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The Kanaloa Lounge

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Slacks Ferret posted on 09/08/2010

I got tired of looking at this big white eyesore:

So I took a photo of the bamboo directly below the switch and had it developed in a 5 x 7 size like this:

And glued it to the light-switch plate like this:

And voila!:

A better camouflage, don't you think?

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2010-09-07 20:29 ]

hiltiki posted on 09/08/2010

Yes, much better. I just went through the entire thread and you have done an amazing job decorating this room. I love the lava wall, and how the plants are coming out of the bamboo wall. Would be nice to see some more pictures of the entire place all put together.

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/15/2010

A few other updates:

More done in the Nautical/aquarium corner:

I'm loving this area of the lounge. I know not everyone loves mixing nautical with their tiki...and I respect that, But for me, it's really reminiscent of Bahookas...and I love that place.

I installed a 7 watt lamp above my bar sink. It was just way too frickin' dark before. Now I can see the glasses I'm rinsing out:

What's nice about this lamp is the bottom is removable...so I'm essentially directing the low wattage light exactly where I need it (without affecting the nearby mural with excess light).

I've got more "Nautical" wood up on the last wall:

So that's coming along...

And I starting doing more to convert that support post into a palm tree:

Still lots of stuff to do yet, but I'm getting closer to ...er...(done?).

Thanks for checking up on me!

VampiressRN posted on 09/15/2010

Stop it already...you are really making the rest of us look bad!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/15/2010

:o OK, I was gonna post my progress. Now, I think I'll wait til this thread sinks a little lower down the page. Amazing work Slacks. Makes me wanna make contact with my inner genius & get a bit more creative than just hanging' stuff!

kahalakruzer posted on 09/16/2010

I'm still tripping on how awesome that lava rock wall/shelving unit turned out! The nautical nook is coming along splendidly (I love the Royal Family Squid mugs also...one of my favorite buys); I can't wait to see how it looks all finished up. I wished that I had more space for that look in my bar, but I didn't so I ended up doing it in my bathroom! Keep up the good work!

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/17/2010

Thanks folks. I appreaciate the feedback. And Kahalakruzer...you've got one of the coolest tiki spaces for something in an apartment. I'm amazed at what you've pulled off in such a condensed space.

Anyone have suggestions on what I should wrap around the "palm trunk"? I'm thinking a sort of plaster/guaze combo which can withstand a few drunken tackles...


Crowntiki posted on 09/17/2010

Thank God someone in the family is talented... Place looks amazing. Truly amazing. Can't wait to see it sometime soon.

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/17/2010

Crowntiki: You know I'd love to host you up here anytime you can get here! Cheers!

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/12/2010

Some more progress shots:

In Late October I had the nautical wall mostly done, just wanted to do a lava-rock treatment to the rest of the wall, as a sort of continuation of the mural, and to balance the effect of the lava rock shelves:

Later I painted them black. Here's what the wall looks like done, but I still haven't hung all the art yet:

I added a totally fake float lamp in the nautical corner, but I fear it's still too bright:

I added more to the fake palm post, but I still need to do a bark treatment in the light grey area:

Here's those 3 recent elements all together:

I added my collection of Chinese rickshaw hats to my ceiling:

The ceiling in this portion of the lounge is still not done, but it's close. I just want to add bamboo strips to hide the black seams (and of course add a bunch more lamps, flotsam, jetsom, etc.:

Doo doodle Doot doot!

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2010-11-11 20:40 ]

rugbymatt posted on 11/12/2010


Bongo Bungalow posted on 11/12/2010

You're making some really good decisions, my friend!

tikiyaki posted on 11/12/2010

On 2010-07-20 19:56, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Mahalo for the compliments folks!

Here's a few more progress shots:

Port Hole mirror on the door:

Horrible flash photo (so you can see the detail) of the "nautical wall" aquarium area:

Ahh...that's better:

No fish yet (hell, there's no water either)...but there's some (slow) progress being made.

Wow, that's really cool...kinda like the Shipwreck bar in Ft Lauderdale. Awesome !

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/12/2010

Thanks Rugby, Bongo and Tikiyaki.

Now, anyone have any ideas how I should cut-off the storage room from the tiki lounge? Curtain, Bamboo beads? I'm just looking for some ideas...

BTW: That will be an A-Frame(ish) entrance when it's done.

tikiyaki posted on 11/12/2010

How about something like these doors ?

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 11/13/2010

On 2010-11-11 20:38, Slacks Ferret wrote:

Doo doodle Doot doot!

essage was edited by: Slacks Ferret 2010-11-11 20:40 ]

Doot doot!

Suicide Tiki posted on 11/13/2010

I'm speechless. Everything is kicka$$ in your bar.

Wayfarer posted on 11/19/2010

To do something something different but still nautical you could put dogs on the hatch with the porthole.

"I could be a professional writer if I put my mind to it. A bitter, angry hack that starts fistfights at cocktail parties- I could do that job."
-Daria Morgendorffer

[ Edited by: Wayfarer 2010-11-19 00:33 ]

TorchGuy posted on 11/20/2010

How did you do the rock wall? I love the look, and I actually figured it'd be a waterfall or fountains, a la Jolly Roger Inn (Enchanted Forest theme park, Oregon). Everything looks amazing, but the lava wall and the blacklight-illuminated mural are spectacular!

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/20/2010

Thanks again for the comps.

Tikiyaki: I love that swinging moai saloon door, but I think I want something that blocks more of the ugly storage hallway(which, eventually, will be mostly behind curtains)...plus, those doors look like they would need to be carved by someone with more talent than I.

Wayfarer: I had to look up what you were talking about...my knowledge of nautical terminology is about as good as you can expect from a Prairie Boy.

TorchGuy: The lava rock is pretty easy to do. I asked a friend, who used to help fabricate movies sets, what she would do. She asked if I was gonna do it with water, and I said no, so she suggested this method:

First- hot glue styrofoam to the wall. Cut away any styrofoam that doesn't look like lava rock, and then, if you desire, you can add Spray Insulation foam from a can (Like "Great Stuff").

I then covered everything with about 3 coats of white glue (Elmer's school glue) over top. After that, you add a nice 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch layer of Drywall Putty/Compound/Paste (it makes sense to add a bunch of black pigment to the putty before you use it).

Let that dry a bit (but not too much) and then use the bristle edge of an old broom to add tiny holes allover the "rock". I then randomly added some bigger holes and painted the whole thing black with acrylic or latex paint.

If you try this, I'd love to see photos. And keep in mind, this isn't the waterproof method for constructing water features.

Right now I'm using a VERY similar method for finishing off the palm tree trunk. I guess you could say I like using this method. I'll post some progress photos of that real soon.

kalenatiki posted on 11/21/2010

On 2010-03-01 20:43, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Some more recent updates:

Hinged bamboo "post" reveals an electrical outlet:

Great look!! I'm thinking of trying these out on my deck post out back.


Another Wow! Love your flame wall!

Wayfarer posted on 11/24/2010

Sorry about that, I'm a Sailor so I've a half-***ed grasp of nautical terminology. Still, I'm enjoying your work a lot.

Slacks Ferret posted on 11/24/2010

No need to apologize! T'sall Gud! It's an interesting idea, BTW. Just not sure where I would find "dogs" for that door.

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/02/2010

I got more done on the palm tree:

At this point I'm just gonna live with it for a while, and then I'm gonna make some changes...

Took the bar out for another test drive last Saturday:

Everyone seemed to like it how it handled. (My hosting skills kinda suck though...I have a one "fancy" drink limit before I switched everyone to beer and wine. Just easier on me that way).

Brandomoai posted on 12/03/2010

Dude, I can't believe some of the shit you're doing down there! When you started on the palm tree, I thought, "well, that'll be cute in a fake, plastic kind of way". But it's actually looking really, well, real! When are you going to invite the Edmonton circuit down for a drink?
PS. I know what you mean about the fancy drink minimum. It just takes too long and you end up doing nothing but making drinks for people!

BIG TIKI'S posted on 12/03/2010

Props to you man!

That place rocks and you deserve a STANDING O for the work you have done. I agree that tree is looking very real... The fish tank is just crazy cool! Can't wait to see more.

kahalakruzer posted on 12/04/2010

Once again, I've been completely re-blown away by your bar. The overall feel of the place has one of the most put-together, cohesive vibes of any home bar I've seen on TC, and that says A LOT! I'd pinpoint something nice to say, but it all just looks so damn good...
With the entertaining, why don't you just choose one drink,make a mix prior to the party with all of the juices and sweeteners, and then add the alcohol per drink. I've done that any time I know that I'll be serving loads of people, and it always works out well. If they don't want the particular drink you're serving, tell them the ice chest is in the garage!

Your bar is astounding. It looks truly like a labor of love. My hat is off to you, sir!

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/04/2010

On 2010-12-04 08:41, kahalakruzer wrote:
Once again, I've been completely re-blown away by your bar. The overall feel of the place has one of the most put-together, cohesive vibes of any home bar I've seen on TC, and that says A LOT! I'd pinpoint something nice to say, but it all just looks so damn good...
With the entertaining, why don't you just choose one drink,make a mix prior to the party with all of the juices and sweeteners, and then add the alcohol per drink. I've done that any time I know that I'll be serving loads of people, and it always works out well. If they don't want the particular drink you're serving, tell them the ice chest is in the garage!

Thanks again Kahalakruzer...that IS saying a lot. You're invited to come by for a (one mixed tropical) drink anytime...just kidding. I might mix ya 2 or 3. BTW: That's a good idea about preparing some mix beforehand...and I've thought of doing that before, but I just didn't get around to it that night since I wasn't sure if I'd have more than 2 folks showing up...

Anyway, I want to thank the others too for your nice compliments. Brandomoai, just let me know when you 'Chuck boys plan to come down, we'll try to make it work.

Here's some other images that my friend gave to me from the other night (her camera trumps mine):

Shanks fer Lookin'!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/12/2011

I had the great pleasure of seeing the Kanaloa Lounge for the first time this week. What a fabulous basement hideaway Slacks has crafted for himself. I took a few dozen photos - here are my favorites:

Slacks behind the bar.

Lava bar shelves.

Signature mug - the Kanaloa Cannibal (also the name of the bar's signature cocktail). This is an early glaze experiment.


Thanks for letting me stop by so late on a weeknight, Slacks. Next time I come over I'll take some shots with the tripod and do manual exposures (and we'll remember to close the back door).

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2011-03-11 23:52 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 03/12/2011

It's people like you that keep me from posting pics of my bar! That is amazing!!!!!

WestADad posted on 03/12/2011

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Thanks for more pictures.

Lucky Jackson posted on 03/12/2011

Amazing, incredible, breathtaking!!! I am completely in love with your bar!

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/12/2011

Now everyone knows my dirty little secret: I wear those fugly (but comfy) plastic shoes around the house.

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 03/12/2011

That is so awesome. Inspires me to get to work on my bar. Your bar is one of the ones on this site that really got me started on my bar. I've got a long way to go though...

bongofury posted on 03/13/2011

Nice! I love basement bars and yours is most excellent! I dig that abelum mask/lamp in your last pic post. Did you make it? Congratulations on your bar as a work of art. I have never been to Canada, but this would be on my wishlist of places to visit. Aloha

teaKEY posted on 03/13/2011

Came out so nice, really like that moon, now I need a mural more than ever.

GatorRob posted on 03/13/2011

Wonderful! Terrific attention to details. I've been following your build out and it has turned out a gem. Looks to me like you have all the essential elements for a great Tiki bar. Hope you enjoy it for many years to come as I have mine. Aloha!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 03/14/2011

Amazing bar. Love all the great detail. Thanks for sharing.

LiddleLola posted on 03/14/2011

A true inspiration!


KAHAKA posted on 03/15/2011

Very, very, very impressive. Very. There's tons to look at in the pics. I can only imagine what it's like in person.

Matt Reese posted on 03/16/2011

Damn! That has got to be one of the best home bars ever! Great touches, great features, an all around wonderful design. Amazing.

VampiressRN posted on 03/17/2011

Definitely a 5-star in my book too. Thanks for the great pictures they are truly inspirational.

Polly posted on 03/23/2011

Awesome Floor!

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/24/2011

Thanks for all the wonderfully supportive replies! And thanks for posting those great photos Sweet Daddy Tiki. Your camera sure makes it seem brighter than it is, and that makes it fantastic at capturing all the little details with little light.

It's definitely been a labour of love, but it's nice to hear the kudos from all you folks. Especially those of you who have such wonderful tiki rooms yourselves.

And to answer Bongofury's question: yes that PNG lamp was home-made. I'm happy you like it.

Still a few updates to come. I'll make sure to post pix when the spring time allows me to work outside again and carve up my A-frame post for the entrance.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/24/2011

You made that lamp? I assume you're talking about this one

You're one talented fella. Would you make me one? (I know you're not very busy :lol:)

Yeah, these new-fangled digital cameras have crazy low-light capabilities. Like I said, next time I'll bring a tripod and do some manual exposures - I'd like to make it look a little closer to what the eye sees.


Trader Mitch posted on 03/30/2011

Absolutely fantastic!! Love the lava rock wall and the palm tree support post and..and..and...
You sir, are an inspiration.
Thank you for sharing.

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