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little lost tiki's "All over the Map" Exhibition open this Saturday December 11th only! That's it!

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Aw Wendy! You have got to be the sweetest artist in town!
a Big Hug to you Too! Will be thinking of you and your smile tonight!

And folks...the Opening is just the beginning... The gallery will be open on weekends
usually from noon to 5-ish,if you're in the area...
or checking out the Bowers PNG exhibition right down the block!
Shoot me a PM if you plan on going before the show ends on Dec 18th
and I'll try my darndest to meet you down there to
answer any and all questions
or even hecklings and harassments!

BUT,if you can make it tonight,that's when all the Magic happens!


On 2010-11-05 20:59, little lost tiki wrote:
...and me in a suit! Can it get any better? :)

Kinny in a suit?!?! Now THIS I gotta see!

Congrats, Kinny!
Manuel and I will see ya tonight!

mp posted on Sat, Nov 6, 2010 7:50 PM

Sooooooooo bummed I cant be there Kinny! Big hugz.
Knock'm dead.

Awesome show Kinney! So much to look at! You had some really amazing pieces. I was also impressed by the variety of subject matter. Some wonderful art! That suit was pretty spiffy, too!
You must make it down to see this show! It was very cool to see so much of his art in one place.


Great Art Gallery, food , people, but most of all the quality and time you put in on ALL Your Great ART Work.


Super amazing awesome!

Even without the tiki connection this is museum quality stuff! I was absolutely blown away!


Absolutely AMAZING showing Ken . Nobody does what you do and to see all the different ways you do it is incredible . A great turnout to such a great host .


Great show Ken!!!
Here's a few photos from the event...


More pictures from last night Art Exhibit


Ken, that suit rocks!!!


I second that--awesome western cut suit! And great artwork Kinny! Wish I could've attended, but will try to swing by and check out the exhibit before it closes.

Caltiki Brent


Ken awesome show!!

Also I thought it was great that you auctioned that suit off after the show, its making its rounds around the world as we speak!

Hillary doesn't look as good in that suit as i do....
Great seeing you and the crew at the Opening! Thanks a million!
Now THAT was an art opening!
Thanks to everybody who showed up and helped us rage til the wee hours!
So many folks,won't even try to name them all!
Quite a blur of glad-handing,hugs,and delightful conversation!
A million thanks to all of you for your love and support!
And thank you for all the sales!
Now i don't have to worry where to hang those paintings in the already crowded walls of the studio!

The exhibit will be up until December 18th
and the gallery will be open on weekends noon to 4pm Saturday and Sunday!
1519 North Main St.
Santa Ana CA
I'm gonna try and be there during the weekends,but if you're in the neighborhood,shoot me a PM
and I'll be there for sure!
I will grab some of the more interesting pics from Facebook and post them here for y'alls to enjoy!

tobunga-glad the suit was worth the trek down here!
Great seeing you and Manuel!

mp-missed you buddy! Your frames were a HIT and made the work look stellar!
I'll call you soon and we can talk more about them! Thank you!

Krisdrama-Thank you soooo much for coming down and sharing the Magic!
After 20 years,i decided to look backwards and revive a lot of styles and subject matter from the past....Tiki included.It was a great adventure these past few months,exploring and discovering and being an art hermit locked in the studio,but MAN! does it feel good to have that out of the way! Now i have soooooo much freetime it ain't even funny!

HBTiki-Roger! Thanks for coming down with the lovely lady,taking and posting all those pictures,bringing me a cool book (there is a section on the Mississippi Mound Builders in there! I knew there would be!) and for adopting a piece!I am such a lucky man-child to have so many friends and so much support!

lucas-It was great to see some uncool club club members there,beaming with smiles! Thanks so much for all the love!

Tiki-Ray-glad you enjoyed it,my friend! The Caged Chameleon and i have been around for 20 years,and ,judging how seamless and easy this Opening flowed,there will be more exhibitions for 20 more years! Glad i could show all of my artist and carver friends that you can go anywhere you like with your art,as long as it holds your love and interest!Thanks again!

Tom! Ferret boy! Something about just seeing your face that makes me smile BIG! Thanks so much for taking pix and enjoying the show!

4WD Tiki-yes! the suit garnished more compliments than the art! :lol:

congawa-Brent! thanks! If you shoot down there-send me a PM and i'll try to meet you down there!
its only about 4 miles from the studio...

Come on down to the Opening Reception of my Solo Exhibition
"All over the Map"on November 6th!
All the info including links to directions is HERE!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-11-09 09:05 ]


I bet everything sold already!!!!
Be sure to let us know what is still available after the show.
I have a hankerin' fer new art!


sorry I couldn't make it, something came up.
as for the suit, I think Hillary fills it out a bit better.
On you, it looks like a sock on a rooster.

Congrats on 20 years sir.


A sock on a rooster? I don't know about that, but thank you LLT for welcoming me and my missus to your shindig! She was hugely impressed, and so was I (of course) being that you are one of my favorite artists (that is still alive!) but seriously, I am mainly into modern art and I just feel that your stuff is soooooo unbelievably good! All over the map is a good enough name for this showing....because I could not pidgeonhole it into any one category...Tiki? Maybe, but you have elements of byzantine, etruscan, modern primitive, pop, low brow, cubist...I feel you are someone who has really studied art and knows what's up! Even your choice of colors just amazed me!

Anyway......the only picture I took that night that came out: My wife standing next to PolyPop.


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-11-09 11:33 ]

Hi Kinny,

Sorry we missed your show, but Lance and I were sick last weekend.

I sent my brother, Goth Andy Warhol in our place to check out the show.
He really enjoyed it, but probably stood out like a sore thumb in a sea of Hawaiian Shirts.

It looked like a prolific, fabulous, fun-had-by-all show. Congratulations!

See you at the next event.

Jungle Ginger/Nancy.

Aw! Thanks for the warm tidings!
I have listed most of the paintings and some of the drawings and their ownership status here!
i will be updating it as people adopt more!
this is a public gallery-so even if you aren't on Facebook,you still can see everything!
If you have any ???? about any of the art-shoot me a PM here!

Jeff-a sock on a rooster?!?!?!
that's 2 art shows you've missed!
Mine and Toe's!
Not like you ever buy anything anyways! :)
The show's still open on weekends if you're in the neighborhood....
it's like surf music for your eyes!

lucas-no pigeonholing here! Always the desire to explore!
What's art all about if all you do is stagnate in one place and never look outside the door?I was hoping to inspire all my artist friends to try something new.... The best discoveries are the ones unexpected! Very cute pic! Your wife is a doll and always puts a smile on my mug!
Thanks again for all the nice words and insights here and at the show....

Lance and Nance,
good to see you both at Toe's show,at least!
Remember the gallery is open on weekends
Sat and Sunday noon to 4pm
(except this upcoming Saturday the 20th-every other weekend day til Dec 18th is OPEN!
Head down and i'll meet y'alls there some weekend!
Your brother was swimming in a sea of variety that evening
as i had friends,fans,and patrons from each of my different phases...
even some crossovers and new peeps as well!
fun! fun!

So,most of the exhibition photo action is going on on facebook
but for those who aren't on there,here's some photos i grabbed without permission from Mele Kalikimaka Mel and Ravers.....
Hope i don't get sued!

No narration....too many!
As you gaze at all the art on the walls
i hope your questions of "where's little lost tiki been,and why hasn't he been posting tiki art these past 4-5 months?
Well, check and see!
These pictures are in no chronological sequence
so you may see me in a suit
or in my "it's past midnight-time to get into some comfy clothes
and out of this monkeysuit" mode!

This is one of Tom the ferret boy's picture.
But i wanted to take an opportunity to show
my fellow artists how to shamelessly plug an upcoming exhibition... :)

Desi-de-Lu-Lu and her hubby Scott came all the way from Arizona!
How Sweet! Thanks you two!

There you GO!
Mahahlos to all the Tiki Ohana who popped by!
25% of the pieces in the show wouldn't exist without your love and support!

and remember,THIS Saturday the 20th,the show WILL NOT be open
but Sunday the 21st it will be from noon to 4pm...
Weekends are nice because i can actually take time and chat and explain pieces and answer questions at a nice relaxing pace! and sometimes Richard makes food,so that's a plus!
directions on the link below!
and thanks again Folks!


thought I'd chime in here quickly;
thanks for postin the pics ken!
you're show is absolutely incredible,
I encourage anyone, who hasn't seen it,
with some free time this sunday to come on down and check it out!
you'll be blown away!
I've said it already, i'll say it again,
congrats on yer 20 year show!
can't wait for the next Solo Exhibit in 20 years! :D

Thanks dear ol chum!and remember kids!
the gallery will only be open on SUNDAY this weekend!
BUT i may be working on something special on the easel that day!
and fingers crossed...
Richard,one of the owners....MAY make some delicious foodstuff things!

See you there!

Great Show Mr. Ruzic!


A MIND-BLOWING effort by all involved. a MUST for tikiphiles.

still marveling at over 125 original paintings and drawings.

i got me a eye-boggling cannibal king water-color. what'd you get???

Congrats Kinny, the most prolific tiki artist of our age!!!

Hey! What a fantastic show by one of my favorite people of all time. So many good things to see that you can't possibly take it all in at once. So go see it twice. All I want for Christmas is a RUZIC. Love you, Kinny!

Thanks to all YOU kids
for the inspiration
witty banter
mutual talent exchange
and love of art and life!
It's amazing how many geniuses are in this group
(cept Toe,he's pure savant!)
and how lucky ANY artist is to have such a
rich and blended
stew of friends!
An artist's struggle and progression is two parts
an inner life
and an outer life
and knowing all of you
and learning from all of you
and sharing with all of you
is the greatest school any painter can attend!
Viva la Youse Guys!
and Thank you for proving that a person can still be a total
but as long as he paints decently
will have an army of friends!

Anyways-this may be late,
BUT the Caged Chameleon will be closed today
this weekend...
but WILL be open every weekend from noon to four pm
until December 18th....

So get your butt down to the Tonga Hut
and get your Art-On!

the Caged Chameleon Gallery will be OPEN
THIS Saturday and Sunday November 27h and 28th
from NOON to 4pm!
I will be there both days as well
paintings and chain-smoking out back!
Ready to inform and assist any earthlings who happen to attend...
Also bringing a canvas and easel to work on a piece
for mModern,Vegas for a Holiday Show...
So C'mon down and get a free Hug!
(while supplies last!)

1519 North Main St.
Santa Ana,CA
Thank you!

GROG posted on Sat, Nov 27, 2010 10:35 AM

Firing ceramics today and tomorrow, so can't make it down. Hopefully next weekend.

Ken, that was a great collection of some really amazing art. Thanks for giving us a personal tour!

Joby-Thanks for visiting the show and studio!
you kids are too sweet to me!

Ernie! C'mon down Sunday if you can

I'm afraid the Caged Chameleon won't be open today (Saturday)
BUT will be open from noon to four pm on SUNDAY...
1519 North Main Street,Santa Ana
I will be there Sunday
painting and chain-smoking out back!
Working on a canvas for for a Holiday Show...
Come SEE!

Mapquest link at my http://www.kenruzic.com site

So remember folks for this weekend......

Thank you!

Hello Ohana!
Iwill be at the Caged Chameleon
1519 North Main Street in Santa Ana Saturday the 11th
for the final day of the "All over the map" exhibition...
We take it down on the 18th...
So C'mon down and visit us Noon to 4pm!
i got caaaaaandy! :)

Mapquest link http://www.kenruzic.com

and then.....
Tiki Wonderland in the evening...JOYEAUX!

the exhibition is finally over....
Thank you all for making it such a great event!

This Sunday the 19th we will be taking the show down
and if you are one of the fortunate ones
you can come down and pick up your babies!
i have the adoption papers all ready and everything!

the Caged Chameleon
1519 North Main Street
Santa Ana
So C'mon down and visit us Noon to 4-5pm!
If you'd like to make other arrangements to get your painting
please PM me and we'll make it happen!

Thank you all again for all the love and Aloha!

I will be there today from around 12:30 to 4:30-ish to personally thank those people who are picking up pieces!
1519 N. Main Street,Santa Ana
If you can't make it ,contact meself or the Caged Chameleon pleez,and we'll make arrangements! :)
Thanks again y'alls who were there physically,or in spirit!
!The remaining pieces may be left up for a few more days for unknown reasons,
but I'm bringing all them drawings home TODAY!
Time to redo the walls in the studio!yay!

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