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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Mug Leftovers

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PolynesianPop posted on 04/01/2011

As some of you know, construction on the Desert Oasis Room is complete. After loading all the mug shelves I found that my collection is simply too large to accommodate in that little space (a decade and a half of collecting will do that to you). In any case, I'd really hate to just re-pack and store the leftovers/doubles, etc. So with that said, if you have a good home to give them then come and get 'em. 10 mugs per household limit. Reply HERE if you are interested.

Oh, and --First come, first served!

tikigreg posted on 04/01/2011

Is this a picture of the mugs before you dropped them on the floor and broke them? :wink:

Bora Boris posted on 04/01/2011

I'll take the Tiki Diablo Dia De Los Marquesos skull. whatever that OMC bucket mug is and one of those cases of Xerox paper.

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 04/01/2011

That's really cool!

Wish I lived closer :(

Cheers to you!

[ Edited by: Aquatic Safarinaut 2011-04-01 11:31 ]

Tiki Teach posted on 04/01/2011

what a nice offer. would love to take you up on it.

WestADad posted on 04/01/2011


ZeroTiki posted on 04/01/2011

Let us northern californians know if ya need to send any additional stuff away... Some of the artist types might even be willing to swap paintings for mugs (hint, hint)

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2011-04-01 10:33 ]

tikigreg posted on 04/01/2011

Mehh... I'd only be interested if you had a matching set of six Ren Clark Severed Heads. :(

hoolie posted on 04/01/2011

I absolutely LOVE your aloha spirit! In fact, it inspired me to donate $50 to the Red Cross for Japanese relief fund.

GROG posted on 04/01/2011

Are you giving 'em away, or selling 'em?

TIKI-RAY posted on 04/01/2011

Ya gotta strike while the iron is HOT . Mahalos Adrian . I just picked up 15 of these and will look great on my shelves. Any doubles will go on ebay for a sweet profit .

[ Edited by: Tiki-Ray 2011-04-01 11:00 ]

Tiki Kiniki posted on 04/01/2011

[ Edited by: Tiki Kiniki 2011-08-27 17:25 ]

JOHN-O posted on 04/01/2011

Poly-Pop, thanks for all the mugs this last weekend !! I feel kind of undeserving since I really don't collect stuff. I know others would appreciate these vintage items much more than me. Oh well, THEY'RE ALL MINE NOW !! Ha, Ha.

virani posted on 04/01/2011

you're like the Lady Gaga of Tiki Central (she's been voted the most generous person of the year) !

Tiki Bird posted on 04/01/2011

Thanks, PolyPop, I love the mugs!

LOL Tiki posted on 04/01/2011

PM'd ya!

bigbrotiki posted on 04/01/2011

On 2011-04-01 11:02, JOHN-O wrote:
Poly-Pop, thanks for all the mugs this last weekend !! I feel kind of undeserving since I really don't collect stuff. I know others would appreciate these vintage items much more than me. Oh well, THEY'RE ALL MINE NOW !! Ha, Ha.

And YOU ARE HOOKED NOW! That's how the mug dealers get you, giving away shit for free, man!

bigtikidude posted on 04/01/2011

Thanks for the offer,
Will gladly take you up on that.
I've been getting behind in my mug collecting,
Aka(hoarding) and could use some more,
To fill in some empty spaces.
I'll buy ya a drink at Dons tonight
Aloha bruddah!

tikiyaki posted on 04/01/2011

Adrian...thanx for all the mugs...it will take me weeks to get these all up into place, but it was worth.
You rock !

Tiki Teach posted on 04/01/2011

what a way to start the week end. just stopped at PP's to get the goodies. You all better hurry by what I was told the mugs are going fast. Poly Pop I hope you enjoy the rum a bottle of rum was the least I could do.

BambooLodge posted on 04/01/2011

Thanx for hooking us up with the Strikow Decanter, been looking for that one for ages! Also thanx for shipping it to Chi-Town, we owe you a Mai Tai!


Loki-Tiki posted on 04/01/2011

Thanks again for talking to me and securing those mugs PP!!! Maybe I can get my wife to call you too and secure another ten :) See you tomorrow for the pickup. Better hurry guys...they're going fast!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/01/2011

SoccerTiki wanted me to tell you Mahalo for the Mugs!!! He owes you a Mai Tai at Don's tonight.
(More dusting for me :) )

Unga Bunga posted on 04/01/2011

Pop is a damn good man!
Lucky to have him here.

Slacks Ferret posted on 04/01/2011

Thank you thank you thank you! I can hardly wait to get the mugs!

DawnTiki posted on 04/01/2011

Pops generosity knows no bounds! Lucky for us!

tikigreg posted on 04/01/2011

Are there any tiki lelani mugs available?

Doctor Z posted on 04/01/2011

I stopped collecting years ago, but I've gotta say - DAMN, Pop! That's a generous offer and you're gonna make a lot of people happy! Good karma all around!!

(and from the sound of things, it's gonna be a while before you hafta pay for a drink again... :))

A Frame posted on 04/01/2011

Interested for sure!!!

Jason Wickedly posted on 04/01/2011

Just got back...man that was worth the drive. I had never even SEEN a Ren Clark Severed Head mug outside of pictures, and now I have one! Plus all the other cool mugs you gave me, going to have to build a new mug shelf just to hold them all! Thanks Adrian, I definitely owe you some drinks!

Al-ii posted on 04/01/2011

SCORE!!! Thanks for the mugs Dude!!!! MAHALOS

kick_the_reverb posted on 04/01/2011

I hope I can get in on this action, too!
Thanks Brother Poly Pop!

tiki mick posted on 04/01/2011

Poly, I would gladly take a mug off your hands! That would bring my collection up to 5! 5 Mugs and no fezzes! How tiki am I? :)

A Frame posted on 04/01/2011

Just picked mine up...scored a Mr. C's that I've never ever seen or heard of before!!! Dude...I owe you!

Big Kahuna posted on 04/01/2011

I'm on my way! Just driving through Illinois, now. I should be there Sunday night. Save me some good ones, will ya?

freddiefreelance posted on 04/01/2011

Yes, I'm interested in the mug you didn't break.

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/01/2011

Poly Pop, you crazy but amazing bra! I'm interested. My mug shelf is sparse and could use a few. Let me know if you have any left for a neighbor. Got any rum to throw in as well? HA! Cheers!

[ Edited by: chrisandsarahb 2011-04-01 15:23 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 04/02/2011

Well the mug supply has been exhausted and so has this JOKE! Thanks to everyone who got it and played along. :D

Happy April Fool's Day!

chrisandsarahb posted on 04/02/2011

Ugh! I'm so gullible. You had a co-conspirator though who texted me asking if I had seen this thread. I totally fell for it.

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Beachbumz posted on 04/02/2011

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Good one PolyPop! Free severed Head mugs - too funny... That's like finding Ren Clark's Home tiki bar on craigslist or something... :wink:

April Fool's to you


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Suicide Tiki posted on 04/06/2011

I'll take some off your hands... I'm in Chino and can roll down when you are free! PM me your info!

Suicide Tiki

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Beachbumz posted on 04/06/2011

:right: :o :o :o

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PolynesianPop posted on 04/06/2011

On 2011-04-05 23:42, Suicide Tiki wrote:
I'll take some off your hands... I'm in Chino and can roll down when you are free! PM me your info!

Suicide Tiki

Which ones do you want? :)

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Matt Reese posted on 04/07/2011

You know me, I'll take anything you wanna get rid of.
Even humor.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2011-04-06 20:19 ]

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captainchris posted on 04/07/2011

Wow! nice bunch of leftovers :) I'd love to grab a few if anything's left. Saturday afternoon mayhaps? PM me or whatever

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captainchris posted on 04/07/2011

classic :wink:

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blacklagoon posted on 04/10/2011
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ZeroTiki posted on 04/10/2011

That was entertaining.

Pages: 1 2 47 replies