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Can't find tiki in Dallas

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Kenike posted on 09/10/2003

I live about 30 miles outside of Dallas. I'm very new to collecting tiki and have to admit most of my purchases have been on eBay. I would prefer discovering tiki in the wild but have been to every thrift shop and Goodwill store in the area and have found NOTHING. Most garage sales I've seen have been pretty lame...anyone have any ideas of where else I can look? Anyone ever found anything in the Dallas area?

Gotta go check my eBay bids now....


kahukini posted on 09/11/2003

I have bad luck with garage sales in Birmingham too... search through your paper's online classifieds for particular neighborhoods where older folks live, and search for "estate sale"
...I've had a lot of luck w/ estate sales, the main challenge for me is getting up early enough on Saturday to make them :)

Are you atheist, agnostic, deist, pantheist, transcendentalist... Meet people who share your interest in rational religion in your town.

fatuhiva posted on 09/13/2003

There is a vintage/modern shop in Dallas/Ft. Worth (not that familiar with the area)

that had a MOUNTAIN of tikimugs when i was there a few years ago. This place had been there a long time and was just LOADED with stuff.. religious figurines, modern dishware, etc etc a pretty big place just crammed with stuff. Maybe others know of this spot- I often wish i could hit it again. I came out of there with like 10 mugs.

Kenike posted on 09/13/2003

Wow! That sounds like just what I'm looking for. Do you remember the location? Near any big landmarks?


RevBambooBen posted on 09/14/2003

There's a new bar opening up in Dallas (I'll tell them to post the name, etc. when they open) that is going to have Surf, Tiki, type theme with a Bamboo Ben portable bar and some art etc. too. Shipping next week.

Kenike posted on 09/14/2003

Praise Lono!

I'm ecstatic to hear Dallas is getting SOMETHING tiki. Keep us posted please.


fatuhiva posted on 09/15/2003

no i dont remember- it was a few years back- just go through the phone book and hit all the vintage shops, you'll find it, its big

i have a pic of it here somewhere

RevBambooBen posted on 09/20/2003

Coconuts Island Grill

1200 (i think) Greenville Ave.

Dallas, Tx.

Surf, Aloha and Tiki.

(Like I said earlier, not sure if it's a real tiki bar but, something is better than nothing. The owner also knows the guy who rents out the old Trader Vics.)

Formikahini posted on 09/21/2003

Hey Juno,

Check this (new) place out. If it's a goodie, I'd be willing to scoot up to Dallas to join you for an evening there. Hopefully Kilikopela could make the trip with me, and Reever could join us there? Who all are the other Dallas folk? So_Cal_Native_In_Texas, you out there? I've sent you a private email; we Houston tiki folk have gotta stick together!

I'm waaay overdue for a Dallas visit!

Tonguroa Tigertail posted on 09/21/2003

I feel for you... I can never find any tiki stuff here in Oregon either after scouring our goodwills and garage sales. I did however find we have a tiki bar in downtown portland.... I have yet to visit, but rest assured I will visit oh yes I will! :tiki: :drink:

[ Edited by: Tonguroa Tigertail on 2003-09-21 07:15 ]

Kenike posted on 09/22/2003

Check this (new) place out. If it's a goodie, I'd be willing to scoot up to Dallas to join you for an evening there. Hopefully Kilikopela could make the trip with me, and Reever could join us there?

Will do. I'll keep you posted.


TikiMikey posted on 09/23/2003

Count me in for the inaguaral visit to Coconut Islands!

suelo posted on 09/26/2003

Hi! We live in Dallas, and are huge tiki freaks...we're interested in any one else in the area who is serious about collecting & getting together for a beverage or two once a month or so...anyone out there interested???

Kenike posted on 09/26/2003

Welcome Suelo! I'm definitely interested in hooking up with you folks sometime and there are a few other members of TC who are in the Dallas area as well. Have you seen this Coconuts Island Grill place yet? I'm out of town Oct. 7-14 so maybe sometime after that we can arrange a Dallas area TC members nite out.


suelo posted on 10/08/2003

Hello again Dallasites! I'm thinking of starting a group of Dallas Tiki Lover's...anyone out there initially interested??? I'll be out of town until the end of the month (oct), so it will be November before the ball gets rolling. It will most likely just be getting together to have a few beverages, chat about tiki loves, collecting, places to check out, etc... nothing too formal right off the bat. Let me know what you all think!!!!

TikiMikey posted on 10/08/2003

Great idea, Suelo! Maybe the hoity toity S. Cal folks will tire of reading of the Dallas TC'ers escapades after a few months! :)

Formikahini posted on 10/08/2003

Ha! Yes! And we tiny handful in Houston can be the So-Tex gang, while y'all can be Nor-Tex...or something... Oh, the Killeen and Orange, TX branches could be the KO-Tex - no, wait - never mind.
(We briefly had the HTAP: Houston Tiki Appreciation Society, but we lost one third. John, aka Luau63, stopped hanging out :( ).

Hmmm...What could the Hoity Toity parallel be: "Rootin' Tooters"? Gotta sound Texan, ya know. Or, in keeping with the Texican history we have: "The Tikileros" or no - "The Texas Tikieros"! The last one alMOST sounds like "te quiero's", the "I love you's"! Now if THAT's not full of the aloha spirit!

outta my way, I'm on a roll...of stupidity...

suelo posted on 10/09/2003

Yipee! Glad to hear a body or two is interested in trying to do this...like I said, I think if I can get an interesting looking flyer together & throw a few out there in the area, I can muster up a few more people like us to sway our hula skirts around! Let everyone you know who's TRUE TIKI in on the idea!!!
Right now all I have in mind is Crazed Tiki Lovers...we can get more Texifried if you'd like though! Could be a good topic for a first get together!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/09/2003

2100 Greenville Ave.

DaneTiki posted on 10/09/2003

[ Edited by: DaneTiki 2009-08-30 19:17 ]

Kenike posted on 10/17/2003

Looks like Coconuts Island Grill in Dallas is official:

Also, after a brief chat with Suelo, we're definitely going to do a Dallas area TCer's get together sometime in Novemeber. Suelo is out of town at the moment but if you're interested and haven't posted a reply to this thread please do it soon so we have an idea of who's interested.


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Unkle John posted on 10/25/2003

Juno, good to meet you and fellow Nor-Tex tikiphiles. I share your frustration on finding mugs and other tiki related items at thrift stores. I live almost two counties south of Dallas.
I have been collecting for about three years now and I've collected about thirty mugs (about 20 I bought, one was in Lubbock). I mainly hit up Arlington and Ft. Worth (it's 10 mins closer to me) for my finds. I did have some luck in Seagoville and "the grove". I know quite a few tiki collectors in the Dallas area, and unfortunately for someone like you or myself, they scour the thrift shops EVERYDAY. It's like they have no jobs. Heck, I know a guy (we call him "tiki george") who spent over $250 for a mug that was made from clay that came from his home town. $250....and it wasn't a very sought after mug. Personally I love the thrill of the hunt/find. I have won a few on ebay in my few years, but I personaly felt I was cheating.
Please No offense to anyone who buys on eBay was intended.

Kenike posted on 10/26/2003

Greetings Unkle John! I try to get to the thrift shops closest to me (McKinney & Plano) once or twice a week but always strike out. I have about 15 mugs and some statues and I do admit that most came from eBay...but I refuse to pay any outrageous prices. I do enjoy the thrill of the tiki hunt even though I never find anything. One of these days I know I'm gonna score BIG. Anyway, whenever we have our Dallas area Tiki freaks get-together you definitely need to come and share your tiki knowledge.


p.s. cool web site!

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Unkle John posted on 10/26/2003

thanks for the compliment.

Actualy there are a few good thrift stores in Garland that has had some great tiki sightings.

When I get my out side cabana finnished, this spring my wife and I plan on having a mixer & BBQ

ugh, i can tell by my spelling, i need to work on my drink mixing abilites... time for another one.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-10-25 18:30 ]

suelo posted on 11/02/2003

Hello all! I have to say as far as scouring for tiki's in the DFW area, good luck. We have found several, but have been collecting for about 4-5 years...and it's becoming a bit sparse. If you really want to find good things, you have to travel. Everytime we hit Austin we get lucky, but realistically it's when we travel outside of the state that we have our best luck. Ebay is great too, but not as fun, and getting a bit too pricey. Our collection of tiki's (both mugs, masks, and statues) is at last count about 110. Venture outside of your box and you'll be surprised at what you find!
I've been ridiculously busy lately, but would still like to get together for tiki talk & beverages!!!
Continue your tiki quests!

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freddiefreelance posted on 11/02/2003

On 2003-10-08 21:12, RevBambooBen wrote:
2100 Greenville Ave.

Boo! :wink:

Happy Dia de los Muertos!

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance on 2003-11-02 11:23 ]

Kenike posted on 11/04/2003

If you live in the Dallas area click here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=6111&forum=4&0

Kenike posted on 05/25/2005


Just wanted to check again to see if anyone's out there from the Dallas area...a lot of folks seemed to have dropped off the map(or moved to Lubbock).

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diesel tiki posted on 05/25/2005

Hell yeah I'm in!!! Schedule is changing at work so soon I'll have 4-5 days off a week.Sweeeeeet.

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Tiki Matt posted on 05/25/2005

I was in Dallas on business a few years ago and found some great (tiki) stuff at a huge antique mall right by Love Field airport. Can't remember the name of the place, but it was huge!

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Unkle John posted on 05/25/2005

On 2005-05-24 18:33, Juno wrote:

Just wanted to check again to see if anyone's out there from the Dallas area...a lot of folks seemed to have dropped off the map(or moved to Lubbock).


..I did it for my health. And the untapped tiki booty here.

Kenike posted on 05/25/2005

I was in Dallas on business a few years ago and found some great (tiki) stuff at a huge antique mall right by Love Field airport. Can't remember the name of the place, but it was huge!

I shall investigate...not sure I know about this one.

Hey Unkle, I drove down to Waxahachie a couple of weeks ago to check out that thrift store you used to frequent...only found a chipped disney glass. Had fun scouring the antique stores in the area too. Unfortunately I cam home empty handed (this time).

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Unkle John posted on 05/25/2005

A few weeks ago? Was it during Mother's day weekend? If so I cleaned out a few antique stores when I came through to visit. D'OH!

Kenike posted on 05/25/2005

A few weeks ago? Was it during Mother's day weekend? If so I cleaned out a few antique stores when I came through to visit. D'OH!

I think it was the week before Mothers Day...at least I know it's worth checking out again.

I was in Dallas on business a few years ago and found some great (tiki) stuff at a huge antique mall right by Love Field airport. Can't remember the name of the place, but it was huge!

It has to be this place

I had a little time this afternoon so I drove down to check it out. They have the best selection of atomic 50's kitschy lamps and furniture I've seen yet. I spotted a Polynesian Village glass I didn't have so I picked it up.

I also spotted this Tepco bowl but it was $75.00. ( sorry for the pic quality...all I had was my camera phone).
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Also spotted this bar which I think was $650.00
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When I was leaving I spotted this googie sign at a liquor store.
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Definitely worth checking out again. Thanks Tiki Matt!

Kenike posted on 05/25/2005

Hell yeah I'm in!!! Schedule is changing at work so soon I'll have 4-5 days off a week.Sweeeeeet.

Wow, almost sounds like my schedule...except I'll be playing Entertainment Director for the kids until August. We need to try and set something up this summer. Still missing some Dallas folks though.

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Tiki Matt posted on 05/26/2005

Juno, That's the place. I do recall a lot of mid-cent goods. I think I shipped a couple of boxes of goodies home on that trip.
Hey - That looks like a Metlox Navajo pitcher on the Rattan bar. That is the style of dishes I have. Did you happen to get a price?

Kenike posted on 05/26/2005

Hey - That looks like a Metlox Navajo pitcher on the Rattan bar. That is the style of dishes I have. Did you happen to get a price?

Didn't check the price on that. I'll probably be going back in a couple of weeks so I can dig a little deeper and I'll be sure to check it out.

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Unkle John posted on 05/26/2005

I bought my rattan bar for about $200 at this little hole in the wall antique store waaaaaaay down in Forreston (north of where I lived) called the Bon Ton. I left a couple of coco joes items there, already had them.

If you ever go to Forreston, the Bon Ton is pretty much the only thing there. But take ytour time and talk to the owners the Kaulfmans. John used to be a jazz drummer and loves to play chess with anyone.

Kenike posted on 06/20/2005

Hey - That looks like a Metlox Navajo pitcher on the Rattan bar. That is the style of dishes I have. Did you happen to get a price?

Was there this past weekend. The pitcher is $89.99

Formikahini posted on 06/21/2005

What is the MATTER with you people?!?!

The bar ???
The PITCHER ?!?!

What about the fabulous topless saronged beauty with the bamboo backdrop?!?! How much is SHE?!?!

(Jeez, and I'm not even a GUY!!!)

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Unkle John posted on 06/21/2005

I thought I made a comment about her.. guess I didn't

Kenike posted on 06/21/2005

What about the fabulous topless saronged beauty with the bamboo backdrop?!?! How much is SHE?!?!

I might be going back there this weekend to pick up an Orchids bowl I saw. I'll check on the picture while I'm there. I know I looked at the price before but I can't remember how much she was.

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Tiki Matt posted on 06/24/2005

On 2005-06-20 14:28, Juno wrote:

Hey - That looks like a Metlox Navajo pitcher on the Rattan bar. That is the style of dishes I have. Did you happen to get a price?

Was there this past weekend. The pitcher is $89.99

Holy shiznet! I already have one and thought I'd get another on the cheap. No wonder it hasn't sold! Good lookin' out...Thanks.

Kenike posted on 06/27/2005

What about the fabulous topless saronged beauty with the bamboo backdrop?!?! How much is SHE?!?!

A mere $895.00. :o

OK, I've been to this store 3 times and think I've seen all there is to see. They have a few tiki items I'm interested in but they're WAY overpriced (like that $75.00 Tepco bowl). Lot's of other neat stuff to see...definitely check it out if you're in the area.

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webwide posted on 06/27/2005

Juno, you may have just saved me a trip to that antique mall (although I reserve the right to change my mind) :)

Formikahini posted on 06/27/2005

On 2005-06-26 17:03, Juno wrote:

What about the fabulous topless saronged beauty with the bamboo backdrop?!?! How much is SHE?!?!
A mere $895.00. :o
Holy SCHNEIKES!!! Well, she looks great behind that bar, and I guess that's where she's gonna stay!

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Unkle John posted on 06/28/2005

no kidding... i wouldn't even pay that much for a real gal to dress like that and stand behind my bar while holding a frame!

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