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Hawaiian Eye Mug Buy Now

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The Witch Doctor posted on 12/14/2010

here ya go (all the pre sells will get there numbers they asked for) limited to 50

29.00 + shipping
48 states 8.75
over seas 16.00
paypal [email protected]
Mark as gift!!!!

Local pick up ok

price includes tracking

will make christmas dead lines....thanks so much

[ Edited by: The Witch Doctor 2010-12-13 18:12 ]

The Witch Doctor posted on 12/14/2010

thanks Dio got your payment will e-mail tracking info

Jeff Central posted on 12/14/2010

What ever happened to the Kevin Kidney Hawaiian Eye Mug?

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=29236&forum=5&hilite=hawaiian eye mug

Cheers and Mahalo,

The Witch Doctor posted on 12/17/2010

don't know.. but I'm sold out!!!

will have 2nd edition ready to go out Jan 15.!!!!!

get your Pre orders ready NOW!!!!!!!!

1961surf posted on 12/17/2010

Jeff I will be in contact with Kevin in the next couple of days, and I will update that thread
since I was the last one that talked to him about it .WD did a dandy job on this one !

Lukeulele posted on 01/17/2011

On 2010-12-16 19:46, The Witch Doctor wrote:

will have 2nd edition ready to go out Jan 15.!!!!!

get your Pre orders ready NOW!!!!!!!!

Got any yet?

VampiressRN posted on 01/17/2011

Just sent my payment for #11. :)

rugbymatt posted on 01/17/2011

Yeah, definitely want to get one of these.

1961surf posted on 01/25/2011

On 2010-12-16 21:35, 1961surf wrote:
Jeff I will be in contact with Kevin in the next couple of days, and I will update that thread
since I was the last one that talked to him about it .WD did a dandy job on this one !

I still have not heard back from Kevin ...hopefully soon.

1961surf posted on 01/26/2011

My mugs are on the way ....and I am stoked !

The Witch Doctor posted on 01/27/2011

yes Tiki bill...yours went out today... some of my shipping was behind from the bad weather but all should be shipped!!!! i only have 6 left from batch two and then I'll have a limited wooden box set of 4 only 12 will be made.!!! then the mold will be broke!!!!!!!

up next will be my Kahiki mug to honor the great bar so few of us got to visit.


P.s... all mugs seem to make it to there new homes. tho the post office are a bunch of ding dongs. if anyone gets one damaged. i have made a few un- numbered to replace any that may get broke. (broken tiki is bad Ju-Ju)....but so far so good.

tedtiki posted on 01/27/2011

Woo-hoo! Mine arrived today. The pictures don't do it justice.

Thank you Doctor!

Tiki-Tim posted on 01/27/2011

Thanks John for The Hawaiian Eye tiki mug.This mug turned out far beyond my expectation.... This mug is too COOL!!!!

[ Edited by: Tiki-Tim 2011-01-27 12:54 ]

1961surf posted on 01/28/2011

Glad to see someone finally posted pics....looks great!

Hanalei Tiki posted on 01/28/2011

Wrap up HE Tiki #50 ... beautiful mug. Many Mahalos to W.D.

Still hoping to add another Hawaiian Eye from Kevin, when ever that may be.

TIKI-TONGA posted on 01/30/2011

Just sent you payment for mug #46, Doc.

The Witch Doctor posted on 01/31/2011

just took 26 boxes to the post office.. all have been shipped..let me know if any one wants there tracking numbers...

I now have 3 left to sell............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats it :)

Lukeulele posted on 02/07/2011

Sent Pay Pal payment. Thanks

ebtiki posted on 02/08/2011

Funds + PM sent.

Big Kahuna posted on 02/08/2011

Payment sent.

1961surf posted on 02/11/2011

Has been two weeks since payment sent , and have not seen mugs ....hopefully soon.

TikiTomD posted on 02/11/2011

Like 1961surf, it's been two weeks... sure hoping the caravan arrives soon with mug. PM query viewed but no response.

Big Kahuna posted on 02/11/2011

Has anyone received their mug?

Lukeulele posted on 02/11/2011

No response to PMs either. :(

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 02/11/2011

I've PM'd (twice)and emailed with no response...

Big Kahuna posted on 02/12/2011

He responded when I asked if he had any left, but not after I paid. I hope he's just too busy packing our mugs.

danlovestikis posted on 02/12/2011

Hi guys, I got mine last week. I'm sure he'll get back to you. He even sent us an extra gift! Wendy

Big Kahuna posted on 02/12/2011

Awesome! Thanks, Wendy!

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 02/12/2011

Just got an email.

He was down and out with the flu last week.

"All boxes have gone out, will send tracking"

Big Kahuna posted on 02/12/2011

Great news! I'll be watching the mailbox!

1961surf posted on 02/13/2011

Still no mugs CJ .Did you send them by mule or courier pigeon ?
Hope you are feeling better .

1961surf posted on 02/19/2011

Still no mugs ......urrrr!

TIKI-TONGA posted on 02/19/2011

Waiting for mine. Paid 20 days ago.

Lukeulele posted on 02/19/2011

Same here! Wish he would at least post something.
Guess it's time to contact Pay Pal and file a claim.

TikiTomD posted on 02/20/2011

Like others here, no joy. I’d welcome to be proven wrong, but this seems to be shaping up as my first negative experience with the TC Tiki Marketplace. There was a reassuring post almost three weeks ago that all ordered mugs to date had been shipped. I’m not aware of a regular commercial shipping mode between coasts so slow. Perhaps the Kon-Tiki was re-launched, but missed its left turn at the Panama Canal and is circumnavigating around Cape Horn.

1961surf posted on 02/20/2011

I know the Witch Doctor has always come thru sooner or later ...in this case the latter.
I feel confident that everyone will eventually get their mugs .

Big Kahuna posted on 02/20/2011

Some sort of communication would be nice.

1961surf posted on 02/20/2011

100 % agreed BK .

croe67 posted on 02/20/2011

Got mine safe & sound.

He'll do good by you all, I am sure. Life has probably gotten in the way in some unexpected way.
Sometimes shit happens when you least expect it to.
Just sayin'......

And, it is REALLY nice.
It'll be worth the wait :wink:

ted tiki posted on 02/21/2011

On 2011-02-19 18:40, Big Kahuna wrote:
Some sort of communication would be nice.


Jungle Ginger posted on 02/21/2011

Hey Everyone, ATP contacted the Witch Doctor to see what's going on, and he said he has had computer problems and can't log into Tiki Central. He asked to post this message for him:

"Hey lance I cantt log in to TC!!! I think ,my new computer has a virus!!!!!
make a post fir me that I will have tracking for all the packlages....
and post my number 706-951-7565 for anyone to call.. all people will get mugs!!!!!!!!
or I’ll gladly refund them"

[email protected]

He says everyone's mugs are sent - sorry for the delay.

Big Kahuna posted on 02/21/2011

Thanks, Lance & Nancy. I really can't wait to see this mug.

1961surf posted on 02/22/2011

Received a phone call today from Witch Doctor .Several packages were not coded correctly or at all by the post office.
I have seen this happen sometimes when you drop off 20 packages at once and the post office has your credit card # on file.
Long story short there were four packages that were re-sent with tracking codes today and are in route.
This is really more of a screw up on the post office behalf then WD.He informed me that he purchased brand new
computer right out the box and had problems with it, and because his heavy work schedule has not had a chance to
get it replaced .This is why he has not been able to update and reply on TC.I conveyed to him in the future to call
me direct and I would post , so people are not in the dark about their orders.

WooHooWahine posted on 02/23/2011

On 2011-02-22 14:30, 1961surf wrote:
Received a phone call today from Witch Doctor .Several packages were not coded correctly or at all by the post office.
I have seen this happen sometimes when you drop off 20 packages at once and the post office has your credit card # on file.
Long story short there were four packages that were re-sent with tracking codes today and are in route.
This is really more of a screw up on the post office behalf then WD.He informed me that he purchased brand new
computer right out the box and had problems with it, and because his heavy work schedule has not had a chance to
get it replaced .This is why he has not been able to update and reply on TC.I conveyed to him in the future to call
me direct and I would post , so people are not in the dark about their orders.

WooHooWahine posted on 02/23/2011

On 2011-02-22 17:09, WooHooWahine wrote:

On 2011-02-22 14:30, 1961surf wrote:
Received a phone call today from Witch Doctor .Several packages were not coded correctly or at all by the post office.
I have seen this happen sometimes when you drop off 20 packages at once and the post office has your credit card # on file.
Long story short there were four packages that were re-sent with tracking codes today and are in route.
This is really more of a screw up on the post office behalf then WD.He informed me that he purchased brand new
computer right out the box and had problems with it, and because his heavy work schedule has not had a chance to
get it replaced .This is why he has not been able to update and reply on TC.I conveyed to him in the future to call
me direct and I would post , so people are not in the dark about their orders.

When u got it show it!

1961surf posted on 02/23/2011

Will do !

TikiTomD posted on 02/24/2011

This afternoon, the Witch Doctor delivered the cure for this doubting Thomas. Here it is:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11308/4d66d72a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=21a9a894558b3905e661aed0a46c7068

1961surf posted on 02/26/2011

Look what showed up today.The Witch Doctor comes up with the goods like I knew he would.
Great looking mug , and will look great in the display case I am working on that will show
about 40 tiki mugs.Thanks CJ you da man !

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7104/4d687d88.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5ff40ef67f2a8c5a81877a284690779d

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7104/4d687e10.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=cbf3004a1dbc7e39054089000e72694c

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/7104/4d687dc0.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=01475b68cd795404a1f0d2fb5f7c3cf3

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