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My carving

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congatiki posted on 10/30/2010

holy cats. i was working on a little feller today and i was thinking of you, wondering
when we would get another update. DID YOU MAKE THIS ONE? Always wanted to do one of
those myself, really great!

drasticwagon posted on 10/31/2010

Wow very nice!

VampiressRN posted on 10/31/2010

First time checking your work out and it is awesome. Your carves have wonderful personalities.

TheBigT posted on 11/01/2010

Amate, your latest pics are SA-WEET! Gonna send you a PM. Got a question for you.

amate posted on 11/01/2010

Conga, Yeah man, I carved it. Just a couple of minor things I will improve upon if I ever do another one. Lot's of other stuff I want to do first.

Drastic wagon- thanks for compliment. I appreciate it.

Glad you stopped by VampiressRN and thanks.

Always good to hear from you Big T. Now I have a question for you...

McTiki posted on 11/01/2010

Beautiful works Amate!

I am humbled.

laojia posted on 11/02/2010

On 2010-10-30 08:38, amate wrote:

WOW! Astounding work! He's sound good? Me too, like conga, I'm gonna copying your work... :wink:
I remember the first time I saw one authentic at the old museum of art of Africa and Oceania ... it may be well that day I told myself that I had to do Tiki carving.

Clarita posted on 11/07/2010

oh yes yes amazing carve! is it an instrument? you do such neat work, with so much personality, a lot of respect from here :)

Tahitiki posted on 11/08/2010

Great carve man!, love the new guinea style!!!

amate posted on 11/13/2010

McTiki - That's quite a compliment from one so talented. Thanks
Tahitiki - ditto above. I always watch for you to post. I'm really into the PNG and Marquesas right now.
Jerome - He doesn't sound bad but is too high pitched for my taste. In Texxas, he would be referred to as "all hat and no cattle".
Clarita, It's a slit drum. I saw plans for some small slit drums/slit gongs on the internet made out of bamboo. Just a thought.

amate posted on 12/05/2010

I thought it was about time I tried a Maori style carving so I took an oak log off of the burn pile to practice. Now I wish I would have used a better log. So far, so good.

I gave the center carving a face lift a couple months ago but never posted it.

This third photo is also some old stuff I never showed before. Making progress slowly but not much new going on. I just wanted to say hello.

4WDtiki posted on 12/05/2010

All good lookin tikis! I really like the one on the left in the second pic.

Is that oak Maori the 5' tall one that you had to stand up?

Benzart posted on 12/06/2010

Excellent stuff as Usual and thar slit drum is Totally Sick! Love the tight, clean detail you are doing, takes a lot of "Carving Integrity" to get down to the nitty gritty.

amate posted on 12/08/2010

4wd - The oak maori is only 27 inches and propably every bit of 30 lbs. You can see the 5 footer lying down behind the ancestor figure on page 10 (second photo). That 5 foot log is heavily buttressed at the root flare so I can't even roll it. I had to stand it up just so I could look at the different sides of the log. I'm thinking it will also be a moari. Depends how the practice piece ends up.

Thanks Benz - it is encouraging to hear kind words from one of the masters. I appreciate it.

laojia posted on 12/12/2010

On 2010-12-05 11:24, amate wrote:

They are of the same family for sure! What style! Really very personal. I like!
Can't wait to see this oak maori finished...


mudbone posted on 12/12/2010

Those three would make a new take on the cannibal pole,full,catch and eat.

amate posted on 12/13/2010

Thank you all for visiting. And Yes loajia, they are indeed brothers. All three were carved from the wood of the same elm tree. That was back during my "eyebrow" phase. :)

Kino posted on 12/14/2010

On 2010-12-05 11:24, amate wrote:

I really like the expressions here

TheBigT posted on 12/15/2010

you are really rocking these pieces lately!

Benzart posted on 12/18/2010

Man, These guys really have human features.. Excellent stuff.

amate posted on 01/02/2011

Thanks Kino, BigT and Benzart. A special thanks,Benz, for posting the photos of your hook knife and the links. Lots of good info there.

and now, I'm calling this one finished.

And the glamor shots!

[ Edited by: amate 2011-01-08 09:05 ]

congatiki posted on 01/03/2011

Nice carve Amate. Very tribal vibe going on with this fella, and I love the hands and
feet. Great way to start the new year.

AlohaStation posted on 01/03/2011

Most excellent!!

TheBigT posted on 01/03/2011

that is killer! looks like he belongs out there in the wild. superb!

amate posted on 01/08/2011

Thanks all. Yes Conga, I've been putting more effort into the feet and hands. FYI BigT, the background shots are from Moody Gardens in Galveston.

laojia posted on 01/18/2011

On 2011-01-02 11:21, amate wrote:

And the glamor shots!

Nice pics for a great carve!


Grand Poobah posted on 01/18/2011

It looks fantastic amate! I love the details of the hands and feet. The background makes it look complete. I am jealous (of the tiki and the climate) we are iced in this morning!

amate posted on 01/25/2011

Jerome - he's pretty rough but I'm happy with the way he turned out.
Poobah - quite a compliment from one of the "hands and feet" masters. Thanks. The climate is somewhat of an illusion however. The rainforest at Moody Gardens is inside a 10 story tall, glass covered and climate controlled pyrimid.

seeksurf posted on 01/30/2011

Yes! and it continues. You put in that extra detail and touch. Bravo

amate posted on 02/22/2011

Thanks for looking in Seeks. I can't wait to see your new project.

I finished this up over the weekend. He is 26 inches and made of oak. I've noticed that stains seem to mellow with time so I think he'll look a lot more ancient in a few months. (It hasn't started to green up outdoors yet so I had to fake the background in the photos again.)

Grand Poobah posted on 02/22/2011

I love the knuckles,grain, and all of the details on this guy! I'll take your fake background over mine any day. We had four more inches of snow! Keep up the great work!

[ Edited by: Grand Poobah 2011-02-22 15:56 ]

congatiki posted on 02/23/2011

Amate, you rock. Some of the coolest stuff is right here. Another great
effort, looks like nice detail on the face, and the posture is terrific.
Keep 'em coming.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/23/2011

Very nice work, and from Oak even! That's some hard wood!

Great detail and wonderful color choice!

seeksurf posted on 02/24/2011

Well done!

Creative Chimp posted on 02/24/2011

sweet carves amate.......i missed your update somehow....need my glasses. went back a bit i love your work.....

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-02-24 12:58 ]

TheBigT posted on 02/24/2011

Terrific! Very nice amate. Love all the tattooing. That little carving on the shoulder if killer. Good photoshop skilz too! :wink: What kind of finish did you put on it?

[ Edited by: TheBigT 2011-02-24 13:08 ]

amate posted on 02/26/2011

Thanks Grand Poobah - the past two winters were very cold here. We had 80 consecutive hours below freezing which is unheard of for us. We will have to pay eventually. From June through Sept is usually too hot to carve after 9am. The next 3 months will be prime for carving. I have a lot of things I want to try and am eager to get at it.

Conga T. You are too kind my friend. There have to be a least a hundred guys on here that surpass my abilities on many levels. I'm just a guy goofing off and having fun. I do really appreciate your support. really! :D

Lake - This species of oak is not as hard as some I have carved. It is, however, just as heavy as most. I continue my quest to discover the secrets of your beautiful finishes. That is exactly what I'm striving for.

Thanks Seeks...we're all waiting...

CC - I'm glad you looked in. I'm still haven't gotten over your marq. (green with envy)

Big T. I don't recall ever seeing a manaia like that as a tattoo. I thought it would be different. The finish is cherry flavored Watco Danish oil. This is my first time using it. I only used one coat. My style of carving is so unrefined I don't feel a fine finish would match so I keep it simple. Or, maybe I'm just too lazy. I do love the highly burnished pieces ( see Creative Chimp's marq) and hope to discipline myself to do at least one like that some day.

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Thanks all!

amate posted on 03/21/2011

I started another moari. Just slightly different than the last one.

McTiki posted on 03/22/2011

Amate, that is going to be a nice one.

Question: I notice the 2 maybe 3 rapa Nuis on the ground. What's the story? They look nicely done.



laojia posted on 03/22/2011

Same question!

And this Maori will be cool...


amate posted on 03/22/2011

To make a long story short... I cut the heads off a few old moai carvings I became discouraged with several years ago...not because I was discouraged with them but because I want to use the lower half for a new project I just started.

McTiki posted on 03/23/2011

Dude! Those look like wooden awesomeness to me!

Finish em up and post them please.

You won't be disappointed.



congatiki posted on 03/23/2011

Love the new carve Amate, and what a great picture with the severed heads in the
background. Anxious to see what you're going to do with the heads and the bodies
they were once part of. The tiki spirit lives in you!

amate posted on 04/10/2011

Thanks guys,
I was considering remodeling my home to look something like this. :)

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So, I cut the heads off a couple of old moai carvings and used the bodies to start my skull rack. Only three skulls in and I’m already getting bored with carving them.

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I first introduced this 6 foot pine on page 8. All that’s left is final sanding, stain and some paint.

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Next up is moari # 2. A little more shaping and sanding and he’ll be ready for his moko. I lot of work left to do on this one.

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pjc5150 posted on 04/11/2011


amate posted on 04/12/2011

Thanks man.

Grand Poobah posted on 04/13/2011

the whole skull picture is awesome! i love the skulls with the vines and the water in the background. oh and the carvings are fantastic

amate posted on 04/15/2011

Thanks GP. The photos are a part of the escapism total package for me. I have to put these guys in an appropriate environment. I enjoy making them as much as the carving.

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