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TikiCentral Offline?

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I just got back in after 2 days of getting a server denial of access. Did anyone else experience this problem? Looks like it.


Same here. All the restored posts are 4 days old, so messages may have been lost.


Me three. Thought it was my work I.T. person checking up on my useage and punishing me by cutting off the site. :)

I thought it was just me, and then thought "Wait a minute. I've had access for years. Why now?" I then went to the facebook page for Tiki Central and someone had mentioned that the server had a hard drive failure. Don't know if this has been confirmed, but it seems to fit. My sympathies to Holden. Glad it's back online. :)

I could not get onto some parts of Critiki and Ooga mooga either, which I attributed to my lack of computer skills. I learned exactly how dependent I am on my daily dose of tiki. I am like an addict. Now that I can get my fix I am celebrating with a Navy Grog.

On 2011-01-07 11:20, Kahuna Tiki wrote:
....My sympathies to Holden. Glad it's back online. :)

Make that Hanford. Not to say that Holden does not deserve our sympathies, too! :D

Post loss is 4 days, but image loss seems to go back as far as 16 days, that hurts. "All those memories, lost like tears in the rain"

We're back!! Wooohooo! Nice work, Hanford!
Oooo.... just noticed the image and post loss too. That IS a bummer.

Good to have it back though!

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2011-01-07 11:40 ]

condolences to mr. lemoore as well... re: image posts, the ones i posted on 1/1/11 are still there, but they are links from flickr as opposed to being uploaded to the TC machine...

On 2011-01-07 11:31, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2011-01-07 11:20, Kahuna Tiki wrote:
....My sympathies to Holden. Glad it's back online. :)

Make that Hanford. Not to say that Holden does not deserve our sympathies, too! :D

Post loss is 4 days, but image loss seems to go back as far as 16 days, that hurts. "All those memories, lost like tears in the rain"


I re-uploaded my missing images! Glad TC is back!

Tiki Tower

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2011-01-07 12:00 ]

There was a tremor in the force! Tiki Central, Critiki and Ooga Mooga all down for days.

All of the images I posted back to 14 days ago are gone. Hanford, do you think they will be restored or are they gone forever?



Whew, glad we're back!

yes i had noticed the related website frameworks were running but getting major db and script errors so assumed at least db crash. That sucks.

Sure is hard to connect with folks when TC is down! :)


Hee hee hee! I gave my MIS Dept a kon-tiki of shit for screwing with network filters. They are continually adding security filters which prevent me one day from visiting sites I was on the day before. Not their fault this time, but they have several rafts coming I'm sure. :lol:

GROG posted on Fri, Jan 7, 2011 2:02 PM

GROG back on-line, too!! GROG pick up new computer yesterday and is back on-line. Now GROG have to learn all the fancy-shmancy new stuff on the new computer.


is ooga-mooga still offline????or is my computer??

On 2011-01-07 14:20, ron-tiki wrote:
is ooga-mooga still offline????or is my computer??


Humuhumu has been updating the staus of the Ooga Mooga site on facebook. Here latest message from a hour ago:

The restore is continuing, and our server is slowly coming back to life. The process has been delayed by the tons of image files for Tiki Central, but our server host is chipping away at it. They have not been able to give an estimate for when the restoration will be complete, and I'm going to stop guessing. Once the s...ite is back to normal, I'll post an update. Mahalo for all your kind words and understanding!

It's all the fault of those damn image files at Tiki Central!


Not sure if loss of hard drive or what ever means Hanford needs more funds to keep this beautiful tiki machine running.

I'm a newbie to the site, but thought if I'm using it, I should help out, so I signed up.

What about the rest of you?

Mahalo, Hanalei Tiki

[ Edited by: Hanalei Tiki 2011-01-07 16:18 ]

SOOOOO glad to see that tc is back up... I didn't realize what an addict I am... but now it's back... it's back..... it's BAAAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! (yay!)


It sure is different not having access to TC. I found myself wondering if I was the only one not able to get on or was this a thing against Canadians??

It was funny to me because I do alot of my lurking on TC early in the morning at work. I try to do my posts more when I am home but I do a lot of searches while on the clock :wink:. I tried to get on the other day and I was "FORBIDDEN". I thought work had busted me and this site was no longer going to be able to be viewed at work anymore. I was just waiting to be called into the office or have someone come up to me and say I had a problem with the frequency I came on this site. At least it's not online porn!! I could sort of explain this site to somebody!!

Glad it's up and running again and many thanks to Hanford and everybody who keeps this site going!! I am definitely addicted!!

Mahalo, TabooDan

I thought the same thing too TabooDan. Well except for the being canadian part. And everyone here only remembers me for the porn part. But I don't look at that thread at work.

[i]On 2011-01-07 11:31, bigbrotiki wrote:Post loss is 4 days, but image loss seems to go back as far as 16 days, that hurts. "All those memories, lost like tears in the rain"

Couldn't sleep, got up early and re-posted all of my missing images. Would encourage others to do the same if you can find the time. It's amazing how much cool stuff gets posted here in a short amount of time.


Wow, I'm glad we only lost a few weeks worth and not all of the images. This we can recover from.

I just finished re-posting my images to Locating Tiki. I also encourage TCers to re-post images, especially historical or those involving research and documentation.


I thought the end of days had sorely come. Holed up in the basement Tiki lounge continually refreshing the TC address on my smart phone with no luck. I'm glad it's safe to come out now.


For those of you wondering you were the only ones who couldn't get on TC: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/


That is brilliant!


Thought i'd bump this before TikiTacky starts a new thread about it, even though he has commented here before.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2014-08-09 21:13 ]

So what happened? Disk failure? User error? Was the site hacked?

Should we change our passwords?

I took my computer on vacation and then couldn't post. I sure missed being able to keep in touch. Tiki Central means a lot to me and I missed it and all my tiki buddies. Now it's time to get busy and post. Wendy

OMG I was soooooooooooo worried that all was lost!!! I was totally jonesing too!!!! holy cow, I think I may have gone through with-drawls


On 2011-01-08 09:47, TikiTacky wrote:
For those of you wondering you were the only ones who couldn't get on TC: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

First place I checked, but in reality, those sites are only useful if the hosting service itself (http) is down, or some other error has actually taken down the domain. Since http was running, the site registered as up. The forum was down. We saw a 403 forbidden error while the site files were being restored.

Glad we're back! Lots of worried Facebook posts :D

Is it possible we could come here one day &
it's all gone for good?

Anything is possible, so let's hope not. I'm not trying to speak for the owner(s) and moderators here, but it is a free system for all to use and is supported by the benevolence of its owner and moderators. Who knows what it would take for the owner to become unable or unwilling to continue running the system. However anyone can make a donation towards the expenses of running the system by becoming a Grand Member, or by purchasing banner ads. I think those are steps in the right direction which any frequent poster would do well to consider.

On 2014-08-09 21:11, swizzle wrote:
Thought i'd bump this before TikiTacky starts a new thread about it, even though he has commented here before.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2014-08-09 21:13 ]

I would have, but I was too busy bumping your mom!

Perhaps I should take this to Tec. Central,
but, could you drag T.C. on to a CD or thumb drive?
May be year by year.
Just a thought.

GROG posted on Tue, Aug 12, 2014 11:42 AM

GROG was worried GROG might have to join damned Facebook.

  • yawn *

It's a free for all over there at FaceBook...put your fighting gloves on and come on over Grog!!!

Hi guys,

Just a quick update:

  1. The site went down while I was on vacation. For some truly unexplained reason, the site has a habit of crapping out during tiki oasis, and my annual vacation.

  2. This year, while I had internet access, I decided to ride it out instead of taking time out of my vacation to see if I could get it fixed. My apologies; sometimes these things solve themselves if you wait them out. This time it did not.

  3. The report on what went wrong is not complete yet. I hope to post about it soon.

  4. For those who don't know, I'm the owner of Tiki Central! Aloha!

  5. As the owner of the website, I'd never just shut it down, remove everything everyone has said, and go away. Who could ever do anything like that? (cough purplejade) You guys made this place what it is ... its your words, photos, and contributions, and I'll do my best to see it stays here as best I can.

  6. Grand Memberships are always welcome and appreciated(!), but not required. While the server is costly, Humu and I gladly split it (across many sites, including critiki, ooga-mooga, and our professional and personal sites.) It's never been about margins, or costs vs. profits. We keep the sites running because we love them. I've not had the time in recent years to make big changes and improvements to Tiki Central, and so I have not been actively expiring Grand Memberships as they come due. Occasionally I do, but it's no uncommon for a 1 year grand membership to last 2 or more years before it expires.

  7. There's more to come .... hopefully soon. Take care, and mahalo!

Hanford, thanks for all that you and your moderators and partner(s) do to maintain this site. Tiki Central provides an important information resource to the world - and I don't mean just to the global tiki community - and that's awesome. Over the course of many years Tiki Central has become a tremendous and valuable information repository. As such, it's always great fun to see a post where someone tells us how their internet search landed them here.

I'm not sure many of us know what you look like, but if we were to recognize you at a tiki bar, I'm sure we'd all buy your drinks. Cheers and many thanks to you, sir!

Thanks Hanford :)


On 2014-08-13 00:40, hanford_lemoore wrote:
6. Grand Memberships are always welcome and appreciated(!), but not required. While the server is costly, Humu and I gladly split it (across many sites, including critiki, ooga-mooga, and our professional and personal sites.) It's never been about margins, or costs vs. profits. We keep the sites running because we love them. I've not had the time in recent years to make big changes and improvements to Tiki Central, and so I have not been actively expiring Grand Memberships as they come due. Occasionally I do, but it's no uncommon for a 1 year grand membership to last 2 or more years before it expires.

  1. There's more to come .... hopefully soon. Take care, and mahalo!

Cheers Hanford, I had that idea during the blackout - my 2 cents are in :)

Looking forward to this 'more to come'!

Bless all of you for your dedication to Tiki and for providing such beautiful and fun sites for storing and sharing educational and graphic content. Not to mention supplying a playground for insane human drama and senseless frivolity.


On 2014-08-12 04:34, Will carve wrote:
Perhaps I should take this to Tec. Central,
but, could you drag T.C. on to a CD or thumb drive?
May be year by year.
Just a thought.

I couldn't even hazard a guess at how much disk space this site uses, but it's not quite as simple as that. This website is a message board, and the program for the message board is on a computer, called a server. That server 'broadcasts itself' so that we can all access it on the internet. One of the other things that the server does, is make automatic backups of the site, probably every week or so. The message board program uses a database, which is like a big spreadsheet, to store all the posts. A large number of those posts have links to images. Some of those images are stored on the server, and some are stored on other computers all over the internet. So, a thumb drive or a CD might not be big enough, and if you did try to copy it by 'dragging it' somewhere, go take a nap, because your computer's going to be busy for a while, and you still would not have the large number of images that are stored elsewhere. The good news is that the backups that do exist, are better and faster than a thumb drive.


Thank you to all who work to keep this site running!! I have a question, though. When TC goes off the air so to speak, why does the screen say that access is forbidden? That's so ominous. Couldn't it say something like "aloha, don't panic, this problem will be fixed." I have ZERO computer skills and don't know how any of this works but it appears to me that the forbidden access screen is what is sending people into a meltdown. Just curious, (and I am not trying to make more work for anyone.)Again, thank you to all who keep TC going.


On 2014-08-15 05:47, TikiGoddess wrote:
Thank you to all who work to keep this site running!! I have a question, though. When TC goes off the air so to speak, why does the screen say that access is forbidden? That's so ominous. Couldn't it say something like "aloha, don't panic, this problem will be fixed." I have ZERO computer skills and don't know how any of this works but it appears to me that the forbidden access screen is what is sending people into a meltdown. Just curious, (and I am not trying to make more work for anyone.)Again, thank you to all who keep TC going.

Because that 403 error is created by the basic default server software (Apache/Linux), and there's no good way to give it a friendly face. At that point, the tikicentral software is not running, so you are seeing something that is made by the bare bones of the server.

Disclaimer here, I am not affiliated with the site, I just have a whole lot of experience with running websites on shared Linux servers, which most of the internet is on.


Mahalo Hanford. Hope to see you this year - or next - or the one after that - or the one after that...

On 2014-08-13 00:40, hanford_lemoore wrote:

  1. As the owner of the website, I'd never just shut it down, remove everything everyone has said, and go away. Who could ever do anything like that? (cough purplejade)

Thanks for the good laugh!

(and all your TC work)

Pages: 1 46 replies