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Where is that button?

Pages: 1 8 replies

Limbo Lizard posted on 04/03/2011

Has anyone read an especially humorous or clever post on TC, and reflexively swung their mouse pointer down to the bottom of the post, to click on "Like"... experienced a moment of confusion or disorientation... then thought, "Doh! I'm not on Facebook!"

Uh, I certainly haven't, but I just wondered if it's happened to someone...

Hakalugi posted on 04/03/2011

On 2011-04-02 20:52, Limbo Lizard wrote:
Has anyone read an especially humorous or clever post on TC, and reflexively swung their mouse pointer down to the bottom of the post, to click on "Like"... experienced a moment of confusion or disorientation... then thought, "Doh! I'm not on Facebook!"

Uh, I certainly haven't, but I just wondered if it's happened to someone...

Considering that you're a Grand Member, in a way, there actually IS a "Like" button. It's at the bottom of every thread and it looks like this:

By clicking on the button you are casting a vote to put the thread on the "Cool and Current" list. Okay, so you probably knew that already, but it's almost the same thing as a "Like" button.

Limbo Lizard posted on 04/03/2011

Yes, I've used that for great threads, but that is "liking" the whole thread, not the particular post that impressed you.
I don't want a 'Like' button added, here... I'm fine with everything, as is. It was just an observation that, if you are frequently switching between TC and FB, it's hard to escape that impulse.

"The rum's the thing..."

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2011-04-06 08:25 ]

telescopes posted on 04/04/2011

On 2011-04-02 22:57, Limbo Lizard wrote:
Yes, I've used that for great threads, but that is "liking" the whole thread, not the particular post that impressed you.
I don't want a 'Like' button added, here... I'm fine with everything, as is. It was just an observation that, if you are frequently switching between TC and FB, it's had to escape that impulse.

Why would you be switching back and forth to begin with? Wouldn't that make you dizzy?

woofmutt posted on 04/05/2011

"Has anyone read an especially humorous or clever post on TC..."


Limbo Lizard posted on 04/05/2011

On 2011-04-04 21:42, woofmutt wrote:

"Has anyone read an especially humorous or clever post on TC..."


Whoops, you made me go looking for the 'Like' button, again!

woofmutt posted on 04/06/2011

All kidding aside,***** the Like button is one of the greatest contributions to Internet interactions. The Like button is similar to a Hallmark card cuz it makes it easy to say something without saying anything at all. Absolutely perfect for when you care just enough to press a button.

*****Actually, that'll never happen.

Big Swig posted on 04/06/2011

i do that all the time on a couple sites. usually i'll end up just posting "*likes" in the comment box.

thePorpoise posted on 04/07/2011

the hardest button to button:


Pages: 1 8 replies