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Tiki Weekender at the Atlanta Trader Vic's Feb 18-20

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Dr. Coruba posted on 01/10/2011

This started with an email to some tikiphiles and exotic (rum) cocktail lovers I know and have met from events from all over and quickly picked up well more than a dozen, so far, who will join us in Atlanta for the weekend.

The more the merrier, so this invitation is open to "those merry souls who make drinking a pleasure; who achieve contentedness long before capacity; and who, whenever they drink, prove able to carry it, enjoy it and remain ladies and gentlemen." (Trader Vic)

A Tiki Weekender to the Atlanta Trader Vic's is underway for February 18-20.

The Atlanta Trader Vic's has the distinction of being the last of the Trader Vic's located in a Hilton, and the last remaining full line Trader Vic's on the east coast. First opened in 1976, it is also considered by some to be one of the last classic Trader Vic's remaining in the chain.

For the tikiphile, rum cocktail lover, and anyone who has not been to a Trader Vic's before, this will be a weekend to enjoy rum cocktails from one of the cornerstones of tiki and near museum of of exotic cocktails - Trader Vic's. Mai Tai, Zombie, Navy Grog, Scorpion, Fog Cutter and Suffering Bastard are just a few of the many classic exotics still mixed there.

No schedule to keep. Just grab your best Hawaiian shirt and meet us there.
No tickets to buy - though you are on your own for your bar tab :)

Enjoy Atlanta during the day and we'll gather at Vic's on Friday and Saturday after 5.
We've arranged for a Group Rate of only $129 per night at the Atlanta Hilton.
(When the final numbers are in, we'll look into possibly having an group dinner on Saturday)

To book a room at the Atlanta Hilton where the Trader Vic's is located:

Come join us for the fun of a tiki weekend where nobody needs a designated driver
and you'll only be an elevator button from a cold Mai Tai all weekend long.

If you have any trouble with booking or questions about the trip,
PM me here or email me at jj.tiki@hotmail.com


[ Edited by: jwtiki 2011-01-10 22:16 ]

GatorRob posted on 01/10/2011

Ah, that magical elevator button. Somewhere around here I have an audio recording I made of the elevator gal. "Trader Vic's and Mai-Tai bar." I can hear her now. And that Saturday just happens to be my birthday. :D

Another elevator sight. Going down...

bigbrotiki posted on 01/11/2011

Aaah, great the Atlanta Vic's, one of the last original ones left in the US. They deserve all the patronage they can get. Site of the first Hukilau - sweet memories!

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/11/2011

Looks like I'll be making it, or trying my best! And yes Sven, sweet memories...

SouthBamaTiki posted on 01/11/2011

Trevor has to work Friday, so we will be driving in very late Friday night. We will see everyone Saturday night at TV, though! Can't wait!

Sabina posted on 01/11/2011

(Repeating myself from the MD/DC Tiki board-)

(As I've mentioned to jwtiki repeatedly now) This is a brilliant idea and absolutely worth the pilgrimage!

For those who have never been, here http://www.sevenpleasures.org/gallery/Trader-Vics-Atlanta are just a precious few 'detail' snapshots we fired off a few years back. I think I have another more useful batch here somewhere, but haven't got them up yet.

Many wonders await just beyond that entranceway up ahead...

it's an amazing time capsule, and marvelous mixology, both still as alive and vital today as the day it opened.

OakTiki and I are coming (barring insane weather or the like,) and should have our reservations completed later on today.

I hope we'll see some of you there!

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/11/2011

There are a few other places that I'd like to arrange to take everyone or some of you that may be interested. Since I lived in Atlanta for many years I know of some amazing antique stores, great diners and a few other sights to behold off the beaten path.

I totally suggest that we hit Dante's Down the Hatch. When I was thinking of moving The Hukilau back to Atlanta at one point we were going to spend a night here. It would be great to have a cocktail here: http://www.dantesdownthehatch.com/ - it's just as amazing as it looks. A bunch of us Florida Tikiphiles met there last year and had a blast!

Zonker88 posted on 01/12/2011

cool, i saw this on facebook the other day. i think i can make this work with a business trip next month!

looking forward to meeting the F.O.M. folks!

SouthBamaTiki posted on 01/13/2011

TikiKiliki, that Dante's place looks amazingly cool!!!! Now I want to get there earlier Friday night so we can go there, too. Might have to plan that for lunch Saturday while out thrifting!

croe67 posted on 01/13/2011

On 2011-01-11 18:59, Zonker88 wrote:
cool, i saw this on facebook the other day. i think i can make this work with a business trip next month!

looking forward to meeting the F.O.M. folks!

& we're looking forward to meeting you, too!! :D :D

Can't wait! Gonna be lots 'o FUN!

Swanky posted on 01/13/2011

Dante's is a must every trip to ATL. The downer is they ask an $8 cover/admission to see the whole place, i.e. the inside of the ship. We usually just sit at the bar and soak the place in. Be sure to go around back on the building where there are various things, like a vintage Duesenburg.

Tiki-Atari posted on 01/14/2011

+2 Atl ohana!
My wife Allison and I would be all about Trader Vics and a drink or two at Dantes! I'd also throw out Bookhouse Pub as a fun place to stop by for a snack and note that Junkman's Daughter in 5 points sells Tiki Farm.

Swanky posted on 01/14/2011

Also, 2 blocks west and 1 block south from TV is the Westin, which is the tallest hotel in the East I think, and the Sundail up top rotates. 73 stories up!

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/14/2011

We've got about 15 folks flying/driving from out of town coming in so far. About a dozen will be staying at the Hilton. I've heard from another 5 or 6 who are local to Atlanta.

Great to hear from folks in the Atlanta area, please keep the suggestions for additional not-to-be-missed spots to try. I hope to gather the suggestions together and send them out to everyone who's coming.

So until we reach the occupancy permit limit in the bar, there is always room for more!

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/15/2011

Don't worry about Dante's. I do believe that $8 cover is a thing of the past - I have been there for drinks several times over the last year and have never been asked to pay a cover. Just so everyone knows!

GatorRob posted on 01/15/2011

There's a great liquor store in Atlanta with a wide selection of fine rums and other spirits that you all should go to. I can't remember the name of the place though. Christie, what's the name of that place where we all loaded up?

And go to the Silver Skillet for breakfast or lunch:

and get the Lemon Ice Box pie. THE BEST pie I have ever eaten!

leleliz posted on 01/16/2011

If you go shopping at Junkmans Daughter please stop in at The Vortex...its the place where you walk through the huge skull mouth to go eat and drink. I used to spend half the year in Atlanta and I miss little 5 points so much. Also Derek Yaniger lives in Atlanta. You may want to send him a message to his facebook page and invite him to meet you all at Vics.

SouthBamaTiki posted on 01/16/2011

It would be the coolest if Derek joined us. I promise to try not to act star struck and ask for his autograph lol

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/16/2011

Man, every time I check this thread I end up mad thirsty and hungry.

Solid suggestions all around. I really love Derek's work (especially his illustrations and event mugs) and had no idea he is in the Atlanta area. Just shot him out an invite and link to the info here at TC.

We're countin' down the days until we get to hang with you and the Spirit(s) of Vic Bergeron.

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/16/2011

damn, PIE!

GatorRob posted on 01/17/2011

Just remembered... the liquor store is Mac's Beer and Wine Midtown Liquor. 21 Peachtree Place.

papalennonatl posted on 01/19/2011

New member Papa from Atlanta here. Green's Liqour on Ponce de leon has the best liqour selections in town, and it is on the way from the Hilton to the Vortex, which by the way has the best hamburger in town but is strictly a 21+ establishment.

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/19/2011

A great burger and a decent liquor store are always welcome tips.

Will you be swinging by Vic's on Friday or Saturday Papa?

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/19/2011

I would have to agree with Papa that Green's is fantastic!!

And I have tried to take everyone I can to the Silver Skillet. There are pictures on my flickr account of great eats there. Rob, you gave me a bite of that pie too! There biscuits are to die for and the original boomerang formica is still there!

papalennonatl posted on 01/19/2011

The Majestic Diner on Ponce in Virginia Highlands is the traditional morning-after place for breakfast for many Atlantans, Silver Skillet is a little too close to Tech for the UGA fans.
And yes, we are organizing our Friday Night Happy Hour crew for Trader Vics on the 18th. When it gets closer, I'll post a count of how many of us will be there.

Swanky posted on 01/19/2011

I was at Green's within the month and they had no rums that were particularly unusual. I have not tried Mac's, but everyone says Green's is the best and it was a bust for me. I know there is El Dorado in Georgia, but where?

Tiki-Atari posted on 01/19/2011

I frequent both of these locations when I'm on a rum hunt.
I have personally bought El Dorado 5yr, 15yr, and 151 there all within the last year.
Both have good selections of less common brands.


Dr. Coruba posted on 01/19/2011

I'd like to check out the Majestic too,
but this vid has me dyin' to get to the Skillet:

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/19/2011

The Majestic has been updated and is still fab from the outside, updated on the inside. The Silver Skillet has not changed much since it opened. You still must pass through the kitchen staff to hit the bathroom, the waitresses still have bee-hives and the food is absolutely amazing!

GatorRob posted on 01/19/2011

Swanky, Mac's had a pretty good selection of rums from what I remember. I know I picked up some Smith & Cross, Scarlet Ibis rum, Rhum Neisson, and Aviation gin. None of these are available close to me. Got some ginger beer too, brands unavailable near me. Kiliki picked up the mother lode of ginger beer!

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/22/2011

Contacted Derek, sounds like if he's in town, he'll come on down.

Sounds like an ever-lovin' hoot!! I loves me some tiki freaks! Thanks for thinkin' of me, man.......I might have a gallery gig out west that weekend but if'n I don't, color me insville, Daddy-O!!

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/25/2011

Some interesting news for those planning to (and hoping to) go to the Atlanta Trader Vic's Weekender in February.

Edward Hamilton, author of "The Complete Guide to Rum: An Authoritative Guide to Rums of the World" and "Rums of the Eastern Caribbean" will be joining us for the weekend. Some of you might also know Ed from his excellent website http://www.ministryofrum.com. One of Ed's big projects right now is bringing back Lemon Hart 151 as the new US importer.

(For Atlanta locals - Ed will be coming in on the 19th)

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/26/2011

Important Update:
We have reached our room quota at the Hilton, which means there are no longer rooms available at the group rate of $129. The next best price that can be gotten for the Atlanta Hilton is $175 via Priceline - don't bother calling the Hilton, they are trying to get $219 for the remaining rooms (yikes!).

Options for those who are still considering coming and staying overnight, there is a Motel 6 (a former Ramada) right next door to the Hilton for $119 (via Priceline). Door to door it is just one city block away.

Also, the Melia Atlanta hotel ($99 via Priceline) which is just a very short cab ride from the Hilton/Trader Vic's (less than 3/4 of a mile).

If any of the local ohana have suggestions for convenient and reasonable rate places, please post.

I may have one person on the Hilton list who would not mind splitting a double at the Hilton, please PM me if you'd like to contact him.

So far we have nearly 20 out of towners staying at the Hilton, plus a few more staying with area friends. Difficult to estimate how many locals from the Atlanta area, but I think it is a dozen plus.

Looks like we'll have a decent number to start each evening at Trader Vic's with.

On at least one of the two evenings, it looks like Trader Vic's is going to do us a solid with $5.40 Mai Tais for the group (there's a little logistics being worked out as to how they will know who's in the party, but we'll have that worked out in the next few days).

Speaking of local ohana, how many thinking about coming would like to have a group dinner at TV on Saturday night? And if you are interested, what would you like? A fixed price for a meal or more of an appetizer sort of evening? Or nothing special set up with each table taking responsibility for their own bill? Nothing carved in stone yet, just want to get a sense of the group.

[ Edited by: jwtiki 2011-01-27 10:46 ]

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/27/2011

Hilton is now sold out for the weekend. No rooms available through their website
or through any of the travel sites like Priceline.
For any out of towners still hoping to come,
please check out some of the options mentioned in the post just previous to this one.

Man, we just got whumped with 10" of snow last night.
Where we live, as little as 1" can cancel school, so
Mai Tais at Trader Vic's have never sounded better in my life!

Can't wait!

[ Edited by: jwtiki 2011-01-28 09:51 ]

SouthBamaTiki posted on 01/28/2011

So are most people going to do dinner at TV Saturday evening? Are we going to set a time for meeting up or will we just all come and go through the evening? Trevor and I will likely have a big lunch somewhere SAT afternoon then plan for appetizers or something not so big at TV for dinner. They have seafood, so they are one of the places I can find something to eat with no problem :)

Dr. Coruba posted on 02/01/2011

I'll leave the question of a group dinner open until the beginning of next week. Even if there isn't a big call for something special, a good number of the out of towners will probably do dinner together Saturday night. So especially from those local to the TV, please chime in or send me a PM if you want to be included in this.

We are still working with the Trader Vic's managers to have (on at least one of the two evenings) a $5.40 Mai Tai special for our group. They have been great about this, but we need to have a special identifier for people in our party. Someone has generously offered to do buttons for us, but it would be nice to have a good sense of how many buttons to make. Right now I am planning on about 18 out of towners and about 12 local tikiphiles joining in, so 36 buttons ought to cover it. Again, if the local folks who are planning to come in could help in estimating who's coming, this would be helpful. (I think my local estimate may be a bit low)

This may be the first visit to a Trader Vic's for several people in our party (it is mine), how about some personal tips about what you think is great (or to be avoided) at this location? What are your favorite drinks, appetizers or meals? If you could only have 5 Trader Vic drinks over the weekend, what would your 5 favorites be?

croe67 posted on 02/01/2011

I was in town briefly last week for work & was fortunate to be able to spend an evening at Vic's, including dinner.

Particularly memorable food:

  • The creme brulee trio (coconut, maitai, coffee) - we ordered one to split & they were so good we ordered a second one!

  • The 9-spice chicken is always a favorite of min. I SO miss that Trader Vic's Chicago removed it from their menu (sniff, sniff), so I just had to have it in Atlanta & it did not disappoint - it was fabulous!!!

On drinks - they make their own Hot Buttered Rum batter & add a special touch - was very, very good. The MaiTai & Navy Grog were dead-on.

See everyone THERE in a few weeks - can't wait!!!!!

SouthBamaTiki posted on 02/01/2011

Can we dress like werewolves and have pina coladas?

croe67 posted on 02/01/2011

On 2011-02-01 11:08, SouthBamaTiki wrote:
Can we dress like werewolves and have pina coladas?

That's next year's excursion to Trader Vic's London :wink: :wink:

Mr. Ho posted on 02/01/2011

This looks so fun! I have gigs ;-(

Hello Hotlanta folks!

Mr. Ho

SouthBamaTiki posted on 02/02/2011

On 2011-02-01 11:09, croe67 wrote:

On 2011-02-01 11:08, SouthBamaTiki wrote:
Can we dress like werewolves and have pina coladas?

That's next year's excursion to Trader Vic's London :wink: :wink:

Let's do it!!

Tiki-Atari posted on 02/02/2011

The pu-pu platter is great! I extra recommend the crab rangoon and the prawns.
Anything from the Chinese ovens is generally a winner (and they have a combination platter of same) but I frequently get the
Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahi Mahi.
+1 for the creme brulee or the amazing bananas foster.

My drinking standards are the suffering bastard, fogcutter, mai-tai, and pretty much all of the bowl drinks. (I can never remember which is my favorite...just have to have them all). The bahia is pretty good also.

FenrixTiki posted on 02/03/2011

I'm another ATLien. My wife and I would love to come for the dinner on Saturday. It is likely that I will drop by for a Mai Tai or two on Friday. When it comes to food, anything cooked in the wood ovens are the real winners in my book. The scallops and the short ribs are faboo. The bananas foster is a must for at least one person in the group, if for no other reason than the table-side theater. The drinks, however, are the real stars. We could probably get one of the side rooms if there's enough of us. There's basically two dining rooms and the bar. The large dining area will accomodate over 100 easily and the smaller one is closer to 40.

The Silver Skillet is better than Majestic in terms of service and food. Majestic wins on architecture, ambiance, and location.

The Plaza Theater is a nice old movie theater that's run as a non-profit. They always do Rocky on Fridays at midnight, and there's usually something interesting running. It's also next door to the Majestic. You can catch a piece of Derek's art at the snack counter.

Is there an organized thing happening at Dante's?

Also holler if there are specific things you want to eat or see while you're in town. I'm good at specific suggestions, but not as adept at general ones.

[ Edited by: FenrixTiki 2011-02-02 19:42 ]

GatorRob posted on 02/05/2011

You know, it's amusing to think of a crowd as big as you all seem to be getting, squeezing into the Silver Skillet. Good luck. :D

Dr. Coruba posted on 02/05/2011

Lol, GatorRob, you know I was just thinking that I have no solid idea how many people are going to show up. There are now close to 30 people I am fairly solid about. I'd say that there is a fair chance of another dozen plus who might show up on one evening or the other.
(on Facebook, we have nearly 40 between the attending and might attend and no idea how many are couples)

I still believe "the more the merrier" so we'll play it as it comes and go where the trade winds take us. Start off each evening at Trader Vic's and after a few rounds we'll see who is ambitious enough to venture out for more.

Btw, does anyone know how many the bar part of Trader Vic's seats?

tiki_kiliki posted on 02/05/2011

I would say 30 to be comfortable. If more than that there will be a lot of people standing.

Gatorob is right, this crowd will be waiting hours at the Skillet. There is another maw and paw place down the street and there's always the Bluebird Cafe.

Dr. Coruba posted on 02/05/2011

GatorRob and Tiki Kiliki, mahalo for that insight.

Question from anyone who considers themselves frequent flyers (especially in an out of Atlanta):
I pretty much have a coin flip between Delta and AirTran. Nearly identical flight schedule and airfare options. So which airline is the better choice?

croe67 posted on 02/06/2011

I recall from past trips to Atlanta years ago that there was someplace in town that had really good Beignets. I think it was older, but can't recall what it was called.

anyone have any suggestions?

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