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Rum Bum Action Figures!

Pages: 1 13 replies

Big Vic posted on 01/08/2011

Aloha everyone! It's me Big Vic from San Francisco's north Bay Rum Bums. The ones who brought you Tiki Hell @ Tiki Oasis. We were sitting around enjoying some holiday cheer last month. When we started talking about how much fun it was to be a kid around the holidays. We started remembering the Sear's Christmas Wish Book! Gi-Joe, Barbie, AMX cars and all the rest of the toys we would see there. Well, in the usual Rum Bum fashion, we put our silly creative minds to work and came up with our own line Rum Bum Action Figures! Along with play Sets! They are not really for sale. They are simply a work of creativity for no reason what so ever. Enjoy!

Too much time on our hands? Perhaps.

Big Vic posted on 01/09/2011

These things are not for sale! It's just for looks. Thanks. Vic

Wayfarer posted on 01/16/2011

Do any playsets include a teeny-tiny copy of the Grog Log or the Book of Tiki?

VampiressRN posted on 01/16/2011

Love it...LOL

bigtikidude posted on 01/17/2011

but where is the tiny fender amps,
and don't forget the reverb tanks.
no self respecting surf band, plays without them.


Big Vic posted on 01/17/2011

Believe it or not, There was a conversation about amps. For the sake of getting these photos finished in time for Christmas they were left out. BUT it could be part of the 2011 play set!

amybean posted on 01/19/2011

Completely awesome!

Big Vic posted on 01/19/2011

Thank you!

Tacky Tiki posted on 01/24/2011

I love it! but I do have to mention that the bike Dee is riding is not a Piaggio 250cc Vespa. It is a Piaggio ET4 Vespa...150cc. Notice the oval headlamp. Of course you know that Dee has a discontinued scooter...which makes it more collectable!!

Thanks for including a Vespa in your collection. I actually do ride a Vespa 250!

Tiki and scooters...what more could one want?? oh...wait..never mind....

Tacky Tiki

Big Vic posted on 01/24/2011

Tacky, Ahh you noticed. Of course we included a scooter. Scooters rock! The real Dee actually rides a 150 cc. :)

Tacky Tiki posted on 01/25/2011

Scooters Rock!

Does Dee have an et4? Or an LX 150? I'm assuming a Vespa, but maybe something else? And is it tikified??

Sorry to take this off topic!!


Big Vic posted on 01/25/2011

Well, I'll keep Dee's ride a mystery. Let's just say it's not blue but bright pink! If your up in the north-bay and someone pulls up in a bright pink scoot with a pink flamed helmet you will know it's got to be her. Here is a close up of the Action Figure.

Big Vic posted on 01/25/2011

Oh and here is another shot of Ron Action figure.

Listen to him doing that classic song!

Haole Jim posted on 02/19/2011

Magnificent. Especially liking the band set and post-party bar.

Good on you!

Pages: 1 13 replies