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Pics, pics, pics of Tiki paintings!

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Excellent posts and art by everyone! Welcome Flounder. The party had been going on on this thread for a few months. I hope to see more of your work. It is really cool!

Here is a peek at some newly finished artwork I did on an old surfboard I found laying around. It all done in acryllic and it is the biggest thing I ever seriously tried to paint. I am calling this one "Wonderful Land" after The Shadow's tune of the same name. This one combines a few of my favorite things in one painting. (Tikis, surfin' and monkeys.)

And here is one of a palm frond I painted along with some masks that I did on some tiki torches.

Thanks for eyeballin'

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-09-03 14:07 ]


Ia orana Chong,

Recycling old surfboards into works of art is a great idea of yours. They are symbolically very powerful objects, the accumulated Mana in old surfboards will continue to radiate. Very good.
I love it.
Will send you stikers as soon as I receive them by mail.


Chongo, I had no idea you were this talented. Would you be willing to sell a board?

Had no idea there was already an art thread, sorry about that.

Vainui and Mauitiki, love the graphics!

Good to be here Chongolio!

Great to see all this tiki related art.

One of my burlap paintings:

All works are copyrighted

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-04 10:22 ]


Thanks everyone for the compliments!
Vai- I Never thought of the mana left behind in those old fiberglass jewels. I am more than happy to give these boards a new life. Better and more respectful than sending it to a landfill. Looking forward to seeing your stickers.
Jungle T, Your too kind. I appreciate the compliments and enthusiasm. I would be stoked to do a custom board for you, however, I am not too sure how well the acryllic paint is going to take to the glass. It may end up flaking and peeling off. ( At least I have pics of it.) There are special pens you can get that work on the fiberglass, but they are spendy! They are the ones that Drew Brophy uses on his boards ( http://www.drewbrophy.com )
That dude is the master! He paints right on to new boards. You can even take them out in the water!
Also, I don't have any other old sticks laying around. Contact me off board if you are serious about wanting one. Maybe we can work something out.
Thanks again for the input everyone,

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-09-04 16:49 ]

Chong, you've got mail braddah!


You know, I must admit, I got a little bummed out when I saw Flounders new thread. But I was impressed with his talent!
Thanks for informing him of this thread, Jungletrader and Chongo. Mahalo nui loa and also, welcome Flounderart!
Chongo, how did you prep your board to paint? What about all the wax on it? Needless to say but I will anyway, AWESOME!
Oh, I love Drew Brophy's art! I pretty much stuffed a gumball machine with about 40 bucks of quarters that had his decals in it!
Had no idea he uses pens on his surfboard art! What kind of pens are these, ya know?
Why not try gesso as a primer on your boards? That might work.


I forgot to ask Flounder, is a burlap painting done on burlap and if so, how do you prep it for paint?
Never heard of this before, yet I am sorta new.


Uh, nevermind Flounder, just been to your website. Nice work. That must be tedious stretching burlap and mounting it. Isn't there an easier way? Maybe soaking it in something so when its dry, becomes stiff? I dunno, just thinking.

The tedious part of burlap is painting on it, and drawing on it is even more difficult.
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Heres my newest painting.

After three edits I may have gotten it right, I'm a tard!


Original Art by Flounder

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-06 17:31 ]

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-08 08:06 ]

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-08 10:21 ]

kctiki posted on Sun, Sep 7, 2003 7:10 PM

Here are two paintings using the same borrowed compostion.

First is "Lisa's Blue Water Pearl"

Next is "Ode to Pearl"

[ Edited by: kctiki on 2003-09-07 20:29 ]

GECKO posted on Mon, Sep 8, 2003 12:34 PM

HO! those are some sweet paintings I would like to have on my walls. I LOVE that surf board!!! awesome idea!!!!!


Hey Ren, Check out Drew's site, He explains the pens to use there but it is still a bit nebulous. Apparently, there are a couple different types you can use depending on what stage of glassing the board is in. I am still trying to figure it all out. I have found a source for the pens, but as I said before, they are expensive.
Here is what I did on the board I painted; I gave it the once over with some wax remover. I then lightly sanded it before spraying it down with a white acryllic spray paint. After I finished paintin' it, I sprayed it again with a matte Krylon sealer. Still no signs of cracking or peeling yet!

KCT, Neat design and transposing of the mugs. Your choice of colors are very relaxing also. They set off a nice peacful like vibe.

Flounder, another killer painting! you have the shading blending thing working pretty good. Here is a question to you and all the other painters. Do you ever have trouble getting your paint to cover in one coat? I have to go over every color two or three times to get it opaque. Is there a paint additive you can get to help the paint
cover better? Thanks and keep up the creeatin'

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-09-10 10:39 ]


Thanks Chongolio. Credit for the design and colors goes to August Holland's "Pearl of Wisdom" print shown on page 14 of Tiki Finds in the Collecting Forum.

I covet that print in the worst way, but e-bay auctions make me nervous and it might be years before I find the Pearl of Wisdom at a garage sale, if ever. So I humbly tried to paint one of my own.

I can't even begin to say how much I enjoy looking at everyone's paintings and carvings here - stupendous talent everyone!

Chongolio some acrylic paints are more translucent than others, and some are more opaque. The tubes usaully say it on the front. Another factor is what brand you are using, Liquitex is about the best in my opinion, I use some cheaper brands for washes and underpaintings but when I want to build it up I use the better paints. I personally wouldn't want my paint to cover in one coat, to me the beauty of the paint is the colors showing through even if you don't think they are.
On the other hand you may not even be useing acrylic paint. There are paints out there that are more opaque like sign paint
and vinyl paint or even enamal. But when it comes to blending and shading acrylic is easier.
I hope I helped a little.


Original Art by Flounder


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-30 11:46 ]

Here's my newest burlap painting "Tiki-Jo", this one was commisioned by Tiki Kiliki.

Original Art by Flounder


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-30 12:52 ]


Awesome artwork! I checked out Drew's site. It's really nice. I think those pens are expensive here too. Maybe my sis has some. I think thats the same ones she uses for her masks.
Flounder, your very talented. You do really nice work. I am doing 2 paintings right now, almost finished with one. Im kinda stuck but it should be soon.
Lets see more..

I agree with Rentiki, lets see more. Cant wait to see your new paintings Ren. I'll add something new soon, maybe after someone else does so it doesn't look like Im hogging the thread.

SES posted on Wed, Sep 17, 2003 10:51 PM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:12 ]


Got It!


Ahoy tiki matees! Tis talk like a pirate day! ARrrggg.
Fixornot, ye better post ye artwork me saw the day ye brought ye wench over. Tis fine paintings, those! Don't be a scurvy barnacle and hoard em all to ye self!


Here are trio of paintings on wooden tablets my girlfriend Jacqueline did for South London Pacific.

Her usual style of Tiki work is more of masks, poles, mugs and the like, but the owner of the bar wanted pin-ups in this instance.

I hope you like these and we will get round to posting more pictures real soon.

(After posting I noticed that the images have been cropped slightly top and bottom, I'll try harder next time!))

[ Edited by: hotrod_tiki on 2003-09-20 11:49 ]

[ Edited by: hotrod_tiki on 2003-09-20 11:52 ]

Here's my newest painting. This one was commisioned by Crazy Al of Bone Productions. This is his #18 tiki, one of three of his Leeteg Tribute series.
How many time can I edit? Im a retard.

Original Art by Flounder


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-30 13:18 ]


I love that background Flounderart!! Looking goOd. Your abstract section on your website reminds me of some Jean-michell Basquiat mixed with TiKi. Have you ever seen Ron English's Billboard Liberation stuff?

GECKO posted on Wed, Sep 24, 2003 6:24 PM

nice Hotrod Tiki,

I'm looking fo wun Tahitian temptaion too.

eh, you painters betta pick up da speed!! us carvers are up a dozen pages. I love seeing da art on this thread!

Flounda, Your Crazy Al didn't come up. I might have to follow Al and get my Martin Denny tiki painted.

Gecko, It's fix this time.

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-09-30 13:13 ]

Heres another new painting, and a new style. A little cartoonie. Let me know what ya all think.

SES posted on Tue, Sep 30, 2003 10:56 AM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:36 ]

Flounder wrote: Let me know what ya all think.

I love your work, especially the burlap paintings. I like the idea of using different textures to paint on. Will you be doing anymore?
There is something in this new piece that reminds me of Mark Ryden, in a fuzzy, dream/nightmary kind of way. Who are your influences?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-09-30 21:47 ]

DawnTiki, there will be more very soon. I,m influenced by to many artist.

Looks like my photos are gone again, I need a new host.

Ses, Picasso?

This is a painting I completed about 2 yrs ago. If you look closely, you can see that Charlton Heston is leading a group of Tiki Gods across the Red Sea from the evil pharoah robot (and it's freemasonic attack saucers). Oh yeah, that's a squid-headed woman driving a souped-up sleigh in front of them...

I have problems.

Welcome to the pics section Ferret. Thats a bad ass painting, when can we see more?


Thanks Flounder! I have to return the compliment to you. There are some very talented artists in these midsts...

I will post more pics later. I've got one more Tiki-ish painting that I'd like to share, but I don't have a photo of it yet. And I don't have a digi-cam. So I'm still at the mercy of film rolls, 1 hr foto booths, and my ancient scanner...

SES posted on Sat, Oct 4, 2003 7:37 AM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 06:55 ]

Nope, never heard of him.

SES posted on Sun, Oct 5, 2003 4:54 PM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:01 ]

SES posted on Sun, Oct 5, 2003 4:57 PM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 07:01 ]


Whoo, I shoulda come back to this thread earlier for a visit or two, what a bunch of rockin' stuff! That's all I can say, I am completely joyed up.


On 2003-10-03 17:49, Slacks Ferret wrote:

Oh yeah, that's a squid-headed woman driving a souped-up sleigh in front of them...

Are you sure that's not a PrairieSquid-headed woman, Slacks Ferret? Way cool painting, by the way! Please share more!


Slacks Ferret, that pic is SICK! in a good way. your mind is flo'n!

I haven't seen anything lately on this post wassup? you guys not painting anything for x-mas? best time to make a lil money on ebay!!plus I like seeing the new stuff!

On 2003-10-13 22:27, Traitor Vic wrote:

On 2003-10-03 17:49, Slacks Ferret wrote:

Oh yeah, that's a squid-headed woman driving a souped-up sleigh in front of them...

Are you sure that's not a PrairieSquid-headed woman, Slacks Ferret? Way cool painting, by the way! Please share more!

She looks more Chtuloid to me, unless Charlton Heston's already used the de-beaking tool on her...

(Darn SubGenii, you spay & spray & they keep coming back...)

She looks more Chtuloid to me, unless Charlton Heston's already used the de-beaking tool on her...

(Darn SubGenii, you spay & spray & they keep coming back...)

Yeah Freddie,

I'll admit, me and the l'il missy actually call this the "Cthulhu" painting around the apt...

Back when I first posted my art, there was a bit of discussion about Picasso in this thread. Ironically, one of my first tiki paintings was of Lono a la Picasso & Braques' cubist style. Here it is:


Awesome painting Ferret, but who's this Picasso fellow everyone keeps talkin about.

He's fairly well known here locally and throughout western Canada, but I think Picasso did have a bit of success internationally too. Maybe you can find something about him on the internet?


I looked but I couldn't find anything. Maybe I'm not using this internet correctly. I'll try the library tommorow.

i think picasso was the guy that did all the paintings of clowns with balloons in the seventies. he even made figures of them. you can still find some of his paintings at garage sales, but expect to pay $5.00.

Finally, someone who knows what their talking about. Thanks tikitanked.
Five bucks seems a little steep but i'm sure its a good investment that will go up in value.

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