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Any Walking Dead fans here?

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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 12/03/2010

Just curious if rum and zombies is a combo anyone here may share with me.

Bora Boris posted on 12/03/2010

I love it but it stinks there's only one episode left this season and where's Merle??? :o

Chip and Andy posted on 12/03/2010

I'm getting nervous about some of the gossip I'm hearing..... Season 2 (a full 13 episodes) may not be released until Halloween 2011. That's an awfully long ways away right now!

LoungeShark posted on 12/03/2010

Yeah, loving the show too. And I thought it was weird that Merle never made an entance. However, they did leave the note where they're going so......I'm sure he'll pop back up. Along with that guy and his kid. Maybe he'll do something to those two in retaliation or something?

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 12/04/2010

It's true, next season won't be on till Halloween. The reason this season is so short is they needed to have all the episodes ready by Oct 31st, and if nobody watched the show, 6 episodes isn't much of a financial risk. Somebody is probably kicking themselves for not pushing for a full season. I hope when Merle returns, it will be treated as a big deal.

Jason Wickedly posted on 12/05/2010

Considering Michael Rooker (Merle) was the only actor on the show I had ever heard of (Mallrats, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer) before I started watching it, I'm sure it's safe to say he'll be back to single-handedly exact his revenge. (ha ha, get it?) But yeah, I'm pretty bummed that it's going to be almost a year until season 2. We started having WD watching parties after the 3rd episode.

Bora Boris posted on 12/05/2010

You forgot Days of Thunder.

How dare you! :evil:

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/07/2010

there ain't no companion like a blue-eyed merle...

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 12/08/2010

Best Rooker ever....SLITHER

Unga Bunga posted on 12/08/2010


Shit! Wrong thread again.

skootiki posted on 12/08/2010

Great show! You gotta love a great zombie show.

Jason Wickedly posted on 12/09/2010

On 2010-12-05 09:56, Bora Boris wrote:
You forgot Days of Thunder.

How dare you! :evil:

Well..I knew he was in it, but I didn't want to sound like a fanboy or anything :D

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 12/09/2010

Those plucky survivors shall know the wrath of a one handed Mr Svenning!!!!

Swanky posted on 12/09/2010

The show has kind of ruined Zombies for me. In a 2 hour movie, you easily set aside the disbelief and go with it. In the series, I have been dwelling on it and realize it's all a bunch of garbage.

A) They are dead and rotting. They will rot to pieces in a little while. Especially in Atlanta heat! So, even if they are a problem today, by maybe 2-3 weeks, they fall apart. No more problem.

B) A couple of dudes with shovels and the occasional gun fend off the Walkers, yet you expect me to believe the entire military was unable to hold their own. Everyone was wiped out? How? No freakin way!

D) Ummm, he was in the hospital be for how long and woke up and was able to walk out?

R) We just saw at the CDC, they are brain dead and running on their brain stem basicaly, yet somehow shooting them in the brain is the way to kill them?

C) What about the dogs? And other animals?

B) Why don't they just eat each other? The Zombies that is...

  1. Where are the maggots? Ever see a possum on the side of the road here in the south in summer? Day one it's there. Day 2 it starts swelling up. Day 3 and a few more it looks lie a beach ball. After that, it is eaten away inside out by maggots. There should be an enourmous number of fliea and maggots and bloated Walkers and lots of Walkers with maggots falling out of them. Which gets back to point A.

We keep spending our time watching the show yelling at the TV now. BS! Shoot him! Double tap!

So some people come back as Zombies. Probably in the morgue. They get loose some how and bite some folks in the hospital. We'll even give them a lot and say, they kill a bunch of people in the hospital. Well, gee, it seems someone will get that it started with dead people and not trust the recent dead. If not, they'll figure it out pretty quick. Manditory systematic cremation is put in place and we get a handle of this in a few days...

Sorry. I think too much.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 12/10/2010

Given enough time, one can pick out all the holes and inconsistencies in anything (you to drive me nuts that 4 replicants are mentioned in the beginning in Blade Runner and one just vanishes from the story). I'm sure there are plenty of biological issues as to why zombies cannot exist, or why with a plethora of military weaponry laying about no one picks anything up unless it's in service of the plot, or how a large metropolitan area like Atlanta seems a bit sparse in zombies, but I like the storyline and follow along for the fun of it. As to a realistic look to how a pandemic of this sort could spread so fast, I suggest reading World War Z by Max Brooks. Any zombie related story, film or otherwise, pales in comparison to how a zombie outbreak is presented.

KeithH posted on 12/13/2010

Wow. No mention of the tiki bar in the CDC?

We all love the Walking Dead here. We even had weekly parties on Friday nights to have a few cocktails and watch each episode. I can't believe we have to wait 9 months for this to return.

bamalamalu posted on 12/14/2010

On 2010-12-12 22:33, KeithH wrote:
Wow. No mention of the tiki bar in the CDC?

We certainly noticed it! Liked the show overall & will also be waiting it out for the next season, though preferred it when there was more zombie killing action and less talk (Merle woulda been my first bullet.)

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