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Graphics Job Opening in Culver City, CA

Pages: 1 7 replies

vintagegirl posted on 10/23/2003

Not tiki related, but I thought our TC family might be able to help me out on this one:

The design and pre-press company where I work is undergoing staff changes and we are in need of another person with a graphic design/pre-press background. We do graphic design of ads, catalogs and magazines, etc. We also produce film and proofs from other designers' files as well as troubleshoot problem files. We operate on both Mac and PC platforms and use mainly Quark, Photoshop and Illustrator.

If you have experience in graphic design and/or pre-press production and are looking for work, please email me at my work email address: [email protected]

Alnshely posted on 10/23/2003

Howdy Marsha,
Ever since I saw "Lust for life" with Kirk Douglass, I've wanted to be an artist. Here are some excellent examples of my work:

Here's a portrait of you and Charles. Notice how I captured the allure and mystery of you two

Here's one of Hanford and Sven. You can see the power and spirit of tiki himself in the striking portrait.

Here's one of Bong and Poly Pop. They both look drunk

Now we better pad my resume. Tell your boss I went to "Harvard" art school, and that painted the ceilings in the Sisteenth Chapel. Maybe I'll do something arty, I'll cut of my ear and send it in with my resume. I'll say "Haven't heard from ya". OK, good. Alright Marsha, I cant wait to be coworkers. We'll gossip around the watercooler and send in phony workmans comp claims.

Turbogod posted on 10/23/2003

Your work truly makes me take a step back and think about life, the world & Man's inhumanity to Man. Ladies & Gentlemen, the next SHAG. Get in on the ground floor with this guy people!

Andrew posted on 10/23/2003

The one of Bong and Poly Pop really stands out as an improvement over the other two. Your technique is growing by leaps and bounds. Check out that subtle line control. How much? If it's steep maybe you could do serigraphs for us poor folk.
a graphic artist who always gets leads when he's overworked and never does when he's destitute

purple jade posted on 10/23/2003

Maybe I'll do something arty, I'll cut of my ear and send it in with my resume.

Stentiki cut his ear off?!?!

Luckydesigns posted on 10/23/2003

Marsha, you think you can convince your company to relocate to say.... Costa Mesa? I'm job hunting and that sounds like the perfect situation for me right now.

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/23/2003

Man Al,

I thought you weren't going to show anyone your artwork of me and Pop in our intimate moments (burp!).

Unga Bunga posted on 10/23/2003

I'm sorry Alnshely, but I think Vintage Girl was looking for something a little more serious. Let a pro (like me) show you graphic design.
I will be taking serigraph orders from TCers' some time next week.
Vintage Girl, I will start packing tomorrow. I will require a parking space and washroom privileges.
Tiki Ti , Here I come !!

A Tiki Cheers To You!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-10-23 13:26 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies