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Sacramento: Tiki Tuesdays, gone homey!

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rugbymatt posted on 11/08/2010

We have transitioned our monthly gathering from commercial establishments to the homes of individual hosts for potluck gatherings of the local ohana. Stay tuned as we announce the locations here and on FB.

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2011-12-07 09:24 ]

rugbymatt posted on 11/08/2010

Since we missed the first Tuesday of November last week we are taking a "mulligan" and meeting up this coming Tuesday(the 9th). No set time, just as soon as you can get there after work (6-ish?).

We'll get on a regular schedule come December 7th.

Moai in the house!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2010-11-07 16:41 ]

VampiressRN posted on 11/08/2010

Looking forward to Tiki Tuesdays at The Hideaway. It will be fun to finally have a a local bar to support our interest in good cocktails and doesn't have a TV blaring with sports shows...woo hoo!!!

WSWahine posted on 11/08/2010

B there or B square.

thequin posted on 11/08/2010

We can't make it tomorrow but going forward count us in!

Bill & Tonja


thequin posted on 11/09/2010

Today was my birthday so Tonja and I ended up at The Hideaway to celebrate. We met the owner, Mariah, and she was very nice and is looking forward to Tiki-Tuesdays with everyone. While we were there, a friend of hers delivered a big brown bag to her which contained several tiki mugs and related items. She put them behind the bar in anticipation the group's arrival tomorrow. She has several tikis in the patio out back and several more in the main bar. The giant poster of a 1950's book cover titled, "Reform School Girl", is hard to beat. Mariah mentioned that she has been practicing making tiki libations, including Navy grog. The juke box is great with a big selection of tunes. The food was good, and reasonably priced. I hope everyone has a good time, and Tonja and I will see you on December 7th.

Bill & Tonja


VampiressRN posted on 11/09/2010

So cool that you went there for your birthday. I love Mariah's enthusiasm. I'll be there tonight and have a Les Baxter CD for her.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 11/10/2010

TikiBob and I will be there this evening.

VampiressRN posted on 11/10/2010

Great hooking up with Ohana there. Bring a coat next month...our weather has definitely turned cold. Had a Kahlua Coffee to warm up. See ya next month!!!

rugbymatt posted on 11/11/2010

Maybe we can get Mariah to add Hot Buttered Rum to the menu this time of year?

danlovestikis posted on 11/13/2010

Hi Matt, we drove by the Hideaway today. We were impressed with the huge parking lot. I forgot to look is it lighted at night? We will try to go there for lunch one day soon, Wendy

TikiMookie posted on 11/14/2010

Matt the Cat & I will be there Dec 7th! I work out in Rocklin / Loomis (other edge of town) so we probably won't get there until about 7pm. Save us some seats :) Haven't been there yet so we're looking forward to it and to seeing all of you again. See you soon!

LiddleLola posted on 11/19/2010

I'll be there on the 7th with bells on.


rugbymatt posted on 11/23/2010

Sounds like Pearl Harbor Day will be well attended.

Shaun of theTiki posted on 11/25/2010

Sounds awesome, I'll see if I could make it to the Dec. gathering. The Shady Lady Saloon also makes a decent Mai Tai and Zombie.

VampiressRN posted on 11/26/2010

Gonna have to dig through my CDs or bar and see what kind of an offering I can give Mariah on Tuesday. Don't forget to dress warm peeps...it was cold as ice in there last time. Sacramento Ohana rocks...be there!!!

Shaun of theTiki posted on 12/03/2010

Around what time is this gathering?

VampiressRN posted on 12/04/2010

After work...which is around 6pm or whenever folks can make it. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

rugbymatt posted on 12/07/2010

Just a reminder for this evening after work, our first real official "Tiki Tuesday" gathering of the Sacramento area ohana at The Hideaway on Franklin Blvd. Come join us in supporting Sacto's first local tiki bar in a long time. Mariah, Roxanne, Drew, and the staff are really excited about getting to know the local tiki crowd.

Also I will be going over the details for those interested in ordering custom logo double old fashioned glasses for their home bars. We plan on placing an order in Jan/Feb. Minimum order is 3 dozen per logo with a $50 charge per color in the logo. If we get at least 4 people to place orders the price of the glasses is less than $2 each.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 12/07/2010

I'll be there tonight around 6:00. And I need to order more glasses for my bar. Only have about 5 left.

VampiressRN posted on 12/07/2010

My apologies to everyone...my back is not cooperating and I have been out of commission for a couple of days so won't be able to make it tonight. I should be back in the swing of things later this week.

Is anyone interested in stopping by The Hideaway around 1pm on Saturday (after the Mike & Alia event)?

EDIT - Forgot to say...thanks Matt for coordinating the glasses. As you know, I am good to go for a set. I appreciated you bringing a glass to the last meeting; it was a really nice size and I liked the thickness of the glass and the feel in the hand. I'm looking forward to seeing my logo on them.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2010-12-07 12:52 ]

LiddleLola posted on 12/08/2010

Well crap. I can't make it. Choose from the following excuses:

I have to wash my hair.
My dog ate my GPS.
I lost my bells.

The truth is I have an exam tomorrow and must study, study, study.
Wish me luck.

You all have a great time and please feel free to talk about me.


Shaun of theTiki posted on 12/09/2010

You're based in EG? Cool, I edit the Citizen. There are also a few TCers from the Grove.

rugbymatt posted on 12/09/2010

Great turnout last night, glad to hear everyone enjoyed themselves!

We added a few more folks to the list for our initial order of custom double old fashioned glasses from Royer. I will probably wait until mid to late February to place the order thus giving folks time to get their desired artwork sorted and gather the cash. So far the folks I have confirmed for orders are:

Matt & Mel

If you are not listed above and are interested please let me know. Again the minimum order is 3 dozen, it looks like we will exceed the 144 glass total so the price will be less than $2 per glass. There is also a $50 charge per color in the artwork.

Moai in the house!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2010-12-20 21:33 ]

LiddleLola posted on 12/09/2010

Hey Shaun, I didn't know that you edit the citizen. How cool is that? FYI, I was the house right after the Jungle Room on the crawl. You know me, you just don't recognize my name. It's different.

Matt, I am interested in the glasses. I'll have to work on getting that logo done sooner rather than later.

Sorry ohana, but the good news I'm pretty sure I passed my test. It was pretty easy breezy. I must know more than I thought I did.

See you all next time. I hope someone took pictures.


VampiressRN posted on 02/02/2011

I enjoyed Tiki Tuesday last night, had a good turn out. Would so love to have some exotica on the turntable and some heat next time...LOL. Great company and thanks for the swag Matt!!!

danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2011

Next one is on Februdary 8th, it's so much fun, join us, Wendy

Choptop posted on 02/08/2011

What time?

I'm seeing the other gathering time at 6pm-ish? Does that still hold true?

if so I will be there a little later. got a late meeting across town.

[ Edited by: Choptop 2011-02-08 14:27 ]

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 02/08/2011

It was last Tuesday, not today. The next one is on March 1st. But we are bailing on The Hideaway and making it a roaming party on the first Tuesday of the month. March 1st will be at Eastern Empire.

Choptop posted on 02/08/2011

On 2011-02-08 15:03, Brenda's Tiki Hut wrote:
It was last Tuesday, not today. The next one is on March 1st. But we are bailing on The Hideaway and making it a roaming party on the first Tuesday of the month. March 1st will be at Eastern Empire.

so this post form 6 days ago is no longer true?

Next one is on Februdary 8th, it's so much fun, join us, Wendy

[ Edited by: Choptop 2011-02-08 15:27 ]

rugbymatt posted on 02/09/2011

Yes the Feb gathering was on the 1st, sorry hope to see you at EE on 3/1.

Choptop posted on 02/09/2011

On 2011-02-08 16:25, rugbymatt wrote:
Yes the Feb gathering was on the 1st, sorry hope to see you at EE on 3/1.

would love to be there...

where is it?
what time?

rugbymatt posted on 02/09/2011

6:00 - 6:30

460 Howe Ave., Sacramento

Choptop posted on 02/27/2011

Bump for the meeting... only a few days away...

just picked up a new Hilo Hattie shirt from the antique mall on madison ave. Will break it out for the meeting.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 03/01/2011

Tonight! 6:00 pm. Eastern Empire. Send me a PM if you are going, but haven't RSVPd on the Sacramento Ohana Facebook event, so I can make sure they have a large enough table for us all.

rugbymatt posted on 03/04/2011

Great gathering of Sacto ohana at EE this week!
Next month we will try out Mandarin, on 5 April! It is over on Arden Way, please RSVP. Mahalo!

Moai in the house!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2011-03-06 15:41 ]

VampiressRN posted on 03/07/2011

Sorry I wasn't able to make it to EE...the plague has me quarantined. I am posting the pictures that Wendy took though!!! Great turn out...good job!!!

rugbymatt posted on 03/07/2011

Thanks for taking/posting the photos ladies.

rugbymatt posted on 03/20/2011

Next Tiki Tuesday is 5 April at Madarin on Arden Way. It is next door to WHole Foods at Arden and Eastern. 6:00'ish.

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 03/21/2011

From last Tiki Tuesday, the pink floral wahinies.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4669/4d86c7b8.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=28e5fa10f114ffd00b538ad9933bf232

danlovestikis posted on 03/22/2011

Wonderful photo, you are lovely ladies, Wendy

Brenda's Tiki Hut posted on 04/05/2011

Tonight! Don't miss out on all the shenanigans. How are the drinks at this place. Should I bring a flask?

danlovestikis posted on 04/06/2011

Dan and I had the best time at the Mandarin last evening. With all that laughing it was good we were seated in the back. I'm sorry to have missed visiting with Monty, TackyTiki, rugbymatt, LiddleLola and her friends. That was a huge group. Next time I hope to visit with all of you. Dan and I super enjoyed visiting with VampiressRN, Kathi, Matt the cat, Brenda and Scott. The evening went by so fast, I didn't want to leave. Cheers and more Cheers, Wendy

rugbymatt posted on 04/07/2011

Mandarin is definitely leading the pack on local establishments for our Tiki Tuesday gatherings. The food was terrific and the drinks were decent plus the servers seemed into it. Great time in Sacto! Mahalo to all th elocal ohana who turned up. Next time I will request they reserve the group of tables up front near the bar so we are in our own area but not so tightly packed.

rugbymatt posted on 05/10/2011

Reminder that the Sacramento Ohana are gathering this evening at 6:00 at the Mandarin (Eastern & Arden) for "Tiki Tuesday".

Choptop posted on 05/11/2011

great time tonight all... Sorry I didnt make it all the way down to the other end of out line of tables. Will hang out with ya'll next time :D

rugbymatt posted on 05/11/2011

Great turnout last night, almost 20 folks! Next time we will request the large landing area up by the bar. We can sit at multiple tables (and the bar itself) in a more open style which will allow for easier moving around and socializing. I am growing quite fond of the Mandarin's zombie and killer mai-tai.

We also handed the first order of custom home bar glassware. Everyone was very happy with the glasses from Royer so there will be more in the future I am sure!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2011-05-11 14:50 ]

rugbymatt posted on 05/11/2011

On 2011-05-10 22:01, lovelyrita wrote:
I have family in Placerville, Sacramento and Folsom and I know a few of them want to make it out! Def next time

C'mon up! Besides TC we have our own Sac Ohana group on FB if you're interested.

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