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Holiday Swap 2010...its that time of year again:) Boxes should be IN THE MAIL !! Post pics !!

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 209 replies

Joe Banks posted on 12/04/2010

On 2010-12-03 20:01, SilverLine wrote:

On 2010-12-03 18:22, Joe Banks wrote:
Inside was a beautiful, hand-crafted skull mug by VanTiki...

WOW! My heart skipped just looking at the picture. You must have needed defibrillation!

Overwhelmed does not even begin to describe it!

leleliz posted on 12/04/2010

Vantiki said he doesnt have many mugs in his collection so the next swap will be everyone sends to Vantiki and he can send to everyone !!

Sound good to you Vantiki??Vantiki??



FenrixTiki posted on 12/04/2010

I received a nice surprise courtesy of Psycho Tiki D.

There's also a great SHAG card which I forgot to include in the photo as I already have it backdropping my wahine mugs. One coconut mug decided it didn't want to be included in the photo. Although it was well wrapped, the post office did not treat it kindly. Mahalo nui loa Psycho Tiki D!

I'm now going to have to dig out a good recipe for hot buttered rum to properly break in the skull mug.

leleliz posted on 12/05/2010


I received confirmation your boxes are being shipped tomorrow!

Bongo Bungalow yours is enroute as well

Anyone else waiting who I have not posted please PM me so I can do some research :)

atomictonytiki posted on 12/06/2010

From Pikey's Dog, a lovely sticker intact OMC Kon Tiki Tall Mug, some swizzles and stirrers, postcards, match-books and the mother-load of rum drinks mats.

Thank you very much Pikey's Dog!

leleliz posted on 12/06/2010

VanTiki yours is on its way!

SilverLine posted on 12/06/2010

This morning I got a lightning-fast package from Lightning Steve in Canada and I couldn't be happier! Love the Frankie's Tiki Room mug (I really want to get over there SOOON) and the Moai Munchkin! Bendy straws, tiny umbrellas, Frankie's and Kahiki swizzles, as well as an unidentified swizzle club (where's this from?) round out the essential drinking accessories. Included event cards and Frankie's souvenirs will decorate my mug shelves! And yes, what Tiki Trade package could be complete without Space Men??

Thank You Lightning Steve!! And thanks always to Liz for making these trades happen!

Classic Silver Line Boats

[ Edited by: SilverLine 2010-12-06 14:34 ]

VanTiki posted on 12/07/2010

Got my goodies!~

House of Ku, you are AMAZING - mahalo for the amazing box of wonders!

Vintage Trader Vic's mug, Suck 'Em Up Mai tai glass, MINT IN BOX bronze "model 16" Tiki, hip HIP Originals tiki with gemstone in the opu, UNFINISHED Tiki Carver statue, Tiki Oasis postcards from years past, and some stellar swizzles!

I'm totally in love with everything - can't tell you how much fun it was to unpack the box. A special note about the carver and one of the swizzles

I'm dying to know the history of this unfinished tiki carver. Was it a mold test? Did a new guy in the shop forget to add the black dye (ahem, I mean "lava rock") to the resin? Is it actually a ghost statue? Such a unique piece!
Secondly, lets all take a look at the Monkey Bar swizzle. It caught my eye right away - I'd never heard of the place, and it sounded like it must have been great. The day after the box arrived I told my mom about the swizzle, and she related a crazy tale of a 1970 trip to the Monkey Bar to impress her in-laws. I was blown away!

Once again, Mahalo House OF Ku for the goodies, and mahalo to Liz for setting this up. Mele Kalikimaka everyone!
Henrik "VanTiki"

HOUSE OF KU posted on 12/07/2010

On 2010-12-06 17:21, VanTiki wrote:

I'm dying to know the history of this unfinished tiki carver.

I'm glad you like your Goodies! A few years ago, I bought a bunch of new,old stock (70's?) pieces from Pacific Fine Arts at the swapmeet. Many pieces were unfinished...I've seen the tiki carver in black, stained brown (hapawood) and an antiqued copper version. Funny that your Mom can relate to the Monkey bar...They even have a monkey shaped mug. :lol: That bronze Tiki is a replica of a Coco Joe's tiki. After the bankruptcy sale, the new owner had a few assorted pieces recast in bronze (90's) Must have been a slow seller because they turned up at the swapmeet and were quickly snatched up. Thanks Liz for organizing these Swaps :)

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2010-12-07 00:33 ]

Naneki posted on 12/07/2010

Sorry, I've been off the grid for a few days. On Thursday I came home to find my swap box from FenrixTiki. Yeah!

Cool selection of napkins (including SHAG), swizzles, a pirate mug and a wahine mug that was on my list.



[ Edited by: Naneki 2010-12-10 12:20 ]

Pikeys Dog posted on 12/07/2010

First of my trades arrived today, all the way from Knoxville,TN.

Thanks to Phinz (Scott) for all the cool stuff - including items off my Ooga Mooga wishlist - Way too generous!

First off, a Moonraker Bucket mug...

A Trader Vics 75th Anniv, Glass...

Some Mermaid drink markers.

A fantastic Clamshell dish - Frankoma?

And a raft of Swizzels, postcards, drinks recipe cards and a cool pendant...

Wonderful stuff...

leleliz posted on 12/07/2010

Mahalo to everyone who has been posting pics. Please be sure to get yours up so your trader knows your box arrived.

Also I really appreciate the folks who have shipped internationally. I know its expensive but its great that folks around the globe get to participate.

Still waiting on a few boxes to arrive this week. If you are still waiting please PM me :)

Lightning Steve posted on 12/08/2010

On 2010-12-06 11:28, SilverLine wrote:
as well as an unidentified swizzle club (where's this from?)

Glad you liked the stuff Silverline!
I can't believe how fast it got to you either!
With the snow we have just had there hasn't been mail for two days now!!
The swizzle is from Tiki Farm-Samoan War Club

HOUSE OF KU posted on 12/08/2010

Just got my box!! All the way from Bangkok,Thailand. Upon first inspection, you notice a rad tiki drawing...

After unpacking the box, I slowly slid open the sarcophagus like foam lid...

Perfectly packed for international travel...
Before unwrapping the treasures, I open the enclosed envelope and find a lovely note AND original Tiki artwork...

Mahalo Atomic Tony Tiki!!

Opening the protective paper, I spy a Beauty....A rare jewel indeed :)

Butlins Beachcomber Tribute Mug, hand painted by Atomic Tony Tiki...even rarer, reject edition 1 of 5 ... number 1 of freakin 5, Yoohoo!! :lol:

Gotta love the custom hang tag...

Also included were 2 cool mug/shot glasses and a neat swizzle...none of which I had yet!

Happy,happy,happy....Thankyou Atomic Tony Tiki! AND LELELIZ!!


atomictonytiki posted on 12/08/2010

Phew! it arrived safely glad you like it, Hurrah for swapping!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/08/2010

Yea! Just back from a family trip and what to my wondering eyes do see, but a package from Pittsburgh Pauly!

A Tiki Farm Mad Marq, a "Wiggling Hula Guy" (who somehow wiggled his way out of the picture), a carved bottle opener, cool stirrers, matches, (now where's that match book from Pittsburgh's Tiki Lounge?), umbrellas, pics, shot glass, key chains- even a rabbit's foot and snowman Peeps! Total fun, and no, I ain't got any of these items. Thanks Pauly!

I'm astounded at how generous TC members are! Thanks for letting me be a part of this!

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/08/2010

Got Mine! Thanks Taboo Dan. It's Awesome!

Vintage Green Sneaky Tiki mug I didn't have (thanks Ooga-Mooga!) and a matchbook from Harvey's Lake Tahoe. Cool li'l Maori tiki carving, an awesome bamboo frame "For Mah Arrrrt!", a very cool Coco Joe's ashtray I didn't have, an awesome Tropic Isles mug (I had always hoped I would find one of these, and now I finally have one), some cool coasters form the Kona brewing company, a serviette (that's French/Canadian for napkin) and food picks from the Beachcomber and a nice vintage menehune swizzle from T.V.'s (I just have some of the updated versions).

Mahalo again Taboo Dan! And consider this a standing invitation to the Kanaloa Lounge if you ever find yourself in Calgary!

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2010-12-08 19:16 ]

Lightning Steve posted on 12/10/2010

Well through a nasty snow day trudged my Postal Person.

There it was a box with Tiki on it...............

It could only be one thing!!!

Thank you so much Sideshow Bob!!!
Two great mugs, both of which I have wanted!! Cool little drink charms, swizzles, lanterns, and a vintage record, two tikis.
It wasn't until I was showing my son what music use to come on, that I discovered a bunch of Ron Jon surf shop stickers and a little booklet!!!!
I Love Stickers!!!!!
Thanks Again Bob!!!

[ Edited by: Lightning Steve 2010-12-10 11:33 ]

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 12/11/2010

Sorry for not posting sooner, it's been a bad week (month/year).
Which was made better on Tuesday when I received my swap!!
So MUCH GREAT stuff! Frankie's moai! CD! Matchbooks! Swizzles (one that's martini pitcher sized!)!

But, I think my favorite is the monkey pod wood ukulele.
Thanks TIKI PUG (I can even overlook that Cleveland Browns comment :)

Tikifan1 posted on 12/11/2010

WooHoooo... Just got in from freezing my tookus off, and noticed I had a rather large parcel waiting on me. Knew it was my Tiki Mission by the hand drawn tikis on the side of the box... VERY cool. Opened it up to a very well packed box of goodies. Scored a Harvey's of Lake Tahoe mug, a coconut head mug, a hula skirt for a wine bottle, some Tiki Sugar, a cool CocoJoe's keychain, some tiki toothpics, and some awesome Swizzle sticks. Thank's SneakyTiki, you ROCK. Really had a great time participating, and look forward in the next mission.

TikiPug posted on 12/12/2010

...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/13/2010

On 2010-12-12 13:53, TikiPug wrote:
...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

We're standing with you TikiPug... you do not stand alone!

phinz posted on 12/13/2010

On 2010-12-07 13:05, Pikeys Dog wrote:
A fantastic Clamshell dish - Frankoma?

Yep. It's a Frankoma T-9 in Flame.

leleliz posted on 12/13/2010

On 2010-12-12 13:53, TikiPug wrote:
...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

Your box is traveling from the east coast and I got confirmation it was sent (ya better have sent it mister!)
so I hope you will be seeing it soon.

Anyone else waiting?

I have lost track ;o/

Pikeys Dog posted on 12/14/2010

still waiting for my second trade to arrive - not worried at the moment though, since mail has been delayed due to adverse weather in the UK.

MauiTiki posted on 12/14/2010

Wow, what a great swap! Some lucky people out there. I wish I had gotten in on this one! Lots of Christmas cheer with this group!

TikiPug posted on 12/14/2010

On 2010-12-13 03:22, Bongo Bungalow wrote:

On 2010-12-12 13:53, TikiPug wrote:
...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

We're standing with you TikiPug... you do not stand alone!

Another day has come and gone and still nothing....very sad

ZeroTiki posted on 12/15/2010


[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-12-22 11:19 ]

TikiPug posted on 12/15/2010

Mail man was just here and this is what I found in the mailbox...

dcman posted on 12/16/2010

waiting, waiting, waiting with the pug.......

(I have my boxes, but I'm standing here in solidarity)


[ Edited by: dcman 2010-12-16 07:09 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/16/2010

Sometimes when I'm waiting I read a book. "Call me Ishmael..."

TabooDan posted on 12/16/2010

I too was wondering and waiting but I received word a package is awaiting me at the PO.
Could this be the package from the Tiki Godz??? Could be. I will post pic's later!

Mahalo, TabooDan

SilverLine posted on 12/16/2010

So who is left without their trade at this point? TikiPug, Pikeys Dog and TabooDan; anyone else? Just curious.

And I haven't seen any reports of mug casualties. Fantastic if that's the case!

Classic Silver Line Boats

[ Edited by: SilverLine 2010-12-16 06:27 ]

Unkle John posted on 12/16/2010

On 2010-12-16 06:24, SilverLine wrote:
So who is left without their trade at this point? TikiPug, Pikeys Dog and TabooDan; anyone else? Just curious.

Raises Hand

Pikeys Dog posted on 12/17/2010

Just a thought...

My trade was posted to the US around an event that may have delayed it considerably, the attempted terrorist attacks via toner cartridges sent in freight.

I was involved in two trades - both sent the same day from the same post office - the first to Thailand arrived a while back - the second to the US hasn't as yet!

Hopefully it should arrive soon.

mrsmiley posted on 12/17/2010

Here is a VERY tardy thanks to Queen K for my goodies! A Frankies mug, a couple Incan Pisco mini figural bottles and a Venus swizzle from the closed Shag Venus/ Bosko Taboo cove bar at the Venetian here in Vegas!! Thanks again--smiley

TikiPug posted on 12/17/2010

On 2010-12-13 13:38, leleliz wrote:

On 2010-12-12 13:53, TikiPug wrote:
...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

Your box is traveling from the east coast and I got confirmation it was sent

From the east coast of China?
It has been another 2 days of mail, and still no package. The fun of the trade has now left the building.

SuperEight posted on 12/18/2010

Sneakytiki still has not posted the box I sent him and has not responded to PM's from Liz and I. I promise you, the box I sent was not that bad.

leleliz posted on 12/18/2010

On 2010-12-17 22:20, SuperEight wrote:
Sneakytiki still has not posted the box I sent him and has not responded to PM's from Liz and I. I promise you, the box I sent was not that bad.

Sneakytiki has not read any messages sent to him for over a week. I am not sure what happened to him.....


I apoligize I was incorrect..it was not 7 days of waiting to hear from him so my above statement was inaccurate.

[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-12-18 13:31 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

On 2010-12-17 15:35, TikiPug wrote:

On 2010-12-13 13:38, leleliz wrote:

On 2010-12-12 13:53, TikiPug wrote:
...standing by the mailbox....waiting....wondering....

Your box is traveling from the east coast and I got confirmation it was sent

From the east coast of China?
It has been another 2 days of mail, and still no package. The fun of the trade has now left the building.

Tiki pug YOU took the fun out of the Holiday swap for yourself... I didn't ruin it for you at all... I live in Idaho, in the Rockies... not on the East coast... I do not know why my package to Missouri got there way faster than your package to Vegas... I was going to send you your tracking confirmation # several days ago but deleted the post before sending it, I wanted to abide by the surprise rules ("BASIC RULES:

  1. Blind draw..you get who you get and you dont get upset......also its a secret so dont pm your swapper to let them know you got them.")

and let Liz know when it was shipped rather than tell you I was your swapper.

I also mistakenly thought a grown man couldn't seriously be whining daily like that and that you were just trying to be funny (which you weren't).

I have participated in several mug swaps and art swaps... one time my art swap didn't appear for months and I never complained... the fun was more in the giving then the receiving... and my swapper came through big time in the end...

I have received one extremely filthy chipped mug in a box full of rancid newspaper as my swap and never complained...

In the majority of swaps both art and mugs my gifts were never photographed or posted and I didn't complain... I never thought the swapper owed me a photo...

I have photographed my swaps and hadn't posted them yet, I figured it was fine to send a thank you and pix anytime before Christmas or even around Christmas... I only got my hands on my swaps a couple of days ago after an elderly neighbor told me that had signed for my mail by mistake..

I don't owe anyone an apology except for mailing a few days late... and all I can say to all of you who bad mouthed me is I'll be the bigger person here and wish you all well and hope you get some Christmas spirit some day!

I haven't checked my PM's in a couple of days so I'll do that now... to the person that sent me a package and complained about me for not immediately gushing thanks... thank you, I'll post pic's of said items shortly... Merry Christmas!

You might also try
A. Giving people the benefit of the doubt.
B. Private Messaging rather than public bashing... it has only been a few days since I checked my PMs.
C. Having a bit of patience.

Tiki Pug,
Your confirmation info:

Search Results

Label/Receipt Number: 0310 2010 0001 4926 4672
Expected Delivery Date: December 13, 2010
Class: Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Acceptance

Your item was accepted at 4:30 pm on December 06, 2010 in NAMPA, ID 83651. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

Track and Confirm

Enter Label/Receipt Number.

Enter Label / Receipt Number.

My package to Missouri made it by the 11th...
If you don't ever get yours I'll have a nice check for you as it was insured....

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2010-12-18 12:36 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

On 2010-12-17 22:21, leleliz wrote:

On 2010-12-17 22:20, SuperEight wrote:
Sneakytiki still has not posted the box I sent him and has not responded to PM's from Liz and I. I promise you, the box I sent was not that bad.

Sneakytiki has not read any messages sent to him for over a week. I am not sure what happened to him.....

The last time I checked 12-13 to 12-17 when you wrote this is not over a week....


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2010-12-22 20:11 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2010-12-18 12:13 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

On 2010-12-11 14:49, Tikifan1 wrote:
WooHoooo... Just got in from freezing my tookus off, and noticed I had a rather large parcel waiting on me. Knew it was my Tiki Mission by the hand drawn tikis on the side of the box... VERY cool. Opened it up to a very well packed box of goodies. Scored a Harvey's of Lake Tahoe mug, a coconut head mug, a hula skirt for a wine bottle, some Tiki Sugar, a cool CocoJoe's keychain, some tiki toothpics, and some awesome Swizzle sticks. Thank's SneakyTiki, you ROCK. Really had a great time participating, and look forward in the next mission.

Tikifan1 you are very welcome!
Merry Christmas!

leleliz posted on 12/18/2010

Sneakytiki thank you for posting the tracking info.

I was not trying to insinuate that you had not sent your swap package..because I already had confirmation from you that you HAD...and also 1 of your boxes had already arrived.

Instead I personally was more concerned that something had happened to you since I had not seen you post in awhile.

In addition...I have received 47 emails about swap packages--where are they/did they get mine/can you find out tracking/etc....

I too have a life that does not revolve around sitting on Tiki Central all day answering these messages and harrassing everyone and their brother for their box.

The mail is NOT guaranteed. Boxes are delayed or get lost...all we can go off of is what the sender can provide tracking wise and leave it at that.

WHEN YOU RECEIVE YOUR BOX -- within 24 hours CONTACT your swap partner and tell them you got it. Why make them wonder and worry and then email me then I have to email you.

If you cant post a pic then dont but geez people let your sender know it came to you.

Oh and also....another point..I give CUT OFF TIMES to send your box by. That means SEND YOUR BOX by that date. I give plenty of time between sending your swap name and the cut off date for you to send the box out. If you can not do so then please do not join swaps going forward. Why are people waiting 2 weeks after the cut off date to send? Totally unfair--both to your trade partner and to me who has to deal with all the aftermath.

Too much drama these days on Tikicentral....thought keeping these swaps going would help at least add SOMETHING fun back to the mix.


[ Edited by: leleliz 2010-12-18 12:25 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

I was 6 days late... sorry about that. You said it was fine... not 2 weeks....
The oldest unchecked PM's I had were 4 days, not over a week before you posted that.
I have not had my swaps very long, as I stated above.
I was not shown the Aloha or the Christmas spirit by some people on this thread, but rather joyfully and with exaggerated commentary, unfairly besmirched with a bit of impatience and immaturity.
Sorry that some people's Christmas fun is ruined because they didn't receive material goods fast enough or get responses fast enough.

For my part I sent my packages out 6 days late. I don't think I owe anyone any apologies except for that. And I find it comical how some people's Christmas spirit is so entwined with impatience and receiving material goods...

Consider both of my swappers notified within 39 hours of my receipt of their packages as I got them less than 2 days ago but somehow didn't publicly pitch a fit.... Thank you swappers! Sorry the Postal service in my hood sucks!

Thank you for organizing the swap and I'm sorry that you had to hear all the complaints!
I would have posted confirmation info. breaking the swap rules and spoiled the surprise the 1st day after shipping if I had any idea the inner turmoil and crushing despair a grown man could feel because his box wasn't received quickly.

Happy Holidays!

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2010-12-18 13:21 ]

TabooDan posted on 12/18/2010

These threads that turn into this sort of drama are getting crazy on here. I do believe personal messages need to be used more.

Alright then!!!
Here's what I received in the mail a couple of days ago (Sorry for not posting earlier but couldn't get to pick it up!!) :

While in a long line up, sometimes you just have to doodle!!

And inside I found:

I must say a huge thank you to Tiki-Atari for sending the spoils all the way up to Canada!! Very much appreciated!!

I received a nice and unique sort of Tropical Drink Menu from Hooters (not sure of location or if it's at all) which I didn't even know they had tropical drinks!! Also, a couple of nice personal pictures from the Mai Kai, sticker, coaster, card, stir stix, box of drink toppers, a slick stainless steel flask, a Harvey's bucket mug and a Dynasty Pirate mug.

I also received an extra little something for my new boy which is a cute little Romper set also from Hooters. My Mom will love a photo of him in that! :) What a great little addition to the swap and thanks alot for making that little personal touch Jon!! Very cool!

Hope you have a great Holiday Season along with everyone on here!!
Many Mahalos!! TabooDan

TikiTacky posted on 12/18/2010

I haven't participated in a tiki swap, although I did participate in the reddit Secret Santa last year. It seems to me that requiring a tracking number from everyone who participates would alleviate a lot of the stress in the future. How many times has this swap been done and how many people have never received packages?

All in all from what I've seen it looks like most if the swappers have been extremely generous, creative, and thoughtful. What a great community!

To all who participated and to those who coordinated, a special thanks from me, even though I've yet to swap. I will next time for sure!

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2010-12-18 14:36 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 12/18/2010

Here is an album with both of my awesome Holiday gift swaps!

Thanks so much for your generous packages!
Thanks to Tropical Icebergs and Supereight!!

Merry Christmas!

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2010-12-18 14:50 ]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 209 replies