibition open this Saturday December 11th only! That's it!

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little lost tiki posted on 10/14/2010

Aloha Friends!
Sorry I've been out of loop for a few months...
I promise to get back on track with some new Tiki work in a few...

In the meantime...
Won't you join me on Saturday November 6th?

"All Over the Map"
Explorations of and reflections on
20 years of Styles and Subject Matter

Saturday November 6th
8 to 11pm
at the Caged Chameleon Gallery
1519 North Main Street
Santa Ana,CA
(right down the block from the Bowers Museum
which happens to have a Headhunter/PNG exhibition there
during the show's duration.)
"All over the Map" will be open every weekend from noon to 4pm
until December 18th,just in time for the Holidays!

We will have food and drink
and the globetrotting tunes of Switched-on-Audrey
who will be our lovely guest DJ that night....

This show will contain 20-25 new paintings,reflecting on some of the various styles and subject matter (including Tiki) that I've been exploring these many years
and laying the groundwork for the next 20 years.....

The Caged Chameleon gallery
(Eric Smissen and Richard Espinachio-proprietors)
have been bringing some of the most unique and unsung artists to the area's attention for 2 decades.It is their unique eye,exquisite taste,and approachable attitudes about art and artists,that have allowed this cultural treasure to thrive,even after 20 years.

I have been exhibiting with them for all of those years,and could not think of better curators or a better venue to celebrate this strange staggering journey...
Please join us,you won't regret it!

I will be previewing a few of the Tiki pieces that are in this exhibit here,
as well as providing some links and other information here....
so Check in every once in a while and get updated!
Thank ye kindly!

"All over the Map" Ken's solo exhibition November 6th!
All the info is HERE!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-12-07 10:38 ]

mp posted on 10/14/2010

Wish I could be there. Have a blast Kinny!

GROG posted on 10/14/2010

On 2010-10-14 09:12, little lost tiki wrote:
Sorry I've been out of loop for a few months...

We've enjoyed the quiet.

little lost tiki posted on 10/14/2010

Whose "we?
You and your gout friend?

Hope to see you two there,Ernie..
and empee....gonna miss you buddy!

tyger jymmy posted on 10/14/2010

Alrighty Ken , Cheers

TikiG posted on 10/14/2010

This is going to be great Sir Kinney - I'll be there with Mel.

Wouldn't miss this for anything.

See you in a few weeks!!

tiki mick posted on 10/14/2010

Your art is of the very highest quality. It is truly different. I don't know why, but it has an almost medieval or Byzantine quality to it....yet still manages to be Tiki.....maybe your style is "Tiki Byzantine"? I have always been a huge fan. Your fishes painting is my wallpaper on my PC, and has been for a long time.

little lost tiki posted on 10/15/2010

Jymmy!-Hey old man!
Hope to see you on the 6th!

Greg-it will be such a joy to see you and Mel!
Sharing your work with fellow artists is one of the best joys this life can give!
Inspiration kindles and flares up after these shows...always!

lucas-i think you're noticing the shallow dimensionality,decorative motifs,and period subject matter the most....
Come on down on the 6th and see a bunch of other styles,subjects,and approaches to soooo many themes....
Byzantine doesn't even begin to cover it! :)
With so much to examine and with such a limited amount of preparation time
some things just fell thru the gaps!
25 paintings just doesn't achieve the all-encompassment desired....
I've actually began planning a Part Two of this Exhibit....there's just so much!
Thank you for liking my crazy scribblings!

the Tiki paintings that will be in this show....
"Jungle Drums"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

Land of the Headhunters
paint pens,acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

"the Hecklers"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

this next one is African,actually
I had made it for the Harold Golen exhibition "Poly-Blend"
but decided on sending a different piece...
so,it's kinda Tiki...

"Return of the Ancestor"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

"the Approaching Storm"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

"the Chief's Bowl"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite

and of course,my favorite of the batch....
"Village of the Spirits"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood with a lovely Bamboo Ben frame

That's it for now! Goodnight y'alls!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/15/2010

I thought you said the Melvins were playing?

little lost tiki posted on 10/15/2010

They heard BigToe was attending
and they really dislike him

leleliz posted on 10/15/2010

After seeing your studio first hand I have to say that these photos online versus seeing them in person really do not do your work justice.So much life and vibrancy can't be felt in your work just seeing it online that I hope anyone who can checks out your show in November. Congrats to you on the show.

You old guys deserve a chance to show people you still have it :wink:

All kidding aside The Land of the Headhunters is a really great piece.

Swamp Fire posted on 10/15/2010

Yay! I'm in town and look forward to being there!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/15/2010

On 2010-10-14 21:39, little lost tiki wrote:
They heard BigToe was attending
and they really dislike him

He shouda never tagged his amp!

tikithomas08 posted on 10/16/2010

awww man! my band will be playing in arizona that night. BOOOOOOO!!! i wanted to go to this opening :(

little lost tiki posted on 10/18/2010

Cancel it Thomas!
Call in Sick!

"All over the Map" exhibition November 6th!
All the info is HERE!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-10-18 09:15 ]

HB TIKI posted on 10/18/2010

My wife and I plan to attend, thanks for all the hard work you put in for your up coming event. Roger and Margaret brittan.

hodadhank posted on 10/19/2010

Break a leg buddy! All this work is smokin'!!

Hey, I dreamed you did an Odysseus series... Maybe next show.

little lost tiki posted on 10/20/2010

It will be nice to see you and Margaret there,Roger!
So far,it looks like we'll be getting a HUGE CROWD of folks !
that will be for ALL OVER THE MAP part deux...
i wish i still had a slide of
"Achilles Dragging Hector around the Walls of Troy"
to show you.... Did it back in 92-93,but didn't get a slide of it...
Hope to see you there,buddy!

little lost tiki posted on 10/27/2010

Hope you can make it to OC on November 6th for this!
i gots Free Hugs for YOU!

BigToe posted on 10/27/2010

tee hee, i am giddy with antici.....


little lost tiki posted on 10/27/2010

it will be the day AFTER Toe's Birthday!
Happy 75th Birthday,Tommy!
Every person attending get's to give him
a big Birthday Spanking or Punch of their choice that evening....
(Limited Supply...1 Punch or Spanking per person)

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/27/2010

If the transporter I ordered off the interwebtubes gets here in time I'm sooOOOo there!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/28/2010

wussup wit Don's booking the Dynatones the same night?

little lost tiki posted on 10/28/2010

On 2010-10-27 20:40, RevBambooBen wrote:
wussup wit Don's booking the Dynatones the same night?

That was a special request i made...
Believe me,without the Dynatones
and the people they will draw
we would exceed capacity at the gallery
and the Fire Department would show up!

bigtikidude posted on 10/28/2010

hey Mr. Spell check, its Dynotones,

little lost tiki posted on 10/28/2010


sad i won't be seeing you at the exhibition,Jeff
Pop on down after they play!

bigtikidude posted on 10/28/2010

I was thinking of swingin by your exhibit before they play.


little lost tiki posted on 10/28/2010


zerostreet posted on 10/28/2010

Wish I could be there....but I'm on the other side of country! Wish you all the best with the show! Love the work!

JenTiki posted on 10/28/2010

Hey Kinny, congrats on the show! Wish I could be there, but there's no travel allowance in my budget right now. I just know when folks see all your other non-tiki stuff in person they'll be blown away by the range of styles and color and pure awesomeness. I hope you're taking some of those huge pieces in your studio, like the weird circusy one. I hope you sell tons!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/29/2010

it's gonna be awesome!!!!

Ruzic Art and the MELVINS!!!

Can't wait for this show!!

little lost tiki posted on 10/29/2010

i wish!
i wish i was a rich and famous artist
only for this reason...
So i could charter a jet to fly around the globe and pickup all my friends
so i could share this event with them.....
You all have always been so encouraging and kind
and I'm very thankful for that!
20 years....
What a beautiful dream!
i hope everyone else can follow their heart and interests
and be able to sustain their first love for at least that long during their lives!

zerostreet posted on 10/30/2010

On 2010-10-28 21:26, little lost tiki wrote:
i wish!
i wish i was a rich and famous artist
only for this reason...
So i could charter a jet to fly around the globe and pickup all my friends
so i could share this event with them.....
You all have always been so encouraging and kind
and I'm very thankful for that!
20 years....
What a beautiful dream!
i hope everyone else can follow their heart and interests
and be able to sustain their first love for at least that long during their lives!

Beautiful sentiment Ken! And I would certainly do the same if I ever "made it" in this art game!

teaKEY posted on 10/31/2010

Man, What a good show that was Kinny. The red dots on so many works were just a bonus. Anyone get any pictures??

little lost tiki posted on 10/31/2010

you got a time machine,teaks?
it's this upcoming Saturday!

teaKEY posted on 10/31/2010

Oh, thought the show, The Map, was finished. The show is ALL OVER the Map" paintings by Ken Ruzic (little lost tiki)

little lost tiki posted on 11/02/2010

Now you've got it!

buy sunglasses
and anti-vertigo medication!

MadDogMike posted on 11/03/2010

Congrats on the show Kinny. After 20+ years of experience and the last 6+ months of frantic arting - you deserve it!

Best wishes that all goes well and everyone has a great time!

Tiki Kitty posted on 11/03/2010

Looking forward to it! See you Saturday!

little lost tiki posted on 11/04/2010

Mike-:( you'll be missed,my friend!
Deanna-YAY! i get to see you and Trevor as a married unit! YAY!
Double the free hugs for you!

Just got done compiling a clearview folder full of 87 drawings for the show
Add that to over 30 pieces of art on the walls

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/04/2010

WooHoo! I will see you there!
Got sprung from the can and will
be bringing my parole officer with

bigbrotiki posted on 11/04/2010

Oooh yeah, I remember that officer! I'd wanna get handcuffed by HER!

I don't think I am gonna come. I already got two Ruzics.

You seen one you seen them all, really. Yawn.

I mean sure this guy is a consummate artist, super professional craftsman, incredibly talented brush swinger, and all around cuddly human being, but WHO needs that. :D

LOL Tiki posted on 11/05/2010

On 2010-11-04 15:10, bigbrotiki wrote:

I don't think I am gonna come. I already got two Ruzics.

Ooooooh! And nice ones at that!

little lost tiki posted on 11/05/2010

Limit 2 paintings per earthling!

Those look beautiful Sven!
Glad they're in such a perfect environment!
Thank you again!
i am honored...
you too Ro-Ro!
to all those who won't be able to make it....
you have until the 18th of December to come visit!

I gotta go! Hanging the show tonight!

Hinano_Paul posted on 11/05/2010

Oh great another night of Kinny, Kinny, Kinny! Shoot me now!

See you Sat buddy.

Krisdrama posted on 11/05/2010

Looking forward to it! And, my sister lives in Santa Ana so she's going, too.

little lost tiki posted on 11/06/2010

YAY Paul and Chris!
Looks like a LOT
and i mean a LOT of people are going to show up!
Forty Six paintings on the walls...Seventy Eight drawings in a clearview folder....a limited edition print run of 25 and me in a suit! Can it get any better? :)

Here's most of the paintings and some of the drawings for y'alls that can't make it but still wanna see the show!
See you all TOMORROW!


danlovestikis posted on 11/06/2010

I wish we could be there. Your art is wonderful and so are you. As Benzart would say, "happy happy happy" that this is happening for someone who deserves it. Big Hug, Wendy

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